AHuman ago

I missed this. Great summary.

iamthepizzanow ago

Nice work, thanks!

OhRutherfordBehave ago

brilliant work OP. thank you so much for your hard work and time.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Crazy. With a population of 322 million and only 994 views.

NotTooLate ago

Have you looked into the house that Alefantis and Brock lived in? They had it demolished. Neighbors were upset due to historical interest. Seems like a brownstone op potentially that they wanted no trace of.

Jem777 ago

Great work. Looking into G. Webb work and the hospitals and infrastructure put in the non affected part oh Haiti is seems clearer that some children are trafficked for sex and some are taken for organ harvesting

RebelSkum ago

Excellent work on this! Absolutely bulletproof post OP

party1981 ago

This is excellent digging.

pbvrocks ago

Very well done and well referenced..actually better than I have seen anywhere. Has anyone discovered what happened to the little girl that was taped to the table in Comet standing with Alefantis? He claimed she was his "god child". Would think this is a VERY obvious lead to track down..certainly if the little girl is 1) unknown- that raises questions 2) known and missing - implicates Alefantis 3) known and parents know..then lets ask some questions and pull that thread...

abcdefg222 ago

Awesome research. Thank you for compiling it so beautifully.

crazimal ago

TLDR: Thanks for re-posting this information, all of which has been mentioned before, but try to be more attentive to logic and use of language. You seem to be implying things here that evidence does not support, while acting like strong wording makes the case. It is a real scandal, but jumping to conclusions and mischaracterizing facts doesn't help to actually get anything done. Please do share your hypotheses, but identify them as such, so voat doesn't look like a haven for doofuses.

Nice tying together of these existing threads and thoughts, but some questions:

What does it mean to you that Puello had "foreknowledge?" To me, it merely shows that Puello knew the relationship between NPH and FOO/NPFS at the time of the interview.

As a lawyer, wouldn't it be his job to know this?

Wouldn't he naturally tend to describe the organization, in English, in the US, to English-speaking US persons, by its US name, as a US legal entity?

Additionally, wouldn't Laura Silsby, a US person involved in Haiti charities, be likely to know of the NPH/FOO/NPFS relationship as a matter of course?

The suspicious thing is Clinton bailing Silsby out when she got caught smuggling children, not the fact she knew the names of the orphanages. I am not trying to "debunk" anything or make excuses for those implicated in the scandal, just pointing out that this information is not suspicious. Try not to be offended.

It makes the post look weak if people get the impression you are trying to imply something sinister, in the fact that the people being interviewed, had any knowledge of what they were being interviewed about. Of course they had some knowledge, ergo the interview.

Or did you mean to imply something else entirely by "foreknowledge of the orphanage?"

If so, what?

Secondly, about the Conaways. So Mary Sue is a spook with diplomatic cover as a consular official. OK.

That is the case in all consulates and embassies, the people there handling visas are wired into the intel world of the country they represent. Maybe her husband is also in intel, with cover only as her husband, or charity guy or something. In any case, the thing about the secret task force (Vern and Thomas Conaway, Mary Sue's family ) kinda seems like a stretch - the article you link basically describes their "mission profile" as transporting medical supplies, and says the son has "special needs" himself. But ok, maybe they are "special" intelligence assets. Why not?

And is it ironic Conaway formerly held a DOS position on abduction? Circular logic. Actually, this is one of the reasons, aside from having interacted with Silsby, that you are looking at her in the first place, so no, it's not ironic. Even fits in with her entire career history.

"Why does an orphanage employ an undercover CIA agent?"

Well, taking that at face value, if the agent is undercover, the orphanage WOULD HAVE NO FECKING IDEA they were a CIA agent. That is the point of there even being such a thing as an undercover agent!

But back it up a minute: What orphanage employed Conaway? I thought she was employed by DOS (and purportedly CIA) as a consular official. We merely know via a blog posting that the Conaways have visited NPFS. Visited does not equal employed by.

Sorry if this doesn't sound supportive, but your post is full of jumps to conclusions and misleading language.

And by the way I am not downvoting, just giving a little advice ;)

bumbleberries ago

What does it mean to you that Puello had "foreknowledge?" To me, it merely shows that Puello knew the relationship between NPH and FOO/NPFS at the time of the interview.

This was to address the people who argue that Puello pulled the name out of his ass.

NPH is known as NPFS, or Nos Petits Freres et Soeurs in Haiti. The staff call it that too, and the sign outside the collapsed building shows that too. NPH/NPFS translates to "Our Little Brothers and Sisters" in English, and not "Friends of the Orphans". Therefore, reasonable to assume that Puello was indeed informed of this orphanage, either from Laura Silsby or his own trafficking connections.

But back it up a minute: What orphanage employed Conaway? I thought she was employed by DOS (and purportedly CIA) as a consular official. We merely know via a blog posting that the Conaways have visited NPFS. Visited does not equal employed by.

Thomas and Vern Secret NPH task force for special operations. From its official website. 'Nuff said.

DeathToMasons ago

+Nice job. The researchers impress me on this site.

micha_ ago

Brilliant, most impressive summary, incredible posting.

PizzaGate711 ago

David Steele reports that the CIA has a child-trafficking unit in Washington DC. Wonder if the privately managed 'Farm' at CIA headquarters is still a fav location to take the kids to see the pigs and the chickens etc. The website says its closed for the winter so how is it that a 'Teri Weil', who happens to like pepperoni pizza, visits last week and gives it 4 stars. Must know the manager!




NikitaVerite ago

upvoated. you are awesome and I love you for the work you are doing

Blacksmith21 ago

Do you have any information on Edgar Maddison Welch and how he may relate in? Didn't he do "charity work" at orphanages in Haiti? Wasn't it almost proven his father was a convicted pedo felon?

Edit 1: I'm a dummy. First line of the post was the infographic I thought I had seen a few days ago.

bumbleberries ago

Character limit. :(

Definitely important, though!

Blacksmith21 ago

Wow. This is excellent stuff. The gold standard for posts. Do you have graphics skills or need someone to meme this bad boy?

bumbleberries ago

Memeing this would be amazing.

Blacksmith21 ago

See the first line of the post, LOL.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Flairing as new evidence.

bumbleberries ago


privatepizza ago

Upvoated. Bravo.

quantokitty ago

Nice! Upvoat for you. Re: that meeting about Comet, who was the other man that opposed CP? Frank Winstead supposedly worked for him ... think the other man's name was mentioned by Jamie T. I'm pretty sure I ran across it when I was going through Jamie T's website. I always meant to look that other guy up and see what the heck he's doing now. Maybe an investigator can talk to him. Would like to hear what he has to say and why he was so opposed to JA.

bumbleberries ago

Thanks! Not entirely sure about Jamie T, might have to look into that again.

quantokitty ago

I'm almost 100% sure that's where I saw this other guy (Winstead's mentor) mentioned. I'm pretty sure because I was going to do a search on him myself to find out where he was and why he hated Alefantis ... (so many reasons ...)

YingYangMom ago

Excellent! This is concise, well-sourced and very convenient for investigators and anyone wanting to know more about the Silsby-Alefantis CIA/trafficking connection.

Honeybee_ ago

Nice! I love this, thank you

bumbleberries ago

Thanks! :)

cantsleepawink ago

Yes the NPH organisation itself seems to be an intelligence rooted network.

justanotherpizza ago

Really nice work, potentially you could add information from the look into NPH. Think of it in drug-trafficking terms: James A. Is the Dealer, CIA is the organised crime gang that imports the product and wholesales it. But the catholic organisation is farming the product.