Orange_Circle ago

Anytime I read Catholic priest + orphans, I auto think, "pedophile."

Truthseeker3000 ago

OH YEAH 100% You're not the only one. The Catholic Church is a disgrace (sorry if I offended anyone) but really just go back to the beginning of time and they are the ones who created Islam to get Jerusalem back... They lie and deceive. I mean really, the Vatican is one of the most evil places on earth (a secret not known to the millions of sheep who flock there). I wish people could all learn the truths of the world then we could all come together and really unite. Until then, it's divide and conquer as per usual at Illuminati headquarters grand central!!

Orange_Circle ago

There are pretty much going to bust Hell wide open.

Revelation 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.

bumbleberries ago

Nice post! Allow me to put this here, as I'm not sure what to make of it, and whether it deserves a thread of its own I have no idea. It does appear to be a beneficiary to a trust under Portcillus Trustnet, which has been involved in a bunch of scandals, however. Cook Islands seems to be a hub for tax evading, etc.

Friends of the Orphans on Offshore Leaks

AHuman ago

Hi. This looks interesting but I'm not really sure what I'm looking at in the offshore website link.

Is it basically a search engine that tells you if someone is connected to an offshore company?

cantsleepawink ago

The pieces of the puzzle are really coming together, aren't they? I'm feeling a mind map coming on....

cantsleepawink ago

FATHER RICHARD (RICK) FRECHETTE, current President of NPH Haiti

When Rick Frechette became a Passionist priest in 1979, his goal was to minister to the spiritual health of humanity. Little did he know that one day he would also minister to the physical health of orphaned children and the needy. Born in 1953, Frechette graduated from Assumption College in Massachusetts with degrees in math and philosophy. He next attended St. John’s University in New York and studied theology as a seminarian, and was ordained a priest in 1979. After a few years as a parish priest in Baltimore, he met Fr. William B. Wasson, founder of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos™ (NPH, Spanish for “Our Little Brothers and Sisters”) and worked in Mexico in 1983 at an old hacienda that had been converted to a home for nearly 1,000 orphaned and abandoned children. As a priest and administrator, his next calling was to Honduras to help establish a second orphanage for NPH.

He also founded the St. Luke Foundation which creates dignified jobs in social service fields including 29 street schools, water delivery to the slums, hospitals and clinics and burying the unclaimed dead from the city morgue.

Mother Teresa’s Sisters of Charity in Haiti directed Fr. Rick to the next turning point in his life.

Mother Teresa' s Sisters of Charity Investigated for Adoption Trafficking (2011)

Mother Teresa Charity Stops Adoptions Over India's New Laws (2015)

The Indian government has responded by requiring that orphanages submit records to a central database, where prospective parents are matched with children


In September 2016, a Spanish nun working for one of the Haitian orphanages was murdered:

Spanish sister killed in Haiti described as 'energetic, enterprising, a woman of vision'

The aging white SUV that Solá was driving got stuck in traffic, authorities said. Though there are varying accounts of what happened next, two men approached the vehicle. At least one of the men shot Solá and a passenger in the front seat. The men took Solá's purse and fled. "Isabel's loss is immense," Fr. Hans Alexandre said at Sacred Heart Parish, where Solá's prosthetics ministry is based, Vatican Radio reported. "In doing this, they didn't just kill a person. They killed the hopes of so many." On Saturday morning, Fr. Enzo Del Brocco, a U.S. Passionist missionary, celebrated Mass at a chapel. In a homily honoring the feast day of St. Gregory, Del Brocco focused on the verities of faith, life and the eternal. But he also honored Solá and asked, "Who would kill someone who was helping the poor? Why?"

Landry said Solá's prosthetic work was only a part of her mission. Solá had "managed to find donors to build schools in remote and disadvantaged areas," Landry said. "She worked in the training of teachers for these schools." Pope Francis mentioned Solá and her dedication to the people of Haiti at the canonization of Mother Teresa on Sunday in Rome.

Pope’s Angelus Address at Canonization of Mother Teresa (mentions Sr Sola):

‘We pray especially for Spanish missionary nun, Sister Maria Isabel Sola Macas, who was killed two days ago in the capital of Haiti, a country so tormented, for which I pray for an end to such acts of violence and for greater security for all. We also remember other sisters that recently have experienced violence in other countries.’

Mother Teresa Canonization: Saint Or Child Trafficker

But, the Mother Teresa canonization is wrapped in intrigue. A certain Sanatan Powell was sold to a Belgian couple from Mother Teresa’s orphanage. For that, Mother Teresa received 100,000 Rupees.


Father Frechette, Hollywood and Scientology

In 2009, Artists for Peace and Justice was formed by Paul Haggis.
APJ began after filmmaker Paul Haggis met Father Rick Frechette, an American doctor and community organizer working in Haiti.

In the same year he left the Church of Scientology

After maintaining active membership in the Church of Scientology for 35 years, Haggis left the organization in October 2009.

Scientology in Haiti

By the time we arrived in Haiti, after a stopover in Miami, we had missed three landing slots at the airport. Aid agencies — genuine aid agencies — from other countries were being turned away, refused permission to land. But we still got a slot straight away. The guy who ran our charter seemed to think that the Scientologists had some real influence with the US Government, who were assigning the slots.

AHuman ago

Really good stuff OP.

Do we have a connection between Father William Wasson and Mary Sue Conaway?

They were both in Mexico in the 90s.

CC: @bumbleberries