BethesdaDC ago

NYT and Washington Post are the problem. Nothing more than a waste-of-skin low life group of individuals for protecting pedopfiles rather than coming to the aid of defenseless children. When all this comes out, and it will, the American people will tune out MSM as they did with Hillary. It's now being reported by fake news citizen journalist's that Trump received 90 million votes to Hillary's 30 million. That's a lot of pissed off Americans who are in no mood for more lies and deceptions. RIP MSM

VieBleu ago

Norway may be small enough and interconnected enough that it has a chance to clean the scum ring off the bathtub.

HarveyKlinger ago

I read the article. The ONLY sentence in there related to "implications" is that there was a rumor that she may have had connections to someone in the ring. If we dug deep enough on everybody here at VOAT I'm sure through 6 degrees of separation one of us would have connections too. This is a terrible article that really has nothing to do with Hillary, other than being a clickbait headline.