Fsumom ago

I think maybe the MK ultra "Fatherhood" video is a video of a new handeler and the breaking of a subject in torture at a heavy breathing concert

VieBleu ago

Personally, I don't trust the veracity of anything released from the WorldCorp site, even though it does seem to resemble possible MK Ultra style training.

mediaisevil ago

Great breakdown, I got the same impression, 15 seconds in to one of those videos and I knew it was hypnotic pedophilia/mind control/occult brainwashing material. I couldn't do it. Since I couldn't stomach the music videos, I tried to watch Klienman's video asking for donations or something (I forget) and even that had hypnotic swirls, and hidden satanic faces in the background as she spoke, I had to cut that off as well and I'm not even religious. I'm glad you wrote this up, very very good.

Cbradio ago

Bests wpuld be more for the prima Donna, white collar on the regular ( unless they got all drunk and coked out on a night like that under work or marriage/date stress or holding fraud image stress and " gotten loosen up, get horny as drunk for their deviant fix or tricked into doing)..maybe even with masks and lap dances....

Those types for Bests that might go on wilder side, might show up later at Bests versus the day. Bests prob is lunch hour types. Podesta email, mentioned pizza for an hour once. Lower staff must be prepping things, Eve towels, and such; just like a message parlor would.

Same with bookstore, as it's looks so professional to go in in work day wear. Does the child section below have rooms or tunnel.or basements or sections?Anyone find the square footage? I saw when.one posted Comet and the Campy one next store, as Camp.one shows basement footage.

Double mirror/ window ovens in Vesta? Someone have a pic, describe it for me? Something like those mirrors in the honeymoon hotels, over the bed? The more professional.pedo likes to watch themselves on their narcissism while in these disgusting acts? Or to watch themselves with an adult, before get coked up or drink drugged, and the self in mirror helps loosen up the more frigid, professional types, esp females or married people that are being initiated ( knowingly or unknowingly).

Anyone around area to test run off water andvsewage, river from a distance for substances? Or scrape the pipes, from runoff that would be hosed down? Pipes to river, drains, the river forest looks like slopes down a bit. Forest foliage would hold damp ground, mold and preserve things.

But safety first. And Im just writing a movie script, art, so evils can chill their bunched up panties.

I do recommend d vibrator therapy for any evils reading with thousands of hours of the nature channel, for a free Wilhelm Reich much need therapy session, besides necessary lockup as unfit for society.

Look up Alamo Theatre, and this 2980s horror comedy with word, Comet in film title. Interesting franchise, of tax wrote offs for very rich, ones must have secured, and three million dollars, prior to application allowed review. Alamo is a franchise. The tax wrote offs for rich for a theater, is odd, entitlement, unknown to public.

Free flow ..surely typos..

Cbradio ago

Wonder if there are any teen, college age, older dirty men, female drug addicts, prostitites that have been murdered or Mia? I could see with nonregulars or beginner staff that a visit getting drunk, high on something, drink dosed that things could " get wild," where they start to do some secual acts as offered; but then pull- back.once get too weird, or did do cross the " boundary of decency, " yet did not want to again or go further.

They would be loose ends to tie up, in this clearly the staff and regulars, are in a comfortable zone, know who is who and would even fang beat one up if got pisded on some late night there or in the alley or river in back.

Just a hunch.

If so, did one survive? Construction workers, as lower income; what is the hiring process and are they regular workers or much short turnover. The black.ones would probably live in the slightest areas in DC or outskirts.

College students, so drunk, might have seen suspicious.

Cops were called on guy in video. Another two guys that explored were pulled over on highway as leaving DC town. Cps callers report that often the call ops say demeaningly, "well call the cops." Some callers have been transferred to cops in intimidating ways.

It's def a big boys club, but with many dominant femme bitchbutches. Some out of town bands, might have thought cool to.perfprm, but we're decent and got tripped out by suspicious shady. Alot happens when everyone gets picked up, and boundaries grossly lessen in a group atmosphere of party hard; sexual tension high with much exposed and acts in late night craziness.

If any have links to Majestic or other bands, that are harder to find, can you post links to them.or lyrics? Thx..

Def a initiation , where the long time regulars would test newbies with the waters, in a sado maso dominate way, but mixed with false empathy bonding to build trust and test or set up.

Sasha was.in the punk, grunge to club club vibes. Clubs and bars she used to be regular, might have answers. Ones that would know her back.in the day would prob be around 45 and up.

