afterbernerthrowaway ago

Your third link is now broken.


I was at Sydney University in the '80s and I definitely thought there was something very odd about the place. I also heard the odd rumour about one or two of the academics being child molestors (the term 'pedo' was not in use at the time).

RightThisWay ago

I kinda wanna buy a bunch of those tshirts and have people wear them in public to see what kind of people approach them as "one of us".

Commonwombat ago

Yes be warned you will have nightmares. John Bell, renowned Australian theatre director and Richie Benaud famous cricketer and sporting icon for the non Aussies.

mathemagician33 ago

wow, take a look at this comment:


this child, Lalu, looks to be about 3 or 4. FUCKED UP.


Crimelord Canada • an hour ago There you go Lalu, lift that leg up, show us how you spread.

RightThisWay ago

That comment is definitely just trolling, their comment history is not consistent with that message.

Ample4th ago

It seems like she realized she was duped about past associations and tried to do the right thing. I respect her.

Ample4th ago

Just came across this Vice article, it mentions Marina.

"I am reminded of something that Marina Abramovic elucidated to me about the occult in the context of performance, that the future will be one of a non-objective world without art in the sense that we have it now. She foresees us attaining a mental state and level of consciousness enabling us to transmit thoughts to other people. "There will not be sculptures, or paintings, or installations," she once said, "there will just be the artist standing in front of a public, which is developed enough to receive a message or energy." I think the fusion of art and ritual is a step toward that kind of connectivity and that kind of intimacy."

Also, the commentary is interesting.

smoothassilk ago

nice research! keep up the good fight!

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

This is so fucking similar to True detective season 1, I can't help but wonder if Nic Pizzolatto knew about this kind of twisted shit years ago

LionParty ago Archived those for you. Wouldn't be the first time stories and people start disappearing off of websites after someone digs too deep. Kudos to whichever Autist found this.

playzfahdayz ago

Good find...

BlackTara108 ago

The homosexual agenda & the pedophile agenda are the SAME thing being pushed by the SAME people(Harry Hay & crew) Witchcraft, Satanism, beastiality , murder & incest are also involved. How many children 'go missing' every year? These are our rulers.There's a mad trickle down effect. Even poor, average scumbags are being enabled by these freaks. Ever notice that our privatized-prison-system is filled to pre-contracted-capacity with potheads & those who can't pay traffic fines? Meanwhile, these freaks are slapped on the wrist, put on a list and they move in next door to our families. They almost always re-offend. thus creating countless new & unnecessary victims. Many of those victims then grow up to become perpetrator's themselves. This truly is a fight against good & evil. We now have afterschool Satanism clubs. We have 'sex ed lessons' for kids 5 and up that were written by a heinous pedophile; Alfred Kinsey. There's so much more that's involved, I just can't write it all out. StandForFamiliesWorldwide website offers more written info and a documentary that explains the sick 'sexual rights agenda' being enforced by; Obama/Biden/Clinton/The UN / Planned Parenthood/ CommonCore 'education' AKA indoctrination and more....We will stand up to protect our and the world's children. Believe that.

Wellwerefucked ago

This is incredible & mind blowing. Thank you.

Gorillion ago

Fuck. Pointed out a potential lead to an Aussie poster only yesterday.

Australia's current PM, Malcolm Turnbull owns and displays nude tween "art photos" by a guy called Bill Henson. There was a bit of a scandal involving Henson a number of years ago that ended up with some local art magazine editor "defending" him by taking naked photos of her own daughter and featuring them in the magazine, including the cover. They then put the girl out in from of the press with a creepy coached speech about artistic freedom or some shit.

Sucks about Bruce Spence if true. Was a big fan of his. Kidman has always creeped me out though.

Commonwombat ago

Thank you! I was trying to remember that artist's name. Which school was he asking for models? I remember the parents that were defending him were very well off and anyone that was critical of his art was labelled uncultured. These stupid, naive parents were willing to let their kids model for him so they could be seen as wordly and arty, stupid fucks.

