23eulogy23 ago

Hello again.. why don't you do an AMA and explain yourself. Post your own discussion and defend yourself

thelandofchocolate ago

No need to reach for supernatural explanations. The scarier fact is that they're not the sub-human, but the all-too-human.

Maeglor ago


Vindicator ago

Mods -- and I'm sure the whole community -- would be quite grateful if you would take it upon yourself to archive removed submissions each week in whatever manner YOU deem most transparent and robust, and make a post linking to them in v/pizzagatemods. You could make a single post and update it with a fresh link to newly archived material, or make a whole new post each week, whichever you think best.

I can assure you that we will be quite happy to have a handy backup of removed files, as it will allow us to much more easily track which users habitually ignore the rules or spam the board with the same non-compliant posts repeatedly. Thanks in advance from the whole team! :-)

Touchdown50 ago

Research the personality disorder Malignant personality disorder or malignant narcissistic personality disorder and you will understand why these people are not human.

Votescam ago

First look at CIA MKULTRA and it's Mind Control Certainly they are trying to dehumanize their victims for their own purposes, involving using them as drug runners, homosexual prostitutes, and for espionage/spies/blackmail.

MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,[10] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other forms of psychological torture.[11][12]

The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies.[13] The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA's involvement.[14] As the US Supreme Court later noted, MKULTRA was:

What many don't understand is that this sexual abuse and torture can often create multiple personalities. Those personalities can then be programmed. In other words the victim can be walking around in their every day life without any awareness of what he/she is doing as other personalities. The new personalities can be programmed for photographic memory, as well. Presumably to speak other languages. To reflect completely different personalities from what the victim's personality.

A heterosexual victim can be made to serve as a homosexual prostitute.

We don't know what we're actually dealing with in the way of victims who don't ask to be kidnapped, don't ask to be tortured.

Noticed tonight that Nancy Pelosi -- like Hillary Clinton -- has a family background of father's involvement with organized crime.

Purpose of this program is mind control which means that the victim no longer has free will.

Who in their right mind might choose this kind of a life?

Estimate on pedophiles, I think is something like 4% of population.
Torture and sexual abuse can create pedophilia in the victim -- most don't become pedophiles, but some do.

Narcissism ago

Narcissistic/ Sociopaths likely abused as children.

Touchdown50 ago

Yup i agree or worse they were encouraged alot and nevet told no.

unclassified ago

No, Malinche and dbvapor these are just people. The Govt. is full of psychopaths it really is, and they associate with their own kind. And when that kind of money and power go unchecked they get smug and all full of themselves and this pedo rape/murder is exactly what happens. It's their hobby.

LolturdFerguson ago

Sub Humans. In some esoteric texts it talks of the 'true' humans that will pierce the darkness with their light of truth.

The "true" humans were feared by demon, God and omnipotent beings themselves.

Atlantean120 ago

2017-when David Icke's crazy talk became reality.

LolturdFerguson ago

My reality has been shattered. First magic memes, kek, trump, PG. It's all too much.

23eulogy23 ago

Post your own AMA submission and defend yourself. I DOUBLE HOT DOG DARE YA. If you have nothing to hide that is

utez ago

These guys are creepy. I thought this one was bad:


delugesofgrandeur commented: brephophagist

I didn't know what this comment meant until I googled it. I got chills when I read the definition.


brephophagist one who eats babies. Meseems fish are brephophagists.

baby-eater #cannibal #maneater #cruel #kind-hearted #infanticide

He also has a weird obsession with chickens and I found this picture with the comments to be odd.


mrjdouble ago

Super creeps. Good find, good find, indeed. Wish he would have responded to that comment.

chelseaclinton ago

What is the weird condom lining up with the CD's hole and the child thing? Also you can look at the guy and see his left eye is his evil reveal eye.

gardenofbacchus ago

Save all of these. Archive everything. They're lurking this sub.

mrjdouble ago

Roger that, got copies and copies of copies.

23eulogy23 ago

Holy shit good find!

Anon1234567 ago

Why did he tag his pic #nwo after responding that he works directly against police but not in conflict?

mrjdouble ago

That was strange. Maybe got jumped into to the Illuminati/secret society so the police can't touch him?

gardenofbacchus ago

http://archive.is/5xgYV? Coincidental pedophile spiral? Need more explanations Daniel

23eulogy23 ago

Oh it's gutter 100% he tried to private message me and gardenofbacchus on IG

nomorepepperoni ago

Oh, look whose Twitter I found!


In this Tweet, he's asking the journalist behind this article to remove his name:


Strange, I didn't see anything on there about Pizza_gutt or either of the names on these accounts, just PizzaBrain...

Wait a minute...


23eulogy23 ago

Yes him and Brian James Dywer (former owner of Pizza Brain) are BFFs. Why we are on the subject care to explain what's up with your satanic friend and his child that's always covered on bruises u/soflowojo ? https://m.imgur.com/a/DOXB0

mrjdouble ago

All of the children in these pics seems to have been inflicted damage around their lower eye area.

23eulogy23 ago

They are all the same child. I know little boys get bumps and bruises from time to time. But 5 month babies should NOT have black eyes

mrjdouble ago

Oh it's just one child as he's getting older. But the caption makes it sound like a generic story that a woman who was beaten by their husband would use to tell others she was fine, (no being abused)

Do you reckon that likely means he's a particularly violent pedo?

