mooteensy ago

Right! I hope it continues to happen more and more. This would be a real life dream come true for me!

carmencita ago

Back Atchya :)

carmencita ago

I think in an article I read that it said the building has been razed, due to it's condition and the change in the neighborhood. Wonder if there is still a way to find out. If I remember correctly, in a couple of articles I read about Angie Houseman that there was no mention of interrogation of the hunter or person that found her in the woods. That seems to be the situation with at least those two. The articles seem to be thorough but not regarding questioning of the witnesses. I have a sneaky suspicion that the persons finding these victims are the criminals. This has been in the back of my brain for some time.

carmencita ago

I know you both are very smart and also careful but I worry for my friends. We have made a very good team in researching. I am glad you intend to go about it legally and peacefully for we do not want to give them any satisfaction.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I would highly suggest contacting the Oathkeepers. I've spoken with them before about something unrelated and understand that they have extremely good intel. They likely already have networked with drone hobbyists. As for myself, I tend to do things on my own, and I only play defense. I wouldn't go after someone unless there was a legitimate bounty. That being said, someone would need to be very stupid to come for me. They would not be walking away.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I can help you. Do you have any guns? I'm not kidding. Don't do anything before you talk to me. You can trust me based on what I've released so far.

EDIT: Just want to be clear: self defense and home protection. Not hunting people. Though I wouldn't be surprised if bounties are put out if the numbers are as high as I suspect they are.

carmencita ago

Please. Both of you be very careful. Please do not do anything that will even harm a hair on your heads. We need you to help end this turmoil. Don't take anything into your own hands. They are dangerous and cunning. Don't do anything rash. Stay Safe.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Always playing defense forces your enemies to always act on offence, and act predictably. Everything I do is strategic. The Comet shooter was staged.

carmencita ago

I understand your thinking but please play it safe. I know that Comet was a false flag too. About the sweater of Little Jane Doe being given to the psychics by the police, I find it very strange. Why would they give such an important piece of evidence to complete strangers? And then allow them to mail it back in the mail? WHAT? I am thinking that one of the policemen may have been trying to protect someone or an organization. Maybe he was a pedo too or just taking payments. One of the Consultants Julia who does Spirit Sketches has a sketch with triangular shapes that remind me of the pedo symbol and in the center of a Pentagram Star is the Illuminati Eye. Also Consultant Julia Maria specializes in past life regressions. I have found very little on the founder the father of Mystic Valley (three daughters have taken it over) it is like they scrubbed the internet. I did find he graduated from Rosary High School in 1967. Also I find it strange that in all the articles I have read about Little Jane Doe that they never mention that the two men that found her in the basement, that they were ever interrogated. These are my concerns. What do you think?

Queen_Puabi ago

One of profile pics on Emrys Frank Morgan FB had a link that led to a bunch of fetish parties. I clicked on one, but didn't want to keep looking.

thicktail1730947 ago

How was the info in the flyers collated?

Freemasonsrus ago

That's pretty fucking badass. I can only imagine being stoned and seeing hundreds of fliers all over the ground with pedo shit! After all of this, I would definitely wonder I smoked something laced and was hallucinating lol

Wolftrail7272 ago

I've been waiting for things like this to start happening. Its the logical progression of this investigation. Its getting interesting.

Godwillwin ago

Holy cow! What is this?!! Slotted pizzas when I googled pizza gutt. Time slots for your pizza and your toppings and he will bake them and deliver within the week. Whaaaaaatttt?!!

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

The week in advance thing is very very odd, but I have seen the time slot thing once before in my life. Was staying for a weekend in Connecticut near the aquarium, one of the towns off 95. Found a pizza joint that had great reviews, but you had to pick a time slot. Found that very odd, but when I got there, it was a tiny tiny old repurposed building, redid into a hipster place that had a single wood fired brick oven that was only capable of cooking one pizza at a time, hence the time slots. Seems like a dumb business model to me, but in this case it was innocent. Week in advance seems sketchy as hell though

Godwillwin ago

Yeh. Thought it was worth checking out, but It could be nothing.

