Ushil ago

Red-pilling only works with intelligent people and if you yourself stay nice and polite. I see how the MensRights on Reddit aren't effective because they don't stay nice and polite.

Ashra ago

Reading this gives me hope. These echo thoughts I had a decade ago and had to suppress to function. Love to you brother.

Cleareyes ago

No, so far everyone in my family agrees with me or at least trusts my intelligence enough not to question me. Same with social media, not many people i know will argue with me publicly. I'm pretty bullish and confident by nature. Once or twice my dad tried, but i just make a statement along the lines of "good people like you who argue with people like me who are trying to help save children, just makes it easier for pedos - so stop". That bare bones logic is enough, anyone who argues with me past that point has just outed themselves as stupid, stubborn, or complicit. Fortunately no one has argued and pushed it beyond that point because I'm prepared to get ugly if they do. I do find it effective by arguing with trolls on MSM debunking articles, as a way to share even more details with my network since many of them read what we comment on random FB pages and articles, this way i don't tire people out with a daily page posts but they keep getting the inputs through their own nosiness because they want to watch me argue online lol So when i mention to pgate to people now, they nod and say "i know".

Lowdog ago

This is intellectual arrogance. Some of my friends are oblivious as fuck, but they're always good for a fun night out. No need to lose that over a difference in worldview. Pick your battles. Also it makes you a poor person if you only surround yourself with people who think alike.

unrealisthenewreal ago

I am so sorry that happened to you. I get infuriated when I try to redpill friends, so I can't even imagine the hurt you must feel when they refuse to even listen. Having people believe you and validate your terrible experience is part of the healing process. The kind of abuse you endured is really unimaginable to people and five months ago, I wouldn't have believed that humans could be so vile and cruel. But know that this community believes you and supports you. Much love, sending you a virtual hug :)

TippyHome ago

I've posted in the section about the nurse trying to get other nurses and medical personnel to be aware of the whole pg reality. I actually realized I may have dissed our favorite doctor when he told me and my family about the world wide human trafficking taking place. He told us last February. At the time, I was wrapped up in all things political and couldn't think of anything else. Then Nov. 2, the weiner laptop was discovered and the hot dog, pizza, comet ping pong stuff hit Facebook and I just literally sat down and my jaw dropped. Omg, our doctor was right and it is all true. So, all I can say is we had to finally believe Sandusky, the church and Jared were involved in pedophilia....I guess eventually the government being involved in it, too, will be the next thing. Not a big, happy, "yay us" moment, but, at least you won't feel like you are crazy. I really need to apologize to our doctor somewhere along the line. :(


Is this the official support/help thread for all PIZZAGATE researchers!? All joking aside I Wish I could upvoat all your posts here. good insights all around. Keep it up your fighting the good fight even though it's against the grain

Mbailey63 ago

He will have to open their eyes facts alone will not suffice.

lump ago

My friend hates Trump but believes in Pizzagate 100%. I don't get it.

I liked Trump since before he ran. But I was skeptical of Pizzagate at first. Trump has been its greatest validator.

cvmpatientia ago

Always the same behaviour, people (the ones without critical thinking skills) prefer a sweet lie than a bitter truth. Even if the are lying to themselves. So yes, Cognitive dissonance. But I don't care anymore, I prefer keeping people around me that use their brains, have logical/critical thinking. The bonds are richer.

DefenderOfTruth ago

Thanks for that. It's so hard to be a truth seeker. Even my husband rolls his eyes sometimes and doesn't understand why I care about all this "pointless fringe research." He study's the New Testament mostly and is a Christian; but I've been digging in the NT, OT, and any ancient Biblical texts I can get my hands on which is mind boggling to him why I care. It's like a game for me to see the big picture of life from God's view. A lot of people just want their "easy verses" and keep up with the current entertainment and seeking money as their main consumption.

PizzaBurner0 ago

My condolences, people are assholes. A culling might be warranted.... BUT for the pattern whereby we change our perspective, which I think is the most appropriate description of red pilling right now, "First, [truth] is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer My closest associates, the most red pilling I tried to do was give a direct Matrix reference, telling them my own experience of pizzagate is like being Neo, yelling "I want out," puking and then passing out. That being my best metaphor of my experience, I can't really ask any one else to believe me, having "unplugged" or come out of the rabbit hole, or emerged from Plato's cave of shadows. It's more jarring than emotional bonds can withstand, IMO (I'm still at the "violently opposed" stage with my family). I have found that simply stating my objection to political conversations is enough to keep my friends, family and colleagues mutual respect. Which makes me appreciate you all all the more!

Blacksmith21 ago

OK - putting my tinfoil hat on for a second. Does anyone think that during that 2-week non-stop blitz about fake news (CPP) had something, or delivered something, for neural programming? I mean right up to something in the time code, or built into partial frames of video that only susceptibility and the subconscious can decode? Hell, look what they did in the early 60s:

And it is being followed up by all sorts of web-based "anti fake-news initiatives", up to, and including FB and TWTR?

Jakestr ago

You are not alone but there is another element to it when people are so resistant to these ideas you kind of start thinking do I really know you do you have affiliations with satanism? like the Russian author Tolstoy said another man's heart will always be darkness to us

justice4kidz ago

ohhhh yes. been called crazy, need therapy, need to read CNN and NY times instead of "fake news"... it IS cognitive dissonance. they cannot comprehend that all these people are evil or are doing these things. they cannot accept it because their belief system will come crashing down - as ours already has. someone once told me to plant baby seeds of truth - not wallop them over the head w a truth sledgehammer.....

Thrulkggls ago

I feel your family treats me like a mad leper.

fuckMoloch ago

you really have to lay out a ground work with other crimes before you mention pizzagate.

gardenofbacchus ago

You should treasure your parents having open minds in that way, keep slowly feeding them information and things you're learning as a means to open their minds. My parents are as far left as it gets, worship John Oliver and HuffPo, think Trump is the anti-christ and are "worried" about me. As soon as I open my mouth about something remotely political they leave or tell me they don't want to hear it, and I hardly ever get political around them, i just don't agree with them. Feels very lonely

Pizzainmyass ago

Show them how when that dude filed an FOIA for the investigation the police said they did and lied. That's where everywhere saying it's debunked got it from. So anytime they quote one of those stupid ass msm places you can prove to them it's not actually debunked... and then ask them the simple question why anyone would lie about it being debunked

patriot_saints ago

I was redpilled about the NWO and other stuff about two years ago, all the friends I've know for about 14 years ditched me because of this.

Rmm ago

I totally feel your pain. My own family and I can not discuss this stuff. Well, most of them anyway. I leave the room when the t.v. goes on, and get told I live in a twisted world! Luckily I have a few very good friends who are on the same page . What these fools don't recognize is that their precious free press is a propaganda machine. I just double down, gather more info and remain seedy in my beliefs---and to be honest, I have had to adjust them at times. Information is power, I had to learn the hard way about disinformation and muddying the waters. I just keep focused on finding the truth and know God is with me.

jstayz44 ago

I wholeheartedly agree with Cguinevere. As a laymen might say, "listen to your gut." Some of us are more willing to listen to our subconscious in ways that help guide us, while others will never live in that world...they'll only live in the world of the ego, and they care very much about how they are perceived in that world. "They" are typically the first to cast judgement and throw insults at someone, while basking in their collective ignorance. I agree with you, move on. However, I will say that as I've gotten older I do realize that if I don't love my friends for their good qualities and NOT expect them to be like me, to listen or understand, I won't have any friends. The people I've found to be most like me are people that I've found online...people who are unwilling to turn away from truths like Bernie having the Primary stolen from him, etc. When I see what I think is unmistakable evidence of wrong doing, I dig in, not turn away. And when my gut tells me that there's more than meets the eye, I listen. I think you might be the same way...and that's a good thing!

rolltide26 ago

The same thing happened to me. I lost some friends through the course of the election trying to explain to people all the corruption being revealed in the democrat party. Educated people too, smart people, just fucking brainwashed.

