gopluckyourself ago

onemilligram rule 1, 4 try pizzagatewhatever also point it out whenever you see it if you think it's that important

waxdino ago

You're really splitting hairs here. I appreciate your accuracy, but, "pedophilia" really grabs people's attention. It's almost taboo to even say, it's so distasteful to most of us. People hear it and think sex + children = bad. Do we need to sit them down and say, "You know, technically, he's not a pedophile..."? People with the attention span and intelligence will wonder, "How are there so many pedos in government?" and realize it's about power and exclusivity and such. But your average joe just needs to know "pedophiles," and maybe "blackmail."

onemilligram ago

But it's not the same thing. You're trivializing their evil. "Pedophile" is pretty benign in and of itself. Call these people what they really are. psychopathic, sexual predators.

SecureYourSeats ago

Having sexual attractions toward children is NOT okay! Having sex with children and murdering them is worse granted but that doesn't make the first in the least bit okay.

Touchdown50 ago

And in adding to that, its all very systematic.

Touchdown50 ago

One thing i know about these people is that they all violate and use children against their will for their sick twisted perversions.

onemilligram ago

that they all violate and use children against their will for their sick twisted perversions.

That's the exact definition of "Sexual Sadist" which is what they are.

Predators going after the weakest and helpless amongst us.

These people are NOT Pedophiles. They are MUCH worse. To call them a "Pedophile" is to trivialize their crimes.

It may seem a trivial use of language but it's important if we're to be taken seriously.

Touchdown50 ago

I agree. I think sexual sadism is a huge part of the pedo culture thou.

2impendingdoom ago

Well, they probably wouldn't rape children if they weren't pedophiles, so it kind of makes them pedophiles, pederasts, child rapists, but that it is really just semantic quibbling at this point, besides, subhuman, psychopathic and sexual sadist don't specify crimes against children, which pedo does.

onemilligram ago

So, you're saying that a person who is turned on by the suffering of others would not be turned on making the most innocent and helpless of us suffer? To me that sounds like their caviar.

wgvdl ago

nope. the verbatim translation of pedophile is child lover. nothing can be further from truth.

They are pederasts, child rapists, pedosadistics, pedocriminals, psychopaths, sociopathic sexual sadists, subhuman scum, but they aren't 'pedophiles'.

onemilligram ago

Exactly. We really need to work on our vernacular. Simply calling them "pedophiles" is a criminal trivialization of their crimes.

153sdsd ago

This is why I always explain it as the human traffic network

wgvdl ago

Word. the term 'pedophilia' is used to downplay and belittle what's actually going on.