The punk scenes and grunge to club, always had different sub cultures within. The die hard quality music record and perform with biz sense to the deviant, drugged out, Courtney Love, methhead, knife carving, sex on stage or fans effing on the floor, and more hardcore moshing.

Surely, some high-school teens have slipped in, past late night while all are so partied up. If from the elite area, makes me wonder of any of the teens were raised on cannabil is as the norm or Podesta daughter?

Who can try to interview Podesta daughter or Chelsea that isedia established more? Would it be safe? It is about time they had their bubbles popped, and Obama's daughter to real world of investigative journalism and not their over entitled, over protected interviews that are really free , kiss butt advertisements for their false image.

It's all a show.

I agree, the Comet is for the die hards, in general; but stragglers would saunter in and be more welcome as all.over effed up and in their deviant erotuc highs, guards would be down; but more intense after the act and when sobering/ coming down would be paranoid/ anxiety/stress. And they would have their different positions in.pyramid roles. Such as, prob a gay guy poser would wipe up stuff for Alefontitus and Majestic singer and main bartender and top guests, when things got dirty, whatever it was.

Handkerchiefs, who are their favorite makers or suppliers for designer bs bulk? A Chinese factory as cheap, local to in China or Alibaba?

Cbradio ago

Oh, I noticed alot of the so called females, majestic to the low staff are like Debbie downer wall flower types in highschool. That plain Jane look, shy depressed, or depressed and punk rock deflviant; not in a cool way, but rough ways, maybe some were firestarter in highschool, lots of tats and multi earrings, early on.

Don't get me wrong, tats, earring, punk grunge look can be cool, but they had to be either the extreme type that creeped student out or major Plain Jane Mary Wall Flower.

The way they move their body, even when walk and voice tone is very awkward, even when clearly effed up in the Sasha birthday or band performing. Lifelong low self esteem, jealousbof others that were pretty and comfortable in their body, built up resentment, must destroy to get turned on.

And now, yah, I'm do cool for I'm in the in crowd of DC elite. But, really, they are all just expendable fucks to the puppet masters. Their ego makes them not think that, but they are fall guy gals whatever fluid gender ( they are that day)

Nothing ag orientations, this is about the deviance that cross crime boundaries, big distinction.

Even if they like things clean, surely not wash hands much, like feel of fluids and such; prob some pick their nose alot. The lower ones, major followers feeling so sexy wanted as allowed in this! I get a feeling that they are more messy apt type, and do puck their orifices alot without wash hands, or even the kitty litter. They feel at home in excrement, waste products. It's how they get "in" their bodies and deviant pleasure zones. Some surely had ones in middle, highschool, neighborhoods thsy saw them do creepy, even killing animals, set fire, fit themselves. They hate young beauty, esp, must conquer, destroy it, and now, in this in crowd, they are cool. These are weak links, sloppier. Many are glad that Chelsea not so.pretty, jealous of the rich elite ladies with better clothes, boobs, noon jobs, etc..

They get angrier, probably, and used to clean up things or their "accidents, or a purchasers unfinished business.

None of this is fact. Just a reading, psych assessments, movement therapy and sound assessment profiling.

What is it like in each of their shoes, roles, expectations, duties, dynamic, giver, receiver,ore sado, more masochistic, inner feelings and mental thought processes, deviant erotica, types that would enter at did levels of hierarchy, childhood type profiles, , etc?

Podesta mentioning emails on twitrer means worried emails. The People of Lie go to distract. His first comment in weeks, begins the series of event thoughts he has to mislead, distract as of course, guilt and shame the ethical. He has been found out some, mocked, he is pissed. How dare they. The sick gregarious ego is livid to be seen as he and others do not face their ego, but feed it sexually as prey. How dare they. He's furious, scrubs alot, orders ones around, someone messages his shoulders...( Just reading energy..could be totally false..))

Cbradio ago

Glad to see this. Music Therapy is taught at alot of universities and is used in many medical and psych settings; as is art therapy, drama/ video/ poem and movement therapies. Instead of healing and meeting the client where they are at on a 4day graph; this is the polarity with tyranny, dominate, control the movements they want in a non mutual mode and agenda.

Majestic is definitely the top cheerleader in this this particular ring of many networked rings. Club scenes can be fun, but also have been infiltrated with agendas and deviances in many gentes of music.