My character was attacked by my friends. I felt disrespected as well and dont talk to them now. I'm fine if you disagree but you better bring some evidence.

Sorry that happened, it does suck.

2BuckChuck ago

Once you allow your brain to open up and accept the evidence in ONE conspiracy, a funny thing happens.
The rest don't look so silly anymore.
well, except for the flat earthers and david icke reptilian ones, anyways. Even IF you have a degree/background in psychology, you will STILL be considered a "tinfoil hat wearing uneducated idiot", so don't be surprised when you are.
A: its a tried and true tactic, and 2: its how people are programmed to react. You're not insane, the vast majority of America is in fact, the Walking Dead. You wont change them, or educate them . Its not about education, per se. That's why there are architects and engineers who believe completely different scenarios regarding 9-11. its not about education, its about UNDERSTANDING.
Some of the most educated people I know, are the most lacking in understanding.

acme2011 ago

You will be surprised how less ridiculous flat earth will also sound once you lose trust with NASA (moon landing fakery, JPL-Aleister Crowley connections etc)

2BuckChuck ago

No, I'm no fan of NASA. I don't trust NASA further than I could throw Neil Degrass Tyson and I think Stanley Kubrick (being the fucking genius he was, 180+ I.Q) was definitely trying to tell us something in "The Shining".
But I'm not a flat earther.

teethkicker ago

“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” -Mark Twain. I think before you can red pill anyone you need to learn them some philosophy. You yourself should be familiar with all the logical fallacies and point them out when they happen then give simple examples. Talk about how philosophy has helped in your life and sight examples of good decisions you have made because of it . For instance, I bet 20k on trump winning the election at 4:1 odds. I found the primary model compelling, I found the predictive artificial intelligence compelling, and there we're several other signs. That said I still peg'd it at 75% trump would win, but no risk no reward (mostly due to rigged voting). Once you can get someone to value logic over bias you have a chance at talking about PG.

Steinmacher ago

My wife was coming along slowly until last night when she heard the W. Bush interview yesterday with Matt Lauer... been telling her for years that the Bush clan is part of the elitist cabal. W's bullshit mealy mouth defense of the MSM and Russian hacking narrative blew her mind.

Trump is the big-enough catalyst we needed to show the contrast between the elitists and we-the-people (the real 2-party system)

next for her: listen to a youtube on r/K selection theory...

MasterLucifer ago

I don't keep friends, someone calling you an idiot like that when you are expressing concern about such a grave issue is some serious defensiveness. Cognitive Dissonance as you mention.

Do you ever think people have cognitive dissonance regarding eating meat? I think there are a whole lot of problems which arise from the consumption of meat. We aren't talking the honourable hunt, to survive, as natives did, while respecting the animal... The mass consumption of meat, which so many turn a blind eye to.

I remember walking down a meat aisle with my eyes fully opened and feel highly disturbed to be walking amidst tortured flesh...

Those who work in abattoirs, are far more likely to bring violence home... No one should be asked to enter into an industry of death.

What kind of world is this?

MasterLucifer ago

A seagull just looked at me for an inordinate amount of time, looks like we all have friends.

Truewarrior ago

I recently went to the Prado museum and walked through without my rose colored glasses on and seeing the satanic imagery from Goya was astounding. It's so in your face it's shocking people aren't more offended by it. But because it's art people excuse it, and put it on a pedistal. Which is why Abramavic's, Piccinni's and other satanic art that is favored and owned by the Podestas and is revered and celebrated. Art is an acceptable medium to express and continue this satantic agenda and narrative.

Piscina ago

I don't speak to most people about PG. I have one friend I talk to. He knows Washington and knows it's FULL os Satanists and predicted more than a year ago that pedophila would be the next big push from DC. He works in international diplomacy. I talk to my son about it. He's at college in NY. He campaigned for Hillary. He thought I was crazy until a professor at his college told him that JFK was killed by the CIA and that the masses are being kept dumb so that we can be easily manipulated. Now he listens with interest. I have a relative high up in a military business in Washington. I told her. She started to yell at me, saying that she never thought I could be so stupid to believe that these men are pedos. Re the luzzatto email offering children for entertainment, I was told it was a joke. I don't care though--I make up my own mind. Remember that the term "conspiracy theorist" was coined by the CIA to belittle, discredit and silence people who found out the truth.

gardenofbacchus ago

They're huge liberals and have just swallowed the kool aid unquestioningly. They all shy away from any thought that isn't mainstream accepted. They're also all quite feminine and "beta" and insecure. My ~2 conservative friends who lift weights with me and are very good with women accept stuff like PG pretty readily, they seem much more in tune with the world and even themselves

DayWalker ago

Yep. Liberal beta boys lack basic masculinity. Or rather they reject it outright. They love being the feminized matrix and dont want to wake up. Nothing of value lost there. They will reap what they sow.

Truewarrior ago

When you walk and live in the matrix asleep and complacent, why would one question anything? We are programmed to think if we are taught in schools it must be true. If we watch it on big network news or papers it has to be true. We never question their credibility because we are programmed from birth that these are supposed altruistic organizations. So why would we question it? What people don't realize is that most often than not those teachers who disseminate the info like teachers and journalists don't know they are spewing lies. It's systemic and has happened for so long that no one questions what they are being taught. And this has been the plan all along. To think of the hundreds of thousands of dollars my parents spent on my education and entertainment and learn it's mostly false sickens me. To think at 40 I have to unlearn and relearn everything about the world brings up so much anger. And then now I stand against so many zombies who refuse to see that light because they are comfortable or lazy or like being asleep. It's the most empowering and disabling feeling I've ever felt.

madhatter67 ago

Freud is very much part of the problem!

Chatman ago

Basically you should only talk about pizzagate with people who want to listen & dont blame people if they arnt ready. I mean lets be honest, from the outside this sounds fucking crazy

soulog ago

Yep totally relate to these posts too. We're fighting decades of social engineering and a new breed of ultra narcissistic consumerists who are happy living in their bubbles. Watching Adam Cutis' Century of the Self is a must for understanding the current human condition. Researching the Kinsey Institute and his funding/research is essential for understanding the moral decline and hyper sexuality of the west. And looking into IQ will help explain how society is designed to exploit and control the lower IQ masses. Society rewards those who are obedient and unquestioning - high IQ people tend to be inquisitive and don't mind having their points of views challenged. Contradiction is highly underrated as it forces us to reevaluate and evolve our theories. Its hard to fight the feelings of hopelessness and disillusion, some things you just cannot unlearn, there's no going back to that blissful ignorance we now see consumes so many of the people in our lives. What helps me is thinking about the children, they're the real reason we're doing this. However realizing that we are in a somewhat powerless position in terms of providing safety and help for those very children is hard to stomach. Its very hard to see any real change happening without force. Look at Denmark and the huge protests over the Duchamp case-nothing changed. Eventually I think the people are going to have to make a stand. If Trump is on the right side of history, like all of us here, he won't be able to take on this global system alone. Maybe if people knew that what we are fighting for is literally the future of our civilization.

gardenofbacchus ago

Ultimately this is all that matters, if this isn't resolved or is just swept under the rug and allowed to continue and get worse I won't be able to handle it, sadly. Can't live in a world like this, consciously watching an entire civilization and race fall apart around me

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

I worry about this too, but I think too many people are waking up. They won't be able to stuff the genie back into the "conspiracy theory" bottle this time.