23eulogy23 ago

Yes there are numerous photos taken at completely different times were the child has various injuries. Mostly around the eye though

nomorepepperoni ago

River looks a little young in this pic to hype about being an "eternal crush" but I digress..


23eulogy23 ago

Speaking of.. look who just reached out to me https://m.imgur.com/gNvoYx7

nomorepepperoni ago

Well that figures. If he threatens you, get photos and get a police report.

nomorepepperoni ago

Might be nothing, but this struck out at me in light of the WorldCorp drama.


gardenofbacchus ago

Soflowojo aka Gutter deleted his Voat account, anyone get any screenshots of this thread while he was in it?

nomorepepperoni ago

Not I sadly, was busy digging for leads before they got scrubbed.

Anyone still have the threatening PMs?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

WTH? Where did that come from?

Chistock ago

@jasoninthehouse Jason Chaffetz on Twitter, his people should be reviewing anything that comes up. DOJ, FBI, etc, also good.

gardenofbacchus ago

You're so fucking scared it's beautiful, i'm feeding off it

gardenofbacchus ago

Ok bro, explain every single one of these photos. Starting with the one in OP. This is your chance, go on.

23eulogy23 ago

Firstly explain this post ⬆

party1981 ago

This sounds like someone was delivering a trafficked young girl, and was asking whether the girl should be killed through choking or spine severing.

At least, that's what it sounds like.

I want off this ride.

23eulogy23 ago

Why don't you be the first one to come out and defend yourself if the allegations are untrue, explain yourself daniel

gardenofbacchus ago

Hahahahaha Gutter you sad piece of shit. It's all over bro

mrjdouble ago

What did that say? Was it him??

23eulogy23 ago

Hello daniel, Roses are red. Violets are blue. Podesta is a molesta. And so are you.

ArthurEdens ago

People need to make posters of this stuff and put it all over their town, especially where the source lives

gardenofbacchus ago

Cya buddy

gardenofbacchus ago

HAHA you're done Gutter, look how much fucking dirt there is on you. What's the plan now ?

DeathToMasons ago

Yet he is not arrested. These traficking arrest that are being labeled pizzagate arrest, are mostly prostitution and 16-18 yo. These are not pedophile ring bust. When pedophile traficking bust start to happen, then we can say the low level guys are begining. Most have been had by the movement so far.

quantokitty ago

This shit is crazy! Thee people are so bizarre that I can't even comprehend what is going on in their sick-o sick brains!

pizzaequalspedo ago

I'm with Seaman..... We need public hangings for these sick fucks

gardenofbacchus ago

I originally outed this guy in my Instagram thread. Gutter and bjdwyer traffick children from Haiti. There's photos of them in Haiti together surrounded by Haitian kids wearing aprons with pizzas on them. I sent Gutter an instagram message with just a swirl emoji and dollar sign and he sent back "?" and blocked me. They're completely guilty and probably scared right now. Question is, where can they lead us? What can we do with this info?

nomorepepperoni ago

Verifying what and who they were working with in Haiti sounds like a good start.

Along with posting the pictures you describe, if you still have them.

Chistock ago

Jason Chaffetz @jasoninthehouse on Twitter, he is heading up this part of the investigation.

gardenofbacchus ago

Account not working

gardenofbacchus ago

also please keep archiving EVERYTHING you come across, all links to other instagram accounts, sus photos, comments etc.

userdeletedtwice ago

Also send to Trump / FBI.

userdeletedtwice ago

Send it to Ernest at Washington Times/Enquirer/ Ian Drury of the Daily Mail/Ben Swann

23eulogy23 ago

I see they have connections with Hollywood producers. Are there any connections to CPP/Alefantis. Or maybe even politicians

And do you still have the link to the Haiti thing?

pepe16 ago


23eulogy23 ago

Looks like @PIZZA_KRAKEN disabled his Twitter right as pizzagate broke. Will be looking through old tweets

Edit: Apparently he just changed his name to @PIZZA_GUTT

nomorepepperoni ago

Got some Insta links so we can vet it? Preferably, the post you got that from after archiving?

23eulogy23 ago

https://www.instagram.com/p/2IF937mSfd/ I haven't archived it. I usually take screenshots and upload them to photo bucket to save them

fartyshorts ago

I recommend getting the Archive.is bookmarklet. You can just press it to archive the page you are currently viewing.

23eulogy23 ago

Yah I don't think that is available for mobile/tablet. Maybe there is a similar app for Chrome mobile. Otherwise I will just have to go about it the long way

23eulogy23 ago

Is that available for mobile/tablet. And I have looked at archive.is maybe I missed it but there doesn't seem to be an option to log in and keep an account. How do you find stuff you previously archived ? Key word search? Or word document with copy paste urls and descriptions?

fartyshorts ago

The latter, unfortunately. :)

I have spreadsheets and text documents all over the place. Stay organized from the beginning.

Oh, and the bookmarklet probably won't work on a mobile device.

nomorepepperoni ago

Good deal. Make sure you also archive when you see something even a bit suspect. Pictures can be forged, and the actor may get tipped off and scrub the post since this is a public forum.


Progressivelymean ago

OMG I almost threw up after reading that.