On YouTube, the pedo club music can be found and it is huge, worldwide. I saw a comment by one, of how this note progression that is atonal gives him a kill Bill like thrill; regardless that all these musicians suck.

It is clear control of the art and music Renaissance, along with the top museums owned by various neo family. #kreemart will show you more on a web search and YouTube events and Instagram.

All over Instagram is a market of animal and human parts for sale as is, in jars, made into lamps and more. Business niches of this demented subculture is huge.

Who knows where the singer works and has, and Sasha is involved with girls scouts. The video link of monster love with kids, and the jobs are state and federal violations to hire unfit ones in jobs with kids and college students, and federal state grants to schools, camps and more require the adherence of fit professionals that do not have shady personal lives.

In fact, harmless, pretty teachers have been fired for merely posting pictures on Facebook that are perceived as sexy, even though they were appropriate to go out to dinner in.

Also, any of their work peers that failed to Mandate Report these deviant workers, violates laws and professional code ethics of conduct for their profession, and state licensure requirements.

Any that have seen the Alefontitus pics that failed to Mandate Report are also cps violating.

That is, there are alot to report to various oversight committees, licensing boards, state fed grants, IRS, the schools, jobs, and Girl Scouts. Hee hee, but disturbing ..

One thing I also like is the IRS law with nonprofits. Any citizen can request full financial and activity statements. If fail to send to your certified request in 10-14 days, every day failed to send in full is over a $1 k fine to the nonprofit. Hee hee

There are tools out there, that is....poetic justice.

VieBleu ago

I feel your comments regarding Maj A are very perceptive. You are onto the whole cultural aspect of this which they cannot keep under wraps. I would really like to see you dissect the music more if you thought you could stand it. It is designed to mentally program and entrain people and children I feel in my gut. You have a lot to contribute, please make your views more widely known by putting them into headline submissions. So glad you are hear (pun)!

Also, making simple requests to non-profits - great simple and certainly perfectly legal way to work on behalf of the children.

Cbradio ago

Hi, accessed in a free flow. Accessed more songs and blogs, will post soon as it's some nasty vibe, need a moment as fully immersed.

Thx. I think via group front of some sort and Po box is safest way to do foil requests if any have that capability. Irs fines and investigations, and schools/colleges, fed grants, FAFSA would hit ones in Money and job spots, at minimum, so useful tools to utilize.

Cbradio ago

How upload links/pics and correct format for here? Thx.

Cbradio ago

Hi, thanks..alot...I will. Do you have links? I dabbled a bit, and it's actually been a area, wanted to further. Did you see the reverse a psych student did to the speech? ...I can block..

Any of the bands, I did some of a summation, but this is def lead... The Asange codes, too, esp on the poetry / music end. But with the code, numbers .

Have some other ideas, but..

VieBleu ago

no particular links at this moment - use the search engine here on voat and limit to the pizzagate subverse by checking the box. thanks.

Atlantean120 ago

That would explain why I can't even bring myself to press the play button...

VieBleu ago

totally understandable - and smart.

pizzagate_crusader ago

This video with Majestic Ape uses subliminal messaging. I don't suggest watching it in full. It has pictures of absolute abuse and torture. I don't know how to get screen captures of the images, but I had seen them on Reddit before it was taken down (I can never unsee what I saw, they were true abuse and torture - not just suggestive of it). No one seems to be talking about this video. It is very disturbing. https://youtu.be/oicUO0sz08c?t=46YouTube

Cbradio ago

OK, accessing. As you can see, the chords are simple and progressions. Prey destroy drive have gross ego, unmatched, they feel.its great as do their type; but it shoes the brain decay that happens as Anto life thoughts and acts turn off the innate areas/ structures of brain that decay as innate synapse programs do not occur. Hence, why they need celebs with higher degrees of talent, for Holly hell industry's, or Bollyhell, etc.

Arab gals are limited in their celeb shows in.public, not private, if for the orgy of entertaining.

Ones must have listened to Pixies, Breeders, they regurgitate satanic stuff and music sound, more elementary as music harmonics cannot progress or as rapidly , when innate areas of brain are not stimulated for dendrite synapse.

They mix in the regressed childhood aspects, their inner regressed, unhappy self's; need that regressed baby g and inside jokes with each other and it sickly nurtures and bonds them. It also states in, initustrs , esp children or similarass deviant adults.

