fogdryer ago

The CIA needs to disbanded After which a new one will be buildt

However it will only happen if trump wants that

fogdryer ago


TheRealSeanGannon ago

A Soros funded thing is always pretty easy to spot because it just reeks of distasteful and disgusting in such a way, non soros funded people supporting the same cause think that it actually hurts their cause.

You are a poet my friend.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The FBI and DOJ need to raid Racine, Wisconsin immediately, convene a grand jury and begin full investigations and indictments for criminal corruption.

Paul Ryan should at minimum be prosecuted for gross negligence having been informed of some of these crimes in his district by his constituents. Some of the known crimes involving prominent officials and their associates include racketeering, embezzlement, bribery, fraud, bid rigging, election rigging, vote rigging, insider trading, extortion, abuse of power, misconduct in office, collusion, illegal campaign financing, and other crimes all linked to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

Trump needs to prove to the people that he is on the side of Good, and is willing to actually drain the swamp and hold everyone accountable to the law, no matter how powerful they may be.

Aloha808 ago

Maybe this kind of stuff is in the Vault 7 documents

party1981 ago

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a top 8 donor to the Clinton Foundation. Nobody really talks about it, but it must be corrupt as fuck. I wonder how. Vaccines?

party1981 ago

Pretty sure Kutcher is guilty.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I don't want to get into a 9/11 debate here. You clearly have a hard-on for your PoV on this. If you post about this in an appropriate area, ping me and I'll check it out.

party1981 ago

Thank you. I don't know about Wexner, but I'm betting that George Webb does.

Epstein's friend is Ghislaine Maxwell and she is the one who procured most of the girls for him. Her father is like the Mossad James Bond (see, I believe,

isthisreality ago

Can't forget about that CIA/Tavistock connection, either:

In 1938, Roosevelt executed a secret agreement with Churchill which in effect ceded U.S. sovereignty to England, because it agreed to let Special Operations Executive control U.S. policies.

To implement this agreement, Roosevelt sent General Donovan to London for indoctrination before setting up OSS (now the CIA) under the aegis of SOE-SIS. The entire OSS program, as well as the CIA has always worked on guidelines set up by the Tavistock Institute.

Tavistock Institute originated the mass civilian bombing raids carried out by Roosevelt and Churchill purely as a clinical experiment in mass terror, keeping records of the results as they watched the "guinea pigs" reacting under "controlled laboratory conditions".

All Tavistock and American foundation techniques have a single goal---to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order. Any technique which helps to break down the family unit, and family inculcated principles of religion, honor, patriotism and sexual behavior, is used by the Tavistock scientists as weapons of crowd control.

The methods of Freudian psychotherapy induce permanent mental illness in those who undergo this treatment by destabilizing their character. The victim is then advised to "establish new rituals of personal interaction", that is, to indulge in brief sexual encounters which actually set the participants adrift with no stable personal relationships in their lives, destroying their ability to establish or maintain a family.

Tavistock Institute has developed such power in the U.S. that no one achieves prominence in any field unless he has been trained in behavioral science at Tavistock or one of its subsidiaries. Henry Kissinger, whose meteoric rise to power is otherwise inexplicable, was a German refugee and student of Sir John Rawlings-Reese at SHAEF.

Dr. Peter Bourne, a Tavistock Institute psychologist, picked Jimmy Carter for President of the U.S. solely because Carter had undergone an intensive brainwashing program administered by Admiral Hyman Rickover at Annapolis.

The "experiment" in compulsory racial integration in the U.S. was organized by Ronald Lippert, of the OSS and the American Jewish Congress, and director of child training at the Commission on Community Relations. The program was designed to break down the individual's sense of personal knowledge in his identity, his racial heritage.

Through the Stanford Research Institute, Tavistock controls the National Education Association. The Institute of Social Research at the National Training Lab brain washes the leading executives of business and government. Such is the power of Tavistock that our entire space program was scrapped for nine years so that the Soviets could catch up.

The hiatus was demanded in an article written by Dr. Anatol Rapport, and was promptly granted by the government, to the complete mystification of everyone connected with NASA. Another prominent Tavistock operation is the Wharton School of Finance, at the University of Pennsylvania.

A single common denominator identifies the common Tavistock strategy---the use of drugs.

The infamous MK Ultra program of the CIA, in which unsuspecting CIA officials were given LSD, and their reaction studied like "guinea pigs", resulted in several deaths. The U.S. Government had to pay millions in damages to the families of the victims, but the culprits were never indicted.

As L. Marcus (1974) writes in his excellent investigation piece; “Reesian methods rely, completely and consciously, on the destruction of the mental life of world society and a forced march into universal sadism.”…. Within this lies their affinity- men as mindless beasts whose minds, according to Tavistock, are something to be manipulated and destroyed.

…. The Tavistock- and Reesian method- that the class war should be waged with “weapons that affect morale more than they take life”- has become, in the post-war period, the primary weapon system of the Rockefeller forces, including their own covert arm, the Central Intelligence Agency.

The CIA apparatus has penetrated every key organization, including think tanks, universities, non-governmental organizations and Foundations. For example, most major universities are either entirely or substantially branches of the CIA…. Through control of governmental and major foundations, the CIA has been able to have a say “not only in what programs are funded, but to control the selection of instructors who move into controlling positions” as honest academicians are weeded out and hounded into retirement.

…. The situation is extremely grave. We are fighting a combined effort of some of the most brilliant people in history who scheme against us for the purposes of possessing us. But the human will is immortal. Tyrants have killed millions and yet people fought and eventually won their freedom…. Immortality has its moral basis in truth and incorruptibility. It deserves to be given all the support that it can get. It deserves to be fought and died for. Daniel Estulin: “Tavistock: Social Engineering the Masses” (2015)

"Three elements combine to make the Institute unusual, if not unique: it has the independence of being entirely self-financing, with no subsidies from the government or other sources; the action research orientation places it between, but not in, the worlds of academia and consultancy; and its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organisational behaviour, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology.

So reads the opening paragraphs of the Tavistock Institute home page at

The ideology of American foundations was created by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London. In 1921, the Duke of Bedford, Marquess of Tavistock, the 11th Duke, gave a building to the Institute to study the effect of shellshock on British soldiers who survived World War I. Its purpose was to establish the “breaking point” of men under stress, under the direction of the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare, commanded by Sir John Rawlings-Reese.

Tavistock Institute is headquartered in London. Its prophet, Sigmond Freud, settled in Maresfield Gardens when he moved to England. He was given a mansion by Princess Bonaparte. Tavistock’s pioneer work in behavioral science along Freudian lines of “controlling” humans established it as the world center of foundation ideology. Its network now extends from the University of Sussex to the U.S. through the Stanford Research Institute, Esalen, MIT, Hudson Institute, Heritage Foundation, Center of Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown, where State Dept. personal are trained, US Air Force Intelligence, and the Rand and Mitre corporations."

Fucking Tavistock.

party1981 ago

This is great research. I keep reading that the corruption goes back to British intelligence and Allister Crowley. If so, then the US definitely needs a second American Revolution.

isthisreality ago

Thanks. I was obsessed with digging into PG shit before it hit the MSM- back I the r/pizzagate subreddit days, haha. I obsessively researched this shit until right before Xmas, and TStk was my "special interest". But my effing god. Deep delving into this shit fucks w your head no matter what, but once you go really deep into the tstk connection... It will damn near ruin you.

I am incredibly sensitive/empathetic (an empath l, if you believe in that shit) ... And I just woke up one day and couldn't even bring myself to even read anything about this shit on here or FB or anywhere else.

Everything goes back to Britain, yes. Crowley plays a part in this but he is more of a side show act. Yes, lots of people base their crazy shit off of his beliefs, but I feel like he is too well known by the public- and too modern, if I remember correctly (he was born/practiced in the 20th century, correct?) .

party1981 ago

It's weird to think that Ashton Kutcher is evil. But that's what the evidence shows.

Wasn't Thorn the name of the evil cult in the Halloween movies? Here we are.

party1981 ago

Yeah. I'm fairly confident that the CIA controls most all of the cocaine and the heroin trafficking in the U.S.

2impendingdoom ago

cia needs to go. crazy that they have been allowed to get away with so much shit for so long.

party1981 ago

This is 100% correct.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I agree with turitelle's comment. These inhumans are depraved and one aspect of that is the need to inflict trauma on innocents. We all (those of us old enough to have been watching) watched what we watched, live, and it traumatized us much more than an unattended collapse ever could have.

Interesting White House concept, but it would not have had the same impact as thousands of people dying right before our eyes did.

User890020 ago

The key is somewhere in the URL of this page.

Votescam ago

Why is this OP with more than 542 upvotes at the bottom of the heap here?

party1981 ago

I don't know?

Votescam ago

I don't know either, but am guessing there's something wrong here. Especially that the CIA is EVIL. :(

turitelle ago

They didn't mess it up, they wanted their wars and without how they did 911 they had no justification. They did it that way deliberately, they wanted to traumatize the nation, and indeed the world and gain consensus to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. Neither of which had anything to do with 911 but they didn't care about that anymore than they cared about the thousands who died in the buildings or the hundreds of thousands that died in their bombing.

mrjdouble ago

You've definitely mentioned the connections with the CIA and drugs, but here is Pablo Escobar's son claiming that his father worked with the agency to fight against the rise of the reds in Central America.

party1981 ago

Thank you for sharing this. This is an important data point. I believe that the CIA controls almost all cocaine and heroin trafficking in the United States.

mrjdouble ago

No sweat. We're a team and I'm thrilled to be able to contribute. I've got this thread bookmarked, I'll be popping back in and out as I think of or discover other relevant facts. I think I was also thinking is it'd be helpful if the list could be updated as new information is discussed or otherwise comes to light.

party1981 ago

They can't kill all of us.

Geo_synchronous ago

CIA is the largest terrorist organization on the planet. They are in its self their own government. The Pentagon comes in 2nd. I guess its true. The love of money is the root of all evil. And im not even a Christian either. But the saying still stands true.

VeganAnarchy ago

Actually, not to be a debbie downer, but it wouldn't. Intelligence agencies like the CIA and Mossad only exist because people believe in the myth of authority - the idea that certain people are fit to rule over others. Mossad, CIA, government corruption are all just symptoms of something deeper. More intelligence agencies would pop up after CIA/Mossad because the masses of people still buy into the notion of authority. I have been researching what you would call 'conspiracy theories' for 6/7 years now but most of the research only focuses on the symptoms. Please research the likes of Mark Passio and read Larken Rose's book, the most dangerous superstition, to get a firmer grasp on why (the most important question is always the why) all of this evil exists in the first place. Unfortunately, nothing will change (and Trump will not really change a god damn thing in the long run) as long as people still want to be ruled over by governments and politicians. Here is a free pdf to the most dangerous superstition:

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I'm familiar with both authors and their material is worthwhile. I disagree about Trump to this extent: if he does kick open the Pizzagate hellmaw, some things will change. Nobody can see that and go on as though everything is the same. It will inevitably spark some kind of change; the question is where will that process ultimately take us? I don't have any idea, but I'm not willing to do nothing when we have a chance to roll the dice.

party1981 ago

Thank you. I will check it out.

party1981 ago

Who are these?

Silverlining ago

Just leading them to your thread. Good guys.

party1981 ago

Thank you. Appreciate it.

LaDonnaRae ago

I wonder what might be happening in the rest of the world while everyone online is spending every ounce of energy sniffing around CIA.

party1981 ago

Yeah. Certainly there is corruption elsewhere. But the CIA is just so obvious...

LaDonnaRae ago

A little too obvious, don't you think?

party1981 ago

Thank you. This is all great research. I will watch that documentary.

bwarren2010 ago

By the grace of Our Lord and Savour Jesus Christ may your dream be realized

paulf ago

Pop quiz: what do the shootings at San Bernadino, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Hood and Orlando Pulse have in common? At each incident, a former employee of DynCorp was a victim. What a coincidence!

Source: George Webb.

party1981 ago

Yes, I saw that too. I would like to get more details and names.

paulf ago

According to George Webb, Waco was also a CIA operation. David Koresh was protecting kids being trafficked by the CIA through the local airport.

party1981 ago

That makes a lot of sense. I watch George Webb every day and I am friends with him on facebook.

charmeuse ago

I have watched a lot of GW's great web series..I was surprised to learn today as I listened to the George Webb interview on Veritas Radio that George is an Israeli citizen. At about 10 minutes in, when host Mel Fabregas suggests Mossad may have a role in trying to take Trump down, George laughs,"Me being Israeli, I am proud of Mossad, considering what a small country we are..."

This may suggest a possible source of bias in his work.

party1981 ago

George Webb has told me that he struggles with 9/11.

I'm a little torn. On the one hand, heart disease and cancer and car accidents kill far more people that 9/11 ever will. On the other hand, 9/11 strikes me as about the evil thing someone can do. Just watch the people jumping from the towers as nano-thermite cooks them alive.

The thing about George is that he's 100x times more knowledgeable than me. And I'm a pretty smart guy. George is constantly citing names and connections about things that I don't even know about. I learn so much from him (80% of my original post is based on stuff I learned from George). So, yeah, he has his biases, but overall his work has been helpful. I hope he acknowledges the truth about 9/11.

charmeuse ago

No doubt he is a genius, a great communicator, and a likeable guy. But, I am wondering now if he may be a Mossad agent, as well. Has he ever once mentioned the Israelis who are involved in organ harvesting?

Jem777 ago

Now that more is coming. Might add JFK jr. Who was trying to explain who was responsible for his fathers death. Named his magazine "GEORGE" Unfortunately his plane crashed

TruthWarrant ago

Great post, very well sourced and presented.

party1981 ago

Thank you. I appreciate it!

Womb_Raider ago

Do you think FBIAnon is still with us? Been a while since he made noise

party1981 ago

I don't really know. The FBIanon who posted on the "Liberty Veritas" (spelling website) sounded like the same person to me. He predicted the 30 arrests, following for 40 more arrests. That prediction didn't come true.

The DHS insider sounds very similar too:

party1981 ago

BTW I cannot seem to update the original post any more with links, so here are more data points:

  1. The THORN (Ashton Kutcher) child porn software is funded by Digital Reasoning/CIA.
  2. Epstein flies an aircraft with a DynCorp (CIA) tail number.
  3. The CIA has basically been selling drugs to self-fund black operations since almost the day it was created.

DarkMath ago


(sarcasm -on -type='affectionate')

Thank you Captain Obvious.

(sarcasm -off)

party1981 ago

It's probably obvious to you, but I thought it was helpful to a lot of newbies to put all of the pieces together.

People think that there are all of these different conspiracies, and they can't all be true.

But there aren't a ton of different, disconnected conspiracy theories. In the United States, there is really just one major one, and that is that the CIA is evil. If you understand that, it explains everything else - especially in the realm of kidnapping, Satanic ritual abuse, and #pizzagate.

DarkMath ago

I know that's what you meant but maybe you could change the title to reflect that.

party1981 ago

What title would you suggest? I will consider it but the title has been pretty successful/appreciated as it is.

DarkMath ago



party1981 ago

"CIA is evil" is such a simple message. Tell everyone you know.

party1981 ago

Exactly right. The WP has a $600 million CIA contrast (Bezos only spent $250 million to buy the WP!). The funny thing is that it is helping the Washington Post lose all credibility.

Flat_Truth ago

To quote former CIA director James Casey from the 80's "We will know our disinformation program is complete, when everything the American public believes is false".

party1981 ago

Yes. That is such a creepy quote.