Godwillwin ago

Here's a slotted for a day in December. I mean I guess these people could really be ordering pizza but why the week in advance thing?

whazzat1970 ago

And why these time slots, exactly? They begin at 2 in the afternoon and end at 4:30? Right around the time school starts letting out and right before people are expected to be home with their families?? In 15 minute increments? Huh?

gardenofbacchus ago

Yeah he's been using slotted for trafficking. He knows he's wanted. He's shitting himself. If you have an anonymous instagram set it private and keep abusing these pieces of shit, doxx them, mass message spam everyone on his friends list warning about him, do whatever you can. We've crossed the bridge at this point, it's all out us vs. them.

gardenofbacchus ago

reservation for "Daniel Bisogno" - found him too

Godwillwin ago

Fantastic! The person that scattered these about needs to do this every morning and we need copies of all of them so we can scatter throughout our cities

zagreos ago

Here is a transcription of the contents of the flier:

Emrys Frank Morgan

3897 Sandy Bend Rd Marydel, DE 119964

Black Rose Pedophile Gang

The Crucible 412 V St. NE, Washington, DC 20002

Amtgard Kingdom of Crystal Groves

Pennsic War Camp[?] Die Fiedermaus

Camp Ramblewood / Four Quarters Religious Sanctuary


Japanese Anime Convention Child Rape Ring

Black Rose Pedophile Gang members include Emyrs Frank Morgan, known kidnapper Michael Orbanotu and conviced serial child rapist Michael Allen Alper have been recruiting small children they meet at Japanese anime convention[s] such as Otakon, Kastsucon, and Animie USA for use in child pornography.

Manufacturing Child Pornography and Sex Traficking in Hagerstown

Kingdom of Crystal Groves records show that Emrys Frank Morgan and other pedophile members of Black [page cuts off] the children live action roll playing game in Amtgard for the purpose of sexually abusing children. Other pedophile members of Black Rose include several people convicted of child sex offenses such as convicted rapist Jason Craig Kaine, conviced child pornographer John Sekula, convicted serial child rapist Michael [Allen Alper][page cuts off], murderer David Banzhoff, kidnapper Michael Orbanotu, pedophile Suchinder Dhillon, pedophile Bradley Zimmerman, pedophile David Schrader, pedophile Coleen S. Loyd.

[page cuts off] State Police outed the pedophile child sex trafficking ring after they arrested and convicted Morgan's [page cuts off] accomplice Sekula of transferring thousands of the group's child rape videos on the dark web.

[page cuts off] …ame Parlor in Chantilly, VA

[page cuts off] …mtgard Live Action Roll Playing Game

The Crucible Sexual Fetish Dungeons

Black Rose Sexual Fetish Organizations

Spellbound Nightclub in Washington, DC


Convicted violent child rapist Jason Craig Kane, well known Satanists David L. Schrader and Eddie Diaz are stalking children in the neighbourhood. Children have complained that the men are approaching unaccompanied small children and inviting them to play games in the woods with foam toys.

Eddie Diaz and his friend author Patrick L. O'Donnel claimed to be personal friend of former CIA director Gen. Dav[page cuts off] Petraeus. Patraeus has told both men to stop making this claim. Diaz will try to intimidate his young victims by citi[page cuts off] his associated which include OSS Society Director Charles T. Pinck.

Schrader and Diaz were caught by Federal Law Enforcement for organizing Pedophile Camping Events where convicted violent pedophiles including Jason Craig Kane and John Sekula were put in authority over small children. The Maryland State Police discovered thousands of images of child pornography with the group which calls itself [page cuts off] Kingdom of Crystal Groves.

Criminal activity has been reported at the Kingdom of Crystal Groves including child rape, child pornography, child[page cuts off] traficking, distribution for narcotics to children, assault, and murder. Young children were prostituted ti various pedophiles. Schrader, Diaz, and Kane are well known associated of Robert Weigend, James Christopher Gerk[page cuts off] and Jimmie Scott and regulars are the defunct pedophile local comic book shop Game Parlor. Game Parlor is a known pedophile child grooming location.

Black Rose is an organization that promotes sex with small children. Black Rose hides this agenda by also p[page cuts off] sexual freedom and various sexual fetishes.

The Black Rose pedophiles use Crystal Groves and Game Parlor to vett children for inclusion in kiddie sex[page cuts off] Crystal Groves members aggressively recruit for the fetish community. Children are artfully separated from [page cuts off] parents and brought into the sexual fetish lifestyle. Employees and patrons of game parlor members of [page cuts off] Groves have openly bragged about their sexual exploits with small children.