The simple chords and repeat sounds, both from their decay regression, but also the repetition like bests; but a harmonic to give the Anto life, satanic sound that turns on their genitals in their sickly impotence.

Will do more of this one, if others find videos and lyrics.

Again, notice even in music and going free in their expression, their movements are still awkward and inflexible with limited movements and over exaggerated, awkward ones. The rigidity vs flexibility, as the rigidity in brain from decayed areas from.lack.of innate synapses, to also the cranial bones get stuck.on contraction vs the parallel fluidity of contract, expand of cranial, like breathing/ respiration..

A osteopathic would find rigid cranial bones, stick in contraction, and hence the off balance shape of alot their skills, features, lips, eyes; and clearly torques in the skull structure in some. They release their tension anxiety in the music, odd movement, ( lousy dancers, like in 80s but suck at it), no flexible hip / pelvic movements, definitely would be more like thrusters, not Marvin Gaye lovers.

Rigid hips as the brain cranial bones are rigid, so is the sacral hone not dropped down, but up in tension/ flexion. Hands also rigid/ tension, fold boldly do not splay. Alot prob have back.isdues, hip/ pelvis, ultra flat or arched feet.

The more tense they get, the higher the prey destroy drive, hence both bold, over ego...yet sloppy.

Trippiness, delays, but off temp, they are too tense, rigid to have a dynamic, rhythmic pulse or catch their metering on time, but they are in sync, of course; can tell have spent much time together in music, and much more.

Very comfortable together. All have seen try what each is. ( Yuck arrghhh), and what victims would see is this and below the later.

At first would be the public role look, without the masks and garb, and hiding their demonic voices. Charm with pizza, play, pool; build a trust then the scare, fear builds the chemicals of terror in body that prey drive sickly crave.

Absolutely, no way legal reason that cps should not investigate. Absolutely, no way that any hired at jobs with babies to college, is legal according to federal education statutes, grant requirements, and safety for students.

Yet, colleges and svhool, then go legal risk assessment, so keep confidential the manner in which handle teachers, etc, alot of times. Sticky road for those job locations.

Staff across the street at the child nonprofit, no; ever attend these shows? No one decent, unless vulnerable and so drunk.or something wpuld stay if sauntered in, it's like the ultra bad acid trip. Def ones must have visited and bigger the pick out, vomit, saw devil images, even as look self in mirror. Holy schnikes, they suck.

Def not Mahivshna Orchestra, harmonic sounds prob agitate them.if too long around it.

Maybe the also make/ cut records, has a ole skool element to it. Their crowd target would be more 38 and up, but cartoonist regressed aspects that copy did darker part of cartoons for kids.

Under the mask, feel more secure to drop their public roles/ masks facades. Might make kids wear masks, pretend play to the music, dance. Maybe that face to face type in her other promo video , where Ape makes that pedo joke.

Orgie music. Guitar and keyboard and vocals are the main. Percussion and base, more repetitious and simple, not that rhythmic; even if drums played, sounds more like cheap beats.

Get a sense that Ape gets alot of vaginitus.

Gonna step back and vomit and shield this shit.


This is not fact, fiction, profile assessment in free flow , perhaps comedy..

Cbradio ago

Sorry, I should have added: This was all from a Sensory Proprioception Assessment of the Video posted above. Clearly, not mean fact. Assessments are done in free flow of what arrives to conscious when immerse in the sound, imagery, movement therapy assess movements, alignments, and more. I did a reading via request. It's very non enjoyable to fully surround sound/image..I typed in free flow during it. A free flow assessment is like meditation where you do not control, stop, judge thought; but just let thoughts flow to you. Alot came, and I typed during it. I added some bias at end for it was aversion revolting. I highly do not recommend to surround sound immerse for everyone. To be politically correct, it's just not my style and not healthy stuff. I can review more, if requested, and ones find stuff; but it's not what I seek. It really is obvious on a psych end, that there is something wrong, period and that no child would benefit in healthy safe development around these prototypes. This comment if for all of my comments on this subverse. I utilized tools taught in music therapy, sound/vibration therapy, drama/image/video therapy, energy psychology, movement therapy and more.

mediaisevil ago

These videos are made for the purpose of mind control, be careful watching them with your mind so open like that. Just saying.

