Vindicator ago

Indeed. That reimbursement program was instituted by Bill Clinton's administration, along with the law allowing state foster care services to nullify birth parent rights so the child can be adopted after just ONE YEAR.

MolochHunter ago

red pills do tend to be nauseating

fogdryer ago

Very important note:

Laura silsby Gaylor

She has changed her name

jml1201 ago

Yes, do you know if she changed it because she got married?

fogdryer ago

  1. She got married

fogdryer ago

did she marry ? have no knowledge of that but don't forget that name it is important

gaylor do you think she raped kids or just trafficked for money

justwanttohelp ago

Wow I lived in Boise, Idaho for 20 years... what are the odds... also worked at HP as a contractor

jml1201 ago

From MAGABOOMER on my original post...

"If they can get away with stealing a child right out from under the father's nose...what else do they do? That Bonnie woman is using several names and isn't even licensed!"

jml1201 ago

One of the comments on the this bloggers page in regards to this baby...

Here are all the facts of how this happened, just like this 11 year old blog post explains at the bottom of me comments:

Heart to Heart Adoptions, Inc. unethically via its agents Bonnie, Donna and their Utah attorney:

1) Bonnie was told to leave the Bacon County Hospital grounds because when attempting to have Mom sign papers, because even the hospital staff KNEW that Johnny was there AND wanted his daughter and they did not want to be held liable and Bonnie unethically moved Mom to an undisclosed attorney’s office to have her sign

2) the Moore’s KNEW that the hospital asked them to leave because Johnny did not want the adoption and they WENT ALONG WITH DECEIVING HIM by moving Ja’Meka and her Mom to another location so they could complete the sale of Ja’Meka

3) allowed Andy and Melissa Moore to have custody of Ja’Meka before Mom even signed the papers (Ja’Meka rode in the Moore’s vehicle from the hospital to the attorney office)

4) Heart to Heart told the Moore’s to leave the state of Georgia with Ja’Meka whose father’s rights were not terminated

5) Heart to Heart instructed Andy and Melissa to just “wait out the time that he has left to fight before his rights are terminated”

6) Heart to Heart Adoptions actually stopped cooperating with Idaho ICPC, because ID ICPC was demanding proof the Father’s rights were terminated (BECAUSE THEY WEREN’T!)

7) that Andy and Melissa actually PLAYED ALONG TO KEEP BABY JA’MEKA (disgusting!!!!) until her father couldn’t fight

8) Bonnie doesn’t even have a valid license and is PURPOSELY violating father’s rights

9) Bonnie fraudulently violated Mom’s rights as she KNEW Mom had a tubal ligation and that she was MEDICATED due to the pain involved with that surgery but Bonnie STILL facilitated Mom signing the paperwork – blatant FRAUD

These reasons are why Baby Ja’Meka will be home!

There will be consequences for everyone involved in this HUMAN TRAFFICKING of Ja’Meka!


atheist4thecause ago

Great work! We're getting real results.

reasonedandinformed ago

Was Personalshopper a service to buy kids?? I know nothing about it, but the name and the fact that it involves Silsby makes this a legitimate question.

jml1201 ago

You're actually not the first person I've heard say that. I'm not sure but I wouldn't be shocked if that was the case.

WendellKnight ago

Baby has not been returned. The father has an upcoming court date at the beginning of Feb.

jml1201 ago

What's your source?

There are recent pictures with him and his daughter - is no longer available

I read a convo and the father says "The reason for her return is I signed the birth certificate also I never signed away my rights to my daughter."

jml1201 ago

I don't see anything in regards to that. The father says she is returned and you can see multiple pictures on the fathers facebook.

Birdzeyeview ago


shortymcbossypants ago

Oh bless your heart you ignorant little shill.

FriesischShipping ago

Fuck off James. Shouldn't you be destroying evidence instead of wasting your time here?

jml1201 ago

A girl is returned and you have this jackass Birdzeyeview mocking the situation. #Soulless

FriesischShipping ago

Don't knock it! It's his "culture"!

Celticgirlonamission ago

Heres a few more articles that I found on her...she is criminal indeed without a doubt..

MERIDIAN, Idaho — The leader of the group of Americans charged on Thursday with abducting children in Haiti is an Idaho businesswoman with a complicated financial history that involves complaints from employees over unpaid wages, state liens on a company bank account and lawsuits in small claims court. this is an article written by someone at Harvard this a PDF

IT MUST have seemed like a good idea at the time. The New Life Children's Refuge, a Christian group from Idaho, saw no need to bother with paperwork or official permission when they decided to take 33 Haitian children to the Dominican Republic where they apparently hoped to build an orphanage. Furious officials arrested ten of the group's members on charges of kidnapping (which they deny). Many of the children turned out to have families. A similar row erupted in 2007 when workers from Zoé's Ark, a French charity, were accused of kidnapping 103 children in Chad. Ostensibly orphans from the Darfur region of Sudan, destined for adoption in France, many turned out to be local children, and not orphans.

DustyRadio ago

Some good diggers need to start looking deep into that Spectrum Academy and Marney DeVroom. That blog details some very odd paperwork for the Spectrum Academy available on its site and the fact that it exists for ASD kids while the owner also is very involved with that heart to heart adoption agency is something that needs deep investigation.

Vindicator ago

@jml1201, I have added a "New Evidence" flair in hopes of drawing attention to your post for further investigation.

jml1201 ago


LargePepperoni ago

According to this blog Heart to Heart Adoptions also stole this mans child.