Wellwerefucked ago

Any links about Turnbull links to Benson or his having his artwork displayed?

Heres what i find the most fucked up thing about Turnbull & just the Australian Govt. In general. One of Turnbull's first orders of business was 'No Jab, No Pay' one little search 'Lucy Turnbull' you find shes the CEO for Prima Bio-Med.... oh and what do they do? OH MAKE VACCINES OF COURSE!

and sidenote.

Commonwombat ago

Ha surprise surprise! Look how brainwashed all the parents are willing to jab their children time and time again because science? Little babies getting the hep B shot straight after birth ffs! Just another way for the government to have total control of our kids.

voatnoob ago

Commonwombat ago

Who would have thought I'd agree with Rudd? Do you get bad vibes from Blanchett? She has defended Henson and Woody Allen. It seems she is brought to the front to defend the paedophiles because the public have great respect for her and in turn will trust her judgement.

6909554? ago

Wikileaks Email 59243 May 12 2015: Tony is in Australia - related eveidence Finnancial Review article dated May 14 2015 (he is pictured in Canberra) - Tony says he is happy to "shop and chop" for dinner. Also menu discussion...Fish cooked in Pizza oven, Lentil dish etc.

6910047? ago

NSFW Archived "a woman would keep a fish tucked into her vagina overnight" :O "and then make a powder of it to add to her man’s coffee" :Q

nimblenav ago

these fucking sick bastards are everywhere in the world and they are alla connected

Fatsack ago

OTO is also symbology for Owl Eyes, or "the god of foresight". Part of the cult at bohemian grove that revel in their sociopathy and believe it gives them the divine right to rule because they have the necessary lack of empathy and compassion necessary to make the "hard choices" to guide the human race. Literally a cult of sociopaths that worship their own sociopathy. OTO is also representative of the female/male owl gods Minerva and Moloch.

Buzzzard ago

The more I read about this widespread Luciferian stuff, the more clear things become. As a Christian, I believe in the Devil just like I believe in God. These Luciferian vermin likewise definitely believe that the Devil/Lucifer guides them and rewards them. This makes them "special" and qualifies them to murder and rape and lie and it's all OK. The victims aren't even human, like they are. They believe they are so exalted that they have become gods of a sort. Thing is, the Devil has lied to them also and they have become the most vile, de-humanized creatures possible. The Devil loves that these people destroy human life to honor him and he loves how totally debased and verminous these perps are. He wins both ways.

Fatsack ago

I'm atheist, an engineer. Even if you don't believe in god or the devil, human beings who DO sincerely believe in a devil and worship as such, it tells you something about their motivations, goals, and behaviors. Humans are the most dangerous thing on this planet, and regardless of what they believe is real or not, they believe it, and they can act out to further those ideals.

Gorillion ago

Ah, reminds me of the "Warrior Gene" thing that was being pushed a while back, that you don't really hear about anymore. Seemed to be a counter-narrative to the "Corporate Sociopath" thing that was capturing the public imagination, because everyone knows at least one of these fuckers and they're the bane of everyone's work life. As well as being the likely cause of the financial collapse.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I have a double warrior gene (female) and I don't know if my boys have it (but they are super quiet and shy). My dad was an abusive beast however. I have only been called a bitch once as far as I know, so I don't think it affects me the same way as some men (and that is borne out in the research).

Thanks for mentioning the warrior gene in connection to sociopathy, I am always trying to figure out what made my dad and grandad the way they were.

Fatsack ago

Perhaps the child rape and sacrifice and cannibalism is a practice or excercise in suppressing their empathy and destroying their compassion, which in their eyes makes them "better" or more qualified to rule.

