wisdomtooth ago

We need more editors at Infogalactic.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pederasty -pro pedophile rubbish on wikipedia "Though pederasty was once accepted in many cultures, some modern observers have retrospectively labeled it abusive"

maggieissosmart198 ago

Kudos to you. You did good!

And thank you for sharing your efforts. They solidify the incredibly widespread, highly organized deceit surrounding this entire issue.

Nicaphonic14 ago

Sorry if this has already been shared: NPR fluff piece on Pizzagate. http://www.npr.org/2016/11/27/503489400/fake-news-surge-pins-d-c-pizzeria-as-home-to-child-trafficking

Nicaphonic14 ago

Apologies if this has been posted before. NPR's hard hitting investigation of Pizzagate: http://www.npr.org/2016/11/27/503489400/fake-news-surge-pins-d-c-pizzeria-as-home-to-child-trafficking

koduu ago

Who are those guys who are shilling at wikipedia to hide/discredit Pizzagate? Do they have a personal interest in this or do they just have bosses with bias? I find it hard to belive that they can edit this and not at least have a itchy feeling in the back of their heads that thinks this Pizzagate thing could be true.

llm2016 ago

They outright deleted the whole thing. Fucking SJW covering for them. BOYCOTTWIKIPEDIA - make sure they lost thousands of thousands of donors in ONE DAY.

Htaed ago

I will no longer be donating.

Quasimodo1965 ago

Come on, you know the Jews are on ALL sides. They started WWII, but they opposed Hitler. They overthrew the Tsar to bring communism, but they also overthrew communism. They hate France, but they are responsible for French fries. Let's not leave anything out...

C1REX ago


damnittohell ago

Yes, stop using wikipedia. I stopped after I read what I considered very biased page about Jeff Cooper. I had never heard of infogalactic until now. I'll start using that instead.

smoothassilk ago

debunked by new york times article. lol

everysomething ago

Everyone knows the NYT debunked #pizzagate and everyone knows that NYT is real news not fake news. Thus.. #pizzagate is a debunked theory.

Now look at Snopes.

For example 'Someone said the world will end in a fireball' and Snopes will say 'Not true! in 5 billion years the earth will be swallowed up by the sun'. They interpret what was said directly, they reinterpret what was said to suit them and then they pick and choose what parts and how to answer so it meets their narrative. So they happily say that earth will not end in a fire ball but that it will be enveloped by one. Now apply that to Trump.

If you're using Snopes to find out if they latest chain mail is true/false then it's probably still ok. If you're using it to verify the claims of a political figure, etc. then don't.

Initiate ago

Not sure if you already saw it, but /user/CaptnMeowMix made a good thread that is important to this one. -> HERE

Initiate ago

Can't believe I made a donation to wikipedia...

maggieissosmart198 ago

Me too...damnit.

llm2016 ago

Can anyone tell them that the way they handle it will turn away a huge number of potential donors? I think they need a reality check very bad.

llm2016 ago

You’d think the plot would have to thicken to keep the story going but it doesn’t. Amateur sleuths dug up property tax records, took pictures of suspect bathroom doors and described posters of people playing table tennis as pornographic. Videos of children at birthday parties were grabbed off YouTube and posted to show that there were nefarious goings-on. One Reddit conspiracist proved the conspiracy thus: “There are two main common denominators that keep popping up. Kids and Pizza. We are dealing with the Dark Lord here, friends." >

The author of this Bloomberg article (Margaret Carlson) blatantly lied about the whole thing. I'm 100% sure the MSM is covering it up!

nomorepizza ago

Is no one going to edit it? I'm lazy but i'll do it if it's still like this tmr

dickface8 ago

The fact is pizzagate is nowhere near being considered "debunked", so there's that.

CybermanKing ago

Yep. The user is Richard Arthur Norton, probably born in 1958.

CybermanKing ago

I found the Wikipedia user. Just look at the edit history. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Richard_Arthur_Norton(1958-)]

llm2016 ago

This user is the shill (who insists on censoring pizzagate): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Acroterion

CybermanKing ago

Wouldn't surprise me. What's he been saying?

llm2016 ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Pizzagate There are a bunch of Shills/SJWs taking control over the page. I think we should all flood in and tell them to be neutral (otherwise don't expect us to donate a dime ever again).

jewsbadnews ago

Jimbo is always watching you.

Shepherdess ago

Well.. at least Infogalactic knows what's up.


ThorTheWonderful ago

Which makes them even more dangerous!

