ASolo ago

pizzagate related how? and gets to stay on main page? no, wrong. /v/pizzagatewhatever thread mods do your jobs right you wantonly delete threads w better content.

cantsleepawink ago

Child trafficking systems..that is included in the pizzagate conversation. At least for some of us.

pbvrocks ago

Thorn CEO is ex-UN big wig and I think we are all recognizing the pattern there...CIA + UN would indicate a dirty org...

cantsleepawink ago

who is the CEO ?

pbvrocks ago

Ray Chambers sorry for the delay! Let me know if you need some help...

cantsleepawink ago

Wow. Thanks for pointing that out. So many red flags there. I've been so busy looking at THORN's technology I forgot to look at the board members.

HolyMoly0 ago

Ok... this is strange. Look at this Breitbart article and this Trunews article about the recent meeting Trump held on human trafficking. Both have this sentence: "One of the charities attending the meeting, Tech Innovation to Fight Child Sexual Exploitation, was co-founded by [Ivanka's] husband Jared Kushner." So I google "Tech Innovation to Fight Child Sexual Exploitation." First thing that shows up is a link to Thorn's website that says "Thorn: Tech Innovation to Fight Child Sexual Exploitation." Word for word, it's the same.

But I couldn't find that exact phrase anywhere on Thorn's website, and so far, I can't find proof that any charity of that name exists, and I can't find any indications that Jared Kushner cofounded Thorn. As far as the internet seems to know, Thorn was founded by Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore--as we knew.

What gives? Is Breitbart reporting false information? Did they stupidly confuse Jared Kushner with Ashton Kutcher? Or is someone (Breibart, Thorn or Google) being intentionally confusing?

I, for one, am confused.

EDIT: article archives:

TabiCatTwo ago

I think you must be correct in regards to Kushner vs Kutcher. Can't find anything to link Kushner to tech innovation etc. Don't see anyone pointing out the error in the Bretbart article comments. Surprisingly..

remedy4reality ago

Thank you... I unintentionally said FBI rather than DEA

micha_ ago

Excellent thoughts.

NotHereForPizza ago

THORN is out for me.

McCain mixed with NCMEC seems extremely fishy anymore. Don't get me wrong, looking into it should be a very significant focus of ours. If I could make suggestions, Google and Tor should be other areas of focus. But hell, those are whole other beasts themselves.

Unfortunately, the technical skills that I have are near elementary. Most of the lingo, I'm good with. Beyond that though, I'm not all that useful.

If someone could help me understand how to archive a site, I'll run to 8ch and steemit after I hit voat, then just zip it and put it on a flash drive. Maybe that could be helpful.

cantsleepawink ago

Interested in archiving you say ? Hold that thought. I need a couple of archivists. I'll be posting about that soon. Have you subscribed to our TNT subverse at ?

RockStrong ago

What is the subscription list?

cantsleepawink ago

The first link in my post takes you to another post which explains the subscription list. Let me know if you want to be added

TabiCatTwo ago

I would like too be added. Thanks.

cantsleepawink ago

Done. You can also subscribe to our new TNT subverse if you're interested:

RockStrong ago

Please. I am not exactly good at this but working on it. Would appreciate being added to anything that assists me in my efforts to help.

bumbleberries ago

@cantsleepawink I think the pings only notify the first 5.

@YingYangMom I told you it was the first 10 before in your other thread, but I think it's the first 5 actually.

YingYangMom ago

Ah, thanks, ok.

cantsleepawink ago

Oh, thanks for that. We need to find a work around. Have to think about.

remedy4reality ago

Hypothesis: THORN uses it's technology to target and shop for victims who have already been conditioned by abuse. Gathering up victims who are 'sex trade ready' saves time and money ( fewer Skippy sessions required ). The children who are 'rescued' are actually transferred into the waiting arms of the CIA child trafficking network. It mirrors market consolidation in the illegal drug trade, where fewer and fewer drug kingpins exist, but the market supply of illicit drugs continues to expand.

On a side note, I have always been extremely suspicious of large scale drug busts. What if huge shipments of drugs were actually flown in by a corrupt elements in the DEA or CIA ( a' la Air America ) and fake busts were facilitating import ? A crew of corrupt DEA agents waiting on the ground staging the entire 'bust' complete with cameras and 'drug runners' with hoods over their heads, you know, to protect identities of potential witnesses ( agents ). Send the video off to the MSM, load the drugs into vans for quick dispersion into the established supply chain, and then pat each other on the back for a job well done.

Same thing will is likely occurring with THORN and all other child trafficking enforcement operations.

pbvrocks ago

Drug busts and pedo busts are used to coerce felonies into working for CIA/FBI or forced to give up their kids to "conditioning" under monarch/ least indicated by survivors and whistle blowers..

tt7 ago

This is definitely it. Mentioning anything sketchy about the org gets your shadowbanned from reddit. It needs to become clear to everyone here that this org is not just suspect. If we're already researching this, they appear to be JA / JP level implicated, as well as the other shady kids' orgs.

YingYangMom ago

Your hypothesis makes a whole lot of sense and would explain why we don't get the lists of all the suspects names and those who are involved, nor any follow-up stories for that matter.

remedy4reality ago

exactly.. Also, we never get the success stories of even a single child that was 'saved'.

They put these people on the payroll or threaten them with incarceration if they don't continue to supply the network

ZalesMcMuffin ago

In this video:

...they discuss THORN a little bit. At least I think so. I'm doing way too many things at once. Anyway, you're not the only one suspicious of THORN!

cantsleepawink ago

Excellent. The McCain Foundation is on my list.

HolyMoly0 ago

In case you didn't see it. Good McCain info.

cantsleepawink ago

That's very useful. Thanks.

BowDownB4Trump ago

Thorn's software will find pedos just like Googles new AI will find 'hate speech' aka they that control the software pinpoint whoever they want..

50hurtz ago

Thank you, the rabbit hole goes deeper. No one should have trusted an actor working with Mccain. Now we have much deeper connections. You're doing Gods work! Also please add me to your subscription list if you can.

cantsleepawink ago

Will do. Thanks.

remedy4reality ago

ditto / add please

great post -- I know THORN is rotten

cantsleepawink ago


Disgusted-Lurker ago

Great post...

I'm deeply suspicious, but don't have the tech wherewithal to be of much help. Very interested to see what some of the "big brains" on here can find out.

palmitespo910 ago

I'm sure that YouTube was totally unaware. 👌🏻

dmthirdeye ago

One pedophile and/or Youtube employee read your comment.

YingYangMom ago

Or they didn't get that he was being sarcastic in his comment.

palmitespo910 ago

Most likely. Idgaf about a downvoat tho.