jml1201 ago

ifeeltrulysick ago

This is a brilliant lead ! Good job

looking4truth ago

Somebody save this before it's taken down omfg

quantokitty ago

Another great post.

Absolutely merits investigation.

dindonufin ago

Source on Silsby being the CEO of

I did some digging on the domain and found that it's hosted on rackspace, sharing an ip with 673 other domains:

These domains immediately caught my attention:

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Canaan cares? Odd coincidence that 🙄

dindonufin ago

Yeah it's the city of New Canaan, CT... still an odd coincidence knowing the history of old Canaan - who named it and why?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yea, Jesus, that is incredibly creepy.

DarkOne ago

Good work!

veritas_vincit ago

Help me understand this story a little better: so H2H basically stole a kid from its parents by pretending it couldn't identify the father, and getting the mom to sign forms while medicated.

Then this kid was adopted by some couple in Idaho.

Everyone on the blog is talking about human trafficking, but if the kid was really put up for adoption to a seemingly normal couple, what does this have to do with trafficking? Are they suggesting that this (admittedly shady) adoption scheme is really a cover?

jml1201 ago

Besides it being extremely shady the adoptive father was recommending someone on LinkedIn who used to work for Laura Silsby. Laura and Andy both worked for for Hewlett Packard and are from Idaho. Now what are the odds they don't know each other?

DarkOne ago

it's the modus operandi of the organisation; that is the red flag.

Endeffekt ago

Years ago Putin banned adoptions from Russia to US. Then I was thinking it was a political stunt, but now it all makes sense. He was protecting russian children even if they have to live in a poorer economy in an orphanage its better than to send them to these motherfucking monsters. Russians must have known for years whats going on.

jml1201 ago

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

Completely agree, I thought it was a political FU to Obama, but this certainly brings an interesting light to that decision

PrideOfOshtekk ago

"Be careful Tread lightly. What you don't know will hurt you."


chlrndrmz ago

Don't forget they hide even in the church. Connections to PizzaGate via O.T.O and Knights of Saint John. , see Chapter III verses 21-27

shoulderbear ago

I saved screenshots of key pages on the LinkedIn. Will upload of it turns out to be relevant.

It's interesting that the Laura Silsby profile has 14 connections and basically no info. Is it possible to view when an account was created or who those connections are? I can't see a reason to have that account there, loosely linked to this guy who adopted/stole a kid.

If we can draw a straight line from the suspect Laura Silsby to this adoption agency, we might have something. The profile on LinkedIn with her name and the CEO title at this personal shopper company has no image or experience at HP (unless I just don't have permission to see those details) so it may or may not be the same person.

The suspicious coincidences keep piling up. Eventually all this digging has to lead to something concrete.

jml1201 ago

I'm not sure if you can find out who she is connected with on LinkedIn.

I found the Hewlett Packard information from Wikipedia. "Silsby faced civil lawsuits for fraud, wrongful termination and unpaid wages mostly related to Personal Shopper,[19][20][23] an Internet company that she founded in 1999 with James Hammons. Silsby and Hammons worked together at Hewlett-Packard."

zlomsocz ago

does anyone have a link to the one jimmycommet instagram post where a commenter comments on the kid in the photo, saying something to the effect of" looks like a hatian delight"?

NerdyNoodle ago

That was Dr.NWO saying "whip me up a Haitian special" and it was after Pizzagate broke; he was trolling them.

In_Cog_Nito ago

I know, it's too much to be a simple coincidence anymore.

jml1201 ago

Thanks, hopefully justice is served.

In_Cog_Nito ago

The adoption agency is "Heart to Heart Adoptions". I immediately thought of the double heart pedo symbol. Well wha' dya know...

jml1201 ago

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Good god man....

looking4truth ago

What a "coincidence". This is sick

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Whoah wat da fuck. They aren't even trying to hide their blatant love for having sex with children.

Filthy people.

jml1201 ago

I thought the same exact thing when I saw the double heart symbol!

I don't click random links what was in the link?

In_Cog_Nito ago

The two links I posted are just images the adoption agency uses. I uploaded them to

jml1201 ago

Thank you

mildseven ago

Can we please archive the links and take screenshots? I don't have a LinkedIn Account. This is a great find!

jml1201 ago

I'm not sure how but that is a good idea. The adoptive mother already deleted her Facebook and the adoptive father locked his Facebook so I'm sure his LinkedIn will be deleted soon.

EndThePizza ago

Copy the link or add the button to the toolbar

MAGABoomer ago

If they can get away with stealing a child right out from under the father's nose...what else do they do? That Bonnie woman is using several names and isn't even licensed!

jml1201 ago

Yes, she isn't even licensed which is a major red flag. I never knew this stuff was happening. I'm so awake now.

MAGABoomer ago

The thing is they cannot win in court to get their child back. WHY?

The mom signed the child over...yes drugged but srsly I think maybe she did it as a smack at dad? How can you be OK enough to sign a paper but then blame it on being drugged. It is not possible for ANY contract to be valid if you are impaired when you sign it (see contract law) why isn't mom fighting this too?

jml1201 ago

That's a good question. She may be fighting and we don't know about it. I'm sure if we leave a message on the Facebook in that article they will explain.

MAGABoomer ago

I don't have a FB. Sorry.

afterbernerthrowaway ago

Good sleuthing. I think any leads related to Laura Silsby are important ones to follow.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Spot on. She is a key.

jml1201 ago

Absolutely, we need more digging into her and who she's affiliated with.

Koched_Up404 ago

I'm definitely jumping the shark here but was Silsby providing services of personally shopping for children in Haiti!? Omg, it makes sense on some levels. A lot of the discourse surrounding Trafficking in Persons (TIP) and child trafficking relates to the idea that women and children are reduced to commodities to be bought sold and traded.

jml1201 ago

Probably...the story of Laura Silsby makes me sick. They weren't orphans, no documents for the "orphans", they were mentioned in wikileaks, clinton helps them, lawyer was not even a lawyer and was a sex trafficker!