Stayvigilant ago

Here is the link to an article about septim webre and his production of Alice in Wonderland (symbol)

Webre quickly came into his own in the dance world, first in New York, and then in D.C., where for the last 12 years he’s served as artistic director for The Washington Ballet. Webre has become one of the dance world’s most celebrated leaders, and he’s turned The Washington Ballet into a dance juggernaut, one of the nation’s leading ballet companies. Under his leadership, the company’s budget has tripled, from $2.8 million in 1999 to $8.5 million today. He’s also developed a strong educational outreach program with D.C. public schools, and helped grow the company’s Washington School of Ballet from 350 to 900 students in just the past six years. In 2000, the ballet became the first American company in 60 years to perform in Cuba. And Webre is itching to tour Cuba with the company again.

he also mentions wanting to be a jesuit priest when he was a kid in the interview

redditsuckz ago

So some weird Jesuit Connections?

he also mentions wanting to be a jesuit priest when he was a kid in the interview

Thats what Bryant Oskvig and the Georgetown University with Charles DeSantis seem to be about...the Jesuit community;

Jesuit Community | Georgetown University

They seem to embrace all faiths...all these religions have Satanic origins so its no wonder...

Many Faiths, One Georgetown

Charles DeSantis - Associate Vice President and Chief Benefits Officer at Georgetown University

Singleservename ago

A ballet school is an excellent front for importing minors from around the world on special artist visa.

The Washington Ballet takes children from age 12 but they have a special program for younger dancers too.

Webre was at the ballet for 17 years. I do wonder whether the institute recruited more young dancers than usual during that period, and where they came from...

kekistocrat ago

I was researching the orlando hoax... funny how all this shit is connected (Welch and all). -- near the bottom the agenda becomes clearer. Rabbi Rachel Gartner, these two keep showing up together with their multiculturalist agenda -- This is pretty cool, though -- your post is second on duck/go search -- -- must be doing something right.

JoJoVoat ago

So I have a dumb question... when Orlando Hoax or false flag event is stated by persons on social media as such.... I just want to be sure, DID the event really happened BUT was set in place by politicians to create support and strengthen their agenda? Or did it the event not happen at all? Thanks

kekistocrat ago

To be clear: Both the Orlando 'shooting' and the CPP 'shooter' took place as a staged event. 9/11 = false flag == many real people died. Boston bombing/Sandy Hook/Orlando/CPP = Hoax == no real people died. Concerning your query, I would go with the former -- the event happened with full bureaucratic manipulative intent and nobody died. Not a dumb question in the slightest; it is actually a strategy employed by shills to try to get people to believe that everything is a hoax or that the two are interchangeable -- they're not. False flag event and hoax are different. These events are one giant appeal to emotion -- logical fallacy -- there is no logic to the story. This is why I stress knowing about logical fallacies and the Trivium. Cheers.

JoJoVoat ago

Thank you for the information. I will have to look into Trivium. It's just beyond me that so many ppl can participate in something like the Sandy Hook shooting. They must get some nice big checks.

kekistocrat ago

Sure thing and pass it on. In my opinion the Trivium and logical fallacies are the most important things that people need to do first, then anything goes... Concerning Sandy Hook, there were a lot of crisis actors but in the end most were useful dupes -- there were some architects that knew exactly what that 'drill' was but even the most knowledgeable useful dupes still thought they were doing it for the right reasons; gun control. Look at the Orlando 'shooting.' Practically have 2/3 the LGBT crowd hating guns after that...that's what they're after. Cultivating useful dupes. Growing 'em like stock.

AreWeSure ago

False flag event and hoax are different. These events are one giant appeal to emotion -- logical fallacy -- there is no logic to the story.

Wow, you expect events to be logical? You expect history to be a story and that story to be logical.

That is a great summation of the conspiratorial mindset. Taking random unconnected events and connecting them. Then juryrigging them into some framework that makes logical sense.

kekistocrat ago

Shillerific! AreYouShill? Which camp do you work for?

cakeoflightylight ago

Septime Webre has the ping pong paddle in his profile picture.

cakeoflightylight ago

The archive of Bryant Oskvig made me LOL. The dog t-shirt he has on his kid is a pair of PJs I have for my sons. There's a hexagram at the bottom of that shirt. And after I realized that I started avoiding putting it on my kids.