Cbradio ago

Gaga, monsters, constant regurgitated theme..so do any of them have siblings and get along or rifts? Of rifts, maybe interview. Some might be married with children, and refuse to have their kids around them. Some siblings might be Bible thumpers. Some of these might have been abused or from rigid, Bible thumper homes.

Cbradio ago

Blood pressure victim would be very erratic, up and down..but these freaks would be relaxing to it...heart rate wpuld go up as climax in their sick acts, but a sense of control vs their daily angst anxiety they hid. Bet many of them bite their nails slot, real low, grind their teeth.

VieBleu ago

I feel the same way. After initially viewing it and others (the one about the sad pedo guy and Majestic Ape as his "beard/girlfriend" sitting in his lonely house and crying at the end after drugs, partying and whacking to pedo images speaks volumnes - this isn't just an artsy band people), I have only viewed portions of them again. I have gone to the page on You Tube and looked at the comments left there, and I turn the sound off completely and don't view. That creepy image of the "sexy Swamp Thing" on the phone particularly struck me. Trying to make monsters sexy goes along with the theme of one of Comet Pizza's kids program, where kids were instructed to make Valentines for monsters, and imagine how monsters found love.

I believe whoever is behind these videos is fine with the amount of exposure they are getting now - more people possibly entrained in their eyes.

Werwer12 ago

I don't think that we should assume this place is literally a hub of every thing wrong with our govt. The mkultra stuff shouldn't just be tied to them because it's weird music. I've watched the Franklin cover-up stuff and absolutely believe the CIA is responsible for alot of the pedophilia and human trafficking throughout our govt, but let's not muddy the waters by tying it to comet ping pong and heavy breathing. It HAS to be proved beyond doubt or else it's just one more piece that man will use to discredit the whole movement.

VieBleu ago

I did know a woman in the 90s that said she had been used in mind control as a child. She described content heavy videos played with disturbing music, played over and over again while she was drugged and fastened to a chair in a dark room. Podesta emails have a video watching reference I need to find again. You have no reason to believe me, but I know what I know so I am fine with it. My intuition is enough for me but I agree it is not proof. What I do want is for people to consider that possiblity instead of not understanding that possiblity at all. Every piece of information adds to an overall picture, and disparate threads everntually may form a pattern. But I have no problem with your sense of caution. On the other hand, I can tell, see, feel and sense a piece of major control agenda propaganda when I encounter it, and am not afraid to say so.

VieBleu ago

anyway glad to have the exchange as your thoughts probaby reflect a lot of other people's too.

Cbradio ago

Songs, albums, records of majestic are sold on various sites. Can hear songs on some. Blog of band and connected blogs. Sellers of the CDs and records are interesting. I did a longvreview of all, will post soon. Others can look if up to it. Don't recommend if ones can't self regulate mind well, as it's very unhealthy stuff.

VieBleu ago

Agreed - this would really be a service. I'd like to read through different song "lyrics". looking forward to what you have.

Cbradio ago

Family members, old neighbors, college dorms/roommates, schools of students from their past; must know insight and surely not all like them.

Amanda blog shows there is a tension between her and her mom.

Past bands at events must have seen stuff as in the party mode, and surely not all into the creepy.

The Tenn wildfire and caliwarehouse are odd timings. The Smoky Mtns are known as having Satanic caves, and Dolly Park was saved and she is know the local hero.

Warehouses are known for clubs, band practice, underground punk and music scenes. In Alaska, old army structures were often used for club scenes and bands.

Alaska recently had a politician Satanic ritual. Normalizing Satanic as religion in many states has been going on with prayer, after school events in Alaska, NY, and elsewhere.

Cops and ski masks are a issue in DC. Ones have been.knocked off their bikes flby cops for merely wearing a Ski mask.

Movement therapy and face/hands of ski mask is certainly, both Alefontotus and Amanda. They have distinct different movements and how they hold themselves and use space on the 4 d graph of coordinates, utilized as a tool in movement therapies.

The sellers of their old albums are leads on many websites.

Cages in the restaurant are still there on YouTube videos. Any in animal work know that cages build up dust, no matter what and are unfit for a restaurant, must be hosed down often.

Curtains are a fire hazard.

Blue collar workers, temp agency jobs, temp jobs that go to homeless locations and immigrant locations like Home Depot parking lot, club venue workers and more must have some leads.

Company distribution sales of cages, lime, hydrogen peroxide, bleach, other chemicals that can break down bodies, buckets and more are leads. Lime was utilized in the Jersey Island cases and many Ireland ones.