And we are not just talking murder, we are talking nuclear risk factor here.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

More to the point it's "OK" because wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is a homosexual with most likely pedophile leanings at very least.

echo-sierra ago

Look at their description of the author:

"Kim LaCapria is a New York-based content manager and longtime snopes.com message board participant. Although she was investigated and found to be "probably false" by snopes.com in early 2002, Kim later began writing for the site due to an executive order unilaterally passed by President Obama during a secret, late-night session (without the approval of Congress). Click like and share if you think this is an egregious example of legislative overreach."

It's all the same idiots parroting the narrative. So much for journalistic credibility when you out-and-out flag a live, ongoing conspiracy as "False".

bikergang_accountant ago

I know for a fact from a source that the FBI is looking into it at least a little. Maybe a lot. None of the people I know are in that department. I know it is a current thing.

So ongoing investigation is exactly correct.

At least we need to put a citation needed on it.

llm2016 ago

I believe so. My theory is that the FBI, while doing their own investigations, wants to expose us to some of the things they have done and gain momentum so that when they finally reveal it, they have people on their side. I hope it's true.

Gorillion ago

Yep, Gamergate was where I got redpilled on Wikipedia. There were some dedicated SJW mental cases working that page. But at least it remained in contention for a long time.

Pizzagate gets an instant lock-down, though. Jimmy Wales a lover of cheese pizza?

l23r ago

Bill is synonymous with sex scandal

I never would have thought about going with that angle, but that is a good starting point. I mean, all of the MSM back in the day said he would never do anything like that because he is the president and a Democrat at that!

l23r ago

Wellll that didn't take long LOL. So I edited the Pizzagate entry to this and then I received this message . Of course it is back to the "debunked" bullshit, with no information on how it has been "debunked".

It's funny that only Wiki is so fucked up like this (Wikia and other community-based-encyclopedias are not like this at all) yet they are always begging for donations and user input. If you want to provide your input, here's a spot for ya :)

maggieissosmart198 ago

Thank you for opening the eyes of some that are new to the bias of Wikipedia. I wasn't formerly aware of this.

awakenaware ago

They use a bot system to automatically restore pages using keywords without any human input. Wikipedia is like all mainstream "managed" information. Often total BS.

Xenomorphine ago

"Hurrr anyone can edit wikipedia" - clueless people.

llm2016 ago

That's BS. Wikipedia should be a neutral platform!

NoRagrets ago

Why have people started putting brackets around their words? What does it (((mean)))?


took me a week of lurking half chan to start to figure out the lingo.

anthonylancer ago

It means jewish influence

Gorillion ago

That's literally a "first week on Voat" question you just asked.

You've been a member here for 1.5 years and you don't know that? Or are you knew, and it's just your account that's old?

NoRagrets ago

llm2016 ago

Hey Wiki HQ is in DC too?! Could Jimmy Wales be involved?

llm2016 ago

Let's boycott Wikipedia and make sure THEY KNOW HOW ANGRY WE ARE! #boycottwiki should be trending on twitter next

13asteroids ago

Wikipedia was the last page I would have suspected to be bought out by monsters. My sense of reality has finallly cracked.

llm2016 ago

Let's #boycottwiki and let them know!

koduu ago

The problem is, that Wiki in less controversial subjects is nearly irreplaceble. It really is a good thing if you need quick scientific info on something, i use it in my daily work.

The weakness of wiki (trolling and overmodding) shows itself only on those shit subjects that can get a lot of powerful people/orgs into trouble.

phw ago

For comparison, the dab page for Flat Earth calls it's top entry simply "a belief ..". At ESP it's "a paranormal ability". Bigfoot shows some skepticism calling it "an alleged ..." but none of those use the term debunked if the disambiguation page.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Wikipedia is ran by liberals.

tstr ago

what, you think those at wikipedia aren't involved? lol I want to tell you but I can't. I could but you won't believe me.

Think bigger. Look larger. Just when you think it's over, it has just begun.

SpezKanSukMyDik ago

It's not.

southartful ago

Forget PR on these sites, remember GamerGate.. that was our D - Day

We need to focus on collecting and disemenating information. Wikipedia will lie. Snopes will lie. The media will lie. If this bothers you, show everyone you can how and when the media has lied. There are thousands of examples. Drive the wedge and remove their credibility. We. Are. The. Fucking. News. Now.

brandnewset ago

It's like we have 2 realities on the go, and only one can live.

CKC ago

They asked me for a donation earlier today. NOT! lol

l23r ago

I did an edit, also adding a bit about Podesta. I noticed his page has nothing regarding the Pizzagate emails. Would someone like to add them?