OrwellKnew ago

There needs to be a deadline set. If say by August 1st 2017...all of the criminal members of the CIA are not arrested...we as citizens need to march on Langley, VA and bulldoze down the walls and preform citizens arrests, confiscate their computers and send to WikiLeaks

The Founding Fathers would very much approve

party1981 ago

Can you imagine Trump giving a speech:

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to exercise our Second Amendment rights to bear arms and form militias. I am calling on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the military, and the American people to support me as we march on the CIA Headquarters, tomorrow at noon. If I should die in some mysterious or suspicious manner, I call on the American people to rise up and drain the swamp. I am the President of the United States and I have reason to believe that the CIA is fundamentally corrupt, that it was involved in killing President JFK, that it knew about 9/11 and let it happen, and that the U.S. government has been hijacked and compromised ever since JFK was assassinated. Stand with me now as we drain the swamp, and God bless the United States of America."


I like this this and us the human race need to realize we aren't going to win back this world at home on the internet whether Trump says this by choice or not we need to force our hand upon those in power by thought and make are good intentioned thoughts a reality by taking action. BY ANY MEANS NECCESARY !

party1981 ago

Yes we have to take action.

party1981 ago

This is fantastic. I will be getting in touch with these guys.

OrwellKnew ago

Yeah I don't want to scare off normies here, but drastic ties call for drastic measures. It just may come to that eventually.

I hope not though, and wish to avoid violence if possible

8pinkstars ago

Wow this is an amazing statement!! Wouldn't it be awesome if this really happened!

pnwpatriot97 ago

CIA killed JFK. Let's not allow them to do away with Trump.

party1981 ago

Trump has a chance now to do what JFK tried to do.

pnwpatriot97 ago

This exactly.

cantsleepawink ago

THORN works with the CIA.

party1981 ago

Source? I will add this. Although VOAT keeps giving me an error when I try to update.

cantsleepawink ago

THORN works with Digital Reasoning. It's on their website, haven't got time to find the exact page. But here's another reference

From wikipedia:

You also might be interested in my post today:

hamans_revenge ago

filled with nazis

You've got that backwards, friend.

party1981 ago

Care to elaborate?

hamans_revenge ago

The CIA works closely with mossad for jewish interests. It has always been loaded with jews. It would make no sense to hire national socialists to work for jewish interests. It doesn't take much thinking to figure out why that wouldn't work.

party1981 ago

Yes. Israeli infiltration into the U.S. is huge.

samhara ago

Great Post! Makes me very glad to see this. I've grown old with this information on my back [tears]

Comment on the "Mossad" 9/11 connections:

The "Mossad" is a scape - goat which plays into the "Jews Did It" / which is a longstanding psy-op

It was outsourced to the Mossad, likely because the Mossad are outstanding with "what they do," they would have their heart in it [protect Israel] unlike Americans, and for legal reasons it would be definitely be prudent not to break U.S. laws and to do it under the rubric of "liaison" with another country's intelligence services.

I listened recently to Webb's elucidation on the legal loop-hole of hiring a detachment / partnering with non U.S. government players. It may have been on the Richie Allen interview? - - Much is summarized there.

Anyway, people feel better thinking it was "The Jews" who did it. - feeds into "Jews Killed Our Jesus" and all that, for Christians.

But the top perps were the Mass Media , the New Cons. and our own American - grown Think Tanks .. MITRE.

No way a tiny country, created for the very purpose of fomenting war and conquest, could've come in and done it to us. But that's a good diversion, for everyone to think it was Israel itself.. As Webb pointed out in the interview above.. It's an International Octopus.

We've done work on it . And we have names; beside just "Israel" It's more detailed.

They all look very happy and "white collar" too; when you find images of their faces.. Also like nerds, some of them. - Wow that thing was just erased?!

Glad I had it archived.

who did 911 pasteit

Everyone download and save.

Historical Development Leading Up To 9/11 As A Hoax

party1981 ago

I respectfully disagree. Mossad agents had been making comments about an Arab flying a plane into the tallest building in NYC for decades. There was a movie where a plane flies into the Pan Am building. There was a television show in 2001, before 9/11, about drone airplanes flying into the World Trade Center. All of these have Israeli connections.

I'm not anti-Israel or an anti-Semite. But the evidence is overwhelming that Mossad was the primary architect of 9/11. Watch some Christopher Bollyn videos on youtube or read his book Solving 9/11. It's not a coincidence that 9/11 happened right after the neoconservative (heavily Israeli) came into power in the U.S. government.

Of course, I agree with you that the U.S. government was complicit, let it happen, and maybe even requested it. Cheney and Rumsfield both seem to have orchestrated drill operations on 9/11 that confused our air defenses. But it was mostly Mossad. Just google Larry Silverstein, dancing Israelis, Mossad DEA report, Project Gelatin, the B thing, Mossad in Hollywood, etc.

samhara ago

Second part is this: Americans has a strong emotional predispostion to deny what really happened 9/11. It softens the blow if they are told "Israel Did It" which is on it's face absurd. And plays upon the prejudices of a large portion of the Conspiracy Crowd going back hundreds of years. People are convinced it was "Israel" because it's emotionaly difficult to admit it had to be our own government - traitors within; and the Mass Media..

When you realize the Plane Hoax you will understand why researchers know that. It was a very large conspiracy. In fact it's right in everyone's face; if they would but look. However, they are too afraid of what they will see and too desirous for the real truth ,to be their fantasy instead, that they will not look nor admit.

If you read through these articles, just one this one site, you will gain a more nuanced opinion. - I suggest starting at the bottom with the oldest artifcles. - -

party1981 ago

I never said that the U.S. government wasn't involved or that it wasn't a massive conspiracy involving many globalist players.

You, samhara, have a bizarre emotional connection to defending Mossad and Israel. It's ok if you don't agree with Christopher Bollyn. We don't have to agree on everything. Let's not relitigate the past over and over here. Mossad was one tiny part of my original post at the top. And that post shows, in data point after data point, that the CIA is evil and corrupt. Yet I mention Mossad one or two times, and that's what you want to fight about. Get over it.

samhara ago

I've been studying it over 10 years, 20K hours. No they weren't. You didn't read the citations I posted nor did you studied it close enough. You just are rejurgitating what others have told you. You've been fed some Propaganda. - -

paulf ago

There's another very troubling aspect to the extent of the CIA's reach: how many technology executives are undercover CIA assets. George Webb in his video series has claimed that Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google's parent company is a CIA asset and that Bill Gates is too. He said Steve Jobs refused which is why he suddenly developed cancer.

I haven't had the time to pursue this but it would probably be a very fruitful line of inquiry.

party1981 ago

Yes. I completely agree. The CIA has its tentacles into Silicon Valley (why do you think it hates Trump?).

Once you realize that the CIA will fund and corrupt private businesses, you stop thinking that we have a free market. You start to wonder if Google and facebook succeeded, and became monopolies, because of that CIA black budget money. Facebook was funded by Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel does Palantir.

pizzagatecharlotte ago

Not forgetting that Anderson Cooper is CIA

party1981 ago

Exactly. The original post mentions this too.

Baxterbaxter ago

Thx for the insight. What you say makes a lot of sense. So if that's their process for creating chaos, how the heck do we short circuit this American Spring they keep talking about more every day?

Forgetmenot ago

They are actively recruiting for it, in my area and it worries me. It is very well organized and professionally coordinated.

zagreos ago

Excellent OP.

party1981 ago

Thank you, zagreos.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Amazing post - I knew the CIA was shady, but I had no idea it was this bad. Good research!

party1981 ago

I didn't know it was that bad either. I don't think anybody did. I watched the first three seasons of Homeland. I thought the CIA was badass.

Now I realize that it's just like the Mafia. It's just like The Godfather. But it's legal, and it's secret, and nobody gives a fuck. All of this information is on Wikipedia.

YingYangMom ago

@party1981 CIA is also affiliated with the Jesuit Order and the Roman Catholic Church. This video explains a whole lot on the subject and much more. Epic MUST WATCH:

party1981 ago

I will check it out. Thank you. Yes, I believe that a lot of these corrupt secret societies are linked together. It's just that the CIA connection is big and obvious.

YingYangMom ago


PGIzRidiculous ago

Repeat after me: Pizzagate is a ridiculously dumb conspiracy theory and nothing will ever materialize out of it. HAHAHAHAHA

remus_schmitt ago

Why do you think that ?

bopper ago

He's a troll.

remus_schmitt ago


bopper ago

If it's "pigsbeyondstupid" ... voat people fight with him all the time here, he keeps popping back up everywhere, kind of funny ...

real_karma ago

Don't forget about that Gay, former boyfriend of Alefantis.

party1981 ago

Was he CIA?

Piscina ago

Fantastic work

party1981 ago

Thank you, I appreciate it.

Fate0011 ago

Nice Find Anon!!! (Addition)

CIA, Killary, Benghazi, Arms, Drugs, and Child Trafficking

Benghazi was allowed/orchestrated to kill Ambassador Stevens for getting ready to out her and Obama.

There was a AIC Annex 1 mile from Benghazi with 15-25 very well trained and armed AIC "Hush Team" agents. Also, 2 SEAL teams were told to stand down. Why? Because Ambassador Stevens was going to leak what he was already being vocal about. (Child/Human/Organ Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Arms Trafficking through the AIC) (95 pages alot of reading, But OP you also seem to do your research)

party1981 ago

I will check this out. Benganzi was pretty obvious an orchestrated murder to cover up the evil that HRC and the CIA were doing in Libya.

Watch the movie 13 Hours and then realize that all of that happened because HRC ignored 600 requests for security.

ploppy ago


party1981 ago

Thank you, ploppy.

LeChevalBlanc ago

In defense of CIA (Oh, did I really write this?????) :

Does anyone know what Secret and Intelligence services do all over the world?

Does anyone remember the aftermath of 2d world war and the egemonic threat of USSR?

Does anyone remember Cold War and the power of USSR influence in the West? That was evil too!

Not an excuse but that's when the CIA gained power and back then they were not totally moraly condemnable. That also explains the use of former "Nazis" (about everyone could be called a "nazi" in NSADP governed Germany until 1945) . There's nothing surprising. Every state does this kind of stuff at some level. Now, what happened since the 1980's matches more with the discussions here, but if you ignore the past you leave the realm of reason and put your sane moral rejection in the hands of irrational forces (besides allowing yourself to be manipulated by competitive forces).

Times change...

party1981 ago

You make a good point, but it is much worse than you suggest.

Eisenhower definitely believed that black ops were better than boots on the ground, and he let Allen Dulles do whatever he wanted.

That doesn't mean that the CIA isn't evil. It is. And it's evil goes back long before the 1980s. The CIA was selling heroin out of Cuba to self-fund almost since day 1. That's a blatant violation of the law and a violation of Congress. Then the CIA killed JFK. Of course, they told themselves that JFK was a threat to the United States, and that they knew better than JFK what was good for the country. But really they just wanted to take out the guy who was hurting their corporate profits and trying to drain the swamp. The CIA has been evil ever since.

LeChevalBlanc ago

I don't disagree. That's why I couldn't believe to find myself in a position to "defend" them. Just that the fight against commies in the 50's to 80's was a tough one and quite justified in the end. Guess they went really mad after the fall of the Soviet Union.

In France the power of the stalinist-communist party post-war could really push many into a blind pro-American stand that turned as well to be pro-CIA.

Intelligence services everywhere are playing ugly games and don't always measure the consequences. Think of the Dreyfus case... (Officer in military intelligence, lot to do with homo blackmail)

Anyway touching kids if far across the limit.

bopper ago

The CIA used the mafia to do the hit.

party1981 ago

Yeah I think they were part of it.

bopper ago

You've got a lot on your plate to say the least :) But I do think you would very much profit, and enjoy, this interview. It's long though ... but one of the most priceless things on the web, as far as I'm concerned. But I'm a real Kennedy assassination buff, and know some of the older people that were involved. Good luck, stay sane!

party1981 ago

Thank you. I will check it out. I know very little about JFK. But the little I saw made it obvious that it was CIA.

bopper ago

Yes. This confession will connect some dots between CIA (for example David Atlee Phillips) and the mafia.

Don't forget eventually to check out the ARRB with Douglas Horne and his masterpiece four volume work on the assassination (mainly the illicit Bethesda autopsy). Below is one link but he's all over youtube too.

I 'speak' from time to time with Oswald's ex-mistress (she was w/ him in New Orleans back in the day). There's just so so much, just w/ JFK alone. (That was when they really started flexing their muscle.)

And check out the book Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace.

And it just goes on and on. Remember to get your sleep, as that's when the brain organizes everything you delved into the previous day :)

party1981 ago

The CIA is involved with various cults. The CIA especially loves to use them to turn them against CIA targets. Many of them have CIA initials: Catholics in Action, Christians in Action. There are thousands of them. Branch Davidians, etc.

thomccc ago

Gives you some insight on what happened at the Tower of Babel.

And what kind of forces was behind it.

As the good book says: "Aint nothing new under the sun"

stellarcorpse ago

They infiltrated some of OTO Lodges as well.

Ample4th ago

Thank you for the links, I'm reading the Alex Constantine one now. I'm not sure I trust Peter Levenda's motives though after reading this Also, Levenda was pictured with John Podesta.

John Podesta with Peter Levenda

stellarcorpse ago

Wow, that's weird he is pictured with Podesta. Maybe the UFO thing? This was before pizzagate tho so can't fathom he knows the going ons of this monster.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The local newspaper is absolutely corrupt, and censors and bans users who post the truth about Racine. Voat has been fairly reliable, but most other sources are heavily censored, and no media outlet will touch it. It is a huge story, and what is happening there would blow the doors wide open on pizzagate and global corruption. Witnesses have been gang stalked, retaliated against and threatened, and others are waiting to come forward when they know they can be safe and protected.

It is relatively easy to begin putting some of the bigger pieces of the puzzle together if you look into a few headline cases from Racine, and there is more information on voat, some blog sites and there were some other sites that were all taken down, one was called Racine Exposed and there are a few others. It is much more sinister in reality - gruesome murders, underground tunnels, human and drug trafficking, extreme corruption, and collusion to ruin people's lives and worse. The connections with child trafficking, high levels within secret societies, sacred history, control of water, and sustainability are the key, but the easy way to break it open is through criminal corruption. It is the birthplace of community policing, and was an early adopter of asset forfeiture, militarization and surveillance equipment.

There was a recent RICO suit settled under threat and duress that was a small tip of the iceberg. It runs extremely deep, way beyond Racine to all parts of the globe. One main concern is that the feds have known more than enough to begin indictments, but are incredibly slow and are more interested in covering it up and finding a few fall guys than to uncover the real truth and massive levels of corruption. Racine is being connected and compared to another city under FBI investigation - Allentown, Pennsylvania, but what is going on in Racine is much worse and runs much deeper than a few corrupt politicians. The secrets of Racine will reveal why Paul Ryan is so powerful. What if the world suddenly knew the real truth?

fogdryer ago

was this archived???? where is the archive link I would like to read all and then download

mrjdouble ago

Still thinking about it and hearing George's words in my head. Another sin to add to the master list: Conspiring to whack a sitting Ambassador.

His name was Christopher Stevens and he was a goddamn patriot! Murdered after he intercepted emails that detailed the plan to eliminate khaddafi, take his wealth and transfer his rather large stockpile of chemical weapons to ISIS in Syria. To be used at a later time to signal a false flag attack which was made to look like the Assad gov't. He questioned them and said hey, wait, what? Syrin gas going to ISIS in Syria, that's surely gotta be a mistake? So he was eliminated or silenced for knowing to much and trying to ask the tough questions, meanwhile, they get the money/gold/weapons and also create the vacuum of power and terrorist safe haven that exists in Libya to this day. Pic related.

party1981 ago

Obviously Stevens was murdered. It's not clear exactly what he knew, and when. But the domestic FBI seems to know what happened, and hopefully we will see the truth.