Ireland cases are rampant with entities, charities, institutions for poor, female moms, kids and connect to transport kids to USA.

Florida Boys school and more, and tons of CP's cases, connected with h Obamacare. Refusal to supply the cheaper home medical supplies to.parents of disabled children, has led to many kids taken by state.

Many state ward kids, fosters not have photos used in missing cases, even though on intake, photos and fingerprints must be done.

South Miami was hotspot, but now is Panama city area. Each state, region, country has a huge history to break down with crimes, CP's, welfare, public health care. Public health care is contracted with many corporations, lobby and research firms, universities, conferences.

Sorry, have limited points to comment, so going off an n topic of lyrics, etc.

Cbradio ago

Thanks. We really need a sticky for all laws and contract mandates to be put up, so that each area can be investigated and violations documented as report to various entities and more.

The more ones know all the laws, contract mandates, connected entities; the stronger the legal base of cases are built and various ones can be taken out of their jobs, charged, arrested for other state and fed violations.

One of many examples: Klein and her job are multi vilaruobs by the job and with multiple federal agency laws, including federal grant fundings. Clinton's, IRS, and more.

All past cases were failures that endangered victims and advocates on the case by desth , jail, threats, etc.

So many can be taken out of status by exposing other violations. And that gathers more evidence, leads, connections;/and I cannot stress that any legal case must show documented violations to build the base of case or their attorneys or govt can easily throw cases out...

Also, takes it out of circumstantial as various laws, contracts, job duties are violated and documented via inform record and paperwork trail.

Cbradio ago

I have not found a way to upload photos of laws and such, as only on a cell phone and not getting a laptop view. I also think Asange did leave a code to let other data be exposed. The codes plus song he left and more, got to be there for a reason. He is smart. Just like a smart gal if kidnapped, would drop her jewelry, pee, etc to leave trails. There also has to be children or teens that have trued such, or will.

Even the bathroom wall graffitit could have had a msg.

The travel blog of Klein...could match up with misdingbir homicides.

Their earlier music is actually more sophisticated, even though still sucjs. They have def regressed, which is typos cal.of ones in the habit if violence they ghts and actions. The innate brain areas and functions, shit down as the neurotransmitters are not having innate dendrite synapses.

A sticky of psychology of violence and child psych development and boundaries is needed, also.

Ones are against contacting cps for human in NY or DC for this. Of course, DC involved, but documenting the fed state violations of not timely welfare check each child and location child was in, is necessary for solid case.

Any and every stare, federal, corp contract on govt mandate that is documented as violated, builds the base case needed in courts. In fact, their attorneys or govt can shut down a case that does not have these pertinent elements.

DC homicides and missing cold cases are of many. There are family and advocates, many black, that have mass advocaeed and are ignored that are key to network with. Blue collar workers for subway, construction, painting and more are also key areas to network with.

Cbradio ago

Documenting CPs violations of failure welfare check, any state, fed, govt, corp violations makes it further true news than the false news narrative. Each entity is related in programs, oversight, laws, mandates and more.

Some: OIG HHS, cms, ahca, dhs, did RTS each state direct arm to fed drop, insurance regulations, quality commission boards, so much more. Laws and mandates all over their websites and web, usually in.PDF of less. Foil/foia requests on state websites, and cases can be found. Legal cases in journals, state sites, quite a lot to dig up.

Medical transport us a huge connection in the fed nemt program and dhs/CP's/nursery schools and more. Have even been a lot of deaths of kids and molestsrions, and failure to check child in.long transpire, or even hook up oxygen.

So many more connected areas that build up solid legal case, document violations that are to have ones fired, penalized jailed, lose contracts, build solid base evidence that any and all violations are going on and pedo rings occur with other violations and structural formats utilized by govt and corps to create the pedo industry infrastructures.

Human bodies and paste are their resource, alive and dead. Bio material food is the 2009 African Summit, with many corps, including Ingredion.

Migrants, immigrant felons are brought in through Obamacare with contracted bedbug corp ( drivers, illegal drive cos, call staff), Logistic are owned by Providence owned by Ingeus. All websites mentioned, read privacy and terms of use and cookies

Office Inspector General, oversight arm to even cop, been ignored. Websitefull of data. Logistic are reports, 2016 in NJ and others of gross violations never punished that are federal felonies. Reports always try to put blame on be eficiaeiew and cit services as services already a failure causing mass depolulariin, suffer as medical necessity blocked, which then routes all ages and kids to state institutions, nursing homes, etc..

