mixelplfft ago

HEH... KID ... MAN


nil_times_nil ago

On 12 September 2014, Dr Antony Kidman, the father of actress Nicole Kidman, died in mysterious circumstances. A police spokesperson told Reuters they were investigating the death as 'unnatural'. Dr Kidman reportedly fell after eating breakfast in the restaurant of The Tanglin Club in Singapore.

Dr Kidman was an Australian clinical psychologist. According to an article at Before It's News: Dr. Antony Kidman died "after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring. "A month prior Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the police and Child Abuse Royal Commission alleging that Dr Kidman sexualy and physicaly assaulted her throughout her childhood.

"When the Commission opened an investigation Dr Kidman suddenly went to Singapore."

Dr Kidman was at one time a visiting fellow at the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States.

Nicole Kidman has been married twice: previously to actor Tom Cruise, and currently to country singer Keith Urban. During her divorce from Tom Cruise, she stated that she did not want their adopted children raised as Scientologists. Nicole Kidman supported Israael.

In 1995, Nicole Kidman appeared in the film Batman Forever. In 1999, Nicole Kidman, with then husband Tom Cruise, starred in Eyes Wide Shut, the final film of Stanley Kubrick. In 2004 she appeared in the film, Birth, in which Kidman shares a bath with her co-star, 10-year-old Cameron Bright. Some of these films are said to be linked to CIA mind-control.

According to the article at Before It's News: Fiona Barnett says "The main perpetrator of my child sexual abuse, Antony Kidman, is dead after I filed formal complaints accusing him of the rape, torture and murder of children in an exclusive Sydney pedophile ring. "As a child victim of mind control I feel he's been sacrificed for failing to adequately program me. "Kidman was responsible for ensuring that I never disclosed pedophile ring activities that I witnessed as a child..."

Fiona Barnett says: "I know that there are other victims of Kidman’s crimes out there who are perhaps not as far along the healing path as I am... "My complaints last month to the Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission detailed two incidents in which Kidman subjected me to horrific physical and sexual assault.

"But there are even more serious crimes against children that I witnessed Kidman commit as a member of the elite Sydney pedophile ring." There is believed to be an elite Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult operating in the USA, Europe and beyond.

According to the article at Before It's News: Since the age of three Fiona Barnett had been trapped inside Australia’s vast pedophile network where children were sex trafficked, hunted down for sport and murdered. "In the late afternoon of Oct. 28 1975 I was taken to my sixth birthday party in the Kiama rainforest. "The cordial was spiked with drugs. I fell asleep. "When I awoke it was dark and I was lying naked face-up spread-eagle on a picnic table with my hands and legs tied. "MI5, MI6, A.S.I.O. Agent Provocateur, Gang Stalker, Neo-nazi, Traitor, Freemason, Satanist, Psychopath, Murderer and Police Protected Pedophile." macpc.org.au.

Fiona Barnett says: "Perpetrators took turns sneaking up on me. A large group of men arrived in pick up trucks. They carried rifles and had a pack of starving Doberman dogs. "I was told that the group of naked children huddled nearby were my responsibility. I was to run and hide them. "Every child I failed to hide would be killed and fed to the dogs. "They painted something on my back and chest, and then released us. I pushed the children up over the first steep hill. "It was about the second or third hill that the hunting party reached us. Shots were fired and children began dropping all around me. With all hope lost of my saving the other children, I took off and ran for my life."

According to the article at Before It's News: Barnett’s Nazi grandfather's pedophile network was said to include clinical psychologists Kidman and John W. Gittinger who developed a popular test among psychiatric professionals known as the Personality Assessment System.

In the Independent Australia News Barnett stated that as a young child, "Gittinger abused and raped me."

In another article of the Independent Australia News it was reported that Barnett’s dramatic testimony put members in tears when she went before the Australian Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse. Barnett had named as her perpetrators her grandfather, Kidman, two former Australian prime ministers, a Parliament House governor general and a state police commissioner.

As with child pedophile rings in the Netherlands, Europe, Canada and the US, the Australian pedophile network was said to include police officers, psychiatrists, biochemists, psychologists, actors, writers, politicians, university lecturers and medical doctors.

"The Commission was in the process of investigating my complaint when Kidman was found to have left the country," Barnett said. "Now one month following my notification against Kidman, he is dead. Kidman’s death comes as no surprise. In the past week alone, two people predicted his imminent demise."

Credit: C&P'd from here, (http://aanirfan.blogspot.com.es/search?q=kidman)) which also contains all live links to, and citations of, sources qutoed and referenced.

WewLaddy ago

Australia, huh?


JoeJoe ago

Fiona Barnett documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYlN-92tdmA

She also has interviews with other victims on YouTube: Pedos Down Under Radio

AdamSKestle ago

Jesus Christ it was bad enough our country is run by pedos please don't tell they're fucking scientologist pedophiles on top of it...

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago


SleepWithOneEyeOpen ago

**** GOOD READ**** The CIA Connections To The Mind Control Cults http://wariscrime.com/new/the-cia-connections-to-the-mind-control-cults/

pizzainvestigator ago

Tom also connected to Scientology... extremely eerie and really not helping the confirmation bias for me

Jesus_Faction ago

and kubrick died shortly after that film came out

Runaway-White-Slave ago

"He was still working on the film when he died"

{In about the 3rd sentence in the indented part is where that quote came from}

Nobody, or nobody who's telling knows what all was probably omitted, Kubrick did not have final say over that film, wasn't even done with it when he died.

