New_years_day ago

@needlestack @reacher

Not sure if yall seen this.

NeedleStack ago

Sickening and heart-breaking.

New_years_day ago


mergen ago

Yea. They can suicide 1 person but they cannot suicide us all.

She also made the mistake of sharing her personal findings in facebook.

Jugouptis ago

Monica linked to a blog post critical of Hillary Clinton's dealings in Haiti!!

is that all that links her to the clintons? is there more?

mergen ago

This info is recent and a lot of people is looking into this now.

I'll update if there is more findings (later)

Womb_Raider ago

Is 4ch digging into this yet?

Sinful_Casshern ago

Only for the past few months...

Womb_Raider ago

I mean specifically about M. Peterson. I know about Pizzagate

EllenPaosEgo ago

Fullchan is, I don't know about halfchan

mergen ago

a lot of people is looking into this now. The info is recent and when it was posted, it blew up in /r/the_donald and /r/pizzagate.

I will update later with new findings

BlackTara108 ago

The Clinton body bags list continues to grow and FASTTTT. Still, we see those who're hypnotized by the social conditioning. How can so many people absolutely refuse, to look at or believe the Clinton crimes lists? Just saw my nephew say to my niece (on FB), "I wanna beat up some Trump supporters" & she (an adult) replied, "No doubt, Those assholes ruined our country". We see these tight clans of the brainwashed, who won't even consider Saint Hillary Clinton is what she is. Pure unadulterated evil. When will they be stopped? Never?

mergen ago

They will be stopped. FBI anon said that public information is the key.

They can suicide one person but they can't suicide us all!

BlackTara108 ago

I certainly hope so for the sake of all that's good. Who are these people that are too blind, to see this blatant evil? Imagine, if all people knew, the whole truth about Clinton Clan, Inc. We deserve simple, unbiased truth & facts in media. Real journalists shouldn't be harassed, imprisoned or straight taken out. I sincerely worry for those who believe that Project Veritas videos/tapes were 'faked'. The truth isn't too much to ask for is it? People who only watch/read msm deserve to learn the truth.

BAppreciAting ago

haiti is a very corrupt country, it is a sub-saharan cannibal culture issue, it's a giant red flag that hillary has such a 'special' relationship with haiti?!$$$$$.

mergen ago

We must look into countries where the clinton foundation has ties to. Haiti is just one of them. (Look into SEA, Africa, Hongkong)

IDK why you get a lot of downvoats though. It is true that some Haiti-ians practice voodoo, it involves body parts and possibly consumption of it.

james780 ago

holy shit i wonder how big this is

should send to the fbi and trumps team

mergen ago

Actually, an FBI anonymously tipped CF and trafficking last July. They already know. Trump too.

This is HUGE. There is trafficking in the countries where the clinton foundation is. Haiti, Africa, SEA, Hongkong.

gazillions ago

This is an excellent summary.

mergen ago


[–]qaaqa 107 points 14 hours ago

Hillary is paying for the defense of a haitian child trafficker with a lawyer who is a convicted child trafficker.

Hillary and her campaign manager john podesta and top aide hums abedin is associated with marina abramovic who conducts blood rituals . Podesta keeps in touch with convicted child molester former speaker of the House "Denny" (he call him Denny because they are close) Hastert


Child trafficking

Hillary paid for the legal defense of a haitian woman caught illegally taking 33 children from haiti . The children were not even orphans so no "better life" excuse. The lawyer they paid for WAS A CONVICTED CHILD TRAFFICKER. The individual in question is one Laura Silsby, former director of The New Life Children's Refuge. She was caught trying to steal 33 children from the country, most of whom were not even orphans and had families. Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura's NGO. Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located to Haiti. Sources: Huma Abedin was constantly forwarding Hillary articles on this woman's organization: One of the first things Hillary did when she took over the scene in Haiti was to get Laura off the hook: And the attorney who represented Laura Silsby? A man who was himself convicted as a sex trafficker: Even more disturbing, we uncovered an email in Wikileaks where they are literally pricing how much it costs to transport children: Again, this was the same group that got busted by Haitian Authorities trying to Traffic kids. They're in the Clinton Emails;

Marina Abramovic association with Hillary campaign manager family and hillary top aode Hima Abedin

The Clinton Foundation gave spiritcooker Preistess Marina Abramovic $10,000


Dont worry apparently John didnt drink the blood! He just participated! (maybe he wasn't thristy that day)

Bill clinton is on the plane logs (passenger lists required when a plane flies so if the plane crashes people know who was on it) to got to child prostitute handler jeffrey epstein's island 20 times. Twenty. The island contains a strange temple that cannot easily be associated by appearance to any prominent religion but seems to have pagan statues on its roof John Podesta is Hillary campaign manager and has worked with the Clintons since Bill was President. He communicates often with his brother Tony about Hillary related things.Tony Podesta's wife bragged about Tony podesta having pictures of naked teenagers on his bedroom walls and she grined when she said party guests were horrified. (That same child porn photographer was invited to take portraits of President Barack Obama . Literally some of her photos of naked teenageers could get you arrested in some states. I wont link them. I suggest you not even search for them as it might implicate you in child pornography) Tony is john podesta's brother and the person who sent John the email about the spiritcooking dinner with marina abramovic .

http: //we are change org/spirit-cooking-disturbing-podesta-email-yet-warning-graphic-content/ Tony says marina says hi to john as if they know each other. As seen in the link 2 above Tony has a sculpture hanging from his roof that is a bent man replica of how Serial sex killer jeffrey dalmer arranged the dead bodies of his victims. (Reminder Jeffrey Dalmer drilled the brains of his kidnapped male victims in an attempt to keep them alive so he could continue to have sex with them and they would be zombified). John Podesta had a painting of human dissection on his officewall in Hillary Clinton's official campaign headquarters A huge number of hillary's most popular and visible celebrity endorsers have gone to marina abramovic's spiritcooking dinners. Including lady gaga and Beyonce's husband and recent hillary concert host (last night) Jayz who is sharing an intimate moment with her in a photo . Beyonce has also been a very visible supporter of Hillary Clinton and long suspected practicioner of the occult based on symbolism she chooses for her videos.

carnold03 ago

I put in the time to red pill my mom with your follow up here.

Bill clinton is on the plane logs (passenger lists required when a plane flies so if the plane crashes people know who was on it) to got to child prostitute handler jeffrey epstein's island 20 times. Twenty.

Is as far as I could get before she calmly said, "stop, that's enough."

mergen ago

Shit I just looked at FIONA BARNETT 's story

Those sickos worship baal and moloch wtf

Look her up.

mergen ago

The statue is more like the bohemian grove owl I think,

Perhaps they do the heinous child sacrifice and cannibalism NOT BECAUSE they think occult is real

but as something akin to frat hazing. In order to get into their clique , prove you are as dirty as them.

So one of them sinks, the circle sinks too.

Tancred ago

Hillary is paying for the defense of a haitian child trafficker with a lawyer who is a convicted child trafficker.

My brain said "wait, what? that can't be right. read that again...", twice.

mergen ago

Relevant and interesting comment from her friend this past winter on facebook


The real significance of this scandal ... is human trafficking happening through the Clinton's Caraol Complex. ****That's two huge human trafficking scandals, an environmental degradation scandal, a social displacement scandal, a Presidential election scandal, a scandal with billions in unaccounted for earthquake aid.... all leading directly back to the Clintons racist cronyism in Haiti.

edit: add tl;dr

Gorillion ago

Amazing job. Absolute bummer about the world losing such a good person. Hope you and her friends can finish her important work for her.

mergen ago

Her mistake was posting her findings in FB. So sad.