I think Donald Trump is waiting a long time because there are a lot of things that he wants to accomplish first, before dealing with the whole scandal of HRC and the Clinton Foundation.

mrjdouble ago

I believe there are other reasons as well why that hasn't been priority alpha. And that's public perception. They've chosen to start at the bottom and work their way towards the top it seems. And it's actually a smart play. Go too hard, too fast and there will be perfect storm for the libs to say, "hey, this is political persecution and the charges are a farce". With these high level ops, the timing has to be just right, and the people have to at least be ready for such disclosures, if not calling for indictments/charges outright. But I'm with Seaman when he says, "fair trials, public executions upon guilty verdicts. Let them hang".

party1981 ago

Trump has given us plenty of reasons to trust him and think that he will surprise us, so I'm giving him a chance.

meowski ago

Right on. Truer words have never been written.

party1981 ago

Thank you.

davemcgowanwasright ago

This is a very good post. I would rate it an A plus. But I disagree with you on one thing. I believe that Trump did know he was being used. I think he made this his advantage. Both parties, the intelligence agencies and the media are all so disconnected from regular people that they could not see it unfolding. I think Trump did see it.

rwb ago

Kevin Shipp, former CIA agent, 22 years, with 4 years at State Dept. Long and interesting interview on John B Wells Show.

party1981 ago

I will check this out now. Thank you.

stellarcorpse ago

So how does JA fit in the scheme of things?

party1981 ago

I have to guess, but I think he is second generation. I think he was brought up inside of a CIA culture of brainwashing and Satanism. He believes a lot of the occult things, even if his parents and handlers didn't believe them. He wasn't smart enough to get a big position in the State Department, CIA, or US Aid. He became a center figure for child trafficking, and he did that from his pizza restaurant front operation. Then he posted way too much to Instagram, and he is about to be cut loose to Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump.

Bolux ago

Almost looks to me like he is America's Jimmy Saville, a procurement specialist.

party1981 ago

Exactly, CIA/Mossad. And all of these rings are connected. British Intelligence started it all after WW1, creating Israel for the Rothschilds. Alister Crowley was a suspected British spy.

stellarcorpse ago

A good, educated guess...But I have to wonder; is it really that simple and obvious? What if there is more? I don't know I just sometimes feel like we are missing something. Something that is staring at us in the face. But what it is I don' t know.

party1981 ago

The more complicated part is: who controls the CIA? Candidates include: far-right revanchist elements in the Israeli Likud party, Wall Street, the Rothschilds banking dynasty, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, and top level free masons (or something we don't even know about). I don't know the truth at the highest level, so I leave it out for now. You can learn a lot simply by adsorbing the truth that the CIA is evil.

stellarcorpse ago

As far as JA is concerned, there may be some Secret Societies protection/involvement. He seems very drawn the the occult as you mentioned earlier. This may hold true for others at higher levels of CIA as well. Some of these societies have been around for hundreds , even thousands of years. They often morph and infiltrate in order to survive. One needs to contemplate the power of something centuries old that has seen Empires rise and fall.

party1981 ago

Yes I agree that there is lots of occult involvement. It's not clear to me what it is, how many different cults there are, and what their relationships are. There is lots of evidence from Wikileaks (Moloch, Minerva, 322, Thelema, Rothschild). But I don't know the big picture on the occult stuff. The CIA corruption is obvious.

stellarcorpse ago

I keep pondering on the occult point because strange as this will sound to those not openly in tune to certain forces; I have been psychically attacked to some degree ever since getting involved in pizzagate. I think there is an esoteric component that is being largely ignored. It matters not to me how fantastical this sounds. Those in the know will fully understand the meaning of this.

20Justice4All17 ago

Can substantiate 'physical attack' coming from the other realm on my end...unfortunately this is a war first and foremost amongst the unseen powers and principalities

stellarcorpse ago

Physical? As in have you been threatened? Please describe? In my case, so far, it has been astral. Mainly during my sleep.

20Justice4All17 ago

No, have not been threatened by anyone.

Perhaps it can be written off as coincidence but while on her phone, and as my wife was being red pilled about the satanic nature of this ritualistic occult abuse the metal lamp above her literally began raining down sparks upon her. She kept screaming my name and shouting 'oh my goodness'. I finally ran down stairs and unplugged the lamp. The sparks had burned holes into the chair she was sitting on. Thankfully she was not injured. Although the sparks were caused by a short circuit in the lamp within the switch where the insulation on the wires wore away over time and began to arc on the metal part of the lamp - as a Christian, I attribute this to demonic activity rather than mere coincidence. I believe what is occrung in the physical world is a manifestation of the battle against what Paul calls, 'The darkness and rulers/authorities if the air'... Finally, real life national and world events discussed on this board, as well as the larger conspiracy which uses pizza/predicate as a tool, matches up with what is described in the book of Revelations according to most studies/interpretations: i.e. One world government/religion. Sadly demonic activity is real, but thankfully God has the ultimate victory, and this is cause for hope in such darkness. 'The gates of Hell shall not prevail against me Church'

stellarcorpse ago

They don't call them Secret Societies for nothing. If you've not already done so look into Crowley and Montauk Project and The Philadelphia experiment. Heady stuff. Stranger than fiction.

party1981 ago

Right. Wikileaks mentions Thelema, which is Crowley's religion.

stellarcorpse ago

Yes I am aware.

Marfa-Lights ago

The CIA are evil to the core, the more people that get to know this the better. Best way of waking people up to this fact would be 911.

party1981 ago

I agree. Tell everyone you know. The CIA is evil.

alliecapone ago

I've also heard George Webb refer to that pattern as OTPOR. Popovich or something like that. I've seen the disrupt phase for at least a year now. If nothing is done about filth in the govt and elite the protests WILL grow larger, won't have to pay me.

Votescam ago

Just spending a lot of time at moment reviewing researcher/investigator Mae Brussel, who was brilliant. This section - "Why Is the Senate Watergate Committee Functioning As Part of the Cover-Up? covers a lot of ground and pretty much 100% of it involves the CIA/Gestapo control over it all. It's 3 parts -- but very much worth a quick look. Notice this --

Warfare industries were in trouble without a Nixon-Agnew victory. The war in Asia could escalate after elections. The Middle East is waiting for their U.S.-fomented war next. A Democratic president might change the course of U.S. economic dependence on warfare hardware into domestic needs. There is less profit in building the U.S. than in bombing Cambodia or importing and distributing narcotics with CIA transportation. The drug traffic from Asia involves more billions than military profits.>

Drugs and drug trafficking are very much a part of pizzagate and MKULTRA where victims who have been tortured, sexually abused to create multiple personalities are often programmed as homosexual prostitutes, drug runners, and trained for espionage/spies. Some are programmed for photographic memories.

MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,[10] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other forms of psychological torture.[11][ >

Purpose of the program was for Mind Control.

And, I will repeat this again -- i.e., that even at the time of Watergate .... "The drug traffic from Asia involves more billions than military profits

party1981 ago

Yes. This is all exactly true.

equineluvr ago

Ballistic/Projectile weaponry is obsolete now.

Reading these posts reminds me that Americans watch way too much TV.

equineluvr ago

Rumor has it he won't be assassinated.

They will take him down politically a la Nixon. Only they want to see Trump in prison.

alliecapone ago

He goes down unjustly at ALL, I'm still prepared to resist then. FML if it's not free and in chaos all of the time, We will show them what resist actually looks like. Unpaid.

charmeuse ago

Great work, Party. I agree. Virtually all the worst ills of the past 60-odd years can be laid squarely on the doorstep of the CIA. The organization should be dissolved. They never served the people of the US, only Wall Street.

Also, be sure and watch this 10 minute video of former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura telling about the CIA implanted in State government and how they interrogated him:

party1981 ago

I will check that out right now. Thank you for sharing!

HillBoulder ago

Is there anyone out there capable of getting this stuff into different languages? I'm totally unqualified for it but there are lots of intelligent resourceful people here so is anyone up to the task? We finally have a chance to prove to the whole fucking world what they've done.. I liked an earlier comment I read that suggested a second renaissance would be a result of ousting these sickos and I think that's exactly what would happen.

GeorgeT ago

I am fluent in Russian.

HillBoulder ago

If you're tech savvy you could really help make a huge difference! What we need is someone to be able to translate this stuff maybe if you have Russian speaking friends that can help translate text online.. It's an enormous task

GeorgeT ago

I have several friend, and my sister is a DJ, extremely tech savy, we are in Australia - and pizzagate is spreading around fast. Also my step dad is expert in Russian editing, and workef in the media, possesses amazing russian, together with my sister we can do a great job. I will talk to her to make a text and a video for the Russian viewers. Russians cannot stand Hillary Clinton but have no idea about what she is into.

HillBoulder ago


party1981 ago

Ha, that would be great! I hope so!

party1981 ago

Dade county had mass scale voter fraud. Still needs to be prosecuted fully.

slickleg64 ago

The intelligence community of this Nation, which requires a shroud
of secrecy in order to operate, has a very sacred trust from the
American people. The CIA's program of human experimentation of
the fifties and sixties violated that trust. It was violated again on the
day the bulk of the agency's records were destroyed in 1973. It is
violated each time a responsible official refuses to recollect the details
of the program. The best safeguard against abuses in the future is a
complete public accounting of the abuses of the past.
I think this is illustrated, as Chairman Inouye pointed out. These
are issues, are questions that happened in the fifties and sixties, and
go back some 15, 20 years ago, but they are front page news today, as
we see in the major newspapers and on the television and in the media
of this country; and the reason they are, I think, is because it just continuously
begins to trickle out. sort of, month after month, and the
best way to put this period behind us, obviously, is to have the full
information, and I think that is the desire of Admiral Turner and of
the members of this committee.

Joint hearing on Intelligence

party1981 ago

Yes. You get it.

GeorgeT ago

Operation Northwoods - precursor to 9-11. Lemnitzer - declassified in 2002, open conspiracy!

party1981 ago

Yes, Northwoods is fucking insane. Technically, it was not CIA, so I did not include it. Neither is COINTEL-PRO.

GeorgeT ago

You are very good, I won't speculate about your background but your CIA summary is top notch stuff. I thought COINTEl-PRO was CIA operation, that's what I have read in all the books? Drug money from Sandinistas arming Iran Contras - October Surprise? When drugs are involved CIA rears its ugly head?

party1981 ago

COINTEL-PRO was FBI under the corrupt Hoover administration.

I don't know for sure, but I read that the general FBI is actually pretty good now. It's the CIA that is evil. CIA has infiltrated FBI through JTTF.

Everyone, around the world, can learn a lot just by reading FBIanon's transcripts, and then rereading them and rereading them. I've read them dozens of times.

Listen, I'm a smart man, in terms of my grades and my pedigree and my career. But it only took me five months to crack this case. If I can do it, other people can do it too. All you have to do is read Wikipedia, watch youtube, and not assume that CNN and the NYT are telling the truth.

There are many, many people who came before me and know 100x more than I do. Mark Lane is dead now. He died in 2016. He died telling the world, in bestselling books, that the CIA did JFK. He told us, and he sold millions of books, and nothing happened. We need to spread the message that the CIA is evil.

slickleg64 ago

It's a good quote and document to show people who are in denial of the CIA wrongdoings. Normies think MKULTRA is a wackjob conspiracy, but when they see official hearings regarding the program, they quickly convert. It's like a taste of the red pill.

slickleg64 ago

I urge that ANYONE looking into MK ULTRA is to actually took at all remaining documents

Keep in mind that most of the archives were destroyed when the program ended in 1979 / It is speculated because due to people admitting that the their human subjects were off the record/illegals/homeless and were used for their more extreme tests, those documents were their only remaining proof. This may include methods that may be used against the CIA's interest.

What remains is what they kept on file outlining the program, still a lot of really useful info on how they operated, this info was released under FOIA.

Stay informed people!!

GeorgeT ago

Check out movie called 'Conspiracy Theory' - starting Mel Gibson & Julia Roberts. ML Ultra,,whoever made film had contacts with the insiders because the torture methods shown coicide with the manuals.

party1981 ago

The program never really ended. But people need to look at the documents.

I suspect that the MK-Ultra brainwashing Satanism actually goes back to Alister Crowley and MI6 Satanism.

slickleg64 ago

I agree i think its worse, At that time they had full government resource , and with LSD and the notable effect on western culture, along with the threat of communism, it had a lot of backing by those in congress. It wasn't until things were uncovered by the public that they had to disband.

Why I say it's worse as that research could of been continued under the funding of private investors, particularly ones invested in totalitarianism, like why do mega corporations seem to always have a cult following, regardless of peoples opinions or their reputation? Boycotting never seems to work anymore.

Occultism is totalitarianism at its finest, It's the fabric of conformity, regardless of what religion, It seems that satanism is the religion of the elite, set by their puppet masters so that they will conform to them through blackmail or maintaining their status.

Clinker ago

I really don't have a problem with Trump closing the CIA, and firing every single one of those assholes. Lots of good people would lose their jobs too, but sacrifices must be made. I doubt the country would suffer greatly with the loss.

GeorgeT ago

More realistic is to Purge CIA and restructure it - expose child trafficking using army of white hat agents - they are plenty!

party1981 ago

Abolitioning the CIA would create an immediate trillion dollar boon to the economy.

party1981 ago

I will check this out. Thank you for sharing.

The_Kuru ago

Anonymous guy claiming to be FBI. That's gotta be my favorite Pizzagate character. I wonder which actor will play him in "Pizzagate-The Movie".?

Seriously though, I wonder why those tabloids at the grocery checkout don't have special Pizzagate editions. They'd sell millions! Or some enterprising Pizzagater could print up an original pizzagate tabloid and sell them to all the stores. Photos of Abramovich holding the goat horns on the cover will sell a million. Splash headlines about cannibalism, harvesting organs from children, damn there I go again giving away a billion dollar idea. You mix in enough real and important things, like DC pedo culture and arrests, then they can't even call you out on it.

Probably get twenty editions out of it before it dries up.

party1981 ago

Can you explain how FBIanon predicted #pizzagate on July 2, four months before the Podesta emails were released, and four months before #pizzagate was talked about in the New York Times and Washington Post? Please let me know what your explanation is.

remus_schmitt ago

It's very, very real. These two above and below me don't know what the hell their talking about. Or they do :)

party1981 ago


remus_schmitt ago

Because somehow, somewhere out there seems to be one person left with a conscience. Someone who knows everything or a damn good amount.

party1981 ago

Good guys in the FBI. It's not a coincidence that a former retired FBI assistant director surprised CNN with this:

It's not a coincidence that the FBI Twitter account went crazy from Oct. 30 to Nov. 1.

mrjdouble ago

Seriously great list, mate... My only regret is I have but one upvoat to give. I added a couple of my thoughts to it in the comments and now that I know it's a fluid list, I'll be thinking about this and keeping an eye out for relevant materials to add to it. I especially like how you mentioned dyncorp, but you might also want to mention how some employees were busted with a 15 year old boy at an inappropriate company party, which was specifically mentioned in the #podestathamolesta's emails in the wikileaks dumps.


party1981 ago

Thank you. Yes, I am aware of that particular incident.

