draegspir ago

This is an absolutely amazing compilation of evidence. Great job linking everything together. Will definitely be using this in the future to redpill Hillary supporters should they inquire about the Haiti incidents.

srayzie ago

My gosh 1978. Crazy!

AmenRA ago

The mod @ vindicator keeps deleting my post showing Sasha Lords IG page photo of an underground location with the words "Morgan Eyes" & "Dead by Dawn" attached.He claims the link is broken http://m.imgur.com/gallery/OKJiADw but works fine for every one else, maybe poor Megan only has till dawn ? Wtf @vindicator?

Vindicator ago

The link in the description of the post I removed went nowhere. Also, you provide no evidence for your hypothesis that someone's life is at stake or that this blurry image in your edited link actually has any connection to pizzagate whatsoever. You are jumping to wild conclusions based on zero evidence. Posts like that will continue to be removed by all mods at v/pizzagate.

AmenRA ago

which is it, the link went nowhere or you dont think Sashas photo is relevant or your a mole

AmenRA ago

How can you tell the image is blurry if you cant access the link

Vindicator ago

Because you added a corrected link in the comment section, as you well know. And it wasn't any more of a fulfillment of Rule 2 than the original post with the erroneous link. You can't just IMPLY shit. You have to make and argument and show some evidence demonstrating it actually holds water.

AmenRA ago

Its not making implications, its a suggestive photo that has already produced a lead . Are you saying i can even post the link in a comment?

AmenRA ago

In what manner do you suggest i post a curious photo , one where an employee of CP posts a pik of a an underground tunnel & attaches the words "dead by dawn ", or do you deem this completely irrelevant ? You deleted it from being its own thread and each time i posted it qs a comment. Others saw it & none said it was too unclear, i cant help but think your censoring, as there are plenty of speculative posts here, let the readers interpret it themselves.

JoJoVoat ago

EXCELLENT WORK! What is it about the "berries'? You and redberries are kickass investigators!

YingYangMom ago


srayzie ago

Something that a skeptic may say to counter the importance of this...

I've been explaining all of this to my husband. Showing info graphs and all. Something he keeps saying that I'm sure many others will ask is... If there are over 700 orphanages in Haiti, how many others did Bill Clinton visit or have a connection to? We are zeroing in on this one (rightly so), but a skeptic's argument could be that the Clinton's were involved in many other orphanages as well, so it wouldn't be strange that this one has a connection to them as well. Does anybody know of any other orphanages in Haiti that have a connection to the Clinton's or Alefantis?

srayzie ago

Am I missing something? Because if there were only 350 kids after the earthquake, couldn't that mean 100 died? Was the 450 children the count before the earthquake? Didn't children die when Molly died?

bumbleberries ago

Read the reports that I linked. Hundreds of orphanages updated on the safety of the children after the earthquake. You'll see what I mean when you click on the images.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Sorry. I'm doing this on my phone and some things wouldn't load.

bumbleberries ago

Ah ok. This is an example: http://i.imgur.com/dnJTSPx.png

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Thank you and good job!

cantsleepawink ago

Interestingly enough, and a bit off tangent, I've just been looking at the wikileaks emails regarding his visit to Ireland and in connection with a youth hostel in Enniskillen:

Wikileaks: Bill Clinton advised to pull his name from Enniskillen peace centre https://archive.is/5TSIM#selection-1591.0-1591.78 https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/7053

User890020 ago

Small world!

bumbleberries ago

Oh, totally missed that! Will add to the OP. Thanks! There are too many connections, this woman has to be it. She may appear to be innocent, but I'm sure that she's complicit in this.

remedy4reality ago

Ok.... I have a big problem. Please look at the video of the collapse of the Ft. Wasson location and subsequent memorial service for Molly Hightower. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XOUIFsCZag

Look at the surrounding neighborhood and the lack of damage to the other buildings. Now look at the 7 story orphanage in total ruin. Observe the size of rubble and notice the extreme mangling and tangling of the steel rebar enforcement. Notice what appears to be blast damage to the building next door ( @00:13 ). The windows and window frames are blown inward but there is not a single visible crack in that structure. In fact, I could not detect significant damage to any of the buildings in the neighborhood. The service afterward appears to be completely staged, as well, and the fact that this video was even made so quickly after the 'collapse'... well, it stinks on ice. I think we are definitely looking at a demolition or ordnance detonation, not a collapse. Please share your thoughts @bumbleberries @freemasonsrus @cantsleepawink PS. I think the orphanage LOGO speaks for itself... YIKES !