CDC and nih stars on mortalities, worsening added disabilities, hospitals, nursing homes, infant mortality. Texas infant mortality made news, yet direct factor if the obamacare contract fads are blatantly missing..

Kazzy ago

Not much from me but there are things called binaural beats https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binaural_beats

they can be a good mental aid to induce lucid dreams and do meditation and relax and focus etc. so some of the mind control parts (more or less) of the 'song' might have something to do with the vibrato and (usually the base frequency for them is approximately 211 hz some should check the average frequency of that 'song' and the frequency of the vibrato). I won't be at my pc for a few days to check it out but yeah

also check out isochronic tones.

both binaural beats and isochronic tones are a very powerful tool whilst sleeping and meditating and focusing as I said before (ppl claim they heal physical ailments too which is just stupid) but mentally a very powerful tool

Cbradio ago

Can anyone check the Hertz and more on a music software program? I could figure out notes and chords, but too much aversion to it.

VieBleu ago

This is an important element of the power of the music I think, and even as I wrote I tried to figure out how I would express that the deep vibrations of the music strike us in powerful ways, from our heartbeats trying to align to them to an alteration of brain waves, and I decided I couldn't express it. The psychological sense of a power of control outside of us is unmistakable. So thanks for that input, you are hitting an element that is easily passed over by many.

I remember when the US Army under Bush Sr. was trying to flush Noriega out of his compound. They surrounded it with giant speakers and played heavy metal really LOUD for days and days...he caved. Of course we know that the CIA torture rooms in the middle east wars use extremely loud rock music too - there was a band that complained about it, can't remember who.
Hmm a quick google and here is an article with some interesting details on how people are detained and tortured with music by good ol' Uncle Sam. CIA TORTURE MUSIC

Cbradio ago

Yah, def this not synch to heart , but Anto, a reverse polarity. Would be torture esp, for a child victim in it. Would start to hallucinate, feel weak, lose consciousness. Summary: phucking sick, poison.

VieBleu ago

"Just dosing people with LSD" - you need to look up and read from cover to cover a book called Acid Dreams which details the history of the CIA getting into mind control with LSD. CIA is bad at their job - No they have routinely taken down governments covertly all over the world for decades. They have effectively compromised our entire political system by owning blackmail material on any important politician, of course arguably that is not their job of course. The CIA is shorthand for a variety of black operations which function entirely on their own budgets, independant of oversight. Air support was not given at the Bay of Pigs because at that time jFK refused to order air support, so the secret op failed but most don't fail like that. In fact at that point after JFK was out of the way the CIA worked to make sure they would never be beholden to any executive order again in order to accomplish their own goals. They are often called a rogue agency, sometimes they are at odds with the more law and order FBI.

Yadda yadda yadda.

rivercontrol ago

Good post. I'm interested in studying this whole thing from a MK-Ultra perspective. Also interesting, I was doing research for my last post about the "Molech Maschine" JA Instagram post and found that Mulak was ancient Egyptian for "owl", it was their hieroglyphic for the letter "M". The owl stood for the transportation of the spirit through death. I was looking at the similarities between the word "Mulak" and "MK-Ultra". Perhaps the program was an attempt to recreate the ancient Mulak cult as an operation.

VieBleu ago

Hi - thanks for reading - I am new and didn't know if my post would be gone with the wind.

So it is usually spelled Moloch. That is the owl that is sacrificed to in the "Cremation of Care" ceremony video taped in secret at Bohemian Grove by Alex Jones. You can google for the video and see the big owl right there, a permanent fixture of the Grove with it's dark arts. Supposed to be a lot of horrible deeds done there but a "gentleman's club" so the silence is never broken or spoken of. Karl Rove's special name at the "camp" is TurdBlossom. All kind of perversions are enjoyed there by the elite's as they bond and plan how to run the world.

Moloch was sacrificed to - human children were killed and given to it. it was a sect of "pagan" Jewish people who worshipped outside of the walls of Jerusalem where all the trash was burned I guess. You can look up Garden of Gahenna on Wikileaks for more.