VOAT is actually giving me errors when I try to update it now.

throwaway345678 ago

You wrote on the Finders and Mena, but I also believe they connect to the clintons through the CIA

And in addition, the carnage that occurred in AR due to the Mena coverup was a tragedy in and of itself (Murder of Kevin Ives and Don Henry and many, many others)

LAWSUIT against CIA among others, by Kevin Ive's mother (Kevin Ives = murdered in AR in relation to Mena drug smuggling)

mrjdouble ago

6. Anderson Cooper is also the Son of the Gloria Vanderbilt and comes from super old money. He's connected from way back to the geo-political elite.

party1981 ago

Yes this is exactly right. CIA is plugged into the corporate and banking elite. The CIA was created to serve them.

PizzaGate711 ago

Thank you. What a brilliant piece of CIA history.

party1981 ago

Thank you. Spread the word: THE CIA IS EVIL and it needs to be destroyed immediately.

party1981 ago

I will try to add these. I am getting errors when I try to do updates now.

redditsuckz ago

Operation Mockingbird: the CIA infiltrated the media (starting with CBS) and distorted or biased the reporting in favor of the CIA's agenda. Today, Anderson Cooper is a known "ex" CIA employee. MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski's father, Zbigniew, was the National Security Advisor who hand delivered weapons to Al Queda in the CIA's Operation Cyclone.

Mika Brzezinski has connections to Charles DeSantis who MKULTRA's his kids and both are on the UN refugee board;

James Alefantis friends taking children from other countries - Charles DeSantis (works for UN Refugee Agency)


Child wearing a Panda Head mask + another child wearing a "Chicken Head" mask;

MKULTRA - 440HZ Music - above the dogs head in web browser;

Then he gives his kids to Bill Clinton to "babysit";

James Alefantis connections - CFR, Trilateral Commision, Bilderbergs - Zbigniew Brzezinski's Daughter on UN refugee Board

party1981 ago

Yes this is all good information.

mrjdouble ago

3. A few quality photos of Michael Aquino. Also pictured with Sammy Davis, Jr of the Rat Pack.

party1981 ago

Ha, I had no idea he was associated with Sammy.

GeorgeT ago

I am heavyweight in Global Conspiracy research and I can verify that it is all 100% accurate, with stellar sourcing.

party1981 ago

Thank you, George.

mrjdouble ago

7 is known as, "Op: Brownstone", or the act of setting world leaders and other VIPs up in sexually nefarious situations and then using that information to blackmail them later on. "Lolita island" was a place where this happened, among other locations that were completely pre-wired up to get dirt on those people. Mossad was running the op and Epstein was a key cog in the wheel.

party1981 ago

Yes this is exactly right. Mossad has infiltrated a lot of our government.

mrjdouble ago

Not only our gov't.. Many gov'ts around the world. Blackmail can be an extremely useful tool for the opposition. Most notably, two of the largest foreign gov'ts to contribute to the ultra-corrupt Clinton Foundation. Iceland and Norway, that contributed $125 mil and just over $80 mil respectively, in 2016. I mean that's a lot of cheese for these small countries. Why do you think that is? Then she spends a ridiculous amount of money on the campaign and we all know how that turned out. But shortly thereafter, the "donations" dried up quick. Suspicious. Not sure about you, but that doesn't pass the sniff test to me.

party1981 ago

Yes, exactly. I didn't know about Iceland. But it's not a coincidence that a Satanic child abuse ring was captured and arrested right after the CF left Norway.

I tell people that any donor to the CF is guilty as fuck (like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), and people don't believe me.

What did the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation do? Bad vaccines? Viruses? Genocide?

mrjdouble ago

Also Haiti, when the ring got busted there, the CF knew they were burnt so they exited stage left. Another donor to really take a good look at is the billionaire Frank Giustra. That guy is dirty sure as the day is long. Guy just looks like a little worm. Here's a photo, guess what he's doing? Cooking a pizza in a brickoven. Pic related.

party1981 ago

Giustra is a total creep. Anyone who watched George Webb knows that. He has a pizza restaurant (222 Pizza Express) and an FBI pedo logo in his business.

mrjdouble ago

He also is the founder of his own dirty op called, "The Radcliffe Foundation", and he's most notably known as the founder of "Lionsgate" film company, which has produced several big time productions. I'm suspect he uses his foundation to launder his money, just like everyone else.

party1981 ago

Yes. George Webb has gone over all of this. See the movies Repo: The Genetic Opera (organ harvesting), Hostel 1 and 2 (torture, sadism, trafficking), and Sicario (CIA drug trafficking).

Giustra is guilty as fuck.

mrjdouble ago

I'm not trying to educate you, I mean you've created this list and it's substantial. It's mainly for anyone else that may come across the thread.

party1981 ago

I agree completely. Thank you for contributing.

GumShoe ago

This is some great work. Thank you for your effort.

party1981 ago

Thank you. I appreciate it.

Wolftrail7272 ago

The CIA will see the rope. Every one of them that are complicit and aware, at the very least.

party1981 ago

Fair trials, then justice.

GeorgeT ago

Party 1981 Make this post go viral - this is the big fish. THIS POST SHOULD BE TAGGED TO PIZZAGATE SUMMARY. CIA is the target.

GeorgeT ago

This is the best post for a while and proves that voat is legit. CIA is the main tentacle of the Octopus. Remember JFK's words regarding CIA 'I intend to break it into thousand litte pieces and scatter remains in the wind.'

party1981 ago

Exactly. It's so obvious once you start looking at it with an open mind. All of the evidence is just waiting for you. Just ignore the mainstream media and CNN for 30 minutes and the truth pops right out.

draegspir ago

Ok this is serious info and serious evidence. Thank you for your work!

party1981 ago

Thank you for reading. Tell everyone you know: the CIA is evil and it should be erased off the face of the earth.

juhos ago

And if you want to combine all that AND Mossad, you maybe want to check out who was William Colby.

party1981 ago

That's a great meme. Do you have more articles I can read on that?

I agree with FBIanon that Saudi Arabia and Mossad have infiltrated huge swaths of the federal government, with obvious targets (McCain, Graham, Abedin, etc.).

TheTruthWorker ago

But Hollywood gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling about the CIA

party1981 ago

Any time that happens, realize that the CIA probably funded the movie. United 93. Patriot's Day. Etc.

paulf ago

'Taken' must be the ugliest example. The good CIA operative's daughter is kidnapped by evil Albanian traffickers and so he moves heaven and earth to rescue her. Meanwhile it's the good CIA operatives acting on their master's orders (Soros) who cause upheaval in Albania so that THEY can kidnap kids and auction them to senators and members of the Washington elite.


party1981 ago

Liam Neeson is such a badass in that movie. I'm gonna have to rewatch it.

Dressage2 ago

Excellent post. One more thing to add is the fact that Epstein flew a plane with the same tail numbers as the CIA used. There was a posting about this before, but it was probably deleted.

fogdryer ago

Yes yes I read that Is that liegal to fly a gov plane. CIA needs to be deleted!

GeorgeT ago

And Alifantis father Achilles Alifantis being friends with Donald M.Kohnstamm, son of Max Kohnstamm - steering comittee of Buildeberg.

party1981 ago

Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is exactly the kind of information I am looking to add.

Whitemail ago

Crooks In Action

DeathToMasons ago

This is old news to me. It is not even enough for me to see the CIA abolished. They should all be prosecuted and executed asap. Eveyone involved in all their crimes over the years, even from the 70's, should have all their crimes exposed and they should all go down for good. It should serve as a lesson of what happens when those who are supposed to protect instead chose to commit heinous crimes againt their own people and the world. Why do they still exist?

GeorgeT ago

CIA was formed from the Old OSS, masterminded by Reinhard Ghelen who was reicruited via Operation Paperclip. Ties to the Nazis - on the surface they are against that which they support.

Jem777 ago

Exactly and let's not forget Dr. Mengele himself. Worse let's take it to Freud and Jung and others. They have their own secret facility where it is all hidden. To even name it as has been presented many times would cause deletion. Links sure we do, direct evidence, yep? Archived & protected in "Insurance" files yep

GeorgeT ago

And there is evidence of Clement Freud (grand son of Zigman Freud) leasing his villa to the Podesta Brothers in Portugal a week before the kidnapping of MM!

equineluvr ago

You guys seem to be losing sight of the BIG picture. JMO

Remember that the "company" isn't the end-all and the be-all.

party1981 ago

I agree. I think the only reason they exist is that good people are too ignorant, too weak, or too scared to take them on.

GeorgeT ago

Men are fearless, select alpha males that is - they are ignorant and easily distracted by fake Superbowls.

Forgetmenot ago

Very well said, by keeping our societies protectors distracted they can steal our children, destroy our economy and wage false wars. Tough pill to swallow!

GeorgeT ago

But Pizzagate will be their downfall! Public may not know much but when children are involved, all bets are off!

2impendingdoom ago

"they have six ways to sunday to get back at you." - chuck schumer

party1981 ago

That was so fucking creepy and wrong when he said that.

sunshine702 ago

Most of us at Pizza/pedogate believe the CIA /IC/ Moussad have Schumer by the balls because they have tapes of him having sex with single aged kids. He's terrified. A anon CNN staffer (if you believe) confirmed that he calls CNN daily lately trying to circle.the wagons.

party1981 ago

Yes, I read that too. I feel like we all waiting every day for Jeff Sessions to announce arrests.

2impendingdoom ago

lol, I thought that he sounded scared of them, covering up with the stuttering about russia hacking bullshit. And rachel maddow, she must have some connection. no way that she's been running that show for so long without a pass...

party1981 ago

Assume that all mainstream media is compromised, including Fox News, which was bought by Murdoch with Rothschilds money.

party1981 ago

That's fucking badass. Great story.

And Trump hangs Andrew Jackson's portrait in the White House. Funny, because Jackson was viciously racist Democrat.

I'd like to see him put JFK's portrait in the Oval Office, or put it in a more prominent position.

heretolearn ago

thanks for posting this.

party1981 ago

People need to know.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Your optimism is appreciated and you make many valid points that cannot be refuted, however history proves that a healthy dose of skepticism is needed. Remember he only kicked Epstein out of the resort - he didn't call the police and hold him accountable to the law. Remember he is friends with many who are implicated in pizzagate and criminal corruption. Remember the glowing remarks he made about Hillary. Are you sure he is really ready to go all the way?

Trump will only drain the swamp, lock her up, and restore law and order to our communities if we hold his feet to the fire. Remember he is a lifelong deal maker, so if they cannot take him out or compromise him, they are all counting on him to make deals, while they shift their strategy.

This is why the key is Racine, Wisconsin - it is an epicenter of criminal corruption that serves as a barometer for draining the swamp. If he cannot drain the swamp in Paul Ryan's backyard, he has no real intentions of being true to his word. Remember what tech companies he has been meeting with and the company he has kept so far. Is he keeping his enemies close, or is he hedging his bets? Trump cannot be trusted any more than James Comey, and we know that Comey was complicit about the criminal corruption and abuses everywhere while he hedged his bets. When it comes to this situation, there cannot be deal making. Either the law exists or it doesn't. Either equal protection exists or it doesn't. Either anti-trust exists or it doesn't. Either he will drain the swamp or he won't, and we will be left with a vast corrupt swampland with smarter criminals covering their tracks better behind faces like Ashton Kutcher and John McCain.

Jem777 ago

Wrong he did go to authorities on Epstein. Many were supponed, he called and willingly gave deposition testimony on video. Not pleading the 5th but told the Truth. Trump might have had some indesretions as he lived the Business success and his fame. He might have seen "brownstone" in Action. But he got out once he knew the truth. Then took action... banning Epstein from Maro-Laugo personally escorting him off property with security. Called for "death penalty to child sex abuse" in 2012. He knew and was setting up everyone else to catch them all.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

He banned him from the resort, only after being forced to due to an irate parent of a victimized girl. When exactly did Trump call the police on Epstein? Do you have a source for that? Or are you talking about the other cases where Epstein was convicted for solicitation in Palm Beach? Please provide a source if you have one for Trump's report to the police about it.

Don't forget about this Jane Doe case or the one from Katie Johnson that brings cause for concern:

Jane Doe (proceeding under a pseudonym) filed a civil lawsuit against Donald Trump and convicted sex offender, Jeremy Epstein, for multiple acts of sexual and physical abuse, which occurred when the defendant was 13 years old. Specifically, the the plaintiff charged the defendants with: “Rape, sexual misconduct, criminal sexual acts, sexual abuse, forcible touching, assault, battery, intentional, and reckless inflection of emotional distress, duress, false imprisonment, and defamation.” Jane Doe v. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein. “Defendant Trump initiated sexual contact with Plaintiff at four different parties. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied Plaintiff to a bed, exposed himself to Plaintiff, and then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect. Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff’s pleas by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted. Exhs. A and B.”

Jane Doe v. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein.

This time Trump needs to do more than ban criminals from his resort. Clearly he did not drain that swamp, as Epstein received a slap on the wrist and it is back to business as usual.

Jem777 ago

Also might want to provide all links to "Jane Doe" attorney who released "quotes" of victim when case filed. Check out all the States they traveled. Who funded this???? Might want research deeper before you quote "victim" statements released by Attorney.

Really think about this before continuing.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Hopefully you are right, however until the swamp is really drained, caution should still be exercised in regards to Trump's true role. He has been in these circles for decades. Complicity is pandemic. This is how things have gotten to where they are now through our entire government and industries. Until those involved in criminal corruption are held accountable and cesspools of corruption like Racine, Wisconsin are drained, Trump cannot be trusted any more than Comey, McCabe, Kadzik, and a long line of many others who have been in a position of power enabling and condoning criminal corruption through complicity and deal making. Many of his appointments have been questionable at best. People can claim 4D and 5D chess, but the simple barometer to swamp draining and connecting the dots of pizzagate and global corruption rests in Racine, Wisconsin.

While that Jane Doe may be lying, look up Jane Doe in Racine and see if her story is more believable. If you truly investigate Racine you will see how it is all connected. They didn't hold the Knights of Pythias parade or get involved in global sustainability for no reason. Let's not divide, let's unite and drain this swamp whether Trump will or not. Let's make him drain the swamp, even if that means holding his friends and business associates fully accountable.

Jem777 ago

Not discounting any of your truth. Trust me a little here been talking with you not yelling at you. Seems you have crucial info. about Rancine. Might not seem like anyone is listening we are. Obviously very hurtful for you and any (v) or witnesses to hold right now. Post your info with breadcrumbs. Give information in your title that indicates you know one city is not completely responsible and you grasp that. Then provide information for people to research your findings. It is not black & white nothing ever is :)

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You can dismiss those claims if you wish, but there is no denying that Trump and Epstein had a relationship for many, many years, and that they run in the same circles. You can also dismiss the claims about Trump University and other scandals. Look at Trump's own statements about Epstein. Look at Trump's list of numbers in Epstein's black book. Trump is not clean, and can only be trusted as far as those he runs with. Trump is surrounding himself with swamp creatures. There are many questions about his integrity and willingness to really drain the swamp instead of making deals to give the illusion he is draining the swamp.

The only way Trump will really drain the swamp is if the people force him to through Common Global Knowledge of the real pizzagate and criminal corruption. If he cannot drain the swamp of Racine, Wisconsin he has no intention of draining any swamp.

Jem777 ago

Not dismissing anything. Bring it all out.

Jem777 ago are asking me to provide links when you just openly stated horrific stories, and unproven slander. Provide your links to the links to your proven evidence. If not shilling then uninformed.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is all true and factual. You were debating about whether Trump actually called the police on Epstein or just slapped his wrist and banned him from the resort - where is your source? To link all the evidence about Racine, Wisconsin would be hundreds of pages. None of it can be disputed. Witnesses aren't receiving death threats for nothing. Look up the RICO case involving Racine for starters, or the high profile pedo cases. Or the Jane Doe case, or the Derby Wagner case, or the Tina Davidson case, or the Dennis Barry case, or the many, many others.