unkyshaun ago

whole thing looks staged. it would be great to ask someone working/worked in demolition. Maybe they could nut it out from the video. finding the explosives used might create another trail, a tangible one. I'm fairly certain Dyncorp were contracted to Haiti, will need to re-check to confirm.Where Dyncorp go trafficking follows, got busted in 99 for trafficking and other crimes. Went to congress, no charges laid.

bumbleberries ago

Wow, nice find! You're right, that's strange as hell. I'm not surprised at this point if it was all planned.

cantsleepawink ago

Some articles on Gena Heraty:

She is involved with the foster care program in Ireland http://mayofostercare.ie/national-conference/

In 2013, there was an attack at her orphanage http://www.catholicireland.net/irish-charity-worker-haiti-attacked/

She's mentioned in this article: Haiti Faults orphanage run by well off US church http://www.mintpressnews.com/haiti-faults-orphanage-run-well-us-church/175485/, https://archive.is/AZ3RC

bumbleberries ago

I believe Mayo is her nickname, by the way. So it appears "mayofostercare.ie" could be Gena's website.

Edit: Maybe I'm wrong. I'll look back on it.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Mayo is a county in Ireland, her home town Westport is located there

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. I've come across that name quite a lot while researching her. I'll go back and have a look.

GivenyaThunderc00kie ago

Poor Molly's blog has really been an assest in investigating Laura Silsby. If she is the victim of foul play, and not an earthquake, she deserves justice along with Monica Peterson.

bumbleberries ago

We will bring her justice. We will.

Freemasonsrus ago

I think we have all missed looking at the fact that we only have a handful of volunteers but there were supposedly 450 children. Can you imagine how many adults it would take to deal with 450 kids 24/7?? Also, who was paying for the meals, clothes, healthcare ect? Second, the orphanage was 11mi from the epicenter and all of the children were unhurt, yet two adult volunteers died? Thats some seriously fucked up odds. One of your articles says the orphanage was unscathed. So how did they die? In other articles Silsby herself is quoted as saying the orphanage collapsed. If we assumed she was telling the truth, the odds that ALL 450 children would be A-OK is impossible. My point is, the conflicting information given makes the most sense when viewed through the lens of a coverup of both the deaths of the volunteers and the stealing of the children.

sugarskull ago

This is mere speculation but here in the US the average class size is 26 children to every teacher. In a place that may be volunteer challenged two adults might be the number used to be in charge of say...100 children. That would bring that number back to the 350 that were supposedly 'all safe' and may be an interesting lead to where the 100 went and perhaps why two adults died in that process. Could they have been collateral damage whilst the children were being taken?

bumbleberries ago

It was the Fr. Wasson Center in Petionville that collapsed. That orphanage building primarily functioned as an administration office and school. The St Helene's building in Kenscoff is the one that houses the children, and it didn't collapse and it was reported that all the children were safe. Simply, they deducted 100 children from the reports, a day after the earthquake, indicating a premeditated exchange with Laura Silsby which was planned to happen a week or two later.

2 volunteers died and 2 others were injured in the Fr. Wasson Center in Petionville, which is where the exchange took place according to the police officer who stopped them at their first attempt. I'll add it in to make it clearer. Here's a timeline if you want to check it out:

Freemasonsrus ago

Ok thank you. So where are all the volunteers for the 450 children?

bumbleberries ago

I haven't tracked down all the volunteers yet, but if you read Molly's blog, children were already being sent off to unknown places without an explanation even before the earthquake. The person keeping track of the numbers would be Gena Heraty, who's in charge of St. Helene, so it's not strange that the volunteers wouldn't notice. Here's an example:

Devastation (sic) when I went to the hospital to discover my Jolene girl had been transferred to an unknown orphanage the evening before. I don't know where she is, but I'm trying to find her to force her caregivers to bring her in for physical therapy. She was so close to walking on her own, and they left her orthopedic shoe behind. They ended up doing a complete overworking of the tap tap room, with all my abandoned babies being sent out (including Carmella and Cassandra). Annabelle is the only one still there.

But regardless, there probably aren't as many volunteers as you're imagining. Check this out: https://archive.is/0qKdd#selection-567.0-623.266