greycloud ago

i defend lawless international waters. consider how social contract works. there should always be available some space where people can choose to opt out of society and law. there SHOULD be international lawless land as well, but good luck getting that to happen.

informed-voater ago

Wow. Like you said, the fact that she gave a TED talk and also that the Clinton's associate with known pedophiles is just so outrageous on it's own.

Leto_Atreides ago

How many other TED talkers talk about laws/projects that hold a double standard?

C1REX ago

Thanks for sharing. I'm shocked learning how big it all is.

PeaceLoveAndMAGA ago

Good find. Real leads are being uncovered here. Worth following up any connection between Epstein and the Clintons.

Louisa ago

I wonder if these friends are involved somehow:

isthisreality ago

ugh. i cant upvoat (haha- i accidentally typed that and then figured out it works, in this case. anyways...) I guess I don't comment enough. But thanks for posting this. I only have like 13 upvotes and I thought it was a VERY direct, easy to understand link. Appreciate you looking more into this <3

billcaseyABC ago


isthisreality ago

Of course!

isthisreality ago

PS- (maybe i already upvoted too many things already?) I am still not entirely sure how this site works. But you have my upvoat/vote, regardless

derram ago :

Jeffrey Epstein: Robert Maxwell's daughter Ghislaine hired girls for the paedophile | Daily Mail Online

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