Spuddlebuns ago

Apologies if this has been posted before...


It makes the Tom Cruise marriage seem a bit creepier.

Wellwerefucked ago


Article by Dr Reina Michaelson about an Australian Pedo Ring involving the Victorian Police!

GeorgeBailey ago

Did you know that Julian Assange grew up (possibly) in a child trafficking Australian cult?


Yuser_Manuel ago

Yeah, it's odd that he was able to learn to program at such a young age actually. Don't cults like to cut you off from the world and technology...?

Kristina_Gilliam ago

I was under the impression that he got out of the cult ("The Family") at a fairly young age. There was a documentary made over a decade ago, (before WikiLeaks) called "In the Realm of the Hackers" that is based on Julian Assange. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZeG1WhHWh4

GeorgeBailey ago

I only know that this was a doomsday cult, and they were home-schooled. The woman who ended up bringing this particular cult down was expelled for rebelliousness as a teen, and ended up becoming a doctor.

Now, Assange has said that his Mom took him and his brother into hiding to escape the cult, and that is the official story, that he was never in the cult. But the link above theorizes (and says why) that the escape might have been a cover story for the future when they might need plausible deniability.

abcyouknowme ago

Involved in charities like UNICEF and Starlight Children's Foundation.

This sounds a bit shady, especially with people thinking Spielberg might be involved.

One of Starlight's programs was Starbright World, the first-ever private social network, started in 1995 by filmmaker and Chairman Emeritus Steven Spielberg, Peter Samuelson and Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr.[3] It served to connect chronically ill teenagers with life-threatening medical conditions, and their siblings,[8][20] in a safe, online community where they could chat, blog, post content, and meet others who shared similar experiences.[21] Starbright World was taken offline on August 31, 2015.

blind_sypher ago

Thats all kinds of shady.

andrevandelft ago

Maybe too much off topic, but this was on Unicef in the New York Times:


By PAUL LEWIS, Special to the New York Times

Published: June 25, 1987

PARIS, June 24— The head of the United Nations Children's Fund in Belgium resigned today after the disclosure of a child pornography case linked to the Belgian branch of the organization.

A spokesman at Unicef headquarters in Geneva said the head of the organization's Belgian committee, Gilbert Jaeger, had resigned ''to show how angry he is about what has happened in his organization.''

In a statement issued in Geneva, Unicef said it is ''deeply shocked'' by the scandal, which has led to 14 arrests in Belgium and others in Switzerland, France and Britain.

Unicef said it was investigating charges that the Belgian committee was linked to an organization producing pornographic photographs of children and distributing them throughout Europe.

Unicef's mission is to help and protect the world's children. Like many other United Nations bodies, it has independent volunteer committees in all Western industrial countries to raise money for its activities - in Unicef's case, largely through the sale of holiday greeting cards. 'The First to Suffer'

The Unicef statement noted that the organization spent $400 million last year on projects promoting the health, nutrition and education of children in developing countries. It is currently drafting an international convention for the protection of children's rights, to be submitted later this year to the General Assembly in New York.

''The first to suffer from the discredit which would unjustly fall on this organization as a result of this affair would evidently be the children of the third world,'' Unicef warned in the statement.

The scandal erupted last week, when the Belgian police arrested Jos Verbeek, 63 years old, the director of Unicef's Belgian committee, and charged him with inciting minors to debauchery.

The arrest followed the discovery of a secret photographic studio in the basement of the Brussels building where the committee's offices are housed. The studio was used to take pornographic photographs of children, many of whom were of North African origin, the police said. #1,000 Photos Seized The police said more than 1,000 such photographs were seized, along with a mailing list of some 400 names in 15 European countries that had been prepared on the Unicef office computer.

Similar photographs found in several other European countries appear to have been taken in the Unicef office in Brussels, according to investigators.

Among those arrested was another Unicef employee, Michel Felu, 45, who the police say organized evening computer classes for children in the organization's offices. These children were then sometimes made to pose for pornographic photographs, the police said.

heroiquecache ago

When Hillary was Secretary of State, there was a pedophile scandal with the Ambassador to Belgium in 2013. The investigation was spiked by upper managers at the Department of State. It is said that HC personally signed off on the decision to not investigate. Here is the link:


PrideOfOshtekk ago

Its always these bloody Belgians. I see why the Dutch rip on them so much.

abcyouknowme ago

Documents released by Edward Snowden in December 2013 showed that UNICEF was among the surveillance targets of British and American intelligence agencies.

abcyouknowme ago


Schwarzkopf was born Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. on August 22, 1934 in Trenton, New Jersey, to Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf Sr.[2][3] and Ruth Alice (née Bowman).[4][5] His father was a 1917 graduate of the United States Military Academy and veteran of World War I.[6] His mother was a housewife from West Virginia who was distantly related to Thomas Jefferson.[7] The senior Schwarzkopf later became the Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police, where he worked as a lead investigator on the 1932 Lindbergh baby kidnapping case.[6] In January 1952, the younger Schwarzkopf's birth certificate was amended to make his name "H. Norman Schwarzkopf", reportedly because his father detested his first name.[8][Note 1] The younger Schwarzkopf had two older sisters, Ruth Ann and Sally Joan.[11][12]