fetuspizza ago

No wall damage to buildings nearby from shrapnel. Maybe internal detonation with smaller sized charges along the walls to bring it down.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

AFAIK there were also quite a lot of suspicious activity just before the collapse, which would fit right in. Didn't Silsby arrive only a short time before?

SturdyGal ago

This is brilliant, @remedy4reality. There have been many allegations that the natural disasters in Haiti were anything but natural.

remedy4reality ago

Thanks SGal.... This building was blown to pieces and I am certain of it. Pause the video and quickly play/pause the sections where the surrounding area is shown. Everything is normal.

crazimal ago

No, all looks pretty normal to me for an earthquake. "blast damage" really? Having been to poor carribean countries etc. I can tell you the concrete they use totally sucks. Crumbles if you smack it. Rebar? If it wasn't a multistory building, there probably wouldn't even be ANY rebar. What is there is probably too thin and not enough, so yes it bends lie a noodle in an earthquake. And earthquakes can do this to better built buildings too.

Earthquakes are even stronger than conspiracies! The Clintons and their underlings are caught here stealing children with the earthquake as cover, but I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that the some fantasy ninja demo team was behind the building collapse, any more than I would buy the idea that the earthquake was caused by a government earthquake machine.

herbsmoke ago

I live in the carribean and your post is false. Their building techniques all use rebar, houses have rebar sticking out of the top so they can easily build upward. The concrete they use is the same as anywhere. You are talking completely out of your ass, or you're lying. You sound like a ctr shill

crazimal ago

how do you know did a cloud of pot smoke blow in your window and reveal it to you in a vision, "herbsmoke?" I'm no shill. I've been there and seen it, and even had to work on it. Once you get away from your purple haze infused condo or daddy's villla, herbsmoke, you will see that off the resorts, up the dirt roads, and in the slummy parts of cities in the carribean, the concrete fucking sucks.

I worked down there with a US based concrete pro, who told me how much it sucks in many different particular ways. In general they don't use enough cement, and "whatever" available for aggregate and sand. So often your concrete is a watery cement milkshake with mud and coarse sand in it. With luck and some limestone/reef sand, it will eventually harden. But it's not always a good mix at all, and often slumps like a mcdonalds milkshake in a hot parking lot. If you even know what that means. Quite often they use hand mixed stuff when they shouldn't, etc.

The rebar sticking out the roof is easy, cheap and lazy, but it makes the buildings fall apart faster, and only works (for a few decades) because they get no frost. And yes it often really is too thin, or not enough of it.

I could go on, but it's boring. Hopefully you now understand I know what I am talking about a little more than you "thought." BTW, when I don't know what I am talking about, I don't post.

Now for that orphanage, no doubt they did use "real" concrete. But how much confidence would you really give it?

What do you think your typical Haitian strategy for making a big pour without it going off too fast is? Do you seriously think that orpahanage was built as well as a New York skyscraper? A Caymanian condo? A St. Barth's villa?

What are you smoking again?

herbsmoke ago

Your insults only point out your ignorance, and your shame for having it called out. Smoking weed has nothing to do with realizing you were talking out your ass. Like I said I live in the Carribean (not Haiti) but claiming their cement is anything other than normal cement is complete BS. You already backtracked on your rebar claim, you just sound retarded. I can be bombed like Bob Marley and still realize your full of shit, lol. No shit it wasn't built like a New York skyscraper, or villa, lol. I feel sorry for your mother.

remedy4reality ago

Your 'contributions' to this subverse are significant !! Looks like ALL the surrounding buildings are built like a NY skyscraper lol I cannot believe you actually wasted so much time with such a flimsy response.

remedy4reality ago

It was a 7 story building, you dumb fuck.
' Having been to poor carribean countries etc. I can tell you the concrete they use totally sucks. Crumbles if you smack it. ' Yeah?? is that right?? So how come all the other buildings in the immediate area are standing, undamaged?

And your dumb fuck comment about ninja demo teams demonstrates your shillness.

go fuck yourself

crazimal ago

Yes it's right. it sucks. Seen it firsthand. Ever seen earthquake before? it shakes things, some fall some don't. look into it. With a name like "remedy4reality" of course you would never know truth if it smacked you, so I won't bother writing much more to you particularly.

Feel free to read my reply to your buddy or sockpuppet below though, learn something.

remedy4reality ago

I have lived through 3 major earthquakes. You're still alone on this thread lol

2impendingdoom ago

Is anyone else bothered by the memorial service being held on a pile of rubble? This just seems weird and wrong.

GivenyaThunderc00kie ago

The locals have to be aware of this. It is blatantly obvious that is not earthquake damage. It's about as blatant as Building 7 (9/11).

unfuckitup ago

Molly Hightower may have friends that heard from her while she was living in Haiti, she may have said something strange was happening at Friends of Orphans. It my be of interest to the investigation.

YingYangMom ago

The Clinton bodycount doesn't seem to be slowing down one bit.

srayzie ago

Omg you are so right! Other building look just fine. This doesn't look like a collapse at all. Most of it looks like it turned to dust! How strange that nobody is crying. Nobody is hysterical. Everyone is just calm.

Don-Keyhote ago

i did ruun across NPH a few weeks ago but i dont have my notes now, i just remember getting sidetracked trying to find if hes related to R Gordon Wasson MKUltra figure

herbsmoke ago

R gordon wasson was also the guy who brought psychadelic mushrooms to the masses

Astrodreamer ago

totally not earthquake damage, agreed. Ergo, Molly Hightower and Ryan Kloos were murdered.

bumbleberries ago

Wouldn't it be convenient, if the volunteers who actually care for the kids all died? This looks way too unnatural. Molly and Ryan may be another one of the victims of the Clintons.

Seriously. These people are monsters. If this was all planned beforehand, nothing's stopping them from doing this.

2impendingdoom ago

If this building was actually detonated with people in it to facilitate the theft of children, that is straight out terrorism.