9217 ago

Also one of Epstein's planes shared a tail number with a Dyncorp/State Dept. Plane. Dyncorp has a long history of documented sex abuse anf human trafficking instances as well.



https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5awiv1/epsteins_helicopter_shared_faa_tail_number_with/ http://archive.is/oxkND

numbat ago

17 is legal in the UK not sure Andrew should be labled a peado for that. He probably is but they kill the victims of actual crimes so it doesn't get in the papers


Bet you $10.00 Jeff Epstein is a CIA operative. How else could he pull this off?

Devious1 ago

Nice article, what's your theory on the dentist chair at epsteins Florida Apartment?

abcdefg222 ago

No clue. Weird, right?

Devious1 ago

No, not weird. I have my thearies but need to put them down In a form that isn't going to get slid out of existence. It's basically to do with the penial gland and Dmt. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N,N-Dimethyltryptamine


That's why I was curious if u had any theories.. It's a lot darker than the pages I've just mentioned > can't elaborate to much at the mo, sick stuff.

Freemasonsrus ago

I would highly advise you watch George Webb's videos. Start around Day 80 and it will fill in more about Epstein. Epstein is rich bc he's a brownstone operator for Dyncorp. He stayed out of jail bc he has blackmail evidence on many important people who pressured prosecutors to make it go away. During his "jail sentence" he would come in in the evening to "check in" and then leave. There are over a 100 victims currently involved in lawsuit against him. All "Jane Does". Low energy Jeb was Gov of FL when this went down.

foxxywoxxy ago

HI . if anyone knows why or when the ialsnd was called Little St James Island i would grateful for the infoemation. great research btw

unfuckitup ago

I'm thinking he could be mossad or CIA and that he's the blackmailer in chief. I have zero proof, but he's the sketchiest character for sure!

Throgmorton ago

He has been picked as a M o5 5d agent before. The word was that his whole island was set up by M0s 5 ad for the express purpose of blackmailing people of influence. Sorry, I cannot put my hands on the reference right now.

JoJoVoat ago

A deal was made and the documents were sealed and none of the victims were called forward, only informed of The final verdict on punishment after the fact and the records sealed. I read that early on...

abcdefg222 ago

Yes, sorry for the confusion. The victims rights case that is currently in litigation is due to the fact that the plea deal was signed without the victims knowledge. The part that I didn't really understand was the Dershowitz/Wexler extortion charges. Someone shared an article that explains it pretty well. http://abovethelaw.com/2015/10/dersh-deposed-alan-dershowitz-accuses-former-federal-judge-of-billion-dollar-extortion-scheme/

AmishMechWarrior ago

Few people in history have risen so fast financially with so little fanfare. He was an obscure math teacher, and now he is a billionaire with his own island. He is very near the heart of all this, otherwise they wouldn't have risked so much to protect him. Lets not forget that KEN STARR got him that sweet plea deal, and Bill Clinton is also an old friend. If that doesn't scream "Shadow Government", I don't know what does...

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

Just to clarify, Cyril E. King Airport is the closest airport to Epstein's private island

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

It was said that he was seeded the money by a Jewish investment banker connected to Mossad, in order to blackmail politicians and businessmen. Mossad limited themselves to these ops in America as they didn't want to cause a diplomatic ties maidens, so they ran businesses, particularly escorts, and seemingly children

Lobotomy ago

Hey, I live just outside of Interlochen, if there's anything specific you want from Center for the Arts in terms of pics, let me know.

abcdefg222 ago

thank you! Doing some more digging in interlochen but may need some help.

DriftingDevoid ago

How and when did this black book I keep seeing emerge? Are you sure about its authenticity?

abcdefg222 ago

The archive in my post doesn't work. I'm sorry. I'm really not good at this.

DriftingDevoid ago

I had found the book earlier. Thank you still. What I meant to ask was, why were they released? Do you believe in its authenticity?

abcdefg222 ago

His ex-butler Alfredo Rodriguez took the book for protection?evidece? And he served time because he wouldn't hand it over the book. He's dead and no one knows where the hard copy is. I read the doc many times and I think it's real.. my opinion is that it's too thorough and detailed for it to not be real. Names on flight records and names in the black book overlap.

DriftingDevoid ago

Thanks a lot for all of your information, God bless you.

hookednosedjoooo ago

Ghislaine Maxwells father is a confirmed Mossad Agent and was killed by them after he tried to extort them to keep his failing businesses afloat. >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Maxwell#Mossad_allegations.3B_Vanunu_case


Headline of Guardian article from 2003: Was Robert Maxwell Murdered?


Rense Article titled: British Publisher Robert Maxwell Was Mossad Spy New Claim On Tycoon's Mystery Death

http://www.rense.com/general32/claim.htm "In that time, he had free access to Margaret Thatcher's Downing Street, to Ronald Reagan's White House, to the Kremlin and to the corridors of power throughout Europe." Thatcher is confirmed to have been Harbouring pedophiles. https://www.rt.com/uk/238825-thatcher-ignored-mp-pedophile/

flyingcuttlefish ago

newer update on that ...