What is happening in Racine, Wisconsin is horrifying. Dismiss it if you wish. Complicity is pandemic.

Freemasonsrus ago

Just to point out that Trump is immediately going after the "black budget" that funds the rogue contractors and see eye yay. Human trafficking/drug trafficking and next up will be organ trafficking. He keeps pointing out Chicago.... How many of those murder victims are missing organs when they leave hospital for morgue?

party1981 ago

He knows that something is wrong in Chicago. I have no idea if he knows that it is CIA.

He hired Feinberg and a bunch of Goldman Sachs guys. He fired Flynn. The jury is still out on Trump. He's in a unique position to do what JFK tried to do.

notoriousfox ago

VERY good post, thank you for putting it together. The CIA definitely seems to be involved in almost every shady thing that goes on. #5 though - I don't think he was necessarily listening to 440 hz music. You can see in the other tabs "before it's..". One can assume he was looking at Before It's News and they do have an article about 440 hz music - I think he was just reading about it.

party1981 ago

Thank you. I will delete that one data point.

notoriousfox ago

Heck, no problem at all. Thank YOU for the well-sourced & comprehensive post.

Commoner ago

According to this site the CIA had its own plane running drugs "One of the first “discoveries” made about the CIA’s involvement with international drug trafficking by US military intelligence operative Robin Townley, this report continues, was this spy agencies frequent use of an aircraft identified as a 2006 Israel Aircraft Industries Gulfstream 200 (tail number N200VR) owned by a company named 200G PSA Holdings LLC in Miami, Florida—and that, in turn, is owned by Samark José López Bello, and that General Flynn, yesterday, ordered immediately captured, and as stated in the US sanction order: “Five U.S. companies owned or controlled by Lopez Bello and/or MFAA Holdings Limited have also been blocked as part of today's action.  These entities are the following limited liability companies registered in Florida:  1425 Brickell Ave 63-F LLC; 1425 Brickell Avenue Unit 46B, LLC; 1425 Brickell Avenue 64E, LLC; Agusta Grand I LLC; and 200G PSA Holdings LLC.  Additionally, a U.S.-registered aircraft with the tail number N200VR has been identified as blocked property owned or controlled by 200G PSA Holdings LLC.”

2impendingdoom ago

Gen. Flynn ordered this captured yesterday?? How is that possible Flynn resigned last week...

party1981 ago

Of course it did. Search Wikipedia/Youtube for Air America, Gary Webb, Iran-Contra, Kill The Messenger. The CIA has self-funded through illegal drug sales since at least the 1950s.

Commoner ago

No wonder why Trump made fighting drugs such a big part of his campaign.

party1981 ago

I think he is just a 1950s Eisenhower, white picket fence guy who likes decency and family life. There is no room for cocaine and heroin in that.

Earlier in his life, he was more libertine (so was I). He chased skirts, he watched people have sex at Studio 54, he got into the mafia-ridden casino business.

Actually, probably the easiest and fastest way for Trump to shut down the CIA would be to legalize drugs and crack down on human trafficking and organ harvesting. Then it would have no money left.

2impendingdoom ago

right, why drugs are illegal in the first place, not that I support drug addiction, but often the legal expenses ruin the lives of the families and does nothing for the addict.

party1981 ago

Right. I'm not a fan of drugs. Just look at the heroin/crack shanty towns in Baltimore. But I think legalization might help.

Commoner ago

I think Trump likes a good fight, though, since he admires General Patton.
And it is a really good post. Thank you for all the work.

party1981 ago

I'll fight with him!

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Looks like you forgot the Finder's Cult. Very very important.

Read this steemit article. Read the newsprint. Let me summarize. Finders cult was when some nicely dressed well educated men were caught with 6 dirty children that had been sexually abused. They were also busted with manuals on how to kidnap children and pictures of naked children. The Finders cult ran a software firm that trained the CIA in computer programming. The founder of the finders cult claimed that his wife worked for the CIA and that his son worked for a proprietary firm of the CIA.

Edit: The FBI stopped the investigation of the Finders cult because it became an internal affair at the CIA. CIA isn't even a domestic agency.

party1981 ago

I actually included it. You can just search for "Finders" or "cult" on the page and it will pop right up. Thanks for double checking.

party1981 ago

Thank you mod.

Psalm144-1 ago

Very comprehensive and very well sourced. Excellent post!

party1981 ago

Thank you. I appreciate it.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

CIA=Bush SR. Evil! Soros=Satan

party1981 ago


shakethetree ago

You might gain some more perspective from this piece: Exposed: CIA - The Swamp Monsters/Three Factions of the CIA that Control the World

party1981 ago

Thank you. I will check it out.

NeedPolyGF ago

I formerly thought the Nazis were bad guys, but I no longer think that Germany was responsible for WW2. And I don't think Germany wanted war or was prepared for war. I think it was dumb of them to force peaceful Jews to leave Germany, but I understand now why many Europeans probably were very afraid of Jews. It was because the Bolsheviks in Russia were mostly Jews who took control and murdered millions of Russians. And they gave every indication of intending to do the same in the rest of Europe. There doesn't seem to be any good evidence that Germany was trying to exterminate Jews or committed a holocaust. It wasn't till last year that I discovered these things. I posted info here:

I don't know if the stories of evil experiments by Nazi doctors and scientists in Germany were true and I don't know if there were evil groups in Germany who were brought to the CIA after the war. I read that there were snipers among the Allies who killed German soldiers and officers even when they surrendered. And the allies were responsible for destroying Germany's infrastructure and thus cutting off food supplies and that's why the labor camp people were starving, just as most Germans were also starving. The allied bombing intentionally targeted civilians too. So I now think the allies were largely the guilty party in WW2. And the Jewish-controlled media deceived the allied troops into fighting the wrong enemy.

party1981 ago

I'm sympathetic to all of these ideas, but I don't know what the final truth is. If the CIA is evil, and the CIA is filled with Nazis, but Nazis aren't that bad... then I'm confused again.

It does seem that the Rothschilds and Mossad are involved in a lot of stuff.

NeedPolyGF ago

That's what I'm saying too, i.e. that I'm somewhat confused. It's possible that there were some evil Nazis and they're the ones who joined the CIA, the VA etc. But I need to see evidence first, before I'll feel more confident about what's the truth.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Seems a lot of Occult stuff with certain Nazi. Himmler and Heydrich come to mind. Seems they ran lots of the dirty stuff and some historians say Himmler was doing lots of stuff behind Hitlers back. Hitler joked about the new religion that Himmler was making around him. He seemed to mock it but maybe he should of taken more control and brought that stuff to heel. Lots of evidence Himmler was the Deep State link to the Globalist Council of 300. Even some evidence that Hitler did not agree with the Night of Broken Glass.....that that was done without his approval. And some evidence that the beginnings of the culling of the Jews in Russia was a Himmler inspired gambit. There are decoded radio transmissions about a group of Jews sent to Russia and Hitler being told they were liquidated upon arrival....Hitler seems pissed off and says no more of that crap. Himmler seems to kind of panic about it......and scrambles to cover his tracks...

It is all very foggy what really happened in WW2. But I think we have all been fed a line of bullshit. Nothing is what it seems. We are not the good guys........there is something very wrong in the world.

NeedPolyGF ago

"Revisionist" historians seem to be coming up with the most truth.

party1981 ago

I agree.

party1981 ago

Thank you!!!

Mad_As_Hell ago

Excellent post, thank you. Just wanted to add this interview with German journalist Udo Ulfkotte (who has since died) discussing his own personal experience of how the CIA plant stories in the European media

party1981 ago

Thanks. That is part of the Mockingbird media. The stuff revealed in the Church Committee was just 1%. The CIA has infiltrated all major media. But we still have the internet and alternative media.

party1981 ago

Yeah, that is my understanding too. If I can get a better link for the OKC bombing source, I will add it to the text.

21yearsofdigging ago

Now this is a post!! Good collection

party1981 ago

Thanks. I appreciate it.

bopper ago

For the truth on 911 see Dr. Judy Wood (on what really brought the towers down).

NeedPolyGF ago

As I recall, I was not impressed by Judy Wood. I don't remember why. Maybe she had a very weird angle on it.

bopper ago

She's not charismatic, and she's always being slandered, but she makes absolute sense, and there are thousands who have accepted what she says as the truth. I have. I would give her another shot. That's the thing (as you may know), the truth usually doesn't come packaged neatly for us, you have to dig and work a little. Chew the meat and spit out the bones. Edit: the 911 truth movement is controlled opposition, they've been "taken over," and are quite happy for us to settle on "nano-thermite."

keeper1 ago

I agree with you on Judy Wood. I think some people are okay with thinking "outside of the box" but just not that far outside of the box. She's asking questions that leave open some pretty mind-blowing possibilities. And while she's not charismatic, as you say, she's very detailed and speaks precisely. That was my take on some of her presentations anyway. I think that someday she'll be pointed to as someone who got it right about 9-11.

bopper ago

Agreed. I really had an "aha" moment with her. Thanks. (Yeah, mind-blowing possibilities, and all too fantastical for some, but it just makes so much sense.)

GeorgeT ago

It was a combination of everything, nano thermite, energy weapons (for 3 weeks they could not extingush molten metal) , Holograms.... CGI Psyop. All part of Masonic Ritual - the twin towers represented Jachin & Boaz - the twin pillars of the Solomon's Temple (Masonic Allegory for high initiates - street masons are given literal temple misleading them on purpose, all a luciferian doctrine as penned down by Albert Pike in Moral's & Dogma)

equineluvr ago

At least portions of "Dr." Wood's theory has been debunked.

Just because "thousands" believe something does not make it true.

bopper ago

She's got a lot of haters, and a lot of bitter haters.

party1981 ago

Military grade nano-thermite. I will check her work out.

party1981 ago

Thanks, I appreciate it.

Bolux ago

Excellent job.

DantePerez2017 ago

I just thought of something: How EASY would it be for these agencies with INFINITE resources to duplicate ANYBODY in video or audio? We have seen proof of this technology so you can only imagine how advanced THEIRS is.

I bring this up because of some EXTREMELY sketchy looking demo videos (with real people but almost too perfect if you know what I mean) in some Indiegogo and Kickstarter campaigns.

I'm thinking SOME* in the intelligence community use this as a means of fundraising for one thing or another.

party1981 ago

You should check out the videos of Assange after Oct. 17. Many people suspect they are fake. I don't know what to think.

DantePerez2017 ago

I did. I've seen some people explain on YouTube. Suspicious.

In regards to the Indiegogo and Kickstarter campaigns:

Mad_As_Hell ago

I worry this will be used to explain away any incriminating footage that may leak from Weiner laptop, 'those damn Ruskies and their technological know how'

party1981 ago

Thanks for sharing.

bopper ago

Don't forget to watch Evidence of Revision (it's long but incredible) and watch James Files interview on youtube (talks about the CIA in the Kennedy years, a must-watch), and the book Mary's Mosaic. David Lifton Evidence of Revision, Douglas Horne Inside the ARRB, one could go on and on ... I am facebook friends w/ some of the surviving witnesses and key players of that time... good luck!

party1981 ago

I will check it out. Thank you.

NeedPolyGF ago

National Security advisor (to Carter) Brzezinski also wrote a book, Clash of Civilizations, advocating a clash between Christian and Muslim nations.

Violetti112 ago

Also The Grand Chessboard : American primacy and its geostrategic imperatives.

party1981 ago

Yeah. He masterminded Operation Cyclone, and his daughter trashes Trump on MSNBC.

sunshine702 ago

And is Scarbourgh's mistress btw.

GeorgeT ago

Few years ago Russel Brand trashes Mika and the crew, went viral.

party1981 ago

Ha I didn't know that. She is no longer a 10 (if she ever was).

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

And she is a MKULTRA sex honey pot who seduced Joe...the clown that he is...

You should look at her face when they talk about she is having flashbacks much like the very very odd interview with Britney Spears and can tell she is MKULTRA victim... keep your eyes on her reactions....she is close to a breakdown.

slickleg64 ago

Off topic, but looking at a lead here 3:54 . Guest one of 400 at chelsea Clintons wedding, kept CP and recruited girls for epstein? Damn imagine if we found madame pizzagate, would be the smoking gun.

redditsuckz ago

Lady Gaga + Al Roker MKULTRA Victims?

Lady Gaga's reaction to the word LORD ... MIND CONTROL?

Al Roker on NBC today freezes up on the word "Holy Ghost"

party1981 ago

Interesting. Of course, an attractive woman who grew up under the CIA - you would expect her to be a victim. People don't realize that the CIA is evil.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

an attractive women



party1981 ago

Fixed now.

NeedPolyGF ago

Terry Reed was a pilot for the CIA first in Vietnam and later in Central America to Mena Airport. His book is called Compromised. He discovered that arms were being exchanged for drugs or something like that. His pilot friend Bobby Sands or Seals (okay, Barry Seal) had evidence that the Bush bros. were cocaine users and the govt exposed Bobby at a trial so cartel people would murder him afterward. Reed's book opens with a statement by President Truman that he never meant for the CIA to have so much clandestine powers when he signed the bill creating the CIA in 1947 or so. They used legal trickery to give themselves those powers via interpretation.

equineluvr ago

Barry and the Boys by Hunsicker is THE expose on Seal.

Barry Seal was from my hometown and was assassinated there in broad daylight -- before he could testify -- after a fed judge left him a sitting duck. \Bush Sr's personal phone number was on his person.

party1981 ago

Yes, I've watched the entire video on the Mena Connection on youtube. Tom Cruise is making a movie about Barry Seale (American Made) comes out this year. See also Air America and Kill the Messenger.

Funny thing is - I can't find Terry Reed online. Did he get suicided like Michael Ruppert and Gary Webb?

party1981 ago

I don't know either. :(

GeorgeT ago

Staging a coup using loyal US Military, or public awareness - the latter is a fantacy.

party1981 ago

I don't really care how Trump drains the swamp, as long as he does.

It would create an immediate, giant boost in our economy and our quality of life.

sunshine702 ago

I fear they will kill Trump. Ben Garrisons cartoon was spot on.

User890020 ago

If they do, they're ALL toast, as good as dead.

party1981 ago

Which cartoon specifically?

sunshine702 ago

Third one down "The Shadow Government"

party1981 ago

Yes exactly.

party1981 ago

You know I fear that, very much, too. The problem for the CIA is that any assassination would be investigated by people like you and me.

It would be hard to pull off 9/11 or JFK today. Too much VOAT, too much Youtube, too much Reddit, too much investigation. They can't control the narrative.

slickleg64 ago

that and Mike Pence is the best life insurance Trump can have.

party1981 ago

The jury is out on Pence. He seems to be part of firing Flynn - the only big Trump supporter to tweet about #pizzagate. And he's knee deep in the oil business.

palmitespo910 ago

I think that's why these "disasters" are in places that we aren't really checking up on as a group of citizens. It's very easy to be sad about Paris being bombed but did anyone bother to really look into it? I know I didn't. I know that I haven't looked at all at the death of Kim Jong Un's step brother or whoever it was. There are still acts, I believe, that are being carried out by the same's just not happening on American soil.

Here, we don't look too much into it for a different reason. The attacks on American soil are highly organized protests and memes. How do we vet the protesters? How do we vet the organizers if we don't know them...they aren't household names.

These have been my thoughts on the subject.

