4_InquiringMinds ago

It's working now...downloading as we speak.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

The whole Benghazi hearing was a joke. They covered up so much. The fact that Amb. Stevens requested help 600 times only came out because one Congress person was disgusted with one of Hillary's answers. What else did they hide from us. I sure had a lot of questions to ask her. Where's the footage from that night? Why wasn't she watching it? Why did it take FBI over a month to arrive at the scene, but CNN went in much earlier and found Stevens diary (or log book). What happened to Stevens book? Why didn't we send help that night? Where was Obama that night? Was anyone talking to the President before the decision not to send help was made. What was Petraeus doing? Was he involved with the orders that night, since it was the CIA Annex involved? Etc., etc. etc.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Where was Obama that night?

Probably another hot dog party/being flown in from Chicago~

Fate0011 ago

That's what im saying, and I have proof. (Wikileaks, that people I guess haven't seen yet) But im NOT going to start a war. And this shit...WILL start a war. It's PG related to an extent but much more broader than just pedo satanism and human trafficking. Im talking about a proxy war(s) to displace elections to make other countries reliant on us. They used the Middle East and N. Africa destabilization as a way to create chaos in other countries to make them dependent on our presence, money and weapons. Including our own allies....

I've only told you a very small bit of what I learned from following one of "High Level Analyst" leads to completion.....and what I learned makes me fucking sick to my stomach. The pedo sadistic part is marshmallows compared to the "Endgame".

They wanted to initiate "WW3" or literally "Armageddon" then blame Russia, Iran, and China and then go hide in underground bunkers while most of us (+80%).....die. This has been set up for a very long time. It's the way they wanted to thin the population out....were too hard to control or rule right now, there's too many of us for them to control. In short....I understand "Why" Comey couldn't indict....it would literally start war. I also understand why the rest of Hillary's emails haven't/can't been released.....it would start a war. And this goes way further back than just Hillary/Obama. Were talking....the beginning of DC. And has /roots/ back to the pre-cannanite days.

Dagnysghost ago

Did you not watch 13 hours? Its All in there.. the annex, the trained EX military.... the stand down orders. The deaths.

If I had not voted for trump for 1000 other reasons. Benghazi would have put me over the top. Secretary of State. Totally incompetent, at BEST, Ruthless killer- worst. (I take the worse case scenario myself)

Fate0011 ago

I actually haven't seen that movie. But will be now. Ty for info.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

The book is excellent. The movie follows the book. It was written with the help of the men who were the heroes that night.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Link is broken

Fate0011 ago

It's back up now

Fate0011 ago

No, it's being ddosed (all of them are down) It was up when the 1st two people below saw it. I don't think they want us talking about this. That was quick....

rooting4redpillers ago

Your link is to "USA NEWS TODAY," a website designed to look like USA TODAY.

Fate0011 ago

Lulz.....and now its down?!?!?!?!?!? At least you "2" saw it before (((They))) dropped it! Too bad I took a page screener though Woops

500: Internal Error This website is unavailable at the moment (From the site posted)

pbvrocks ago

This story looks and feels very much like the pizzagate fake news website..just saying "recent released" wiki documents? I dont think so..I watch that shit like a hawk!

Fate0011 ago

Man I sure tell you what. You really can read "95 Pages" of corroborating documents that you watch like a hawk and never saw pretty quick. It took me 8 hours. You'd figure a person who "Watches something like a hawk" that got a link to docs they haven't read yet would read the docs before posting an opinion.

Whats up American Bridge/ShareBlue/CTR/CREW

You mad bro? You can't fuck with us or the truth and you know it. Now fuck back off to your cuck shed------------------------------->

iamthepizzanow ago

George Webb is all up in that, relay this to him and see what comes up. He's pretty reliable to answer back.

4_InquiringMinds ago

He's pretty reliable to answer back.

Only if it fits his agenda. When he doesn't like the direction of comments he deletes the whole vid. Disinfo folks, wake up.

