Commonwombat ago

This is very interesting, thanks OP!

Moggy1 ago

Laura and the Gaylors live around the Boise, Salt Lake City area, Norman "Wade" Gaylor worked at Utah Idaho Southern Baptist Convention, Suspect they may be estranged ? Her facebook is private but neither "Wade" or Norman junior have her on friends list but both have referances to her. One of the Normans was up for parole in 2009

Alertsense seems to be full of exHP employees (not Andy Moore as far as I can tell) maybe they all still work for HP ?

Now the Charitable Organization Heart to Heart Adoptions manage to cook their books just right to get $8+ million handout ? we need to find the link to Silsby/Gayler apart from the geographical obvious one.

jml1201 ago

Do you have a link to her Facebook?

Andy Moore no longer works for HP but one of my posts last week was mentioning there might be a HP connection. (it's pretty much the same post just with the HP connection)

Steve Lankford- worked for Hewlett Packard (Husband of Corinna Lankford and Father of Nicole Lankford who were arrested in Haiti with Laura Silsby)

Laura Silsby- VP of marketing at AlertSense and worked for Hewlett Packard

Von Ross- CEO of AlertSense and worked for Hewlett Packard

James Hammons- Co founder of Personal Shopper worked for Hewlett Packard

ANDY MOORE- worked for Hewlett Packard

mooteensy ago

A legit NEW smoking gun that doesn't have a ridiculous or misleading title to grab users attention? I could get used to this. Thanks, OP!!

zeroreloaded ago

going to have to upvote this, after seeing a lot of these "smoking guns" we now have a post that is actually interesting

Moggy1 ago

This is a tangled web ! The Moore family are in Boise, Idhao. Laura Silsby-Gayler also has lived in Boise Idhao.

jml1201 ago

That's what I'm saying and Laura was trafficking kids and these adoptive parents/adoption agency pretty much took this kid away and there is a good chance they know each other.

FeLpZ187 ago

I was just researching Compassion International, an "adoption" agency for third world kids, and I remember seeing a high up HP employee involved. Need anyone who is able to look into this org.

jml1201 ago

Hate to bother you again but any luck with that link?

jml1201 ago

Do you have a link?

Moggy1 ago

Yeah, keep diggin, we need to tie them all together, Silsby is dodgy as fcuk.

MommyLove ago

This needs more coverage....please help spread this link. Thank you @jml1201 for reposting! @hedy

jml1201 ago

jml1201 ago

Np, I just think this is more than a coincidence and need help figuring this out.

MommyLove ago website for parents who have had their children taken and adopted out. Also for children looking for their birth parents.

jml1201 ago

Thanks, I'll pass this along

jml1201 ago

One of the commenters on the website

Here are all the facts of how this happened, just like this 11 year old blog post explains at the bottom of me comments:

Heart to Heart Adoptions, Inc. unethically via its agents Bonnie, Donna and their Utah attorney:

1) Bonnie was told to leave the Bacon County Hospital grounds because when attempting to have Mom sign papers, because even the hospital staff KNEW that Johnny was there AND wanted his daughter and they did not want to be held liable and Bonnie unethically moved Mom to an undisclosed attorney’s office to have her sign

2) the Moore’s KNEW that the hospital asked them to leave because Johnny did not want the adoption and they WENT ALONG WITH DECEIVING HIM by moving Ja’Meka and her Mom to another location so they could complete the sale of Ja’Meka

3) allowed Andy and Melissa Moore to have custody of Ja’Meka before Mom even signed the papers (Ja’Meka rode in the Moore’s vehicle from the hospital to the attorney office)

4) Heart to Heart told the Moore’s to leave the state of Georgia with Ja’Meka whose father’s rights were not terminated

5) Heart to Heart instructed Andy and Melissa to just “wait out the time that he has left to fight before his rights are terminated”

6) Heart to Heart Adoptions actually stopped cooperating with Idaho ICPC, because ID ICPC was demanding proof the Father’s rights were terminated (BECAUSE THEY WEREN’T!)

7) that Andy and Melissa actually PLAYED ALONG TO KEEP BABY JA’MEKA (disgusting!!!!) until her father couldn’t fight

8) Bonnie doesn’t even have a valid license and is PURPOSELY violating father’s rights

9) Bonnie fraudulently violated Mom’s rights as she KNEW Mom had a tubal ligation and that she was MEDICATED due to the pain involved with that surgery but Bonnie STILL facilitated Mom signing the paperwork – blatant FRAUD

These reasons are why Baby Ja’Meka will be home!

There will be consequences for everyone involved in this HUMAN TRAFFICKING of Ja’Meka!


micha_ ago

4) Heart to Heart told the Moore’s to leave the state of Georgia with Ja’Meka whose father’s rights were not terminated

DO I understand this correctly? The adoption company said they should take the child, although the child had a father? To me this sounds definately illegal (abduction). A complaint at the police wasn't made?

jml1201 ago

They are fighting this on Facebook. There is a Facebook group in that blog

micha_ ago

To my understanding that's a crime. Nobody needs to discuss it, everyone could file a complaint at the police and show the evidences for investigation of the crime.

Jumpstarter ago

I find this very odd. Checked his Facebook and it's locked and that looks like one of the FBI pedophilia symbols

justiceforever ago

Archive that if you haven't already