Perhaps that's more terrifying, though. What if they decide to jump directly to the end game (nuclear, biological, weather weapons, who knows?) and go hide in their underground bunkers.

stellarcorpse ago

yes. Alex Jones.

awakenaware ago

Ive had to be very diplomatic about who i talk to about this stuff.. All my pizzagate posts are not directed towards any friends.. i assume the fb algorithm is hiding my PG posts from people who are not already pizzagaters..there are many "agents", what i mean is hive minded uncritical thinkers.. organic portals or beings missing the higher centers.. etc who you simply cant get through to, unless there is a shift in the hive mind overall focus or programming.. when things get too obvious, then they "adapt" and suddenly its like where truth was ridiculed, it is now taken as self evident. but skewed to suit the parasites agenda. um... meow.

kestrel9 ago


The amount of behavioral conditioning Americans have undergone can't be overestated. Anyone who believes the WP isn't a complete pile is seriously Bluepilled. Probably not a lot one can say to them. The term 'Fake News' was created on behalf of TPTB, however they didn't create it in the case of every other 'conspiracy' theory, but as soon as Pizzagate investigations started rolling the world stood up and took notice! One thing I would ask someone like you describe is how is it that HRC and GWB are on the same side? Doesn't that strike them as odd? I know the feeling you describe, I thought about the Truman Show too! Right now the MSM has gotten so hysterical that I imagine that even some of the people who voted HRC are wondering WTF? It took a series of hard to swallow redpills, before the bigger picture came into view, with the help of the George Webb videos. His radio interviews are better for someone who hasn't been following the story like we have but who are open and curious. The 24/7 Soros funded anti-Trump movement keeps people silent, thereby creating the loud echo chamber that many people base their "conclusions" on. It's a cult atmosphere, and the hard core cultural Marxists are bullying anyone who dares consider being moderate and questioning what they're told to believe.


Lost My friends since I started the pg investigation in october. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch. They wont listen and they wont research by themselves. They are in an induced trance, i feel like i live in a mental hospital with all These brainwashed sick people around me. And they are geting more sick ignoring the truth and believing the media. I don't care IF I don't have Any friends, the most important part is that people wake up and understand whats going on, they need to understand that they are sick, but they kind of need to realize that by themselves, like inception. PS. I live in leftist cuckland Sweden. It's Worse than ever. God help us....

gardenofbacchus ago

You need to leave Sweden ASAP because that country has ~20 years left in it max. I've never seen an entire country suffering Stockholm syndrome in the way Sweden is suffering right now, it's terrifying


I know it's bad and thats why I will stay here and fight until i die! I want to help my country and people survive, for a better future. Im not a coward like the rest of the refugees who leave their homes instead of fighting back! They want to erase our heritage and history. That will not happen here like it did in middle east. If they succeed we will all be muslims or be beheaded. I'd rather die

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

You are a brave patriot. I hope you can save your wonderful country. I fear for Sweden and all of Europe.

iamthepizzanow ago

Nope. If your relationship is compromised, you're doing it wrong. I do this on my spare time and do not go out of my way to try and red-pill anyone. This was not pushed on me and I will not push it on anyone.

gardenofbacchus ago

I didn't really push it on them, they originally asked me about it because I'd mentioned in passing something about pizzagate, and then they expressed interest in what it was so I kind of just eased them into it and was met with instant abuse. I showed them the emails, link to Alefantis, Fatherhood video, Alefantis' instagram and Podesta's art collection and they literally said "I don't see anything weird about any of this, it's just art, and so what, the guy likes babies?" Then I showed them Bill flying on Epstein's pedo plane to his island 12 times, mentioned how Bill was a known rapist and they just said "well who cares maybe they're just friends doesn't mean Bill's a pedo". I wasn't even trying to say pizzagate is 100% real, I was just saying "look guys don't you think all of this shit is a bit weird? Isn't it strange the people who run government are doing things like this?". That was it, and I got met with complete unreasonable abuse.

iamthepizzanow ago

Not haiting. Everyone has their own situation with it. Just seeing how it's regarded to "red-pilling" people that make it seem pushed.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

My family doesn't disbelieve me, they just don't really care and they can't understand why I should care about something that's way over my head.

SturdyGal ago

You would think that your friends would at least listen to you with an open mind, but the brainwashing seems stronger than friendship. I notice that few people get red-pilled by another person, but they are already willing to look at a YouTube or article and find the material themselves.

anon_sense ago

I read David Icke's "The Biggest Secret" in 1999 in which he talks about ritual satanic child abuse and how it stretches up to governments, royalty etc. and is used to blackmail politicians. He also talked extensively about Cathy O'Brien and her experiences as a mind controlled sex slave regularly "used" by high ranking presidents, politicians etc. After I read that book I started telling friends and family about it and they all thought I was completely nuts - mostly because in the UK David Icke has been publicly condemned/ridiculed for coming out with some really outlandish reptilian theories etc. BUT the point is his research on this topic was extensive and he had lots of sources to back up what he was saying about the satanic pedophila. Back then everyone, absolutely everyone I told thought I was a complete loony. It gives me hope that this is getting through to a critical mass of people who are starting to wake the point where today more and more people are realising he was right all along. We all owe Icke an apology, that's for sure.

Narcissism ago

Living in a thickly glazed emotional bubble is a core part of Neurotypicals (normal peoples) personalities. Psychopaths and aspengers often complain about that aspect of Neurotypicals.

druhill007 ago

Who downvoted this? Shillin hell. Brilliant post btw. Flooded with high quality comments and insights on how to present the info to folks.

Oooh and another thing that helped personally when trying to come to terms with the evil of it all.

Psychohistorical analysis of child abuse:

Apparently abusing children has been a pretty standard thing for us. Only recently has that began to improve.

"Regardless of changes in the environment, it is only when changes in childhood occur that epigenetic changes in the brain can occur and societies can begin to progress and move in unpredictable new directions that are more adaptive."