Fate0011 ago

By disinfo do you mean "You" with your 2 month old account and zero contribution other than bashing others findings?

Here, I have a present for you....

http://pastebin.com/jhi8V5TG http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/92183220/#92187506 We know.....who you are. And where you are.

"Stay the fuck off "MY" posts shill" or the or im dropping all their family members as well!

We clear American Bridge/Share Blue/CREW/CTR?

4_InquiringMinds ago

We know.....who you are. And where you are.

Jesus lol

ps...I actually found your post about

AIC< annex

very informative bc had never heard about it before/but what you say made sense bc the Libyans took to the streets carrying candles and signs after he was murdered saying they loved Stephens bc he loved the Libyans and he came to help them. Much different than the spin of Stephens was there to do arms sales but didn't know about Sarin which is what Webb says, arms not sarin. What if Stephens was going to blow the cover on all of it? From what I've read about him/he was a very decent man. And it was the Libyans that rescued him.

Fate0011 ago

You are confusing. Are you in agreement or are you in dispute? You just called Webb of all people.....fake. But you agree with the info I posted. I don't understand. Steven's WAS killed because he was against it. And everything you said about him is true. (The Libyans liking him, and the spin the media put on it) The media portion is included in the wikileaks post I put up. They OWN the media. And you will see just how much of it, if you read the wikileaks article I posted. All media aside from Fox, tv wise. And like 80% of the written media as well. WSJ, NYT, WaPo, etc;

Ambassador Steven's became a threat and was eliminated

4_InquiringMinds ago

You just called Webb of all people.....fake.

Webb says Stevens knew about the arms and was okay with that but he thinks Stevens didn't know about the sarin and was possibly going to expose that/reason he was off'ed. It didn't make sense that Stevens knew about the arms when there was such an outpouring of love for him from the Libyans. Your post clarified that for me bc I really didn't know what to make of it all/dots didn't connect. Everything I've read about Stevens is he was a fine and honest man. I had trouble reconciling that with he was okay with arms dealing. Now if disinfo wants to control the narrative, and I'm just poking around, discussed it with a friend after reading your post, what better way to control the narrative than to link Stevens with arms dealing (not good) but not with sarin/a bait and switch sorta thing.

Fate0011 ago

It wasn't just the Sarin, it was the child trafficking and drug trafficking as well. "Arms" will unfortunate always be a part of the way all govt's work. I can be passive to an extent on the aspect of small arms, because 90% of govt's do the same shit. China, Russia, India, The Philippians, Europe, Then ENTIRE Middle East, Africa, Mexico and S. America. Try to factor that in on the decision making part about if Steven's was a good man. Sometimes it's hard to understand that this is reality or accept it. I personally think Steven's was another Snowden after reading everything I've read. Even Snowden started out all in, but then after seeing the inner beast....had a change of heart.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I personally think Steven's was another Snowden after reading everything I've read. Even Snowden started out all in, but then after seeing the inner beast....had a change of heart.

You know, that's another good point. He may have been okay with the arms thing. Like you say, it's an unfortunate part of this war like reality. Question is how much did he know/was he told we have to get these arms out of here bc it will look bad for us but leave out the part we are going to give them to isis to slaughter innocent civilians in Syria? Or maybe he even took the kool aid that Syria had an evil dictator and we needed to save the Syrian ppl...that is a distinct possibility bc so many did/and still do believe that narrative.

Fate0011 ago

Pm bro. In "Their World" the left hand NEVER lets the right hand know what it's doing. They each have a "Role to play", and that's it. They DON'T communicate with other operators unless it stated to do so. And the puppet masters....never reveal their "endgame". It's the Need to Know aspect they live by, Ya know? His job entailed a certain duty as do all jobs in the world. But "Others" had other duties for the cabal.