I have a feeling Heart to Heart is a front company. All available researchers should dig on Heart to Heart and connect it to as many red flags as possible. Cross check with Wikileaks, Panama papers, Social Media, property information, etc... Get going. I'm tired and passing this off..

jml1201 ago

Heart to Heart Adoption Agency Changed their logo on their website, Twitter and Facebook hours after this post. The last time they updated their profile picture was in 2014. Very interesting.

I'm adding some of the people who commented to inform you on this update. @molochhunter @jstayz44 @DustyRadio @Vindicator @Celticgirlonamission @reasonedandinformed @EyeOfHorus @ConcernedParent2

Celticgirlonamission ago

Whoa! If that doesn't scream guilt, in my opinion...

Vindicator ago

Does anyone have before and after pics to post here showing the change? The more we can source everything we claim, the harder it's going to be for our concerns to be dismissed.

LargePepperoni ago

Interesting. Also, posting this updated infographic for visibility.

Vindicator ago

Well done. Have an upvoat!

MolochHunter ago

see if you can find out their business model : do they gat cash bonuses per child, as happenned in the Child protective services scandal Senator Nancy Schaefer was looking into when she was assassnated

ConcernedParent2 ago

Why is this woman not in jail!

jml1201 ago

Heart to Heart Adoption Agency Changed their logo on their website, Twitter and Facebook hours after this post. The last time they updated their profile picture was in 2014. Very interesting.

jml1201 ago

Seriously! We need some law and order.

EyeOfHorus ago

They kidnap my baby and they would die.

jstayz44 ago

Freakin' needs to be shut down!!! Great job, jml1201!!! As far as I'm concerned, that's one baby saved...whatever the reason, I would like to say that we can call Ja'Meka the first baby officially saved by citizen investigators. We obviously can't say for sure...but we know the story, we know the players, and we know baby Ja'Meka was returned! Hallelujah!

jml1201 ago

Agreed, I'm just happy she was returned whatever the reason is. I did reach out to the family so hopefully I can get an answer. We should still look into that adoption agency. I do not trust it. If you go through my posts (I provided the links above) people did some digging on the adoption agency which can be seen in the comment section.

shortymcbossypants ago

I actually know someone that had their baby taken away by an adoption agency that was featured on that same blog as well as on Huffington Post. What these people are doing are just horrible and I personally told the woman in charge of Adoption Rocks that even if she doesn't receive justice in this lifetime, she's going to have to meet her maker some day. So glad this family got their baby back!

jml1201 ago

I never knew how big this issue was, it's pretty alarming.

shortymcbossypants ago

Just look up Donna Ames of Mobile Alabama, your head will spin. Look up the case against Kimberly Rossler. Luckily this family got their baby but poor Kimberly hasn't been able to get her baby back in two years in May. This band of miscreant elitists got angry that she changed her mind and didn't want to adopt her baby out, so they had the law come take her baby away at 20 days old while she was breastfeeding, literally pulling her baby boy away from her and gave it to some extremely wealthy family up in Birmingham, Alabama. She even breast pumped her milk to give to the family while going through court to get her son back, and that family threw her breastmilk away.

I don't hate anybody because it states in the Bible that if you hate someone that you wish death upon them, but I do not hate anybody in this world except for two people, Donna Ames of Adoption Rocks and my stepfather who raped and beat me and beat my brother.

jml1201 ago

I'm so sorry to hear what you went through. There are a lot of sick people in this world. I will look into that case, thanks for sharing.

jstayz44 ago

Agree on all fronts. I think that this work contributed to Ja'Meka being brought back to her father...others may disagree...but it doesn't matter. She's where she needs to be and your tenacity has helped to uncover some other connections. Keep up the awesome work! I will do what I can on my end, as I have been, but I'm limited for many reasons. I will trust that you and others will continue to fight the good fight. You have my thumbs up, and a huge THANK YOU for your work! I will also be including you, Ja'Meka and her father, Johnny in my prayers of thanks tonight!

jml1201 ago

Thanks, and thanks to everyone here.

The father responded- "The reason for her return is I signed the birth certificate also I never signed away my rights to my daughter."

jstayz44 ago

The "adoption" traffickers may also know it's not going to be as easy anymore. The unsuspecting adoptive parents may read about suspicious adoptions, and others involved or on the periphery may do the same. Just getting this out there raises the alert level for people...a flag to be attentive to, if you will!

jstayz44 ago

Freakin' needs to be shut down!!!

OhBoyLookAtThat ago

Not sure how that helps. Everybody is connected to everybody if you dig deep enough. Five degrees of Bacon.

FriesischShipping ago

That's bullshit, none of this is random, more like birds of a feather flock together.

OhBoyLookAtThat ago

Must be a good thing each of us is entitled to a different opinion eh? Chill out

jml1201 ago

I highly disagree. This one was too odd for me.

LargePepperoni ago

I bet the parents signed a gag order in exchange for their child back.

jml1201 ago

Someone reached out to the father and sent me the conversation. I added it at the bottom of the post.

jml1201 ago

That's a good possibility. I really would like to know the reason. Usually, from what I've read the child is less likely to be returned. (I could be wrong)

LargePepperoni ago

What was your source for the child being returned? Any proof?

jml1201 ago

The facebook group dedicated to returning the girl is down now. Im assuming because the child was returned

This is the fathers facebook and he can be seen with his child if you go through his time line

This was the blog that someone created trying to get to the bottom of it.

LargePepperoni ago

We should get a journalist to ask for an interview. Ben Swann? David Seamen?

jml1201 ago

Ben Swann. Speaking of him has anyone received an answer on why CBS46 took down his video?

rippingtheveil ago

why does she still have a job and not in jail, i don't think any swamp will be drained

jml1201 ago

Corruption perhaps? That's why people are investigating so they can find enough dirt on these people and get an official investigation. Don't give up!