Atatarkus ago

The truth is most people just don't want to hear it and I don't mean the truth I mean the paedophile aspect. I'm from the UK, post saville it's hard for anyone to deny the existence of this pedo-ring even our msm covered the allegations that this went all the way to the top, which actually fucking infuriates me because if they pushed our agenda as hard as they push lies this would have broken worldwide by now. The fact is though we see friends in social settings and talking about this stuff is a massive downer, they say never talk about politics or religion at dinner, this is both mixed together with the murder and rape of children, no one wants to think about it, I don't want to think about it and I'm completely invested. Best thing to do is send links to the main articles to your friends and family and let them read for themselves if they choose, you can only lead a horse to water. Falling out with close friends is completely counterproductive we need to be coming together so just accept that some people aren't ready yet and be gentle with those people till they are, shouting louder and cutting ties with people who are calling you crazy only confirms to them what they already believe. I had a huge argument with my dad about this, eventually he agreed to do some reading and he said this all seems like dangerous right-wing propaganda to him. I was really frustrated but not as frustrated as I would be if these absolute monsters who have committed these crimes succeeded in dividing my family in the process. Don't let them force us apart, be willing to hear the views of others and respond calmly and allow the subject to be dropped if people are uncomfortable it can always be brought up again if it isn't turned into a heated issue. Remember that to defeat great evil we must be virtuous and a bit of patience and modesty will go a long way.

DriftingDevoid ago

I was planning to write a reply when reading through all the comments here, but you described in my thoughts with better words than I would have ever come up with.

To OP: Yes the reaction of your friends is tough. You will see them in another light, in which you hadn't seen them before. They are seeing you in another light too, in which they hadn't seen you before. The changes are scary for both sides.

Many of my friends probably think I've completely lost it. I personally think the challenge here is trying not to let this affect you. I felt disrespected at many times: "Why would really good close friends choose the NYT above me? They have known me for so long, they have often acknowledged me for being a sharp and critical thinker? Why?!"

When it's not time for them, it's not time. Try to keep your friends, if you want to enlighten them, don't defriend or judge them, I think patience is needed.

The truth set me free. I suspect they will think about the change of my attitude in the past months. I am much more at peace with myself, I am not mingling in pointless false dichotomy discussions anymore, creating division, pride and ego-battles. They will begin to notice these things in time is my prediction. They will get curious to what you have to say, as long as you will keep treating them with respect and love. Stay close to your loved ones, maybe it's your job to slowly inspire them, whether it be with words or with your love.

Whattheheck321 ago

Yes this has been my experience with friends and fam too. Discouraging. I'm trying to be more subtle about it these days and plant seeds rather than go straight into it.

pbvrocks ago

Every spiritual journey starts with a "why"...your friends will get theirs in time...imagine how difficult it will be when this is actually being talked about by everyone when arrests come...your friends (old and new) will need your guidance...

jastonas ago

Welcome to the dark side. I've had more or less the same experience with you. It started a couple of years ago with feminism, last year with Trump and politics, then when I thought I was fully red-pilled, I stumbled into pizzagate.

With feminism and politics, I was able to make some reasonable discussions, but overall people would alienate me, or I would alienate them.

With pizzagate, and /v/conspiracy and /r/conspiracy, the shit really hit the fan for me. Now I feel that every day that passes, I keep closing to my self in because I can't take any more the denial of truth from people who I am friends and I (used to??) respect.

jastonas ago

On the upside, I've seen some people getting redpilled (partial) because of me, and once in a while, someone (acquaintance, not random person obviously) will come up to me at a bar or somewhere and tell me almost secretly: Hey J, I see your likes etc on your social media... interesting stuff, i agree with a lot of those things. I even managed to show to a couple of people, who at least didn't dismiss it. They didn't buy into it that much as I have, but they were like "hmm ok... this sounds creepy... but... ok what are we having for dinner tonight??"

YungRu ago

Fortunately for me, the release of the World Corp videos made it relatively easy for my friends to empathise and actually acknowledge what is 'allegedly' going on. Combine that with breaking down the MK Ultra & Monarch programs for them, which in turn then make the World Corp videos an actual example. Add in the John Podesta element, and how instrumental he's been within government for years with these allegations looming over his head in the right circles since '11 at the very least. Which is when to direct them to Andrew Breitbart's tweet. These 3 articles were essential to giving a basis of understanding to whoever you're showing as to why and how they do it:

All articles addressing not only the scepticism for newcomers in the appropriate manner but also reaffirming how much of non-partisan issue this really is, which is instrumental in all of this with the anti-Trump hysteria. So if they don't get the message with the articles, use the Franklin scandal as a Republican example to get them out that headspace.

Don't let this alienate any relationship you have team, if you can't explain it in detail with these people it's a pointless task. Although on the other hand, if even the evidence I've collected in this post alone doesn't ignite the response that this definitely warrants an official investigation then pester them with tidbits of vital information we uncover in the foreseeable future. It'll naturally sway their opinion of it, and at the very least make them dubious over time. Once we have public sway we're laughing and I believe it's an inevitablitlity and just a matter of time until this properly gets out, so be patient. Our time will come to get these fuckers.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Thanks for sharing these, I'm thrilled you found them essential to your helping spread these ideas to family and friends (I wrote them, with the goal in mind of providing a balanced, appropriately skeptical tone and only the most compelling and verifiable pieces). Please continue to share them far and wide!

Aniabub ago

My family wont have a bar of it except my mum. I think she just lets me talk and doesnt really listen

Truewarrior ago

I have experienced shaming, ridicule, mockery and many other reactions. I have a sizeable social media following where the majority of them are liberals/Hillary supporters. I was a Hillary supporter and anti-Trump before I had my awakening 2 months ago after accordingly stumbling upon Zeitgeist The Movie on Netflix. It changed everything for me and I began doing rigorous research into this porthole on YouTube about all of the "conspiracies", or truths. Since then I have attempted to red-pill a close friend and my partner and was patronized and discredited. I have tried to post libertarian and bi-partisan media about pg and government, media corruption from alternative media sources but people reject it because they say the source is small and not-trusted. I'm blown away how ignorant and programmed people are by MSM. They refuse to believe that they lie. I'm having a really hard time with this burden of truth. I feel alienated and isolated an the only people I feel like I can connect with is on here. I wish there was a chat room or group I could find to connect with truthers alike.

gardenofbacchus ago

Let's get a discord channel going . I might look into that tonight when I get home. I agree, this sub is the only place I feel normal, am feeling like an alien most days surrounded by people who I can't even relate to and just see as mindless, completely brainwashed / lobotomised sheep. For what it's worth I'm 100% with you and am your friend

Balour ago

Some folks at /r/conspiracy started one 2 weeks ago

Edit: new link that doesn't expire

abortionburger ago

That invite expired. Do you have another?

Balour ago

Sorry was unware these expired, this one shouldn't

Truewarrior ago

Thank you for saying that. I'm yours too. We Need to assemble and unite. We need to be able to discuss this without fear of being shut down, shilled or shamed.