Edit to add picture of my edit to the Pizzagate Wiki disambugiation page. I chose the word "scandal" because the term "investigation" would likely get flagged requiring proof beyond places like Twitter and Voat (like, a police investigation)

brandnewset ago

This has been debunked as a conspiracy theory too. According to Jimmy over at WP /s

cousineerie ago

Saying 'Pizzagate' is debunked is a lot of bunk.

l23r ago

Here is some more bullshit

"Pizzagate" is a conspiracy theory that emerged from social media and fake news websites in early November 2016. Redditors from /r/The_Donald made connections between the Podesta emails and alleged the existence of a child trafficking ring that involved officials in the Democratic Party and fast food establishments such as Comet Ping Pong.[58] The "Pizzagate" subreddit was created and garnered 20,000 subscribers.[58] This subreddit was banned on November 23, 2016 for violating Reddit's policy against doxing, as users would post the personal details of people allegedly connected to this conspiracy.

Like how the fuck is posting info you can find from a simple Google search "doxxing" ?!

playerpianoKV ago

Guess I won't be donating to them this year.

l23r ago

Make sure you let them know why too!

subchannel ago

The founder of Wikipedia is JEWISH ... and probablz every JTRIG team of every intelligence service of the united states is working on the cover up


Same shit in every european country.


Quasimodo1965 ago

"The founder of Wikipedia is JEWISH"

So were Moses, Isaiah, Jesus, Paul, all the authors of the New Testament, Einstein, Jonas Saulk, Aaron Swarz, etc.

(And they were all in on the Big Plot...)


Supposedly the Jews have been trying for 5000 years to take over the world and they haven't succeeded yet. This must be the most useless and hopeless conspiracy that ever happened. So don't worry about it. The Jews are incompetent. They won't get the place, not in another 5000 years. Try going after a real conspiracy for a change.

subchannel ago

You got to be kidding me, right??

Not successful?? They run nearly every news and media corporation ... the FED and all the central banks are owned by Rothschild. George Soros is jewish he is direcly related to the shadow government in the US.

Seriously are you joking? The jews are the most powerful people on this planet. If you haven t noticed until now, than their deception worked on you!



... he is jewish by the way!

jack_of ago

Breitbart was also JEWISH. What now?

subchannel ago

Yeah he was a traitor to them and now what ... HE IS DEAD!

Read Gerard MEnuhin

Tell the truth and shame the devil

He is also a jew and tells you all about them!

Freemasonsrus ago

I think the best way to look at the difference is red pilled Jews vs non red pilled. There are certainly a lot of tie ins with the non red pilled that aren't positive. Brietbart is one of my heroes. I love how he went against the classic group think that occurs within the Hollywood Jewish community and also in the MSM. It takes mega balls.

quantokitty ago


Absolutely edit it. I like Eggs-Vs-Bacon wrote. Shouldn't there be something about the Podesta emails triggering the ongoing investigation though? I'd love Podesta's name there for all to see.

JoeBidenIsCreepy ago

My goodness...

no1113 ago

It's not.

LtSilverFox ago

Great find. Getting this changed would help us out tremendously. The pic alone is still sweet

isthisreality ago

would be good to add also that Freud is a pedophile

thefloodcontrol ago

Welcome to voat!!

llm2016 ago

Tell them that!

devnulll ago

This - it has been infiltrated while ago, now it is basically Facebook.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

The page is locked to edits, unfortunately. The best course of action would probably be to comment an objection on the page's talk page and suggest that it be revised to have more neutral wording- as you said, citing the lack of sources for the "debunked" part. At the very least, the word "debunked" must go, because it is obviously biased.

Baluga ago

From the talk page, you can link to a Draft page where an article is being written. Naturally the nature of wikipedia being what it is, you'll never be able to put the full story in that draft. I doubt group-edit would allow any one person to be directly implicated unless you can cite a published article on that person. But there's enough out there we could get beyond "debunked" to something substantive. Just keep it to the Podesta circles, only facts, and claims by notable sources and it should stick.

UglyTruth ago

Wikipedia has always been a cognitive infiltration program. infogalactic is a reasonable attempt to replace it, but it can be chronically slow.

everysomething ago

I'd never heard of IG. Thanks for sharing.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

The section of the Comet Ping Pong page that talks about Pizzagate is suspiciously strongly worded against it as well. Unfortunately, the page is locked, so I can't edit it to make it less biased.


Translation: Pizzagate is "a conspiracy theory we would desperately like to believe has been debunked."

llm2016 ago

LMAO. Now I am even more convinced it's true. They have too much to hide. Panicking.

fluxusp ago

Wikipedia editors only showing their bias. Nothing new.

Boltbeam ago

Good fucking luck. Anyone who was around for Gamergate should be able to show how Wikipedia has little to no interest in being neutral except for hard sciences. (I stand corrected)

Craic_Cocaine ago

They're not even neutral on hard sciences, they attempted to discredit J Philippe Rushton's research on race and IQ, and claim it 'fraudulent'

thelastaelor ago

shit is fraudulent...

