JoJoVoat ago

upvoat! great job... is there any way to run a program against company/business/nonproffit etc.. logos to find matched or similar logos to the known pedo logos? Im old (48-lol), not a computer wiz so that may not have stated that question correctly.

Checked ago

This is a very good find, you get my upvoat. I'm swamped with pizzagate, child protection services child theft, and what's left of my personal and work life. The only thing I can do for new issues is to spread them on my social media accounts. So I would ask that you condense this (if even possible, it may not be) into a news story that we can all spread since the MSM is totally gone in corruption.

jml1201 ago

JoJoVoat ago

Im with you! I've had so many tabs open doing research that my computer is about to boycott me

SpikyAube ago

Apparently Silsby is director of 4 companies, including personal shopper, the children's refuge and two others, on in the Dominican Republic to do with refugees.

just_clueless ago

I'll never look at orphanages and adoption agencies the same way ever again ( hell, I under-rated Foster Care too and I was already pretty sure that was sketchy)...It is just overwhelmingly obvious way too many of these places are complicit in these horrible acts.I would think any legit operation in this field would be leading the way on this investigation but I can't say I've seen any step up.

joeysaperv ago

Personalshopper seems sketchy. Laura Silsby is CEO of and it had at least 2 other employees? Go to the website and it consists of 3 pages:

Shopping with YOU IN MIND


Every Closet Has a Story

No contact information, no products or services for sale. Nothing on here says "This is a business website".

Ok, now I see that in the "blog" page there is an opportunity to submit comments, apparently this is one way of communicating with the website admin. There are no comments anywhere on the website that I can see. Direct link to comment page:

joeysaperv ago

Heart to Heart Adoptions site:

(probably needs archiving goats)

thezodiac ago

Where's the pedo logo?

idkdu ago

Also, the spiral shell in the artwork photos on the wall.

ansipizza ago

Where is the picture of the spiral shells? By the way there seem to be two logos. The one on the web site main page doesn't look all that much like the FBI pedo symbol but the one on the wall behind the people in the gallery photos does resemble the small heart inside big heart symbol. Maybe the logo changed, like besta pizza?

jml1201 ago

t's on the adoption agencies website If you read the comments in my first/second post most people agreee. Let me know your thoughts

ababcb ago

This is good work.

jml1201 ago