Aasb ago

When Im out with friends or talking to colleagues, PG is the last thing I wanna bring out. Maybe its because I live in Austria and most of the population never heard of PG before. But having interest in the occult and realizing how some entities in the higher rankings use hidden knowledge to manipulate our thoughts so we collectively transform our world into a certain direction brought this whole subject to my attention again. Your mindset is your transmitter/receiver. Whatever you're tuned into, you will get from this world. Mark Passio has some nice lectures on this. You don't have to agree with his personal view on things, but most of it is spot on. I recommend his Natural Law seminar. Take your time and watch it, its only 8 hours long :) he also talks about left and right brain unbalance which is a major part of cognitive dissonance.

part of it, he talks about the hermetic principles. you need to know them to understand the basics of our universe somehow:

DeathToMasons ago

The term "conspiracy theory" was created by the CIA to discredit anybody who challenged the official narrative in the Kennedy assasination. The idea is to make it so any questioning of the official source, known as the corporate media, that the CIA controls and the Deep state owns, is to be treated as fringe musings. It is to legitimize that once something is on television, you are a kook to go against it becaue the television is the Truth box. The average person fears ridicule, so this is an attempt to put them back in line. Fortunately, this has been exposed and we have had practice identifying this method for years and it no longer works on most red pilled people. They know what you are attempting when you do this, and therefore, they now know what you are. I like it when I know for sure that somebody is one of the bad guys, so I like it when they make the mistake of trying this with me. They are finished once they try the "conspiracy theory" angle.

gardenofbacchus ago

Having something you believe in with every fibre of your being, something you are legitimately certain about based on evidence and information you yourself have dug for and come across be dismissed as a "conspiracy theory" and therefore ensuring any legitimacy your argument might've had be completely destroyed because we have been conditioned to associate the words "conspiracy theory" with stupidity and ignorance and automatic dismissal and illegitimacy is such a disgusting feeling

DeathToMasons ago

The tactics of ridicule that you are employing are defunct, they do not work anymore like they did several years ago. It is considered an indication that you are a disnfo op trying to chase people off the subject. Another telling sign is somebody tries to say you wear a tin foil hat. That is played out and does not work anymore. You have no game, so make an adjustment in your approach. That method puts light on you the moment you type it.

anotherdream ago

Definitely strong cognitive dissonance going on. - I've lost friends over this shit. - People, especially my friends with kids, - seems like they just couldn't handle it if they allowed themselves to believe that it's true. They're arguments are like, - no - no it was made up, how do you know the evidence is real, - No matter how much you put in front of them. - You show them videos of the older scandals that broke, and they still can't fathom it. - People are trying really hard to "stay asleep.". - Just keep shining light on it guys.

mudbear ago

I have kept this mostly to myself, my cousin who i dont see very often brought it up though, but having known people who have been abused i know it would just open old wounds if i were discussing this with them or people around them.

This is a heavy topic and people might have VERY personal reasons for not wanting to discuss this that they do not want to share or have known, you more than likely may never know who those people are, but trying to 'red pill' those people will just come off as an ignorant slap in the face.

Just be very tactful, discuss only the things that can be proven, which would be that john podesta has terrible taste in art and is into 'spirit cooking', which should do enough to put people off the guy, other than that, everything else is circumstantial evidence, dont burden people with that, its emotionally taxing.

The evidence we have suggests many things, but for the most part proves nothing. it is theoretically possible, however unlikely, that this has been one big misunderstanding, as long as that doubt exists we cant say anything for a fact, and that is why we investigate.

dbstfbh ago

I tried red-pilling my grandma I gave up after she said "Hillary Clintons a loving mother, there's no way she could be involved".

Gorillion ago

You can't make someone take the red pill, you can only offer them the choice. Even if they initially reject it, when the time comes they'll come looking for you to offer it again because something has shaken their blue pill world.

See the difference between Morpheus offering it to Neo in The Matrix, and Roddy Piper trying to get Keith David to wear the sunglasses in They Live.

joeysaperv ago

Less than 1% of my acquantances and family understand.

ComradePiet ago

I have been redpilling my family on the runnings of the world for a long time now. I have been researching "conspiracy theories" for over 10 years now, and have kept them up to date on the ones I am convinced of.

Even still, pedogate still shocked me, but still wasn't completely unbelievable when you already suspected the elite to practice Satanism. It took much longer to convince my family of it though, even with previous redpilling happening.

My friends though literally said "Guys, I think ComradePiet has lost it..."

ThePoorPeople ago

I'm waiting for an event to springboard from- a crack to spiderweb from and shatter the current NWO-orchestrated narrative to show that a lot of shit that seems crazy at first glance could be completely accurate.

smokratez ago

My parents know everything I talk about on voat.

Vindicator ago

@gardenofbacchus, do you think you could add a link or two of supporting material to this post so it is no longer an unsourced discussion post that belongs in our speculative sub per Rule 4?

This is clearly a vital topic, and people have rapidly added a lot of great material in the comments. We do not want to remove it. Currently, though, any troll who knows Voat culture can go crying to the larger sitewide community about censorship because shill mods aren't enforcing the rules consistently.

Do you by any chance have any screenshots you could post of gaslighting by friends on social media (with names redacted)? Could you maybe throw in a link to some of the stuff Scott Adams says about cognitive dissonance and persuasion? He blogs about it all the time. Just did a great presentation on climate change. People would probably find it highly valuable.

Help us out and at least make a gesture toward meeting the guidelines? Thanks.

druhill007 ago

top mod!!! :DDDDD

gardenofbacchus ago

Hey mate, yes I can do that definitely, will get on it now. Cheers.

Lorent ago

I've managed to get everyone but my boyfriend. Our relationship is due to end over it sometime soon. We are working, but he's a globalist, alt-left to the max. Our world views completely changed oh well.

DriftingDevoid ago

Sounds tough! I hope you will both get out of this. Don't try to judge him. Keep shining with love, and a little light of truth now and then.

A good relationship is dependent on more than political views, right?

SpikyAube ago

I know exactly what you are going through. It feels as thoug there is now a disconnect between me and the other people in my life. I feel like I'm the only one who can see that the Emperor is naked and they are all talking about the new clothes he's wearing. There have been several people who take the attitude 'Oh I'm sure that kind of thing goes on but what can we do about it, I just want to focus on my life/happiness etc."

I've gotten pretty upset about that, the fact people don't see to care or think it has anything to do with them. I think all of us here are different, we feel injustice keenly, and we care for people we've nevr met and will never meet. I think we're good eggs, is what I've decided, not that the others are bad, just that they somehow aren't wired the way we are or capable on the same ways, maybe. It is sad though, to see a gulf emerge between you and people whose lifestylesand vieews etc have always previously been more or less in step with your own.

anon_sense ago

The emperor's clothes! I was just thinking about that analogy yesterday. I still can't bring myself to listen/watch the Worldcorpo video of the child being abused - I listened to a few seconds of it and I nearly threw up. So what keeps me going is the thought that we need to push through because of those little innocents who are being so horribly, horribly abused.

gardenofbacchus ago

The saddest feeling is being aware of what's going on and knowing this is fundamentally what is destroying the human race and holding us back from progressing as a species and will most likely lead to our destruction, and you could present all the evidence in the world to someone and their response is still "I don't care, I just want to live my life, this doesn't affect me why should I care".

To be honest I'd rather have 2 or 3 close people in my life, for the rest of my life, who share the same views than be surrounded by people who don't care about anything other than their own immediate self gratification and are willfully blind to what's happening to them

SpikyAube ago

I know, I've found that very hard to deal with, and especially that it's almost as though people think it's embarrassing to get passionate and upset about this sort of thing, while it's totally normal to get riled up over a football game or the season finale of your favourite TV show. I know these people are good people and I love them - it kind of dawned on me that this world needs all kinds of different people, and now is the time when those of us who were built this way, how we were built, get to do our thing. It's amazing really the subtle similarities between all the people who are on here wanting to help and know what's going on - I realised I have some things in common with all of you I just do not share with most of the other people in my life, there's something really quite comforting and incredible about it.

superesper ago

If your friends abuse you over sharing the truth backed up with verifiable sources, they're weak, stupid people and you shouldn't count them as your close friends.