PrideOfOshtekk ago

That's not hard science.

herbert_west ago

That's no hard science though.

CaptnMeowMix ago

Their information on climate has also been seriously tampered with:


Not to mention a whole slew of other problems.

CosmicSponge ago

"an ongoing investigation into an underground pedophilia operation, with clues indicating Washington DC as a key location and involving pizza [and hotdog]-related code words(as identified by FBI in official reports)"

GreyAlien ago

i member back when Wikipedia had the gamergate page on a massive lockdown. don't go to wiki for pizzagate. they will turn things against you.

l23r ago

The best thing to do is to get other sites higher up on the Google page rank, because most people don't use Duckduckgo or Bing, so people can get actual information and not some bullshit about it being "fake news" or a "tin foil hat conspiracy"

The other thing to do is just show people the pictures. All I had to do was show the picture of the kid taped to the table with the guys crotch in the background positioned right behind her head. You don't need to say anything. The pictures say it all, even without the hashtags in the Instagram account.

echo-sierra ago

The top organic result in a Google search results in a Wikipedia article about a soccer-related incident where a some pizza was thrown by a player from the opposing team at Manchester United's then manager. The fact this outdated and irrelevant Wikipedia article suddenly outranks actual discussions on sites such as Voat, the now-locked Reddit sub, and others on the same subject matter ought to prove that there's some search-result manipulation going on.

l23r ago

That's interesting. Maybe the search results are different for people using US IPs? Here is my result.

echo-sierra ago

This is mine using Chrome in an incognito window - not signed in, no cookies thus no other weighted meta-influence.


l23r ago

I did the same thing and after seeing no change thought the location might be OPs issue. I could see them wanting to censor it more in the USA.

bigDanold ago

When "conspiracy" is the new #TrueNews

ThrowMeAVoat ago


llm2016 ago

It only shows how desperate they are to discredit it. It only makes it more credible.

jack_of ago

Wikipedia relies only on media and only mainstream media is accepted.

As the owners of mass media employ only journalists which are following the globalist point of view, the result will be that the 21st century and to a lesser part earlier history is only shown in the globalist view.

Every modern event is pictured as the mass media is describing it: wars, revolutions and elections. Moreover thats a way to legitimate articles with a so called "anonymous" source.

Another problem is that some institutions pay people to write articles and moreover to become moderators. Wikipedia isn't an encoclypedia as there is no scientific discussion. It's a place where you can read the mainstream narrative.

The real drama is that wikipedia doesn't prefer historians and their books, but some "journalists" without education.

So 90% of history and social science articles are lies. Only in natural sciences you can rely Wikipedia,

nnfx ago

Fucking bastards.

Dataanti ago

lol pizza gate is a water cooler talk where i work, i think its still far from being debunked :P

ThorTheWonderful ago

Propaganda machine is hard at work!

CaptnMeowMix ago

Not surprising, considering their connections to pedophilia

ThorTheWonderful ago

It figures. Massive infiltration and brainwashing over decades is completely destroying our society. It was a well worked out scheme by the Bolshevik psychological researchers. That went into overtime!

SlackeryTurnBull ago

lol, all good conspiracy theories have been "debunked". If they haven't it probably means they aren't true.

CJJacobs ago

Because anybody can edit.

Get on and re-edit (ooo...that's a pun too!) to tell the truth.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I am going to edit the shit out of that tomorrow. They'll lock it on debunked within the week.

Stavon ago

[citation needed]

Skanda ago

In the Talk section, they say:

Debunked WP:FRINGE conspiracy theory as documented by Snopes.com [1], Washington City Paper [2], and The New York Times [3]. Sagecandor (talk) 07:24, 29 November 2016 (UTC)

But the WaPo and NYT don't debunk anything, they just STATE it's "fake news"!


safetythrowaway1234 ago

aka "it's fake/debunked because we said so!"

Tancred ago

Isn't snopes just some leftist blogger?
and top kek at WaPo and NYT

Wikipedia editors allow shit as sources. You can't trust Wikipedia on politics, because the editors will push their views and you can't argue with them.

l23r ago

I consider myself "lefitst" on most points, but this shit is FUCKED UP.

UglyTruth ago

Wikipedia editors allow shit as sources.

I've attempted to warn people about this at infogalactic


UglyTruth ago

Rather than actually reporting a real investigation of PizzaGate, Snopes simply follows the position of the New York Times in denying PizzaGate.


thicktail1730947 ago

Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

or you know, heads of these companies may also be fucking kids...

bfriend13 ago

Go to Infogalactic instead - https://infogalactic.com/info/Pizzagate

maggieissosmart198 ago


Shogun77 ago

That's actually quite good. But nothing on Amanda Kleinman or Luzzatto.

Tancred ago

add it