PizzaGate711 ago

But he still has to deal in them.. he's very clearly, based on his social media profiling, into powerful men. David Brock, Obama et al.

party1981 ago

Oh I forgot the link, that was an accident.

Honestly, I wasn't trying to be a smartass. I was trying to be helpful, because I understand why mods are genuinely concerned with sourcing. I see why you could think I was a smartass, in hindsight, because there is no tone or context on the internet. But that wasn't my goal.

I'm editing the OP.

ronnyCPI ago

I think Operation Pegasus involved a lot of different things whereas Watchtower was all about drug trafficking . Read Chip Tatum's books and Rodney Stich [Drugging America, and Defrauding America} for info about Pegasus operatives Chip Tatum and Trenton Parker.

party1981 ago

Here is another link for you, mod.

You can find these by googling "michael ruppert" and "pegasus".

Don-Keyhote ago

Hey truthers if 911 was an excuse to invade Iraq why execute the attack so well but fail to convincingly blame sadxam or place wmds ?

Fateswebb ago

I think the thought process here is that we knew they had WMDs because we had sold them the WMDs but then when we went in there we couldn't find them either because they had been sold or hidden very well.

But really I don't think that was the main motive as much as just trying to squeeze every ounce you can out of the clout of propaganda that was spinning that was referred to every second on the news as the war on terror.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Could be a tower to watch for drug drop offs! Maybe from a harbor?

DarkMath ago

To quote Neera Tanden: "Holy Moses!"........This reminds me of when they discovered the CIA called the Bay of Pigs invasion "Operation Zapata" and two ships supporting it were named "The Houston" and "Barbara J."........Which coinkydinkly were the city George H.W. Bush headquartered Zapata Offshore and his wife's first name respectively.


PizzaGate711 ago

latin for watch tower ...

redditsuckz ago

He did allegedly say in his ramblings with Ryan that Pegasus had nothing to do with kids

No he allegedly said the wanted PEGASUS gone and that he "hated kids" and that he could leave the "kill room" stuff up...but whos to say that Alefantis wasnt lying to Ryan when he said he could leave the kill room stuff up since he ultimately wanted the whole video gone...

Pegasus Video Removed Because of Alefantis Threats

And if they were digging just for piping at PEGSUS they why dig up the ENTIRE lower floor?

You can see the jack hammer damage all throughout the floor;

The whole floor has been dug up at least 2 feet deep;

Dejure ago

Yeah ive been on a fair share of commercial construction sites to know thats for something more than new plumbing. DIGGING that deep in dirt is one thi g, but they wouldnt go through all of that work going that deep indoors for "just plumbing"

party1981 ago

Is Pegasus on the Underground Metro line that George Webb says runs from the WH up into NW DC?


I've followed Michael C Ruppert since the early 90's. He has a lot of important lectures on how the CIA works and a lot of good intel on 911.He was the one that exposed that there was three war games on september 11th. He was also the one that inspired Cynthia MKinney to question Donald Rumsfeld on DynCorp human trafficking.

redditsuckz ago

The CIA were/are trafficking children and drugs and guns...drugs and guns sounds much more lenient...

September 11th was a Military/News PSYOP on the public and all news agencies had the same video feed from the Military ...there were CARTOON PLANES...thats watched animated cartoon graphics on 911...


9/11 Fake The Incredible Moving Verrazzano Bridge

SEPTEMBER CLUES 9/11 - Cartoon Planes - Full Documentary

After pizzagate I would say the fake terror attack that lead to the middle east invasion had to do with kidnapping war torn children then it had to do with oil.


All Fake witnesses...

Fake 9/11 Witness Mark Walsh Exposed

The 9/11 Memorials listing the alleged victims are essentially computer databases of fictitious identities.

9/11 fake victims

You watched a movie complete with green screen effects and crisis actors

Green screen magic!

GeorgeT ago

100%, I have been doing research on 9-11 since 2001. A Military/Media Psyop.

GeorgeT ago

It all makes sense now. Ted Gunderson said that around 50 000 children were murdered in US alone in satanic rituals. They need fresh supply, and with citizen journalist Argus Eyes, it is getting tougher every day.