Forgetmenot ago

I have been wondering why these "protestors" wear masks. And why they fight any camera filming them, even a simple protest. Now it's a bit clearer.

palmitespo910 ago

I made that comment at the last big "BLM THUGS ATTACK LOCAL COMMERCE IN CITY LOOTING BLACK LIVES MATTER IS EVIL" thing. I said "Um, anyone else find it suspicious that these guys are in ski masks? Like, none of those people in the crowds noticed some guys in a ski mask and thought to stop them?"

I also thought that about the whole "Knockout Game" when black youth were just punching people out for fun.

party1981 ago

George Webb thinks that a peaceful nuclear explosion, underground, caused the Haiti earthquake that led to so many kidnappings, organ harvesting, oil, etc.

I don't think he's crazy.

Steven Pinker argues that the world is getting less violent. If that is true, then we should expect the military industrial complex to engage in more false flag terror, not less.

sunshine702 ago

The President of Venezuela thinks so too. And there are pictueres of Soros and Hillary "touring" Haiti many years before.

party1981 ago

Holy shit. What a great link! Thank you for sharing.

Jem777 ago

Called HARP research that

palmitespo910 ago

Well, right. Because these machines, who/whatever, and governments are working toward goals that aren't necessarily shared by their people. If DJT's has taught me anything, it's that people know that the government is doing fuck all and claiming to represent us and they're not. The people know it. Three thousand something counties worth knew that, and DJT told them "we are going to work for you just see..."

party1981 ago

Donald Trump is going to get his face on Mount Rushmore (with four other Republicans) if he can just survive the fucking CIA and deep state for 8 years.

Freemasonsrus ago

I have faith. Evil only proliferates when good men do nothing. There are good people in all of these agencies and a public that is waking from its collective slumber.

party1981 ago

I have faith too.

equineluvr ago

I echo the others: "Great post!" Thank you; I know compiling all that took a nice chunk of your time.

Unfortunately, the CIA answers directly to the Illuminati. Ergo, this problem will never be "fixed."

GeorgeT ago

But the illuminati are a bunch of delusional inbred psychopaths who function primarily on the backs of their minions, intelligence mercenary groups. Social engineers, think tanks such as Brzesinski etc... take out the minions and on their own Illuminati members would starve to death - they are parasites who cannot function on their own. Once a critical mass of people 10 to 15% awakens from their slumber it is all over for the controllers. You take out the minions that feed the beast, and the beast will starve to death. Too easy, we are many they are few. See the cartoon Bug's Life - powerful scene.

party1981 ago

Perhaps. But the Illuminati doesn't seem to (fully) control Trump. Nothing does. At least, the jury is still out.

Hiring Feinberg, and firing Flynn, were bad signs.

equineluvr ago

If it comes down to Trump vs. CIA, this will not end well. :(

crystalclear ago

I think of it as Trump and all of "us" vs CIA. We will prevail

party1981 ago

If he goes down, he's going down swinging.

Can you imagine if they try to take him out and they fail? He'd unleash hell on earth against whoever he thought was guilty.

strix-varia ago

I do believe you are right. They haven't got Trump. He's gotta feel pretty much alone, not knowing who to trust.

party1981 ago

Ann Coulter says that he's like Gary Cooper in High Noon. Me against the world.

But that's not quite right. He has half the American public, the bikers, the militias, the military, the national guard, the police, the White House, Kellyanne, Bannon, and Miller.

strix-varia ago

Haven't seen High Noon, but yes you're right, he does have all that support, plus you and some researchers here and people from other countries too :)

party1981 ago

And, if you think FBIanon was real (and I think he probably was), then most of the domestic part of the FBI seems to have his back.

strix-varia ago

I do think that as well.

NeedPolyGF ago


I was hopeful back in the 70s during the Watergate investigation that Senator Church's committee's hearings on the CIA and FBI would start the process of cleaning up corruption, but the CIA-controlled media covered it up. Now I'm hopeful that today is a different story.

party1981 ago

The Mockingbird media is having a much harder time controlling the media today, with the Internet, than it did after JFK.

slickleg64 ago

This is why we need something solid, something really damaging, like proof of Mossad involvement in 9/11. I hope vault 7 is exactly that.

party1981 ago

Vault 7.

WorldCorp (if it is NYPD/FBI).

The FBI.

We're waiting. Lynn Rothschild just turned on Podesta. He's writing op eds against the FBI. Feels like the dam is about to burst.

RedGreenAlliance ago

You are right there is a feeling of build up. Hope it's not in our heads. Ps - two more redpilling CIA operations are BROWNSTONE and GLADIO. The latter more NATO but totally wakes people up if they investigate. I find Mockingbird and Gladio are the most useful to wake people up because they are so blatant and easily proven

party1981 ago

Yes, I'm familiar with those. Brownstone is not a former CIA operation (like Operation Cyclone) - it's a colloquial term to describe a sex blackmail operation, like Operation Midnight Climax.

I should probably add Gladio to the original post. George Webb has good stuff about Gladio.

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

Communism in America. Notice how the polticial situation has been deterioting since the founding of the CIA both domestically and abroad? One world one communist goverment is the answer.

party1981 ago

Yeah, I date the decline to the 1965 Immigration Act and the closing of the gold window, but the creation of the CIA is a third pillar that I should add - right when JFK got shot.

The nice thing is that the U.S. is much older, going back to 1776. So if had to live with 70 years of CIA corruption, perhaps we can shake it off.

equineluvr ago

You need to revise those dots.

CIA was created in '46 by Allen Dulles et al. Dulles was a known pedo, BTW! His "best friend" was Prescott Bush.

U.S. declared independence from Britain in 1776, but U.S. Constitution wasn't ratified until 1789. (We were MUCH better off under the Articles of Confederation before then).

party1981 ago

I have heard repeatedly that Dulles was a pedo, but I do not have a source. Can you provide a good one?

Any other specific revisions you request?

party1981 ago

I have huge respect for Christopher Bollyn and AE911. I will check out the video.

Xax ago

Clearly they're a bunch of thugs who have such disregard for the dignity of human life that any service to the Country is tainted with evil to the point they offer the contrary to service. They do us worse than nothing.

party1981 ago

Yes, it's like a government sanctioned mafia with a trillion dollar budget.

2impendingdoom ago

it IS a govt sanctioned mafia with trillion dollar budget.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

They are all partners dividing up the pie and the pizza.

strix-varia ago

It's also tied with the terrifying plan of the satanists who have been cultivating this for centuries. This goes back farther than the cia. They will not give up. I'm hoping they can be stopped, but by whom? They have the money and power.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Money and power mean nothing compared to the truth. As long as there is an outlet for truth, there is a chance that the world can be saved. It sounds strange but the key to unlocking the gates is Racine, Wisconsin - it ties to every single aspect of pizzagate and global corruption. Rather than trying to catch Bigfoot, the better answer is to prove that he is not real. There is a lot of money and power in Racine, Wisconsin. But the truth is worth so much more. Trump needs to start with draining the swamp in Paul Ryan's backyard if he really intends to drain the swamp. Everything is connected from there right up to the Clintons and Soros to the Rothschilds and Rockefellers to the Vatican. Is Timothy Dolan the future American Pope? Guess what area he is from.

bopper ago

Very nice. Mark Lane said they're the fourth branch of govt.

party1981 ago

Exactly right. I'm going to watch a youtube video on his last book tonight.

coolrosetti ago

The CIA is a self-financing entity that works independent of whatever potus there is, until now ... I hope ... Between the Fed and the CIA, voters have no power at all.

party1981 ago

Trump vs. CIA. Grab your popcorn.

Will Trump succeed where JFK failed?

gangpressorliber ago

Put briefly to not reveal myself... ah shit I can't even say anything, but I know a guy. This post is the truth. and I can believe it more because "I know a guy" and what I know of this guy, well pretty much aligns to a tee with everything I've heard about guys like him from post like this.

party1981 ago

Thank you. Please feel free to private message me and tell me as much as you can without giving too much away.

GeorgeT ago

As someone who has done the research (up to 14 hours a day for months on end, since 1996) on this subject I can tell you it is all correct. Anybody who deviates from the CGI Psyop with regards to 9-11 is either a shill or a ignorant.

Jem777 ago

Agree. Except we have to look at the original cover-ups as well

party1981 ago

I agree completely.

alliecapone ago

Im even questioning the history we were taught. I talk to southern family and they have their version of the civil war that they swear by, of course ours was much different. Larry Flynt wrote a book on sex in the wh, pretty good read, it goes back far. Some were cuckolds!

Hell I question everything, and am paranoid parrot wondering what's next? Mostly because I sense another 9/11 in my gut :/ if Trump is killed somehow I'm prepared to fight, that's going to break my personal dam, it is already cracked. I'm sure many of us feel cracked now. 9/11 was too coordinated it takes skill to hit buildings. And I never saw a plane hit that pentagon. I know there were cameras all over the place near the pentagon, that'd be a nice Wikileaks if it were to involve 9-11. I don't believe the cgi tricks, I have friends that called me that were traumatized. I think real folks died, the ciamossad machine cares not that they die, it's psy warfare (damn my auto correct even left my ciamossad unchecked, it even knows!) Cee Eye Ay needs to be put down like the lame horse it is.

GeorgeT ago

One former pilot issued a $100 000 challenge to any beginner Cesna pilot to give it a try at navigating boeing 767 from boston to NY and hitting the targets in a flight simulator, without the AID OF GROUND CONTROL - it proved an impossibility except for a select TOP GUN PILOTS!!!!!! And of course assuming the shutdown of entire NORAD!!!!

samhara ago

The main proponant of the CGI plane trick came down to be "Simon Shack" who is a shill claiming no one died and the Builings were empty... Not True..

But Shack is correct on the "cartoon planes"

Typical Psy-op - mixes honey with the poison. You can easily out him as a shill when you witness how arrogantly he deals with questions, how he tags others as "agents" with vitriol and vile smears. And how he bans people on his own level of research but cultivates the newbies. He manages his board by cultivating ass - kissers.. If anyone breaths any contradiction to what he says they are banned instantly.

diamond-_sutra ago

Yes 100%. The CIA itself was created at the impetus of the CFR and Brown Brothers Harriman, aka the Harriman and Rockefeller dynasties. There is reason to think that the Harriman and Rockefeller dynasties became dynasties because they were offered essentially infinite credit from the private owners of the Bank of England, aka the Rothschilds. In other words, all roads lead back to the Rothschilds if you follow the money. Funny how they keep popping up in this investigation. The CIA was meant to be a private army of the oligarchs within the government

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Everything connects to Racine, Wisconsin - from the Pilgrims Society, Knights of Pythias, Bilderberg, and Council on Foreign Relations to the Rockefellers, the Zika Virus, Sustainability and UN Agenda 21. Racine, Wisconsin is the key to solving this entire puzzle - it is the home district of Paul Ryan.

Silverlining ago

Random muse. "Jack" in Titanic [film] came from Chipewa Falls Wisconsin. Any significance? In-joke or 1% signalling. For a small town they have a fair list of successes.,_Wisconsin#Notable_people HQ Cray Computers

TomDrew87 ago

Paul Ryan seems to have a look of permanent guilt on his face. I'd say they'd have dirt on him.

turitelle ago

Paul Ryan looks like the smarmy little sleazebag that he is.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

He does exactly what they tell him to and looks so innocent, but is one of the most guilty. He is well aware of the brazen corruption and evil both surrounding him and in his own district and he benefits from it. He protects them, and they protect him. It is abominable.

party1981 ago

Yes, that is where my investigation is leading too. It was VERY interesting to see Lynn Rothschild call Podesta a loser on Twitter.

The funny thing is, before I got into conspiracies and geopolitics, I admired all of the riches and wealth and opulence of the Rothschilds. I kind of naively believed that they were just really good at banking. Not that they are part of some weird, inbred, Satanic, mass terror and racketeering operation.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Looks like you forgot the Finder's Cult. Very very important.

Read this steemit article. Read the newsprint. Let me summarize. Finders cult was when some nicely dressed well educated men were caught with 6 dirty children that had been sexually abused. They were also busted with manuals on how to kidnap children and pictures of naked children. The Finders cult ran a software firm that trained the CIA in computer programming. The founder of the finders cult claimed that his wife worked for the CIA and that his son worked for a proprietary firm of the CIA.

Edit: The FBI stopped the investigation of the Finders cult because it became an internal affair at the CIA. CIA isn't even a domestic agency.

RockStrong ago

There is a you tube link in the article above under the section about the Finders Cult that tells about the CIA shutting this down.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ya my bad. I glossed over it. Details are nice.

RockStrong ago

That's ok. You are cool anyway. I always enjoy your comments :)

party1981 ago

Thank you! This is exactly the kind of information I am looking for! Yes.

OrwellKnew ago

The CIA is beyond evil...

They are the dark heart of all that is bad

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

And if you just think who is behind the CIA who started it.....who contols it......and you will finally see the truth. Council of 300. MI6, Mossad, English and European Royals and the Rothschild Jews who infiltrate all of those groups using Money, Sex Magik bullshit. With the advent of the Photograph they really could ramp up their blackmail.

GeorgeT ago

All into satanism child murder.

Jem777 ago

Finally said it outloud. The final straw is exposing the Vatican & its funding of the Holocaust against the Jewish people that were not Royal

2impendingdoom ago

Washington Post (going back to the Grahams) and CNN are CIA, (look into Ted Turner?) but definitely Anderson Cooper ( probably why his brother defenistrated to his death)

party1981 ago

Yes. I think this is included within Operation Mockingbird. I will add some detail.

2impendingdoom ago

Based on all the PG posts, I bet that this goes in the CIA pile: Georgetown Law (this is my speculation, no real evidence)

equineluvr ago

Georgetown Law, Georgetown U, and everything else in D.C.

party1981 ago

Can you elaborate?

2impendingdoom ago

Judge against Trump's immigration order in Seattle, Podesta teaches there, Katherine McCarthy assistant to dean, daughter of former dean, age 45, died several months after talking on phone to potus about 111d (I think that is clean air act, why is she talking to potus about this? very strange), weird beanie baby email by Peter Mattingly sent to whole admin, thats just a few. It really needs a closer look, especially into a possible connection to all the judges that are giving free rides to rapists and CP.

party1981 ago

Oh I agree that Georgetown is a hot bed. Bill Clinton and Podesta went there, I believe. I just don't have hard, direct proof of CIA involvement. University of Denver has more evidence of a CIA connection.

2impendingdoom ago

who was Clinton's nwo professor? who wrote truth and something? or something like that? and I agree about U of Denver

party1981 ago

I don't know. Saul Alinsky taught HRC. But I would be interested to learn more.

2impendingdoom ago

Carroll Quigley, book is Tragedy and Hope (I haven't read it)

bopper ago


party1981 ago

Good research. But I don't see the direct connection to CIA or pizzagate?

2impendingdoom ago

WJC cites Quigley as his biggest influence, and is probably who got him the Rhodes scholarship, we all know Rhodes was a famous homo, whose philosophy is the origins of NWO ideology, so even if Quigs wasn't a paid cia asset, he was certainly living among them. There are others here who I hope will have more info.

party1981 ago

Thanks. This is new information to me.

racoonbite ago

wow, nice work

party1981 ago

Thank you. It didn't take long to write. But it took me months of reading and learning to put the pieces together.

2impendingdoom ago

Its a great post. @rebelskum for wiki, section on CIA

RebelSkum ago

Thanks for the head's up!

2impendingdoom ago


party1981 ago

Thank you.

Jem777 ago

Now just have to explain the C.I.A. Stands for Catholics in Action. Intelligence supportin Nazi's was C.I.A directed by Vatican directly. (W) child of SS inner circle with Priiests who used the power of Vatican covertly. Involved in horrific crimes. USA sent young soldiers to fight In D-Day. Secret societies had infiltrated from Vatican then quietly changed identities. Rich political operatives who JFK called out. Let's start releasing real evidence.

