9217 ago

I like this article better, plus no awful photos http://lifeonchildreninthemix.com/BELGIUM.html

9217 ago

I can't read that article for that reason. Needs to be reposted somewhere without the images. Used to be, link died.

Pablolove ago

I love your zeal 👍🏽

AndoMc87 ago

Freemasonry is the one thing that connects them all

Phobos_Mothership ago

I think he meant that it's unfortunate we only got HIM and not the rest of his ring.

Chance903 ago

Very good find, too bad this will get lost in fray...

Chance903 ago

It is all connected. all of it.

stickittotheman ago

yep...he was the fall guy,... he still should have been barbequed alive though.

stickittotheman ago

I agree... it's a big club like George Carlin said. They are all connected.

stickittotheman ago

Yep i've known about the story for years. Tried to tell people about it many times but of course was looked at as crazy. It is another very important case to make sure the public is aware of. It's a great feeling re-educating the dumbed down masses and finally witnessing many waking up and getting mad!

standalone ago

Can you confirm what you are referring to exactly when you say "NSFW"? If the page you link contains any child porn, even as an exhibit of a legal case, following the link would still be an offence in many jurisdictions.

standalone ago

We are the light. It's up to us to dig all that crap out and try to make as many people as possible take the red pill. Once the movement reaches a critical mass and starts being able to create real damage in the elite circle, people who are not guilty of pedophilia but covering up because they fear for their career or life will start speaking out. I'm sure a large majority of people currently involved in covering up have deep moral qualms and wish they could speak out. I'm sure some will find the courage to speak out when they see that the tide is turning.

standalone ago

Can you clarify your statement? What does Wikileaks have to do with the Dutroux affair? What do you mean by " = "?

standalone ago

Looked at his blog and he seems to have a pro-democrat / anti-republican political bias that is getting in the way of his being objective about #pizzagate. Look at his latest blog about #pizzagate, it's all about Trump's interest in teenagers and why Trump supporters are wrong ... Fine, but the election is over, no-one is researching pizzagate to get a political angle. That has absolutely nothing to do with pizzagate. Why rope Trump in in spite of the fact he is neither a democrat nor a DC resident and couldn't possibly be involved in pizzagate? Why bring politics at all in the story? If you are a decent human being, politics shouldn't be relevant when it comes to innocent children being raped and murdered. Pizzagate is one thing. Trump's misdoings another. Both can be investigated separately. I really don't see how whatever Trump is doing affects at all the legitimacy of the #pizzagate effort.

Chance903 ago

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Aangirfan, aka Aanirfan, Is a Fraudster Aangirfan makes a big thing about exposing paedophiles. Here, in a recent post, are a couple of pictures with Aangirfan's original caption, or absence of caption: http://canspeccy.blogspot.com/2016/02/aangirfan-aka-aanirfan-is-fraudster.html You don't have to be a Trump supporter to despise this kind of garbage.

Whether Aangirfan was always a lying scumbag is not quite clear. A few months ago, Aangirfan changed his domain from aangirfan.blogspot.com to aanirfan.blogspot.com. The change corresponded with a switch from mostly rather short posts, which however far-fetched, seemed to have some basis in fact and reason, to tediously long and incoherent posts that seem to serve no purpose except to smear someone or to spin fantastic and ridiculous conspiracy theories about almost everything, with the object, perhaps, of inculcating the idea that all conspiracy theories must be nonsense.

The case of Aangirfan, alias Aanirfan, provides a useful warning that the Internet is a source not of information, but of images and verbiage, which may or may not convey real information, and which have been placed at your disposal for reasons you know nothing about, but which may be intended greatly to your detriment.

standalone ago

Internet is a source not of information, but of images and verbiage, which may or may not convey real information

Too much information kills information. Saying everything and its contrary equivs to saying nothing. That's why counter-intelligence is actively creating noise around facts to cancel the facts. Reputation is the only way to discriminate information from noise. Something stated by someone without a reputation that isn't backed by a proof or doesn't stand on its own merit is essentially worthless and should be ignored.