It would help to try this one on one rather than in a group though. In a group each of your weak willed friends has to worry about what everyone else in the group will think if they even entertain your "tin foil hat conspiracy theory". One on one there are less social consequences because even if they end up completely buying into it, they don't have to admit that to anyone else unless they're comfortable. Also, on one one sessions prevent your one dictatorial retard friend from taking control and bullying the entire group into disagreeing with you. Most people are weak and retarded, and people in groups are even more retarded. To have a chance, you have to go one on one.

ansipizza ago

Somebody needs to start a redpill dating service!

druhill007 ago

lol bet it would be filled with mkultra monarchs to take us down

sunshine702 ago

Lol InfowarSingles :)

neverobey ago

I've redpilled my father and my boyfriend. In fact Pizzagate was the reason for start believing. I made a presantation about the background of the Clintons, leading to Brock, from Brock to Alefantis, explaning the Clinton Bodycount and all those Fundraising crimes and connections to some corrupt folks in CIA. From there it was just a little step. In my familiy we now believe it's a giant honeypot. Would like to give you this presantation but it is in German. Maybe I'll find the time to translate it and publish it here.

Don't give up and fight for your friendship if they're worth it. If not: You can find some friends here or anywhere.

Drnoway ago

This is a good point. I showed Alefantisis insta to a person who had not heard of pg at all. He was instantly repulsed by it and had no doubt that these people are sick fucks. Then i made a mistake and mentioned Hillary. I could see the dissonance kick in.

This discussion made me also realize how thin the connection is with Alefantis and Hillary. For us believers it's crystal clear, but stop and think about it, how little there is hard evidence tying Hillary to PG.

My personal red pill was conspiracy of silence. Before seeing it i was like yeaah, this COULD be true.

MolochHunter ago

redpill on Hillary with Epsteins flight logs (26 Bill 6 Hillary) and Silsby, for sure. Add to that Hillary is the one who wrote the legislation that gives CPS workers cash bonuses for taking kids off their biological parents

also, remember, Hillary had a fundraiser inside comet ping pong

TimesUp ago

What Hillary has done is so much worse than Pizzagate. It's all summarized in the YouTube series by George Webb. Quite horrifying, If that series doesn't red pill every sentient being that watches it, I don't know what would.

Drnoway ago

Yes but that takes effort and concentration. In this ADHD age we are living everything has to be provable with one meme.

DeathToMasons ago

You think there is little evidence on Hillary? Huma Abedin sends her regular updates on what is going on with Laura Silsby situation in Haiti? A lady who got arrested for attempting to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti? Who Bill Clinton got pardoned? Then Silsby changes her last name and works for AlertSense who does the amber alerts? She has been connected to CPP. And then there is the Clinton Foundation stuff that George webb has kicked around with traficking and organ harvesting beeing among them. Can't see how Hillary is not connected.

Drnoway ago

I do see how she is connected, but Hillary is a though piece to swallow for normies. Cognitive dissonance kicks straight in when she is mentioined. "No way she could have done anything wrong."

I think many people here have forgotten what the world looks like to the normal sheep people. I haven't yet, but im beginning to forget.

rolltide26 ago

I wish i could understand how the average person sees things. I got in to conspiracies and at least questioning everything at like 13 and I'm 28 so i never had a period where I was bought in to the narrative and had to break free. I feel like if I went through that maybe I could help other people see the light but it's hard for me to even fathom how they don't.

Drnoway ago

I will try to sum it up:everything you read on a newspaper is true. There is not much more to the story. We are ruled by politicians that we elect ourself to make decisions that are good for us. Sounds familiar? Didn't think so.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Red pilling is about strategy and incremental breaking down of resistance. Your knowledge and world outside the MSM pop culture have given you a complete different paradigm and outlook. There is just no way no matter how strong your arguments are, that you willl shift the Overton Window for people still stuck in the matrix (or Platos cave, pick your metaphor).

You have t be aware of the psychology and sociology here also. You can't redpoll GROUPS. The reason is groupthink and peer pressure. The most resistant will ridicule you and in order to be socially accepted others will join behInd them.

Choose your battles, start with who you think is the most open minded and red pill them in small doses. As others suggested take politics out of it and stick to general stuff. Points they cannot argue with and get the moral high ground in first so they cannot disagree so easily.

Eg discuss the General child paedophilia angles first and use or share your knowledge of known events. Savile is great (granted I am British), because it's clear cut example of how it can carry on for decades even with very high profile people, and how the media crushed Amy exposure - more than 1000 complaints about him and it was still constrained until after his death.

Ten move on to say even though the investigations showed he was a procurer for others - high up MPs etc - how come no further arrests? It's all been brushed off, a limited burn of someone who was dead and could not "give up" those above him.

truthstrangerthanfic ago

Keep it short and sweet and highly relevant:

"Dennis Hastert. Speaker of the House. Second in line to the President. Serial child molester. Do you really think no one else knew about it and no one else was involved? C'mon man..."

matheasysolutions ago

Yeah, it's crazy, my friends still get shook when I argue that Hillary is indeed a witch (I thought this should be mainstream by now...).

As for red-pilling people, I think you should ask them their thoughts on specific cases that the mainstream media has covered (although barely). Cases such as Dennis Haster, Prime Minister Edward Heath, KNIGHTED by Queen: Jimmy Savile, Clement Freud, etc., large scale cases such as Penn State where the head coach covered for pedos, etc. Only after they accept those facts can you begin to talk meaningfully about just how far the rabbit hole goes...

RedGreenAlliance ago

I feel for you. Very deflating, not to mention frustrating.

The reason this is happening is because of generational brainwashing through the media and popular culture rega Ding the term CONSPIRACY THEORY, which was created by the CIA in 1967.

Hard for the uninitiated to understand this point, but "conspiracy theory" is one of the most powerful psyops ever created and it has altered human thinking from natural scepticism and distrust of the intentions of the powerful, to blind acceptance and trust. Worse, anyone who suggests a "theory" about wrongdoing of those in power, instantly meets resistance that defies critical thinking in favour of lazy slurring and blinkered "la la la I'm not listening your crazy"

Please please read my blog on this and it will make sense. Let me know what tomorrow think!

Docta_pizza ago

So today, I actually met the social media editor for the Wall Street Journal, she came to give a talk at my university. She actually specifically mentioned Comet Ping Pong and "Hillary Clinton's underground sex ring" during her speech (though she didn't call it pizzagate specifically) and dismissed them as pathetic ploys from the right to push fake news. I was pretty disappointed, but not surprised. It was interesting to hear her mindset, as someone in an important MSM position, and how easily she dismissed it all. Not in an "evil" or involved way, more like, she had never even stopped to consider there might be some truth to it. She even mentioned George Soros, but again, dismissively, painting him as a boogeyman/scapegoat for conservatives and nothing more.

