Terraeri1 ago

I keep coming across this website when searching alefantis name, but I can't see any reference to him on the website. http://www.4rie.com/rie%203.html

micha_ ago

Amazing job! One can't make this up.

This is almost as good as jewish Hollywood directors Hitchcock and Wilders making the anti-German concentration camp movies and that the heads behind the Buchenwald movie with it's shrunken heads from museums and lampshades, had leading roles in the Warren Comission, which invented the magic bullet...

kekistocrat ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpzlPJ0vri0 -- Mika's body language very telling -- posted just for the very beginning as this was probably posted somewhere else earlier. She is definitely one of the architects along with Daddy. First class pieces of turd that report directly to some of the master architects (Rothschilds, etc). OP's totally right. With ties to Sabatai Tsvi, the 1666 messiah, and Jacob Frank -- when everybody understands these connections you'll see the impetus behind their powerplay. Direct descendants of these fucks, Zevi and Frank: http://sammlungen.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/judaicaffm/content/titleinfo/1956768. check the '33' in the bottom right. http://sammlungen.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/judaicaffm/content/titleinfo/1098511 Just spent an hour looking through Desantis' friends, no avail...

Tanngrisnir ago

Personally, I think George Soros does a better job of hiding his true intentions than Brzezinski. The Grand Chessboard is blatant "I want to rule the world" shit mixed with "fuck Russia". At least Soros crouches behind "Open world" Marxist nonsense and tries to hide his agenda.

redditsuckz ago

Thanks but honestly I cant do it alone...your investigative help is also needed...even if James Alefantis never existed the UN guy Charles DeSantis is taking children from other countries unopposed and handing them off to elites such as Bill Clinton.

redditsuckz ago

Maybe you could go and find some more closer connections as there are some weird Jesuit connections also?

You could even let Bill Clinton watch your children while you investigate?


redditsuckz ago

If your friend is good friends with the brother of the pope and it tuned out the pope eats babies and rapes children ever other week then I would question the friend and his lifestyle.

redditsuckz ago

James Alefantis is friends with Charles DeSantis Brother and Charles DeSantis is friends with Miki Brzezinski Daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Its safe to assume that James Alefantis is friends with Charles DeSantis or his Husband/lover as they all hang out in the same circles since his friend Justin Barrows instagramed a pic from the Adoption Day Ceremony in Washington DC with Charles DeSantis.

Singleservename ago

You don't know whether Barrows was there himself on adoption day. He only shared a video.

You don't know whether, if he was there, he was there for DeSantis. Could be other couples. There were dozens of kids adopted that day.

redditsuckz ago

If I had to guess he would have been there for a homosexual couple adopting and there were maybe 3?;

Second hour shows adoption couples;

2014 DC Adoption Day ceremony - 11/22/2014


Singleservename ago

I have seen it. Could still be one of the others, like dodgy DC Real Estate agent Gregg Busch.

redditsuckz ago

What do you think of the guy in the back holding the brown jacket with his left hand?


Singleservename ago

Nice catch. That's Barrows. Who was he with??

redditsuckz ago

They show that shot a few times so you would have to fully review the 2 hour video to see who he is with...it looks like he is just standing by himself behind the chairs.

Tanngrisnir ago

Zbig hates Russia with a burning passion. The guy personally created the Taliban just to try to harm Russia. It makes sense why the power elite refuses to allow there to be peace when people like him are given influence.

redditsuckz ago

I would put this guys evil and influence right up their with George Soros...The guy wants depopulation and his darling daughter is on the Board for UN Refugees?...I wonder how her dad really brought her up...

carmencita ago

She is a victim of MK Ultra

redditsuckz ago

And she follows whatever orders her dad says to follow. They abuse, brainwash and control the victims from birth and send them out into the world to do their masters bidding. Just like Charles DeSantis of the UN adopting the kids...They will all be MKULTRA'd and controlled and put in high levels of government and they will do the same to their own children...a vicious cycle that needs to end.

carmencita ago

Who the hell do these idiot (I will not even call them human) robots think they are? They are robotic mind controlled clones making more robotic mind controlled clones. They had a good thing going for themselves and now so many people know that the truth will come out. It has to.

derram ago

https://archive.is/ftrfd :

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency | Facebook

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