Chance903 ago

good luck

Chance903 ago

I read his site as well, I also came to the same conclusion as well. very biased. people have to LOOK for signs of people putting red herrings out. It is not always easy to spot it takes a very critical eye.

standalone ago

Do you have some reliable sources (in French or English) that exposes the cover up? The wikipedia page strangely doesn't make any allusion to a deliberate cover up by the police and mainstream media. The more I dig, the more it seems that the entire global elite is guilty of pedophilia. This is really crazy.

CuriousGeorge16 ago

Wow! Good find. My guess, know what I have read about #PizzaGate, I have no doubt this is part of it. They don't allow witnesses. I'd give you an up vote) but apparently I have reached my limit for the day. I just joined voat, so not sure how it all works, but seems pretty crazy to not be able to up vote all the #PizzaGate finds.

in2itveart ago

There will be a human baby sacrifice on the Winter Solstice in the basement of the Navarre across the street from the Brown Palace hotel in Denver, CO - performed by the Illuminati Council of 13-

At 1725-1727 Tremont Place, Denver, CO. The Navarre was once a Bordello, they dug a tunnel from the Brown Palace across the street to the basement of the Navarre - now the Council of 13 take that tunnel - they are Larry Mizel, Leonard Millman, and Bush/Rockefeller/Rothschild bloodlines -

It has been going on bi-annually for years now - and will continue because Denver is the Capitol of the New World Order - the CIA moved there in 2005 - you should see the airport murals - Devil Mountain, DIA, Denver, NORAD and Roswell are all on the 104th Ley Line...

MAGABoomer ago

I'm thinking the poster meant..Dutroux was the "fall guy" in the sense that he got all the blame on him while many many others he was involved with, perhaps richer? never saw a day in prison.

standalone ago

... and are probably still raping and murdering children with total impunity.

MAGABoomer ago

No doubt.

Yuser_Manuel ago

Dutroux and Franklin should be mandatory reading before delving into the newer stuff. Michael Nihoul, Marc Dutroux's handler said this: "I control the government. … Everyone has compromising dossiers on one another, to be used as leverage in the right situation. … This is the Belgian disease. …" The tiny country of Belgium seems particularly infested with these monsters, the government, businesspeoples and ancient families all involved. And you know what else is in Belgium...NATO of course.

9217 ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1431396 << PRIMARY SOURCES ON DUTROUX, THE FINDERS, AND FRANKLIN

It wasn't one guy, it was part of a larger ring. Read the dossier^^ at above link. Read about the case. It's part of the larger syndicate.

SynapticRevolt ago

His own mother went to the police and told them he had kidnapped kids hidden in his house. He already had a record for child rape. They didn't follow up on the tip. Just think about that for a few moments.

Phobos_Mothership ago

That's like Ian Watkins (pedophile singer from lostprophets) I have a post up about it. The cops were warned multiple times and took no action.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I'm telling you guys these cops are disgusting pedophiles and killers themselves. Trust nothing that comes out of their mouths.

Philhelm ago

I assume he meant that it was sad because nabbing him was only the tip of the iceberg, and it didn't bring the entire ring down.

llm2016 ago

You misunderstood me. He is one of the nastiest pedos for sure, but other more powerful evil pedos are still outside running. For example, Michel Nihoul. https://isgp-studies.com/belgian-x-dossiers-of-the-dutroux-affair

DriftingDevoid ago

I was sceptic about PizzaGate initially, as a lot of people would be, I guess. After reading and watching into the Dutroux case, the very suspicious suicides and car crashes, I knew something was really wrong there. From there on I started to take PizzaGate more serious. I do not dare to say it's is 100% the truth at the moment, that there would be absolutely no other possibilities, but if this all it turns out completely something else, I would be equally confused as when I had discovered PizzaGate.

llm2016 ago

Sad thing is he clearly was thrown under the bus in order to protect the whole ring. I read some of the articles suggesting that he was just a small cog.

subchannel ago

Thank you for bringing it up! I think its the same circles!