I don't think that is really what the CIA is doing mind control for, though I do think they use Satanism to control people and Moloch would be a part of that. I think the CIA needs mind control techniques to get people and children to perform acts that are naturally heinous to the human spirit. And drugs. And torture and restraint, threats, blackmail, you name it. Although Mk Ultra was supposedly shut down in the 70s, I think we are seeing the natural result of it living on quite healthily underground, until it almost seemed normalized to the people who were involved, and they got sloppy on social media with their party pedo "culture". They also considered themselves untouchable.

I think it is a mistake to dismiss the art and music as just a sideshow of this whole thing. It is definitely a major form of control, and the videos produced by the CIA to accomplish this end are the product of the best artists and sick minds they run. Some of these people may have been chosen survivors of abuse from childhood grown into these sick "jobs". I do not believe Heavy Breathing actually made a living and paid for their productions as a "band".

Thanks for listening.

rivercontrol ago

Thank you. I'm familiar with the normal spelling of Moloch, but recently discovered it comes from the ancient Egyptian Mulak. http://sli.mg/MHAXYf That leads me to believe the spelling was altered over time as the Hebrews carried the anicent Egyptain secrets through time. I'm interested in finding the very root of this. http://gnosticwarrior.com/owl.html

I'm curious when Moloch changed from an owl to a bull-headed man?

VieBleu ago

I thought what you mentioned in a post about the towel and knife being gifts of materials used in sacrifice was pretty good. I just couldn't figure out why Molosh or whatever would ever be embroidered on a towel!

It is so easy to dismiss things when you don't understand them. I think they've depended on that to remain hidden all this time.

rivercontrol ago

Ah, yeah, the Moloch print was from the film Metropolis, but carefully tucked under the towels so only the title appeared. As for the towels, they have the initials "A L" not related to J.A. or the person giving them. What came up on Google was: Al Netilat Yadayim (Blessing Upon Washing Hands), a Hebrew handwashing ceremony.

LloydK ago

You can do a web search on:

site:saturniancosmology.org thoth moloch

Thoth is the name of a defunct online newsletter. So you can search for owl etc along with thoth too (including the site name).

Many of these symbols in ancient myths appear to have been named after planets and other phenomena in the sky that were near Earth about 5,000 years ago. It's likely that there was asteroid bombardment shortly afterward which produced the Great Flood and rapid continental drift. The sky gradually changed over thousands of years, while the Earth's surface changed rapidly, no longer resembling the original Earth, due to flood sedimentation nearly a mile deep.

The same mythic symbols were pretty much observed in every ancient culture. They don't come from just the Hebrew Bible.

rivercontrol ago

Great link! I started reading: http://saturniancosmology.org/files/degrazia/gf_1.txt and number one on the list of illustrations was: 1. A Comet in Human Form

LloydK ago

There's an image of the "Comet in Human Form" at http://bearfabrique.org/History/gf_docs/gf_1.pdf about a third of the way down the page. It's not an impressive image, but the story below it is somewhat informative.

rivercontrol ago

Whoa. "A star with a rod is a cometary image. So we understand Balaam the Prophet when he says: "A star shall advance from Jacob, and a staff shall rise from Israel" that will destroy Moab, Suthites, Edom and Seir [9]. Commenting upon this verse, B. Gemser explains why the word "staff" or "rod" here should actually be read as "comet." The Hebrew word is shevet and for comet is shavit. Jacob is Israel, and "father" of the tribes of Israel out of Egypt [10]." http://sli.mg/SpIEqS

VieBleu ago

Interesting question - my take on it is that it was the fiercer bull headed baby blood eating god first, then morphed into an owl with time, maybe to cover? So the owl as symbol of "wisdom" or "being in the know" was used later. But I am theorizing, no back up on that for sure.

There was an amazing discussion about how the backward bent pose of that statue in the home of brother Podesta and the Jeffrey Dahmer victim is actually a Luciferian pose with occult meaning. Fascinating (and horrible) discussion on that here Podesta Statue Crowley link](http://tracytwyman.com/dahmer-pose-statue-in-tony-podestas-house-matches-illustration-from-aleister-crowley-text/))

hanknut42 ago

Fox chapel is where she'he went as a kid gogo

VieBleu ago

Can you give more info on Fox chapel?

hanknut42 ago

it meant heres a clue balls in your court kinda thing

VieBleu ago

I did look up the school but didn't find any reported scandals with it. Looked up whether it had any CIA connections didn't see anything. You got something you can share?