2impendingdoom ago

I don't think they are specifically catholics, I think that they just don't mind associating with anyone who they can do business with (mafia). I think they infiltrate every group that they can.

2impendingdoom ago

covert international assassins

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yes they are evil to the core....they use the normals working there as cover....everything is so compartmentalized that the average employee has little idea they are working for the Dark Lords. But they need to be on notice....they need to watch everything that goes on around them. If they see something they think is wrong they need to remember the oath they swore....they sore to defend the Constiution from enemies foreign and domestic. The oath gives them the cover to leak to any agency they feel will actually report the truth....

party1981 ago

Trump need to pass some kind of whistleblower statute that protects and rewards those who expose mass corruption.

Rmm ago

This is a much needed post. Thank you

party1981 ago

Thank you! We need to summarize the case against the CIA. The CIA IS EVIL.

Chatman ago

Well sourced and comprehensive! I would consider archiving everything since they will likely take all this down when they see it. Hopefully the CIA gets discredited in the news soon before they fight the pizzagate movement fully

RedGreenAlliance ago

Agree with your post. Really comprehensive.

I hope @party1981 adds the following to the OP

OPERATION BROWNSTONE To show CIA prostitution and paedophilia sex stings / honeypots are real and used for political coercion / blackmail.

OPERATION GLADIO Massive subject in its own right but totally useful in redpilling people about false flags and covert ops to influence politics in US allied nations like Italy. CIA NATO MI5/6 MOSSAD

had_enough ago

And let's not leave out Operation Northwoods, a plot to paint a military aircraft as civilian, blow it up and blame it on cube ala 9/11. Here's the story & the original declassified document. And people think 9/11 is "farfetched" lol. Fantastic post party 1981! Great to see it all here in one spot. The CIA budget is something like 45 billion/trillion whereas the NSA for example is like 9 billion/trillion. Sorry I don't recall the billion/trillion part, just the fact the CIA gets about as much money as everyone else combined including the defense dept. The CIA is the head of the deep state for sure, I know there's lots of good patriots there but it has to be dismantled and those folks moved into something more transparent to congressional oversight.

party1981 ago

I wrote another comment about this: Brownstone was not an official operation name (I think). I will consider adding Gladio.

Chatman ago

Need sources for your claims and ensure they are archived too. Sorry to rain on your parade

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is a quality post, and the CIA is just the beginning. The CIA is the Joe Pesci to the mob bosses within the hierarchy of secret societies and evil elite. The entire government is compromised, and very few have actually tried to bring out the truth such as FBIanon. The rest are either involved or complicit to ruining America. Complicity is treasonous and pandemic.

The FBI, DOJ, NSA, DHS and other agencies all play their role in the network of criminal corruption and complicity along with the media, and a large sector of the national, state and local legislative, judicial and executive branches. The real key however is the network of integrated, infiltrated and controlled groups across the board - teamsters, chambers of commerce, service groups, secret societies, schools, media, NGOs, non-profits, churches and foundations. They mix legitimate with illegitimate, real news with fake news, political with criminal, and good with evil.

Every corner of the world and the global network has been compromised, and people need to understand how this directly affects them. This is not a distant and incurable problem. There is a key to unlocking the entire puzzle, and it starts in Racine, Wisconsin - the home district of Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus. They, along with the agencies and authorities at all levels and the media, have all known about these problems nationally, globally and locally in Racine for example for years. They did nothing. They turned their back and allowed the laws and lives and rights of others to be abused.

How did those two boy scout faces, Ryan and Preibus, become the leaders of the establishment along with McCain, Graham, etc. on one side, and Clinton, Kaine, Podesta, Schumer, Frank, Pelosi, Weiner, etc. on the other? There is a reason why. They are a good face to cover up the evil. Now Ashton Kutcher is coming out as another good face to cover up the evil. Bezos, Zuckerberg, Schmidt, Musk, Dorsey, to Jake Tapper. They are good faces covering for evil. The question is whether Trump is just another face covering for evil and making deals behind the scenes to find their Lee Harvey Oswalds and Bin Ladens to take the fall and their Warren Commission and 9/11 Commission to file their fake report for fake history classes. They will try to keep this all abstract and compartmentalized as they did with Pizzagate to narrow the scope to one single pizza shop and a staged gunman.

We need to make this less distant and abstract, and make it real and up close. Every single puzzle piece related to Global Criminal Corruption, Secret Societies and the real pizzagate connects in one way or another back to Racine, Wisconsin. From the Pilgrims Society, Bilderberg and Knights of Pythias to Sustainability and Agenda 21 to pay to play racketeering and fake news, the evidence of criminal corruption in Racine is overwhelming, including direct connections to an astonishing number of secret societies, closed clubs and groups, and global foundations. The investigations into Racine, Wisconsin will show everyone how this is all connected and how it directly affects, threatens and ruins real people's lives on a daily basis.

Who killed Seth Rich? Who killed Paul Wellstone? Who killed JFK? Who killed Andrew Breitbart? Who killed Michael Hastings? Who killed Monica Peterson? Who killed millions and built an entire network of corruption, tyranny and pure evil? Instead of trying to find a shape-shifting boogeyman with no accountability or real change, look at Racine, Wisconsin and begin connecting the dots. The dominoes will all fall from there right up the chain from the city to the state to the nation to the world. The world is so corrupt it must be reverse engineered to undo it.

20Justice4All17 ago

Dude, you are the most knowledgeable person on the corruption in Racine. I believe you, but I cannot find anything on the internet about it. Why don't you do an expose thread on it to help red pull us.

keeper1 ago

I think that people see "Racine, Wisconsin" and think "What on earth is that person talking about?" It might help to point out that Racine, WI is just north of Chicago on Lake Michigan. Everybody is familiar with Chicago's long history of dirty politics and its role in the criminal underworld all the way back to Al Capone. The district in Wisconsin you're talking about is the south-eastern-most counties in Wisconsin, which border Chicago's northern suburbs. They are the counties where Chicago's wealthy spent/spend their summers in wealthy enclaves like Lake Geneva.

I don't know much about Racine. But it wouldn't surprise me at all that the part of Wisconsin you're talking about that borders the northern Chicago suburbs and which Paul Ryan represents, would have lots of people with lots of connections to the 1% and to the deep state.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are correct - Racine and southeast Wisconsin is a playground for the elite. Paul Ryan is the playground supervisor. The mafia is well connected throughout the area and has partnerships with the corrupt secret societies, and they have infiltrated all legitimate organizations, groups and business associations. They control the media and have created a bubble much like DC where the laws do not apply those those who are above them or abusing them under the color of law.

Mommyplayer571 ago

There is a Spin Ping Pong in Milwaukee, a fairly small city for that.

OrwellKnew ago


Votescam ago

We are very close now, imo, to seeing full scale "Fourth Reich" being unfurled here. Sadly, many in lower sphere go along with violence until they come to see grasp the true reality.

zagreos ago

I'm all in favour of state-enforced violence against paedophile rings, traitors, and ruthless enemies. The USA was infiltrated by a politically organised criminal network that subverted all branches of the U.S. government following the assassination of JFK; when the conditions were ripe, this criminal network intended to apply genocidal violence against large sections of the American population.. (This scenario was narrowly avoided by the election of Donald J. Trump.)

My point is that you may be against violence but the enemy will not be any less violent towards you. The moment he has consolidated his power, he will not hesitate to unleash the maximum degree of violence against American citizens to affirm the political legitimacy of the newly constituted government, and eliminate any potential sources of opposition. He will apply violence to force compliance with policies destructive to the American people and calculated solely to maximise the profits of social interests groups (from the pharmaceutical industry to the child sex traficking lobby), to secure the interests of foreign lobby groups (mainly Saudi Arabia and Israel — too very close close that collaborate behind the scenes in everything from terrorism to the buying and selling of child sex slaves from Eastern Europe and the United States — a very lucrative industry in the Near East, where the blondest children yield the highest profits), to put an immediate stop to the spread of the kind of information regularly discussed on this subreddit, or just to satisfy the arbitrary whims an oligarchy of amoral sociopath that delights in your degradation and misfortune.

We are not dealing with a regular enemy. This is a vast criminal network that makes money off human death, harvesting of human organs, human traficking, child prostitution, weapons trading, illicit drugs, snuff films torture, illegal human experiments on behalf of the pharmaceutical and emerging biotech industries, large-scale financial fraud, stealing the material and resources of other countries on behalf of transnational corporations, spread of life-threatening diseases requiring medical treatment or vaccination, etc., etc.

Such an enemy scoffs at everything you value. He regards your 'nonviolence' as a weakness that he'd like to see more widely distributed throughout the domesticated herd population (as he sees it). He wants nonviolencce to be perceived as a great moral 'virtue" with quasi-spiritual undertones. He wants see this 'ideal' thoroughly bred into the population as a deeply ingrained universal human trait; he wants to be able to slice your throat and snatch children off the streets at will, without risking a violent retaliation. The more 'peaceful' and 'nonviolent' the populace is, the more he views you and your children as his personal property.

Votescam ago

zagreos --

Actually, in my brief comment (which wasn't clear) I was talking about people like J. Edgar Hoover/FBI who would go along with violence (assassination of JFK and MLK, Jr., etal) but when he allegedly began to get anxious about the depth of Gestapo-minded take-over then he may have begun to resist.
See: Similar to how we see the CIA compartmentalized (or Scientology or other secret organizations) so that only higher up's really know what the real agenda is. When agents move up and it becomes clearer then some leave and some try to Whistleblow.

However, I do think pushing revolution in US which would involve violence would be a mistake for the American public - the MIC of today is quite different from what our Founders faced. Any revolution here, imo, has to be based in non-violent resistance and non-cooperation with capitalism/Elitism.

I'm not in favor either of torture or violence against anyone the state holds prisoner, but have great concerns about the arrests of pedophiles and what ultimately happens, like what kind of jail sentences they would ultimately receive. Too often they are arrested and then quickly released or released after short sentences and then the pedophiles rings are put back together again. And, as we've seen in UK and Belgium and here in US, often the government blocks or shuts down investigations as they begin to threaten higher up's in government, professions, military, police enforcement. Belgium similar to Franklin Case in UK ... and Hampstead Case/UK

NYPD Jim Rothstein in an interview with Prof. Jim Fetzer made that clear in saying that in over a 50 year period there were 3 investigations of pedophiles rings and their violence, including SRA's -- but that each time they were stopped when the higher up's were being named. He also related that a "book" of names was in possession of Larry O'Brien, Director of the DNC at the time of Watergate break in. One of the investigations which was stopped had gone all the way to the NY State Senate which was holding hearings. Rothstein also comments that too often military involvement isn't mentioned in this trafficking

The infiltration of our government was put in play two years before the end of WWII -- see Operation Mockingbird -- and it was partnered with two other programs (Operation Paperclip and Operation Gladio) which were intended to cripple democracy anywhere, including here in the US. The JFK coup, of course, took not only our president but our government. AND (Wiki numbers are low, more likely 200,000 ex-Nazis were brought into US and scattered around the world to "hot" spots AND (US actually resurrected the Mafia in Italy in order to carry out this program.)

True, you could look at this as though it is war -- but it is usually women and children who suffer most in any war. But it is not Iran which has declared war anywhere, nor Libya, nor Syria -- nor Russia. It is the US which has been involved in starting 100's of wars. All of the terrors of war that you are describing can be attributed to the behavior of the US. I'd also suggest that the situation with torture at Guantanamo suggests to me that the CIA was merely practicing there. No dictatorship could run here or has run anywhere else without controlling their citizens by torturing them.

Trump is a Wild Card and we have no idea what he will actually do until he begins doing it -- !!

Certainly he is not going to dismantle oil industry nor Big Pharma as they are both part of the "National Security State." And certainly, at some level all over the world, higher up's in government are involved in human sex trafficking, including trafficking of children. Even Royals -- and even the RCC and religious institutions, orphanages, etal.

Saudi Arabia has quite some investments in US -- not sure of it all, but have recently read withdrawing their funds from US banks could be very damaging to US financial stability. This is not a subject I am sufficiently familiar with and need more reading/info on it.

Of course the force of US government and DOJ must be behind Police Dept. investigations of Human Trafficking, Child Trafficking & Organ trafficking and needs to be applied to any and all criminal activity as you mention here . . . .

We are not dealing with a regular enemy. This is a vast criminal network that makes money off human death, harvesting of human organs, human traficking, child prostitution, weapons trading, illicit drugs, snuff films torture, illegal human experiments on behalf of the pharmaceutical and emerging biotech industries, large-scale financial fraud, stealing the material and resources of other countries on behalf of transnational corporations, spread of life-threatening diseases requiring medical treatment or vaccination, etc., etc.>

I trust that you are aware of US government involvement in drug trafficking and human trafficking/child trafficking? This is how corrupt our government has become and also in spreading this evil around the world.

zagreos ago

Aside from falling for the known CIA-planted disinformation concerning the supposed 'Nazi conspiracy', a very good analysis. (The whole 'Nazi' angle that is being pushed by establishment-approved 'conspiracy theorists' is a false narrative based on selectively chosen half-truths. It's meant to point us towards a false path; when you go down that path, it seems to be the right path until you reach its end. I have gone down that path, believing that Nazis were the source of problems tied to the CIA and other groups. But when I finally reached the end of the path — and exhausted all of the information available on the subject — I realised that I had been deceived. You can pursue that line of research if you want to find things out on your own, but I can assure you it isn't the Nazis that are behind anything — they are just a convenient scapegoat for the true source of the problem. It's not the "Illuminati" either. You probably think I'm going to say it's the Jews, but that is not the case either. There is, however, a reason why the same people ruling over us have made anti-Semitism a big taboo through their control of the educational system and media — it's not because the Jews are pulling all the strings, but because élite Jewish bankers are the top servants of the one that is pilling the strings. These rich Jews use regular Jews as a kind of human shield to protect the financial interests of the Jewish élite — often at the expense of their 'lesser' Jewish brethren. Next in the hierarchy is a network of globalist Jews (and some non-Jews) who, in turn, use the Freemasons and other secret fraternities that they infiltrated, as their own 'human shield'. And then, of course, the Freemasons, who have infiltrated the Catholic Church and other religious organisations, use the Catholics, etc. as their 'human shield' — their mask in the event that their subversive activities become known to the general public. And so on down the hierarchy.)

Votescam ago

zagreos --

Operation Mockingbird was being written two years before the end of WWII and served as a control and propaganda arm for the CIA for more than 60 years. It wasn't until the late 1970's that Carl Bernstein wrote about Mockingbird in Rolling Stone. And Mockingbird is still in operation:** Former Newspaper Editor Who Exposed CIA Found Dead ** At the same time, higher ups in the German military were visiting our Pentagon and making deals. These men were used to found the CIA, funneled into the FBI and other government agencies and to "hot spots" all around the world.
The CIA/Gestapo has operated in secret for since the early 1940's via Allen Dulles' efforts, though it wasn't official until 1947. This guaranteed the Cold War. This influence and attempt at control and Mind Control can be seen on our government since the end of WWII. Actually, I'd guess WWII isn't over yet as we defeated Germany but not fascism.

The CIA and the Nazis are the same thing -- and don't see that you have any counter-arguments or comments on the OP on the thread here to "party 1981."

Allen Dulles and Prescott Bush funded Hitler's rise to power, collecting money from Elites/Royals all over the world through their front companies. They were finally busted by Congress -- but Prescott went on to serve in US Congress and Allen Dulles went on to serve dual duty in heading up the CIA while also assisting in moving Germany Military/Intelligence out via Vatican ratlines. Including the Gold. Allen Dulles converted American dollars to Gold and shipped it to Germany. It also came back out. The Catholic Church is referred to as "Catholics in action" by John Stockwell/CIA Whistleblower. And RCC was corrupt from day #1 and didn't need anyone to infiltrate them to make them corrupt. All of the secret organizations are corrupt, of course.
AND, if we can believe anything that James Jesus Angleton said, evidently he too like J. Edgar Hoover had regrets about those he served.

Just before his death, James Jesus Angleton, the legendary chief of counterintelligence at the Central Intelligence Agency, was a bitter man. He felt betrayed by the people he had worked for all his life. In the end, he had come to realize that they were never really interested in American ideals of "freedom" and "democracy." They really only wanted "absolute power."

It is important to know the background as best we can of everything that has happened in this country. We're still in the same gene pool. And certainly the CIA/Gestapo is evil and has led us down an evil path. Read MKULTRA if you doubt that or its relevance to pizzagate.

Dressage2 ago

Excellent post. I remember years ago they had a great zoo.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Even the Racine Zoo is corrupt with pay to play racketeering, bid rigging, and kickbacks involving the same officials and their friends with direct links to Freemasons and other secret societies. Racine has a deep and dark history of secret societies, underground tunnels, and sacred burial mounds. It is the dialysis capital of the world, is known for one of the highest infant mortality rates in the nation, is a sanctuary city, and has major problems involving crime, drugs, gangs, mafia, pedophilia (see major cases), satanic murders, mysterious deaths, retaliation and blackballing, and extreme levels of corruption, complicity and cover ups. It is a completely controlled community that is used as a model for corruption under the guise of sustainability (see Agenda 21 and Bill Clinton), controlling everything from cradle to grave including all aspects of life - education, insurance, healthcare, service groups, religion, community policing, surveillance, and lots of pizza. Pilgrims Society, Knights of Pythias, Scottish Rite Freemasons, Rotary and other groups are all closely tied to Racine. Connect Agenda 21, Zika Virus and Lake Michigan, and you will begin to understand the importance and why Paul Ryan is so powerful.

RodentLord ago

I'm not sure I understand the significance of dialysis here... Can you explain?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Dialysis is important for the organ harvesting aspect (kidneys). The elite travel from around the world to Racine for Dialysis care and transplants, and they have a network of donors lined up through drug and human trafficking programs.

RodentLord ago

Aaaah. That makes sense.

I've wondered for a long time how advanced black market science is. I'm sure the demand for it is huge. Billions of dollars worth of funding.

Pizzagate709 ago

Did you watch the new movie Split by M. Night? That Zoo is where he keeps 3 girls he kidnaps... The character is eerily like Podestas 'Skippy' Character too... is that a sign?

PizzaStreamerLive ago

Well sourced and comprehensive!

Indeed. Would love it all to be 110% verified in relation. That all links in the chain being correct in that exact way. It could be nice ammo.

party1981 ago

Yes, right now youtube seems like a bastion of free speech, better than facebook and Twitter. I don't expect that to last much longer (maybe one year).

chelseaclinton ago

All the more reason for people to archive essential Youtube videos (use VLC to get source URL for video and download with a download manager) and reupload them to bittorrent, and other services.

party1981 ago

I completely agree. I encourage everyone to archive this.

We are in the golden age of Youtube free speech right. It's not as bad there as facebook and Twitter. That won't last for long. Google has given in to Prism, and Eric Schmidt is a CIA stooge. Eric Braverman is now leading the Google Foundation.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Excellent report. Fight on youtube. Make your voice heard and use that like button and share share share.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Google and Facebook is to surveillance and censorship as Ashton Kutcher and John McCain are to child trafficking and pizzagate. They have a lot to lose and have insulated themselves as our agencies do with private partnerships, but will Trump really drain the swamp and hold them all accountable or claim they are too big to fail and make deals to bail them out and move around the chairs?

party1981 ago

I would be really surprised if he drains the entire swamp. FBIanon said: "The FBI is facing the entire federal government here" and "it's like a tiger trying to eat an elephant."

But if something major drops (like Podesta's face in the WorldCorp video), then civil unrest will force Trump and Sessions to act.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Exactly right - which is why we have to force him to do what he said and follow through on draining the swamp whether he really was going to or not. The truth is not scary, some people have always known the truth. Common global knowledge of the truth is what will actually force the draining of the swamp. Wikileaks and the Panama papers are two of the closest we have gotten. It all needs to come out, but the key to really draining the swamp is not taking down the elephant. It is starting with showing the extreme level of real criminal corruption in our local communities that all tie together at the top. We have to take down the swarms of worker bees, or the queen bees will just be replaced or covered up by another Ashton Kutcher while the elephant continues to trample lives behind the curtains.

This is why the answer to solving pizzagate and global corruption lies in Racine, Wisconsin, not John Podesta.

party1981 ago

All it takes is one FBI/NYPD cop to upload an Epstein video to the torrent websites. I'm about 30% sure that's what WorldCorp is. We'll see.

Forgetmenot ago

I have been believing the same thing!

party1981 ago

I really hope so. I want justice for these kids.

Forgetmenot ago

Well it would fit in the sense that everything visual is blurry and obscure so the footage can be shared but without violating any child pornographers laws. That is what made me think it might have been intentionally leaked. I hope so too!

party1981 ago

We'll see. There is another thread here that explains how the guy is not saying "I'm John Pod" but instead is singing a line from a kids show song.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

He is singing a kids show song that is sang in first person. He is changing the name of the character from Cailou to his own name (John). Who really is in the video is debatable and speculative, however there is enough circumstantial evidence to warrant full investigations and raids.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

He's singing the actual line "I'm just a kid who's 4" with everything after "ju" slurred. That anyone thinks he's singing "I'm John Podesta" is simply proof of the strength of confirmation bias.

JMO, but I'm pretty sure of it.

party1981 ago

I agree with all of that.

remedy4reality ago

Your entire list are the things that have given me insomnia for over 30 years.

remus_schmitt ago

Soon enough we'll all be able to get some sleep.

bopper ago

hahaha sigh

party1981 ago

Yeah it blows my mind to realize that, in the last five months, I've learned about things that people have known for 30 years, 20 years, 15 years, etc.

palmitespo910 ago

I remember during the presidential race for '16, my mother mentioned that she could not believe how many women her age had forgotten how brutally HRC dragged those victims through the mud for coming out and addressing the sexual abuse. How she and Bill were terribly corrupt during Bill's presidency. She said it for the whole year, "I can't believe these dumbasses can't remember anything she has done. She isn't for women, and she certainly isn't for America."

To be quite honest, until the drop of The Podesta Files, I was swept up in exactly what we are trying to counter with Pizzagate. I WAS a shill, I just didn't know it. Until I deleted Facebook recently, I had seen all of my Anti-Trump "Memories" and it is so clear to me how manipulated I was.

I guess my real point doesn't really matter that it took so long. Just that it happened. I'm happy to be awake today.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Thanks for the honest reflection. I had a similar journey, just a dozen years ahead of you. We've all had our journeys "out of the matrix". They come at time different times usually due to a trigger event which spurs a questioning of the narratives we have been fed. Not everyone is capable of it and a larger group still are capable but have had no trigger event to push them into a state of cognitive dissonance where they have to challenge their previous worldview. Our greatest contribution now must be to help others on that journey. If we all commit to it, the exponential awakening will be unstoppable, but it comes first from a place of personal commitment and resolve for the fight.

AngryMimi ago

Well said RedGreen. It's a glaring world once you are redpilled. I have mourned for what I thought was my country after I found out it was all smoke and mirrors. I resolve, I commit to helping anyone who wants to know more.
Thank you RedGreen and Palmitespo910.

Vindicator ago

Hey AngryMimi. Just wanted to say it isn't all smoke and mirrors. I think you may still have a false premise running in your OS. The CIA, the elected officials, the MSM retards, the corporate fatcats, the Hollywood stars...they aren't America. We are. And while there is plenty of smoke around here and more than one mirror, by far the majority is the same based, self-reliant, fair-minded human beings who crossed oceans to settle and build this country and make it the most amazing human concoction on earth. :-) Just wanted to point that out.

palmitespo910 ago

I almost cried. But I mean that's not saying too much seeing as how this investigation has my nerves on edge all the damn time. Thank you for YOUR honest and though provoking reflection. <3

RedGreenAlliance ago

:-) if you want to know what MY trigger event was you can read all about it on my blog here. Short version; I was a social worker who was forced out of the profession for objecting to "bearded children" (Muslim MEN migrants) being placed with vulnerable young girls under my care, because political correctness meant we couldn't challenge their claimed age and because Muslims have become a protected class in the UK

palmitespo910 ago

Hot shit time to read.

party1981 ago

People have trouble realizing the truth about the CIA because of two things:

  1. The human brain is biased to think that the world is just. ( It's like an illusion, and it makes everything look fair. We want to believe that the bad guys lose and good guys win. The reality is much more complicated and sinister.
  2. The CIA controlled the mainstream media. For most of the CIA's existence, the mainstream media was concentrated and easy to control. Now it is fragmented, and we have the internet, and the CIA is losing the narrative. Things like the hit job on Milo, the "fake news" narrative, and everything else shows that the CIA is weak.

palmitespo910 ago

Yes I did notice that. Their tactics that worked 5 years ago just aren't working anymore. I did see something recently where it was talking about how advertising companies are getting very frustrated with the younger crowd lately because we aren't watching network television, so they can't sell things to us. Maybe frustration also stems from not being able to control us. Just a thought.

party1981 ago

There was a shower thought on The_Donald today about that. "Saul Alinsky's tactics no longer work in the age of the Internet."

heywhatsgoingon ago

Breitbart was a major force behind this. He identified the Alinsky-ite threat before most and took action to fight it.

party1981 ago

Yes. When all of the corruption is exposed, we should name aircraft carriers and space stations after whisteblowers. Andrew Breitbart. Gary Webb. Michael Ruppert.

palmitespo910 ago

What a perfectly worded phrase. Thank you for sharing that with me.

bopper ago

Well then there is hope after all for everyone :) Good for you. Don't forget to breathe.

Chipcer ago

I'm not sure I believe this stuff, I kinda looked down the rabbit hole a few times and something is up with 911 and the BS official story, also no doubt there are abusers and pedophiles in Washington, Qatar, the Roman Catholic Church, Haiti, the BBC you name it these sick disgusting fucks seem to be in many, many places. 'Pizza-gate' just seems to wack to me....too ridiculous, something may be true but so far I have not made judgement yet, saying the Jews did the WTC attack or "9/11 was Mossad," that just seems dumb, I'm no fan of any of the bullshit the Jewish nuts do or not a fan of the State of Israel's stupidity but to blame Jews for everything and all things, that's just dumb!!... it seems like a dumbass pot smoking Arab conspiracy who see Jews hiding behind every fucking stone and a Jew under every rock...and btw FUCK the CIA they need to be broken up or in dire need of massive overhaul and reform, allowing US weapons to fall into ISIS hands was one of the dumbest moves in a long history of dumb moves by these idiots. The CIA was meant to just be a way to keep old guys who worked at the Office of Strategic Services in WW2 re-employed in another job but it grew into an ugly monster, interesting to see Lynn Rothschild twitter account publicly call out Podesta

ArmedExorcist ago

I understand your skepticism. I went through a similar realization process, slowly and painfully myself. I'm married to an amazing jewish woman and we were equally terrified to find out that Mossad was involved in the 9/11 attacks. It's a verifiable fact.

Consider: 1) As the 9/11 attacks were taking place, 5 Mossad agents were caught filming the plane crashes, then dancing, cheering and high-fiving as the towers collapsed over thousands of innocent people – including firemen and policemen. 2) The names of the those Mossad agents/assets are: Sivan Kurzberg, his brother, Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari. 3) The guys were working for a Mossad front company in New Jersey called “Urban Moving Systems”, aka “Max Movers” and were most likely the demolition team who planted the explosives in the WTC complex. 4)They were at first detained by the FBI, then extradited back to Israel. Once in Israel, they arrogantly proclaimed on Israeli TV that the reason they were in the US on 9/11 was to “document the event”. How did they know there would be an event to document, if they were not involved in planning it? And even if they weren't involved in the planning, they knew about it. And let it happen! They filmed the attack and danced and cheered while thousands of people were murdered. Guilty (of foreknowledge at the very least). 5) Cui bono? If you need further evidence, consider this:

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Your not there can not see.....but keep looking it will finally reveal itself to you if you keep looking.

equineluvr ago

Why don't you conduct your own research (after opening your mind) and see there the roads lead?

remedy4reality ago

just can't connect the dots, eh ?

gather your thoughts

party1981 ago

If you read my post carefully, you will see that I do not blame "the Jews" for "everything." I blame a corrupt portion of the Israeli intelligence organization, Mossad, under the direction of the revanchist, far-right Zionist Likud party in Israel, for 9/11 and perhaps also the Epstein operation. That's a tiny sliver of Jewish people around the world, and a tiny fraction of the conspiracy theories that I discuss. If you want to see the evidence, just watch any video on Mossad operations in 9/11 (the DEA report, the Fox News specials, the Salon article, the B Thing and Project Gelatin, the five dancing Israelis, and Christopher Bollyn's work).

Jem777 ago

Add George Webb invention into infiltration of FBI by CIA now we have JTTF to get the Whistleblowers. McCabe already outed.

TheRealSeanGannon ago

Can you explain "JTTF to get whistleblowers" Jen?

party1981 ago


Jem777 ago

Obama is C.I. A. Asset. Uncover his real identity stunned.

party1981 ago

Yes, everyone says that Obama is a CIA kid, raised in Chicago.

But why did Obama pull away from Syria at the last minute? That's what I want to know.

diamond-_sutra ago

Obama pulled away from Syria at the last moment because as the US moved our Navy into position to fire on Syria, Russia moved their Navy into position to fire on our Navy. It was basically like we put a gun to the head of Syria and Russia put a gun to our head in response. Also, John Kerry went on an overnight flight to Syria for some last minute "negotiating," and Putin used the opportunity to call up Obama directly and negotiate peace and the removal of Syria's chemical weapons. I don't think Obama himself wanted the war, but his CIA handlers may have. At any rate, Obama backed down and I give him credit for that. More credit to Putin though

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you can you say how you know this?

party1981 ago

That could be it. But if Obama was raised, brainwashed, and blackmailed by the CIA, I would have guessed that they would have more control over him?

I guess not.

Jem777 ago

Not raised in Chicago. It is worse than you think. Real name

party1981 ago

I will have to learn more. Jerome Corsi has a book about Obama.

Jem777 ago

Everything archived right. Pass it around too safe places.

Jem777 ago

CIA and Google + Facebook = C.I.A

strix-varia ago

And now twitster and youtoob, right? People just don't realize it, if they only unplugged...and not buy into this crap. There was a time, not so long ago, that people wrote with pens and mailed letters, didn't buy crap from besos and paid in cash. All this pgate stuff has caused me to unplug big time. What a relief....

party1981 ago

Yes, it's scary to think about how the CIA has infiltrated the private sector.

Peter Thiel gave facebook its first capital investment. He also does Palantir.

Watching ago

Great work. Cosmic action. Weaponized alchemy. Seek & Destroy. Keep Watching.

party1981 ago

Thank you. I want the world the realize that the CIA is evil.

Jem777 ago

Agreed to all witness to lots back into Hitler's inner circle. Names the world might be shocked.

Baxterbaxter ago

Soros was right smack in the middle of it all... then and now.

party1981 ago

I think the CIA is the key to unlocking this whole thing.