Gorillion ago

Japanese soldiers have related the training they went through to dehumanize their opponents in WW2. Soft cry-baby guys turned into rabid psychos. It's possible to suppress empathy. But those who come to it later have nothing on people who were born with it.

podesta_pedosta ago

I read in the news years ago that Dr Kidman was a psychiatrist and it was a former schizophrenic patient who accused him of being a pedophile? With all the elites covering each other, who knows if we'll ever find the truth

Commonwombat ago

Good research. Bruce Spence always gave me the creeps when I was young. Here's a link to ritual abuse in Australia and the "set up to fail" Wood Royal Commission

Prettylion ago

.....What can we do I'm Australia to bring this to light ?

voatnoob ago

This OTO is a bit creepy - here is how to join ---

voatnoob ago

Check this blog out for more info on how things operate --- I just reading it now.

playzfahdayz ago

I didn't finish going through all the links but talk about fucked up... specifically:

voatnoob ago

If you go further into Dr Reina Michaels, I came across her full accusations against the OTO group and others Reading it will make you sick.

EDIT: Dr Reina Michaels gives great detail on what a victim of ritual abuse has experienced, its only text but extremely disturbing...This shit is real.

ThrowMeAVoat ago

Upvoat for more eyes! She basically lays out how the organization she created was derailed and corrupted from within. THIS IS HOW THEY OPERATE!!

mathemagician33 ago

Please be warned if you read the above. I literally just burst out crying and cannot read any further right now. This is the passage that really got to me:


I was to learn later that there is a Satanic cult operating in Goldtown. I learned this from two independent sources. One was from a Christian woman who was raised in the town and who since had moved elsewhere. The other was from an adult survivor of the cult, Mick.

Mick was introduced to the satanic cult as a very young child by an extended relative. Mick informed me of many experiences he was subjected to as a child in this cult. From everything that I have been told by Mick, the cult appears to be the Order Templis Orientus (Illuminati), operating in Australia. Mick now suffers from MPD/DID but has survived his experiences remarkably well considering the traumas he has been through.

As a child Mick was forced to attend blood-rituals, where animals and small children were sacrificed and their blood and organs consumed. Mick was required to clean up the blood after these rituals. The children and babies were street children or were taken from orphanages, so that they could not be traced and no-one would know, or care, if they went missing. The rituals were spoken in Latin and were clearly satanic. The rituals took place at various locations, including Goldtown. Mick and other children would be driven to the rituals in the boots of cars.

The members of the cult were extremely powerful members of society. There were numerous politicians (mainly from the conservative party). These people would often speak of important events before they would actually occur. Mick was also sexually abused by Gerald Oanasis, the famous television personality and professional partner of Ernie Old.

Mick was one of the many children who were used to "host" parties of the cult members. At these parties the children acted as waiters and were naked. Many of the adults, but not all, would wear masks at these parties. After the food was served the adults would have sex with the children. Children who tried to escape were killed, often in front of the other children in order to control the children through fear. Once Mick and another child had tried to escape but were caught. The other child was murdered by having her head smashed open with a rock. Her body was then dumped in a nearby mineshaft.

voatnoob ago

Sorry for lack of warning! I will make an edit to my post.

mathemagician33 ago

oh my bad dude i wasn't tryna criticize your post. i've been following pizzagate since the subreddit first opened up, obviously i kinda know to expect disturbing material by now.. just wanted others to be aware that particular account of the experiences of Dr. Reina Michaels is on truly on another level...

abcyouknowme ago

Reading how she started an organization and then the rich and powerful took it over by saying they would provide funding seems pretty similar to what I just read about John and Reve Walsh(Guy who did America's Most Wanted) starting an organization and then getting merged with the NCMEC. John Walsh lost his son and doesn't sound like he is in on it. Maybe we should tweet him.

quantokitty ago

They should not only be ridiculed and vilified, they should be locked up!

playzfahdayz ago

That's fucked...

Edit: Yeah, I can't even finish it, I'll have to come back to it... Jesus Christ...