Crystal Groves members who are Black Rose members are incentivised to take over local child based [page cuts off] Katsucon, Otakon, Anime USA. By working at these events they have expanded the amount of child [page cuts off] abuse while covering their tracks. Members can sexually pursue children at these events [page cuts off] …

Queen_Puabi ago

Under one of his profile pics on FB, this link

Xpol ago

That site is NSFW

Theres pages of pictures of sex fetishs strippers just creepy sexualized stuff.

But there's a lage called DC FETISH PARTY

Can anyone identify any of the people in these pics [NSFW]

Queen_Puabi ago

Also, could do reverse photo to find out who these people are.

Queen_Puabi ago

I don't know how to save these, but someone should be saving all these photos of fetish parties before it's too late. There's a lot of links there

ArthurEdens ago

great tactic, i would love to blast the worldcorp videos at a podesta interview

zagreos ago

The important parts of what he said for those who don't want to read through everything:

"The documents I grabbed warn that** there are multiple active, overlapping child trafficking rings in northern Virginia working together. … [E]ach document is almost exclusively doxxing information: full names, pictures, FB profiles, street addresses, … criminal convictions, … relationships with other child traffickers, and venues that the individuals and groups frequent (including the venue addresses). Half of the documents are paragraph-based and discuss how the groups interact and structure their coordinated targeting of children. The other half are like … "Have you seen me?" posters, except under the picture is age, size, street address, favorite places to hang out, friends, Facebook profiles, criminal convictions (if any) and … tags to show which were pedasts, sadopedasts, child pornographers, kidnappers, or drug dealers.

[O]ne of the key venues for the targeting of children for these rings is the [company name redacted by the author] formerly of Sterling Park. I used to play Magic the Gathering there, with lots of other kids, 15-20 years ago. I clearly remember, even from back then, rumors of pedophilic owners, employees, and customers. Amazingly, this company is mentioned in the same sentence as the CIA, in one of the accusations in these papers. Here, too, names are named.

… I … look[ed] up 32 names from the documents, 8 organizations named in them, 2 intelligence community members named in them, and 2 prominent Virginians named in them.

There are a few central 'groups' who each 'infiltrate' a few different venues, events, and social organizations to target children. … I found recent pictures of the named convicted child rapists … showing up, in concert with other convicted child sex criminals, to major public gatherings locally where children were a large part of the attendees. Roughly half of the 32 named individuals are convicted sex offenders, the other half have either drug, violence, or assorted [criminal] records, or none at all. Each of the details in the 'dossiers' I verified, from which [persons] went to which events, to which ones had which criminal records, to which ones had which friends. … [S]ex offenders are ubiquitously ugly. There are dozens and dozens of social media images of just this: convicted child rapists attending, with their child rapist friends, public gatherings that have a focus on children. …

… I am not surprised at the methods outlined in these papers, of course they go on camping trips as groups, etc. Of course they would pair drugs with their sexual grooming of children. What I didn't really expect was the CIA helping them. …

In my internet searching I found references from others in Virginia who have seen documents like the ones I found, floating around at random. … Some of the information in these documents is dated by 2-3 years, and some of it must have been gathered this year, because the pictures on these documents were taken that recently. …

… When I walked back later to get more of the documents, every single one (and there were absolutely hundreds) was gone.

Dasistnichtsehrgut ago


gardenofbacchus ago

For anyone who lives in PA





gardenofbacchus ago

yes he did. I actually spoke to Gutter and Dwyer over instagram as did another user here. They're terrified and know they're wanted which is at least something we can be happy about.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Rumors are indeed true. It will be in Brewerytown. Although it won't be called Pizza Brain. It will have a different name, different concept, different menu. Rest assured, it will still very much involve pizza. Hoping to open the doors in 2014.

What is his other restaurant?

Godwillwin ago

Here's another one for January

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Can you get better pics of all of them that you have...? Be interesting to run some names through the machine and do some digging.

Very strange situation. Real crusader..? Disinformation..? Lots of craziness these days...

StrangeHologram ago

Unblurred fliers: Back up before these get memory holed

fartyshorts ago

Imgur might delete those, so use other services. Here's an alternative to the flier:

DietCokehead1 ago

Ok, I just added it.

DietCokehead1 ago

derram ago :

To Whomever is flyering the surburbs of northern Virginia with doxxing documents of active local child sex trafficking ring members: you made my morning walk for cigarettes more interesting. : conspiracy

This has been an automated message.

StrangeHologram ago

Link to some of the flyers: