draegspir ago


NotTooLate ago

Duh. Too bad they have you all wasting months going after instagram pics falling right into the false flag shooter.

stickittotheman ago

Jews are the main players behind pizzagate. The fact that any posts mentioning this get deleted shows the power of those behind pizzagate. Ever see a jew point the finger at another known jew pedophile? I didnt think so. They are only here to distract, subvert and shut down the narrative.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

There's more to those pirates, and that silly club at Yale, than you thought.

kekistocrat ago

Oy vey!

juhos ago

So kind of more hints of Operation Brownstone?

OrwellKnew ago

Sandy Hook / Newtown are also one of these CIA towns http://ppsimmons.blogspot.com/2014/11/an-eerie-visit-to-sandy-hook-newtown-ct.html

From Sandy Hook, I drove South along Wasserman Way, into Newtown CT.

That town is SPOOKY. It's either a government façade, or some type of cult town.

The only sign of life is an occasional person walking a dog, or sitting in their parked car for no reason – doing nothing.

The few "townsfolk" seem to be stationed at key vantage points, doing nothing other than observing.

They seem like Stepford Wife actors, just "looking busy" among all these totally abandoned buildings with boarded-up doors, busted-out windows, and big holes in the rooves.

Birdzeyeview ago

oh sure, because when you are a CIA operative everyone knows, your friends, neighbours /s

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Makes sense. And here's your official warning: CIA is probably the most dangerous government agency that is not overtly black ops.

Keep working. But don't fuck around with the CIA, because they kill people. A lot.

Criticalthinker615 ago

So much information here if you have ears to listen

NeedPolyGF ago

Wow, Nora Maccoby said Geo. W. started an effort to end human trafficking.

sometimessage ago

I know this is going to sound crazy, the only evidence I have is having nora maccoby as a facebook friend. I would be happy to provide screen shots to mods if necessary.

I actually met her and her husband at a dinner party, I would say maybe 7-8 years ago. I have spent the last hour scouring through my memory and I can't say that any pizzagate related topics came up. Nora is one of the most sensitive and intelligent people I have come across in my life. She came across to me as an animal loving, doting mother who is an idealistic straight shooter. Her facebook posts are almost always political, when they aren't, the posts are always about the environment or about making the world a better place. Given the character I encountered a few years ago I can't imagine that she would have knowledge of this kind of abuse and not speak out about it...seriously. She is that kind of person who wants whats right, regardless of the cost. Perhaps the truth has been hidden from her? Somehow I doubt that, Nora likes to look under rocks and ask dangerous questions. I don't think that something like this could be hidden from her. And I don't think that she would remain silent about something like this. Sorry guys, I just don't see it.

redditsuckz ago

CIA = Cannibal Intelligence Agency

NoBS ago

Holy shit, at 12:31 is a mind fuck. "But Chaney is the Dark Lord". This was said in a manor of been there, done that.

ArthurEdens ago

I don't think the counter coup would have picked trump as the nominee if he was blackmailable that way.

ArthurEdens ago

Dismantle the CIA. These guys aren't helping America anyway.

ProudTruther ago

They are fundraisers for the shadow government.

im_the_99 ago

wouldn't doubt CIA involvement. how do you think this mess goes unnoticed... Pedo abuse comes with the territory once your in. Aleister Crowley spelled it out years ago. literally!

fifibrindacier ago

That's why he can threaten people, he's CIA.

hanknut42 ago

you mean when he threatened Winstead at the town hall meeting? The guy who said comet pingpong would only bring rape and murder to the neighborhood? maybe thats why winstead backed off and wont touch this shit

fifibrindacier ago

Nope. Pizzagategear. I didn't know he threatened WInstead. But that doesn't surprise me. He's far too much self-assured for a simple restaurant owner.

Scoundrel ago

Maccoby's are connected to Alefantis as well. See the other very thorough voat post on it.

hanknut42 ago

Dont forget Tony lives very close to the area also and Ombama is moving very near to Tony when hes out of office! EDit don't forget this guy has the coffee Folgders money for some reason they name isnt attached to any of him or his kids names o,.O

EyeOfHorus ago

Amanda Kleinman (Majestic Ape) includes Transformer on her CV.

foxxywoxxy ago

I can believe that areas are predominantly similar workers of security services etc. Cathi Morgan,in Britain, ex mind controlled, says the same thing. However I cannot produce the exact link as her way of revealing is she talks on long (perhaps rambling ) videos and is only just linking it all together on the Brain.

here is her website however https://cathki.wordpress.com .

She is at the forefront of mind control revelations in Britain.

It is also a matter pondered by Ann Diamond (ex mind controlled) , when she wondered why she was living next door to mind controlled Leonard Cohen , and especially when she was essentially thrown out from there after a friendly telephone conversation with cohen but then told to not contact him by his suspected handler or similar .

""And sure enough, half an hour later, I get a phone call, from a woman called Birgit, whom I know quite well, but consider to be a fairly hardcore Cohen groupie. She has come from the meeting. She arrives as I'm cooking supper, sits in my kitchen, and goes straight to the point. I have to move from the neighbourhood, she says, and stop harassing Leonard Cohen. I'm, well, stunned. It's the first time anyone has spoken to me in two years about how I came to be living next door. The first time anyone has suggested it might be a problem. But I'm not stupid.

I 'm quite aware that my presence in the neighbourhood has caused concern for certain people. The fact, however, is that I am there as the result of a peculiar coincidence. That there is no way I could have found this apartment on my own – I'm there, and I can't really explain how it happens, in a city of 1 million people, I manage to move in next door to Leonard Cohen – it just happened. That's it, that's all."


More background for the cohen stuff is here, in case anyone wants to check mind control stuff re cohen

https://auticulture.wordpress.com/2015/09/16/straw-sage-the-shtickless-shtick-perception-management-of-leonard-cohen/ .

Here is a link to her book The Man Next Door, http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=104518

Ok Hallelujah lol Here is the link in more detail http://usuryfree.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/leonard-cohen-and-mkultra-military-mind.html

The incident I'm thinking of happened out of the blue, one day. I got a phone call from Leonard, whom I hadn't seen in several months. He invited me next door for tea. Cautiously pleased with the invitation, which seemed to suggest we were back on a friendly footing, I rang his doorbell, he opened the door, and we drank tea in his kitchen. We chatted, he may have played me a new song or two, or showed me a drawing. Just like in the old days when we'd been friends.

Then he said he had an appointment somewhere and needed to take a bath. I offered to leave. He said: no, just sit here for a few minutes in case the phone rings. He got in the bath, I sat in the kitchen, and sure enough, the phone rings. It's Hazel, the woman next door. I tell her Leonard is in the bath, and to please call back in a few minutes, which she does. At this point, the story becomes a bit extraordinary. I am standing a few feet from the phone, and I can hear Hazel shouting. I can't make out what she's saying, but she is screaming what appears to be verbal abuse, and Leonard, who has his ear to the phone, becomes rigid and just listens. The screaming goes on for, maybe, half a minute during which he does not move, does not respond, or react. When the screaming stops, he says "OK" and hangs up. The phone rings again; he picks it up. More of the same shouting. Once again, he listens without affect, without moving, and says "OK." Then he hangs up, turns to me, and in a blank tone says "You'd better go now." Which I do.

But I'm upset with Hazel, so I phone her when I get home, and leave a one-line message on her answering machine suggesting that she stop doing whatever it was she was doing when she phoned him, shouting like a drill sergeant.

Later that night, there is a meeting in his front room. I happen to walk by, and unusually, the blinds are up and I see Leonard, encircled by the people I thought of as his "cult followers." He is speaking to them, gesturing dramatic. I only get a glimpse of this meeting as I pass the window, but my snapshot impression is that he is asking for their help in some difficult matter that is causing him great anxiety.

And sure enough, half an hour later, I get a phone call, from a woman called Birgit, whom I know quite well, but consider to be a fairly hardcore Cohen groupie. She has come from the meeting. She arrives as I'm cooking supper, sits in my kitchen, and goes straight to the point. I have to move from the neighbourhood, she says, and stop harassing Leonard Cohen. I'm, well, stunned. It's the first time anyone has spoken to me in two years about how I came to be living next door. The first time anyone has suggested it might be a problem. But I'm not stupid. I'm quite aware that my presence in the neighbourhood has caused concern for certain people. The fact, however, is that I am there as the result of a peculiar coincidence. That there is no way I could have found this apartment on my own – I'm there, and I can't really explain how it happens, in a city of 1 million people, I manage to move in next door to Leonard Cohen – it just happened. That's it, that's all.

kekistocrat ago

Interesting heritage with this one. Nora Maccoby comes from a long line of rabbis on her father's side and a Celtic heritage on her mother's. Not jew-hating, but given the globalist ties with her father and Stalin, I'd say there's a chance that she has globalist masters and, thus, a globalist agenda...(sarcasm) and she's writes for the Globalist. She's definitely filthy dirty. Edit: the current globalist agenda is involved with (among other strategies) painting a picture that the American government is corrupt (go figure); which is true but the end product is to have a revolution and install their own... much like the Bolshevik revolution. It is well documented that the Bolsheviks were and are Communists. Point is, a current Communist agenda is 'bird-dogging' the so called Truth movement.

blinkofaneye ago

we shall see, how he treats this issue when he gets into office.

KingKongisCTR ago

He tweeted in 2012 that he wants pervs taking kids to have quick trials and the death penalty.... No one would say that if they were involved in that kind of thing. They would lie and denounce the behavior but they would not say quick trial + death.

rail606 ago

Unless he planned Hillary's fall all the way back in 2012. Donald Trump is the type of guy I would expect to do that. He definitely had help from inside the government and knew things in 2012 99.9% of people in this country will not ever know.

Anyone who thinks Donald Trump is an idiot is well definitely an idiot themselves. He plays the part perfectly. He was honestly brilliant. Like I have never seen anyone make moves like he did. Ever heard the term wolf in sheep's clothing? If you look it up now you will find a picture of Donald Trump(JK haha but you get my point.)

I would say if anything the powers that be let Hillary run on purpose to smear the Clinton's and the Arabs. Not to mention prove that Obama sucks. Trump will be such a good president we will only ever vote white people for the next 100 years.

It was all a play to give the minorities what they want and teach them it was a bad idea. Basically I am kind of with the minorities. Powerful billionaires(white people) are evil. Hahaha. A majority of white people are service to others(good people.) Which is what the minorities get wrong. And basically 99% of billionaires(regardless of country/race/religion) are full on service-to-self(evil.)

The entire human race can be summed up in those 2 catagories. Service-to-others(good with empathy) and service-to-self(evil with lack of empathy.) The later is where we find our pizzagaters.

Cool fact though. Good is winning we WAY outnumber evil in this day in age and they are terrified. This is why they are tryhing to start a war. Reduce the population a little. Evil men make good men fight wars for them.

Cbradio ago

Hi..nteresting that Paris Hilton is a worldwide de DJ now. Jenna Bush was sent to Brazil or Equador, in last year, under charity auspices to do paperwork for a huge site her dad was buying, next to a Chinese industry and other one. Has any seen that?

25:00 ish: "Energy name of game, gamechangees, strstegized, utilized, changes the game"...yes...bio material sustainable multi industriesbin electric ( mbm cow carcass, UK, BBC, 2000), bio- fuels ( science direct.com/ Ca waste catalyst), koch/ Enron/ CCC/ more loopholing crude material laws including in NASDAQ that even became fed cases). Crude, bio Material not in legal, so bigwigs loopholed; just like with new designer drugs from scum labs WW that are not under drug laws are legal until discovered and put in the law. That is, same legal loophole going on with crude bio materials, under words sustainable, green.

The new energy monopolies, dead parts. See my other subverses for over a month and today of a very long list of all types multi industry bio material corps, uses, on NASDAQ, companies allowed in iraq/ Syria etc listedbin NY times, equipment corps ( includingvretsh bone mill w San Antonio donor lab), meat- grinders.com( portable to industry size meat grinders, bone powder and bone paste machines. Prostrone med connected to Salime webre via sr. Kuno, prostrone med is made of human cellular, is on NASDAQ with a Chinese corp and listed as high use in all institutions.

Executive on Boystown is also on huge conagra corp.

28:32 " bio fuels in Cali 29:47 " koch bros, terrorists.

Cbradio ago

Thx for posting this. Anyone ever find the Hilton, black market nuclear from 1988 times, she worked on as an intern? Eight die, right after interviewing.

I've always felt the neighborhood would be used to the subba culture of elite, maybe some even raised on foods we should not eat.

Surfer skater file crowd, can seem cool; but many from the elite fans. On Stanford, a surfer, big in software and on Twitter, looks innocent; but he was hired to work w Staford.

Boud8814 ago

fucking awesome redberries!

JoJoVoat ago

agree :-)

Atlantean120 ago

I would not be surprised if it were the same with the Sandyhook community...

