OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Wow, i was just thinking this old case that was involving Michael Aquino, now you go and post mind is kind of blown right now. I had a feeling they were all somehow connected.. Anybody heard of Max Spiers? Well, it was my understanding that he was recently planning on uncovering some dirt on Michael Aquino and others in the CIA who are involved in a satanic pedophile ring. Max was found dead a few days before he was scheduled to give the speech. This was recent, just back in June... He sent a text to his mother a few days before his death saying "If anything happens to me, INVESTIGATE".Now, I have had a STRONG suspicion that Mr Aquino was involved somehow in his death... Some interesting links on aquino -

Sorry if this is off topic, as soon as i saw Michael Aquino's name...i kind of freaked out. This man is PURE EVIL

nimblenav ago

interesting connections.

ArchonFall4All ago

Thanks for this excellent write-up. I've started looking into these areas more, and I'm wondering how much information is available on the Finders. Are there any good resources for learning more about them? Or do we only know what was contained in these FBI reports?

8228 ago

As far as I know the official investigation ended with this FBI document, unfortunately. If you google the names of the men who were arrested you do find some news articles from the period documenting the trial. But I have not found that much of anything came of it.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Hey, just wondering if you read my other post or not? Unfortunately i havent got time to look over all of your info yet because theres just so much there, going bit by bit... But as soon as i saw Michael Aquinos name..i thought to myself, wow..this guy again. I just keep hearing his name getting brought up all over the place from so many different cases. My first introduction to him was through Max Spiers interviews, he mentions him a few times as Max was a "conspiracy theorist" who claimed to be grooomed as a child to be a psyop "superwarrior". Im not completely sure how, but Aquino was involved (havent watched enough of max's video). Michael Aquino is a Psychological Operations Officer who was apart of the MK Ultra project...but his claims are that "it never really went anywhere" (we all know thats false). Now, a few months ago Max was planning on uncovering some dirt on Aquino and others involved in Satanic Pedophile rings in the US military. He was going to be talking about it at his upcoming speech, but he never made it, he was found dead in his apartment under very SUSPICIOUS circumstances. It was later found out that he texted his mother a few days before his death saying, "if anything happens to me, INVESTIGATE".....I have my suspicions Aquino was involved in his death somehow, as do many others.
Second time i happened upon Aquino, was his involvement in the Presidio Day Care Centre scandal back in the 80's..good read on it here ( ) Here are a couple good videos with plenty of info and dirt on him...there is also plenty more out there (HEAVY video, names people involved in the ritualistic murder of Kevin Collins..look into THIS)

The gentleman in the above video mentions Paul Bonacci and David shurter, as being witnesses to the murder..well last night i googled "Max Spiers Michael Aquino", and got a link to a video of Max Spiers mother, interviewed by non other than David Shurter... Here is the video ( ) they mention Aquino quite a bit in the video, as they TOO, suspect Aquino was involved with Max's death.

Scary how deep these roots go, and i gotta admit, it is a little frightening typing this out. But the more people who are speaking out against these people, the less chance we have of getting shut up.

So, speak up!

EDIT - Sorry if this seems too off the topic of "Pizzagate". But im sure there all connected somehow...