Compare it like this....working for Alefantis' getting payed well.....then finding out he was a sadistic child raping/murdering fuck. You may have done your job well up until that point, not knowing you were complicit to crimes committed by ol' James "I love children". But after learning these things, decided to spill the beans on ol' JA. They discovered you were on to this and now your sacrificed to Moloch/Baal/The Light Bringer/Lucifer and put in a pizza oven/pig farm. (Same Scenario......ish lol)

4_InquiringMinds ago

Right, excellent points and it all makes sense. I'm so used to not withholding information (sometimes my friends wish I would shut up I think...did you hear about pizza gate, did you hear about Moloch, the Vatican etc) I forget the rule of thumb in that arena is need to know only.

put in a pizza oven/pig farm

gawd I hope that image doesn't filter into my dreams...

Fate0011 ago

XD maybe you should've read the links 1st there sport. Btw after all of your friends are laid down....."Paid Shills" most likely WILL be brought up on treason and conspiracy. So I mean yeah.....your kinda fucked. Enjoy your last little bit of freedom. You and faggots like yourself will NOT interfere in the investigation. "My Truth" will always beat "Your bullshit". It's why you failed in the election, and why you fail now. It's why you fail so fucking always! Your side....NEVER learns. The walls are already starting to tumble down around you.


4_InquiringMinds ago

Okay, took a minute to figure out what you are upset about. To be clear/I was not saying you are disinfo/my comment was in relation to Webb only. Yes, I do have an issue with Webb, have said so repeatedly if you ck comment history and I do feel like I was taken in by his gosh friendly persona. It is simply misinterpretation that you thought I referred to you as disinfo and I'm sorry I didn't make this clearer. Might want to look at my comment again in context. Repeat...the disinfo comment was not about you. The irony is I agree with what you are posting/with the exception of Webb. I still learned something from your post so thank you.

Fate0011 ago

It's ok. Ty for clearing it up. And ty for paying attention. I wasn't the one who mentioned webb, although I am in agreement with him and his research.

Something i've learned from 7 years of /pol/ and /b/

Peoples "Personalities, and their Attitude" may be in conflict with others. "But" it doesn't mean the info that was posted makes it less credible, just because their a dick.

I troll the FUCK out of people that deserve it! I am one of those "Dicks" lol. But it doesn't make my info or research less credible. Try to keep an open mind on that angle.

But again ty for clearing the mix up, up. I appreciate honesty. And apologize I responded the way I did. But unfortunately it IS how it has to be delt with. They gotta know were not fucking around. And I get the feeling you understand that.

4_InquiringMinds ago

And I get the feeling you understand that.

Gosh do I lol. Honestly until I started following the election I had no idea what CRT was or any of it. Yes, I knew propaganda has existed and that the CIA and others made a point of doing such but the extent to what I now see was mind boggling. I see them constantly in the donald reddit/acting so concerned which is another aspect of trolling I was completely unaware of. Then of course the more blatant trolls just spouting profanities. I had no idea the hundreds of thousands in funding either. Probably one of the reasons I'm so upset about Webb is I believed in him for quite awhile/told all my friends to ck him out. And to be clear I did learn a lot about how the process goes for taking down a country. But then he started saying things here and there that made me go 'huh'. We had a discussion about him a month ago here wondering is he disinfo or just kinda dense at times. Bc I have a tendancy to believe the best of ppl I wrote some of his obvious disinfo as he was being dense/so did my friend. However things kept mounting to the point we went nah, disinfo. I'm really more upset with myself for not viewing him objectively and trying to make him into a 'good guy' when I now believe he's not.
Of course you have your opinion of him. The beauty of discussion is we can agree to disagree and still expand our knowledge. I'm giving an upvote for your post bc it really clarified for me what I 'felt' about Stevens in my gut. And now to know there was a team that could have rescued him only a mile away/all the terror he and the others were going thru. I had read about how the embassy security team was literally picked up off the streets with known isis and how he begged for better security. He considered HC a friend, he was loyal to her and she not only had him killed but in a horrific manner that I can't even imagine the terror he felt. One of the red flags I first picked up from Webb was his suggestion that we just let HC off the hook, let bygones be bygones, the important thing was to stop the trafficking. I was like are you fucking serious? She has others tortured for her sadistic pleasure/I do believe she is a psychopath. He also likes Bill (minus the rape issue he says) and bama. Again, how can you like someone/divorce them from the reign of terror, murder, rape, pillage that they inflict on hundreds of thousands. I followed Libya from the begining and I almost lost my sanity. I cried more than I care to remember. It truly broke my heart. What that country was so beautiful. Kaddiffi struck a deal with Berlusconi to stop the human trafficking via Benghazi/which didn't sit well with the Benghazi mafia. When the invasion of Libya began it had three first steps...