Kwijibo ago

I have heard that there are neighborhoods in Maryland (suburban D.C.) where the Treasury Dept. pulls jurors from for tax cases and the jurors always side with the IRS. /just sayin

fartyshorts ago

Lots of money laundering through real estate there. Something to check for this neighborhood?

bopper ago


remedy4reality ago

Yep... something I have been saying for years. It's a beehive.

Yuke ago

Also, Alefantis' Facebook friends, two or three of them at least.

JoJoVoat ago

WOW Huge find. An entrance/exit to the tunnels can be on any of those properties/homes-inside or out . Opportunities for more kill rooms.

TheSpeaker2 ago

This is like following the scent of marijuana to the house next door and finding Cheech and Chong sitting in the living room.

Case closed.

ThePoorPeople ago

Actually chuckled out loud. Needed it after nearly removing my own eyes Oedipus style from the sick shit I've been reading on these fuckers over the last few months.

earthbalance1 ago

Upvoated simply because you managed to mention Cheech and Chong :).

Cbradio ago

Lol best laugh this month!!! Thanks;!

remedy4reality ago

Now we're fucking getting somewhere !!

vector3rector ago

Im shocked the mods haven't tried to delete this in their recent spree.

redberries ago

Ah here it is, I haven't read it because the blog is a clusterfuck. Please take it with a grain of salt. It's interesting, though: the blogger was speaking of this during August. https://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/category/ritual-satanic-sexual-abuse/

Ctrl+F "Maccoby"

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Anyone reading this article take heed: don't be dismissive of all the occult stuff. It's not all literally real (think of it as an initiation ritual for a lot of these people), but it is incredibly important to understand the influence of secret societies.

The term "Lucifer" (Morning Star) comes from the Latin Vulgate translation of Isaiah 14. And if you look at the whole chapter, it's clearly talking about a man, mocking him for claiming to be the Morning Star. In the New Testament, Jesus says he is the Morning Star.

Ezekiel 28 is referring to a fallen angel (probably not Satan, but rather a demon in charge of the territory around Tyre). But applying the term "Lucifer" to Satan is not correct; it's an invention by the mystery schools, including modern freemasonry.

I want to say more about how this applies to the present situation, but I'm afraid I'll overwhelm people. I'll leave it at this: the actual followers of Satan today are top-level freemasonry, and its associated groups (Bohemian Grove, CFR, Bilderberg, CIA, MI6, etc.) And they THINK that they follow Lucifer, The Morning Star, The Light Bringer.

PresudentMcCheese ago

Satan is a fiction that you people invented to get children to do what you want them too. Scary.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

That's not true, but it doesn't matter for our purposes here. THEY believe they are Lucifer worshipers. Knowing that will help you FIND THEM...

heywhatsgoingon ago

It doesn't matter what you believe, what matters is that they believe it and are acting on that basis.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Hell, many of THEM don't really believe it either. It's a means to an end.

specialplan ago

That blog and a few other connected ones have an almost Lyndon Larouche feel to them.

JoJoVoat ago

When was this written? I only saw one sentence in regards to Epstien but no evidence or links to evidence. Am I missing that?
Who wrote the article? A lefty liberal? If so then that explains that.

edit: so i looked at the link (citation 20) and so far they are saying his (Trump) name is supposedly in Epsteins little black book Also Trump is spelled with an f at the end of it (why?) and Clinton were mentioned way more in both articles but the author didnt put the Clinton name in the titles of either ...hmmmm....

Freemasonsrus ago

They tried to brownstone Trump through Epstein. It didn't work.

speepsie ago

What's brownstoning brah

Freemasonsrus ago

A CIA style "honey trap" that obtains video evidence of the subject in sexually compromising positions. Epstein would be a Brownstone. It has evolved from getting someone on film sleeping w someone other than their spouse to things much less palpable to the public, therefore better blackmailing material, like kids. Use it on whoever you'd like to control, govt officials, CEO's, MSM, ect.

See George Webb's series on YouTube for more info. You could start w day 73 and catch quite a lot of info.

SoonerJJ ago

It may be one of the reasons he decided to run for pres.

ArthurEdens ago

90% of dc voted for hillary so most of the town was probably hoping to keep the party going.

blinkofaneye ago

you can find sources at the end of the article. edit: he uses the name Drumpf, which is german for Trump. it is Donald's ancestoral surname.

blinkofaneye ago

the part about Breitbart and Donald Trump, will boggle the mind of everybody in the USA.

JoJoVoat ago

What is the minute mark for that?

BlackSwordsman ago

Which part?

RexAxisMundi ago

What part is that?