Epstein Update: Jane Doe 1 and 2 Court Victory


doubletake ago


flyingcuttlefish ago

Ed Opperman has good stuff on Epstein. I have his video links in my archive -


The archives on my blog have the links to the court papers giving details of how the compainers were shut up.

This is great info on Interlocken music camp. It is a very famous place and is surrounded by rich people's summer homes.

SturdyGal ago

I am currently reading Trafficking by Conchita Sarnoff which is about Epstein. In the book, it says 100 brave girls came forward and they only charged him on two counts. His incarceration was a joke. His girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, who procured and had sex in threesomes with Epstein and the underage girls, left the country before she could be questioned. She is in her home country of the UK heading a charity Terra Mar, which thankfully has nothing to do with children, I hope.

sore_ass_losers ago

Jeffrey Epstein's co-abuser Ghislaine Maxwell CURRENTLY runs a Clinton Foundation-funded NGO focusing on the preservation of "international waters" (where criminal laws don't apply!)


JoJoVoat ago

talk about cover up, corruption at ever level, huh?

abcdefg222 ago

Yes!! Except the article you posted looks better than the one I'd found. I'll take a look at it and try to understand this peice better. Thank you!

derram ago

https://archive.is/9Eoy5 :

Every Property Owned by Sleazy Financier Jeffrey Epstein - Curbed

This has been an automated message.

abcdefg222 ago

***Other connections of importance:

*Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation based in the US Virgin Islands https://www.jeffreyepstein.org/ Town and Country magazine article: http://archive.is/nlrLU *The TerraMar Project (Ghislaine Maxwell’s charity that received funding from Clinton Foundation) https://www.clintonfoundation.org/press-releases/president-clinton-former-secretary-clinton-and-chelsea-clinton-unveil-new-commitments *Other questionable donations to politicians or children’s charities: Gwendolyn Beck (a frequent flier on Epstein’s plane): https://www.arlnow.com/2015/01/08/why-did-the-infamous-jeffrey-epstein-give-generously-to-a-long-shot-local-congressional-campaign/ Another political donation (Plaskett): http://viconsortium.com/breaking-news/plaskett-says-contribution-to-her-campaign-from-man-jailed-for-paying-under-girls-for-sex-does-not-compromise-her-integrity/ Kids charity: http://archive.is/AB9vG Other affiliated charities: http://archive.is/FdaLk

**MC2 Models / Karin Models / Jean Luc Brunel Owned by Jean Luc Brunel who flew with Epstein frequently (see flight logs). According to what I’ve read online, there was a 60 Minutes profile on trafficking in the fashion industry with a focus on Jean Luc Brunel that aired in 1988, but I can’t find this anywhere. Has anyone watched this? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/06/modelling-scout-jean-luc-brunel-jeffrey-epstein https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjGzuSb39jRAhWnhlQKHYdUCyoQFggaMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thedailybeast.com%2Farticles%2F2015%2F03%2F26%2Fmodel-king-sues-billionaire-perv-jeffrey-epstein.html&usg=AFQjCNHCTLpjmnXOhsaLiORWQ_axsBypSQ&bvm=bv.144686652,d.amc http://www.pr.com/press-release/418694 http://archive.is/x6yqi http://archive.is/PqnW1 http://archive.is/QajTm

***Connections to past USVI governor John P. deJongh – His wife Cecile deJongh was employed by Epstein’s Financial Trust Company as it’s office manager: http://dailycaller.com/2012/04/22/virgin-islands-governors-wife-employed-by-convicted-sex-offender-billionaire/

**Purchase of Great St. James? https://www.stjohnnewspapermon.com/great-st-james-development-04-15-16

**Susan (Sue) Hamblin was on flight logs in 2003 & 2004. She flew a lot. And she has also been photographed with Epstein fairly recently. She still looks fairly young, but I cannot find anything about this girl online so I don’t know how old she is/was. She flew with Jeffrey, Ghislaine, Nadia, Sarah, Jean Luc Brunel, etc. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3405407/The-busy-life-Jeffrey-Epstein-Group-gorgeous-Manhattan-girls-billionaire-pedophile-s-mansion-flies-private-jet-attractive-brunette.html

**The Edge The edge “Billionaires Dinner” 2002 - Photos of founders John Brockman and Katinka Matson flying to the dinner on Epstein's plane. Sarah Kellen was also photographed at this dinner:http://archive.is/3wCyn & Epstein is a member of the Edge: https://www.edge.org/memberbio/jeffrey_epstein

**AI – Epstein is now putting a big focus on artificial intelligence. This may be of no importance, but notable. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/greg-voakes/maverick-hedge-funder-jef_b_4262369.html http://www.forbes.com/forbes/welcome/?toURL=http://www.forbes.com/sites/drewhendricks/2013/10/02/science-funder-jeffrey-epstein-launches-radical-emotional-software-for-the-gaming-industry/&refURL=https://www.google.com/&referrer=https://www.google.com/

**Ongoing litigation: http://archive.is/TcRDy http://archive.is/9EmPg http://archive.is/rJHRL http://archive.is/b4c7V

**Dershowitz/Wexner/Epstein extortion article... I don't understand what this is about. Anyone have a clue? http://archive.is/IC0Rx