I did use the opportunity to try and redpill a couple of my more open-minded classmates about it afterward though. It's pretty easy to do, you just have to show them those nasty pictures of Lady Gaga spirit cooking with Abramavich. It's so out-there, disgusting, wierd, and occult, that it is pretty shocking when you show them she is an old buddy of Hillary's campaign manager, and Podesta loves him some spirit cookin', as revealed by the wikileaks emails. From there, Ben Swann's video starts making a whole lot of sense. Where there's that much smoke, there's got to be some fire. I think it becomes pretty undeniable to any logical, pragmatic person once they see the connection between the FBI symbols, the logos, and Alefantis' fucked up instagram posts. Over the past few months, I have carefully redpilled my entire family, who are very conservative to begin with anyway, so that was no problem, and I've been moving through classmates and friends.

Maybe some of them don't believe me, I don't know, that's fine, hopefully I can at least make them skeptical enough to check it out for themselves, but I really do feel like I've opened some eyes, especially in the last couple weeks. I think it's worth it, and I definitely plan to keep doing it.

Just be careful, go slow, don't give them too much, too fast, or they'll shut down.

LakeOfFire ago

Same here. I am educated and sane (in fact I've taught university-level courses in logic and critical thinking for the past five years). I showed one of my friends the photos, so he googled "pizzagate," found the snopes article, and replied that the photos are fake and it's all fake news.

It's sad to see it being covered up.

Pizzagate is absolutely real.

Ronnilynn31 ago

My 21 year old son - we have an understanding that for him to come around I can't talk about this. No way entire governments can be involved in something so heinous without it being known. And he says "what's the point of putting yourself through this". Even if it were true, what could I possibly do about it?

My response - conspiracies are everywhere, government is corrupt. Fine. This is about kids...babies..who have no voice and who have had adults turn their heads away for years and allow it to continue and grow. Now that I know that this is happening I cannot turn my head away. And I'm not alone in this. We will force it to be exposed.

11-11 ago

If a non-vaccinating parent hears of pizzagate, they get it right away because the topics relate.

I ran into #pizzagate as I was wrapping up 5 years of researching vaccines.

Big Pharma is helping satisfy the pedo population in a huge way.

With vaccines, things have changed since we were kids.
Infants are vaccinated before they leave the hospital and get five shots every 2 months after that (not exaggerating. 5 shots each visit at 2mo, 4mo, 6mo, 12mo., 18mo.). The ones that get 8 or 9 at a time frequently die.

With the full schedule, they get about 34 shots by the age of five.

If little kids seem zombie-like and non-responsive to you, it's not just you. They are like that now.

side note - common core starts them in sex ed in kindergarten. It is subtle and teaches: there is no right, no wrong and gender is based on how you feel. (you tube search: sex common core)

Fully vaccinated kids (those 5 and under on the current schedule) - are brain damaged to a certain extent (huge amounts of injected aluminum) with 20 - 25% severely damaged.

Check your local school's special ed rate to find out what the number is in your area. Example: In Detroit, 1 in 5 is in special ed.
By 2050 (or sooner? can't recall), at current rising rates, 1 in 2 kids will become autistic. The Globalists know this. In 35-45 yrs., the universities will go broke and sell their buildings to convert for adult autism campuses.

Anyway - symptoms make these kids easy to exploit; many cannot talk (at all), have autism, emotional problems, the list goes on and on.

Pedo's target these vulnerable populations. At some point, if I can gather my data, I'll start a new thread to provide links.

Parents of these kids often say --- What is going to happen to my child when I die? They have reason to worry.

It started with the generation of kids born around 1989 and the CDC has increased the amount of "required" shots to the point of insanity.
(another human diploid cell vaccine was added in January worth $1billion to the saleman that got it added).

"Shaken baby" is often vaccine damage. It looks the same. SIDS is actually, usually, vaccine death. Etc etc.
It is much worse than #pizzagate. Much much worse.

MolochHunter ago

do you know of any medecine/diet/therapy to mitigate the aluminium brain damage? (worried parent)

bopper ago

Dr. Chad in Madison Wisconsin, Natural Path Center. Amino Acid Therapy to re-build depleted neurotransmitters. Cured my depression. Therapy developed by a neuroscientist who once held the patent on two blockbuster AD meds but gave all that up 'cause they're effective only for a time.

But anyway, if aluminum damage is akin to mercury poisoning/damage then it could be permanent but amino acid therapy can bypass the damage and get you back to normal even if the damage is permanent, but if permanent you would have to continue the therapy always, but it's very easy.

DefenderOfTruth ago

Here's something to get you started. Maybe after reading that article you'll have a better idea what to research.

There are heavy metal detoxes you can do to help if you've been exposed.

One thing to note as you do your research, there are detox diets and then there are long term nourishing diets. I wouldn't stay in say, a raw food or vegan diet, for very long. But it's great for jump starting a healing process. The lifestyle I adhere to mostly is from the research of Dr. Weston Price (he went into "primitive" cultures and studied why they were healthy). Try to get your hands on a copy of Sally Fallon's book Nourishing Traditions. The front chapters will help you see the deception of the "diet authorities" we have today.

In addition to following Weston Price, I add in smoothies almost every day made with green powders from Health Force Nutritionals. That company is spot on with their detox products. I don't agree with their long term raw/vegan diet, but can't deny it's great for healing.

God bless!

bopper ago

So you think milk's ok? (Only raw organic grass-fed for me.) Dairy is so vilified. I love Weston Price foundation.

DefenderOfTruth ago

I hate the taste of milk, so I don't drink it. Lol. I do enjoy other dairy products. Especially butter.
But, yes, I see no issue with the high quality milk you just stated based on my current understanding. I'd like to get raw milk for my husband, but if milk is not homogenized he balks and won't drink it. I'm stuck with just getting the best quality organic pasteurized and homogenized milk I can find. when I tried strainig out the "chunks" in the non-homogenized and low temp pasteurized organic milk he said the milk still tasted weird. Oh well. Life's a journey. :)

Edit: I have no source of raw milk right now so I can't try that. Maybe once the farmer's markets start up I can find me a source!

bopper ago

Haha, whatever is wrong with you?? smile I have raw milk all around me and everything else. Yeah, it depends on the cow unfortunately when it comes to taste. And raw milk is probably an acquired taste. What you get for your husband I sometimes get, for convenience sake. Do not take away my butter! I just know that Weston Price is big on milk, I used to do some alternative health ghostwriting. Thanks for the reply. If you're in UK I would imagine things like this are much harder to acquire (but I am assuming aren't I?)

Ronnilynn31 ago

I had a child 21 years ago. I was shocked to learn a couple of weeks ago that they now vaccinate pregnant women?? So yeah, it's starts even before the child is out of the womb.

Baxterbaxter ago

It never made sense to me why they vaccinate 2 day old infants for Hepatitis B, a sexually transmitted disease. Could it be to protect the pedos? Wouldn't it just be so sick if that's their motivation?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Not my friends. But my AA shares reflect my beliefs and I have been outright attacked during meetings. Drunks can't handle the truth. Sluts either.

Sire ago

As I read last night:

Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry.

bopper ago


11-11 ago

says it better than anything i've seen yet. good one

SaveTheChildren ago


Jem777 ago

Critical thinking skills deminish when locked in a bubble surrounded by thought police

We have been set back as society in huge ways

Hoping we beginning to look deeper into historical factors at play.

There are some major things going on under the service.' If you think you are stunned now take some redpills.