DarkMath ago

"cartoon planes".........9/11 conspiracy talk is cool by me. But if you do it then at least learn the facts. Those were most definitely real planes and the fireballs were most definitely from Jet Fuel. Abel Danger does a great job of explaining what could have happened on 9/11 and that is TPTB latched themselves onto a real live terrorist plot. Instead of stopping it they used it for their own nefarious needs:

Do I think 9/11 was a government conspiracy? It's tough to tell. All I know is after learning people psychopaths in my government thought it was OK to gang rape Haiti I'm broadening my list of possible causes for 9/11......Basically I'm so jaded right now I'd believe just about anything.


party1981 ago

This is how I feel too.

remedy4reality ago

@redditsucks I love your posts on PG but your assumptions on 911 are whacked. Cartoon planes at the WTC? We have Dov Zackheim with 35 refurbished 957/967's in Florida. We have THOUSANDS of witnesses who saw both planes. Cherry picking video evidence to support a pre determined conclusion is weak sauce. You are half right, though. There we NO PLANES at either the Pentagon and Shanksville, so it looks like you're participating in a limited hangout. Care to respond ?

GeorgeT ago

They were phantom planes. Witnesses saw holigraphic projections. DARPA is well ahead of its time.

remedy4reality ago

Again, this is why 911 has not been solved. The fake narrative is INTENDED and is integral to any psyop, including 911. It's purpose is to take you away from the truth and lead you into a backwater of nothingness, just like what 'fake planes' has accomplished. Although not a fake narrative, the collapse v. demolition debate has also stalled completely because it first divided the public, and then bored them to death. If you spend some time looking into the data ( and yes, there is good video out there ), you can actually find out not only who was involved, but exactly how it was pulled off. I leave you with this thought > Nearly everything about 911 was fake and scripted. The flights, hijackers, hijacks, passengers, phone calls, government response, building collapses, the 'impacts' of alleged flights 93 and 77, and on and on. But one thing was certainly real: two real planes crashed into both towers of the WTC. Now, just why would a disinformation program put the most scrutiny on what is actually TRUE, rather than what is provably FALSE ? It's controlled opposition 101.

GeorgeT ago

There were no planes all CGI. Donald Trump's 9-11 video resurfaces where he gives accurate description of the twin tower construction, that it had narrow windows because it was built outside in - and he says there was no way a plane could go through that wall of heavy steel I-beams. This is not me saying it, it's Donald Trump who knows more about skyscrapers than just about anyone. Fake planes, fake narrative, criminal state run media complicit.

redditsuckz ago

We have THOUSANDS of witnesses who saw both planes.

All Fake witnesses...

Fake 9/11 Witness Mark Walsh Exposed

The 9/11 Memorials listing the alleged victims are essentially computer databases of fictitious identities.

9/11 fake victims

You watched a movie complete with green screen effects and crisis actors

Green screen magic!

remedy4reality ago

Fake victims ? ABSOLUTELY. Fake planes at the WTC ? NO. Were the planes Flights 11 and 175 ? NO.

I know what happened. IM me if you want my thoughts.

redditsuckz ago

Well watch the videos I posted and make up your own mind as I can see you responded within 50 minutes but the videos are at least 3 hours long complete with hard not here to convince anyone if people want to know the truth they are going to have to research long and hard and at least watch the videos. This is a hard red pill for anyone to swallow...because this means that ALL NEWS AGENCIES are in on this AND thousands of thousands of people. But it shouldnt be hard for anyone to know that there are millions of cult members worldwide ready to lie and be a crisis actor for CNN or whatever when the time calls.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Idk if I believe all this, but Christiane Amanpour does have that painting in her house of the planes going into the towers, and claims its her favorite! Hmm!

remedy4reality ago

I've seen most every 911 video ever made. I knew it was fake 4 days after the event. I have studied every corner and crack of 911 for over 15 years. I am an expert. Yes... all news agencies are complicit. Yes, hundreds if not thousands were involved. Yes, PG revelations are a KEY to understanding how 911 was executed. But I absolutely know that the planes that impacted the WTC were real. Like I said.. pm if you are interested in my views.

redditsuckz ago

There is no need to keep anything your stance is all the videos that were seen on 911 and showed planes are real?...because thats an even harder "red pill" to swallow...

remedy4reality ago

no... did I say that? let me do what you just did >> so, are you saying that all suspect or faked 911 videos are NOT intended to produce false leads or confusion ?

redditsuckz ago admit there was video fakery presented by the news agencies on 911?

remedy4reality ago

Sure... I think an entire line of inquiry developed around the CGI nonsense and there very well may be a multitude of faked videos intended to muddle the facts. Show your best clip and I'll tell you what I think.

redditsuckz ago

Post a video from the news agencies that you think was CGI.

I have already posted videos that you havent responded to that have CGI in them....the best videos come from the news agencies...

remedy4reality ago

Maybe if you and the rest of the disinformation artists/dupes spent energy on the PLOTTERS, rather than highly subjective and dubious Youtube archives of CGI 'proof', we would actually be much closer to the truth. Though I have seen hundreds of hours of 911 videos not a single one that has proven CGI was used. Show me how ignorant I am by producing one.

remedy4reality ago

You made very broad assumptions to 3 hour videos, without specifics >> Gee... ' green screens are real, 911 must be fake !! '

I don't believe a god damn bit about CGI being used to fake plane impacts, but you just asked me to produce evidence of CGI ? that is stupid.

redditsuckz ago

I don't believe a god damn bit about CGI being used to fake plane impacts

Now I know where you need to get angry...simply post a video from a news agency of a "plane" hitting the towers...

remedy4reality ago

I'm now going through all your PG posts to figure out what your'e intentions are here... lots of people here already think you're a fraud, but as I said, I appreciated much of your information, but I may have been wrong.

remedy4reality ago

oh boy... you're now exhibiting passive aggressive shitbaggery -- show me your best video and stop being a dick

redditsuckz ago

Still waiting...

Have a good day then. :)

remedy4reality ago

waiting for what ?? I believe everyone that grasps onto the 'no planes' theory is either a liar, stupid or lazy. Where to you fall ? Tell me what you know about Dov Zackheim and how he is the PRIME SUSPECT in executing 911. The multi-role aspect of his involvement satisfies Occum's Razor, while your CGI nonsense has been out there for 15 years and has done nothing more than make a mockery out of the investigation, EXACTLY what it was intended to do.

AmenRA ago

Rig the buildings for demo AND fly planes into em, no way.

2impendingdoom ago

That is what happened. The buildings were laced with thermite. the planes flew into them. The vertical beams were all slashed through (as though flame cut) at perfect 45d angles. Everything else was obliterated into pulverized dust. I worked at a building across the street, this is first hand knowledge.

remedy4reality ago

really ? why not ? I suggest you get off the blind speculation and study the players and plotters. Dov Zackheim << know everything about this guy

dickface8 ago

Can we all just keep in mind that Voat is highly compromised and just a day or 2 ago they were really badly fudging numbers on upvotes etc. I was even receiving notifications to my inbox that would vanish before my eyes as I went to click on them. We need a new place guys.

Dressage2 ago They do not delete and you cannot be downvoted. You tag your posts so they are archived and very easy to search for research purposes.

dickface8 ago


SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree! I had 60+ upvotes then within two hours -70 a few weeks ago! Plus I got banned from a thread and all I said was "I give you 1,000 upvoats.

AmenRA ago

Im being censored

AmenRA ago

the mods wont let me post a pik from sasha lords IG page , its from yesterday of an underground entrance point with the words "dead by dawn" I was told its not relevant lol

fartnigger ago

That last video, holy shit.

Mike Walter "setting the record straight" 5 years later is probably the fakest red flag I've seen about 9/11 so far.

And I had no idea JASSM missiles basically had the profile of a plane... when I think missile, I think of a straight tube like a rocket. This changes things...

GeorgeT ago

There was a drone flying along the path 1000 ft away from the tower projecting Holographic image of a plane.

remedy4reality ago

no it doesn't -- don't go down that road - it leads away from the truth

herbsmoke ago

Ruppert is a shill. Gary webb was the truth

nomorepepperoni ago

I suspect they use Pegasus, Watchtower, etc. in similar ways in reference to drugs as children or other operations associated with "forbidden pleasures".