bomb the water and pipe repair facility

bomb the farms

empty out the orphanage and the kids were never to be seen again (160 plus). Ppl tried for months to find them. Possibly a few pictures from the French underground child sex trade/that was it.

I had no idea how big the network till last winter with the exposing of the clinton foundation. I didn't know anything about Haiti. So it's been one red pill after another as to how huge this all is. We had a very detailed and informative discussion from Webb 117 day two/covered all aspects of the satanic roots/bc Webb says the satanic part is just a psyop. I said is and isn't...yes a psyop to distract from organ harvesting but not a psyop bc it existed before organ transplanting was ever even a dream/goes back centuries. So many made very informed comments. Webb deleted the whole tube/said it had weird comments. Yet the commentaries were so reasoned, thought out, much back and forth/no name calling or any of that just inquiring minds. Several who were not sure about the satanic aspects started questioning/which is always good instead of taking someone's word for it. Some would say well it muddies the research but how can you separate that aspect from the picture as a whole? It is part of the very root of the evil. It goes so far beyond just taking organs/least ways to my eyes. With organ harvesting you kill the person and take the organs. With the other you thrive on torture. How can that be a non issue?

Disgusted-Lurker ago

If I'm not mistaken, GW has implied or even outright said that he thinks Chris Stevens could have been involved in smuggling stingers and sarin gas into Syria.

Not necessarily that he knew the intended end use, but I would be hesitant to call him a "good guy" without a better investigation.

Edit: @Fate0011 (Good post and thx for info)

Fate0011 ago

He was already speaking out about it. It's in the wikileaks link. The article covers it in a small bit as well. Ambassador Stevens was CIA, and he was being too opinionated about they were doing. "They kill their own" it's how they deal with internal conflicts. But nonetheless he was speaking out about what was happening. He's still a patriot in my eyes, not everyone who sign up for CIA understand what their position will actually be. In they're world....the left hand never lets the right hand know what it's doing. And I believe Ambassador Stevens was against it......and that's why they killed him.

Thanks though bro

DarkMath ago

"It's in the wikileaks link"....Can you paste in the link and exact phrase you're talking about?


Fate0011 ago

All on the same link above. 95 pages im not re-reading to find a quote bud. Thats up to you.

iamthepizzanow ago

Understandable. I have no reason to think that GW is not a good guy, have not seen anything proving otherwise. IMO.

Fateswebb ago

I think he was talking about Stephens not webb

iamthepizzanow ago

Oh okay lol. Thanks

mysecretidentity ago

That's because GW worked for CIA

DarkMath ago

"GW worked for CIA"......I think so as well. It's not confirmed though and is just a theory.

Perhaps he's part of the CIA counter coup?

Fate0011 ago

Not everybody that's CIA is evil. It's the high up's, the shot callers, the banks, certain big corp, certain big pharmaceutical, and the puppet masters/shadow government.

Fateswebb ago

At this point I think virtually everyone.. they have been off the path for decades and decades.

4_InquiringMinds ago

If you listen to Webb long enough, objectively, you'll see the disinfo. I'm not going to break it down/it's been discussed at length.Even yesterday he inferred Laura Silsby was sitting next to Trump at Trump's trafficking presser. He was called out on it in comments. He's more the soft dropping disinfo like Pieczenik. Steele does it like a smoke bomb lol.

iamthepizzanow ago

Good reason to reach out for an opinion.