ArmedExorcist ago

Go easy on blue-pillers. Be strategic and avoid direct confrontation. I know how difficult it is to hold back when reason and common sense are ignored. Always bear in mind that throwing raw evidence in someone's face means losing the battle before it's even on. For most of our lives, we have been all brainwashed, programmed and conditioned to see one "reality" and one "reality" only. Remember how your felt about "truthers" before figuring it all out. We've been "hypnotized" into our world-views by parents, school, movies, MSM, culture, language habits etc. It'll take more than a good argument to snap out of it. It's not even a question of intelligence. It's rather our individual susceptibility to hypnosis and our propensity to obey authority and to follow orders. Start slow. Try to agree on the obvious facts first. Don't jump into conclusions too soon. Stick to the facts. That's half of your job. Ask questions and rather plant the seeds of doubt, than giving your interlocutor ready-to-wear conclusions, you and I've reached after days & days of research. Pull the carpet of certitude under their feet. The knowledge that sticks is the knowledge people arrive at on their own. Be patient and stay humble. Remember that we don't know much more than your friends. Even those of us who are fully awake have no idea of what exactly's going on, who is who etc. We live in strange and interesting times and you will need good fiends/girlfriend/wife/family to rely on sooner than you think.

PerusingTheOoze ago

Its an ugly subject, and stressful to hear about.

Unless a person is parroting that pizzagate is debunked or fake, I wouldn't bring it up, unless you have concerns that are relevant like "why I wouldn't put a child up for adoption." or " I don't want our children walking alone." or to "fund this charity." or "why I'm suspicious of this person." then calmly give them some healthy reasons/evidence.

There are better things in life than to be preoccupied with evil, build skills at something you love and share that with someone...

sleepingbeautycan ago

My hubby is totally on board, cannot handle the more disgusting stuff though. My kids are liberal-ish and are sick of the topic because they know I am right. But hey, I'm their mom I am allowed to be annoyingly right.

charmeuse ago

Garden-Your friends and family are quite happy in the illusory world they live in, and they will not be interested in your truth. Don't waste your energy on informing them, they will refuse to believe anything that they don't hear on TV, and resent your efforts to enlighten them. Expand your circle of friends, find ones who already are truthseekers. With family and old friends you are better off keeping it light. That is my experience, anyway. Having gone that route, they told me pointblank they don't want to hear it.

nitro169 ago

Anyone in their right mind would not procreate in this messed up country right now. Unfortunately there are a bunch of happy uterus & vagina walking liberals looking forward to continuing on with the american race by integrating Muslim extremests...

sentryseven ago

Yeah, I've lost friends just over being a "truther" over the years. And recently I've lost a few over Trump who I supported. Many are still in a deep trance. Honestly I don't buy the media failing thing. I think the independent media is trying to speak that into existence. If people are still getting their news from papers and TV then there are millions of infected zombies out there. I know educated people who buy the likes of vox, buzzfeed, john Oliver, and the guardian like it's the gospel truth. They are so far gone that they will never awake even if the great awakening comes...even if they hear it from Jimmy Kimmel, they will always believe in the illusions provided for them. And these are highly educated people.

bopper ago

Someone said to me that if even if 911 conspiracy were true they wouldn't believe it. Top that! :)

Makingspace1 ago

It has happened to me as well, but I am careful not to take it too far...losing a good friend over this is not worth it in my mind. When I talk about this with one of my life long best friend he starts literally shaking and hyperventilating saying that this kind of BS (Pizzagate) is the kind of stuff that got Trump elected. When he said that I think it made it clear as to why he hates me talking about PG. It is mostly because he believes it attacks the democratic party and candidate who he had so much faith in.

Ilikegood ago

All day long. Family, friends and co-workers are all writing me off as "Nuts"...I live alone in my quest for truth with my Voat friends. :-)

33degree ago

Some people are just sheep. Never will change. You have to learn to get along with them and just not bring up the bullshit. Watch the movie "They Live", captures it great. Just goes to show how important getting the word out to young people is.

the_sharpest_knife ago

Everyone I've talked to about in Austin already know what's up with it. I've also not met a person irl who thinks Trump is worse than Hillary.

bopper ago

Ah, Austin. Democratic bastion. Jewel of the Hill Country.

educate_yourself ago

yes. you have to understand most people would rather believe the official narrative bc its comfortable and on top of that most people are genuinely programmed. they are educated have girlfriends good jobs etc. which means no fucking way this would be going on. they know everyhting. heavy mind control at work.

i worked at my best friends pretty hard and had to drop it but every time they wanted to talk about something id be able to tie it into how the world is fucked up and this shit and eventually they looked on their own bc i made enough sense and they are intelligent free thinkers... and they believe most ofthe stufff that i do. probably not worth it most people are simply self absorbed enough theyd rather not hear about the fucked and murdered children. ive had to talk to my family less about stuff bc of their reluctance to even look at this. i feel u bruv

the friend thing took years though not months i was aware of this a few years ago and had to work at it

MostPostersAreShills ago

Im pretty good at redpilling people because I try not to sound too serious. If you sound lighthearted about it then somebody cant just deny the facts. If you cant make people feel calm about accepting such a big truth than they will be scared to accept. Its such a scary thing to accept for normal people.

racoonbite ago

yup, same way....usually.

thats why when the onion ran an joke article on CPS i recommended everyone posted some memes to is on social media

rippingtheveil ago

This it's a great question, this comes down to people who are willing to acknowledge the problems, and the ones who want to keep in ignoring the issues we face today

Psalm144-1 ago

Question here. Has the "fatherhood" video been widely accepted as legit?? As much as i want that video to be legit how can we assume that it is authentic? I would caution using Fatherhood as a pizzagate primer, it seems like total conjecture to assume that this video is legit. Again, maybe i missed something and this has been determined to be legit by the PG community.

@darkmath Is fatherhood legit? Did i miss something?

DarkMath ago

"Is fatherhood legit?".......It could be. Many people notified the FBI and other law enforcement about it. Time will tell.

There are bigger fish to fry though. I moved on a while ago.

Psalm144-1 ago


Vindicator ago

Another user who is a sound engineer isolated the male voice and did a side by side comparison here in v/pizzagatewhatever.

Due to the other shock content of the site and the fact the video was in circulation before the Podesta emails were released by Wikileaks, it is not likely to be him. But I don't think you could say it's been "debunked" definitively. I don't catch everything that develops, though, so someone link me up if has been.

druhill007 ago

there's a ton of 'investigative drama' surrounding the video..... but you guys are exactly right. It serves as an ultimate red pill. I find it very odd when people attack it's legitimacy super hard... the kid screaming in it is definitely suffering, and there's a vid on twitter that has podesta yelling into camera to give an example of his voice alongside the video. Honestly sounds just like him to me, yet people will say "sounds nothing like him" lol

Psalm144-1 ago

I am not attacking the legitimacy i just want to make sure our investigation is as rock solid as possible so that the next time there is MSM coverage they address the concrete pieces of evidence. For all we know some jackass could come out of the woodwork's and say... "Yup that's my video and it was for a B movie i was making. The kid sounds were made in a studio and no one was abused" or something like that.

druhill007 ago

Yeah I do get that aspect. From my standpoint, like I "try" making music as a hobby and I'd like to think I have good hearing. Actually taken the pitch perfect hearing tests multiple times and usually get 100%. Those kids cries were stabbing. That shit is 0% fake. Could they have chopped that real audio from another video and whatnot? Sure but then I think it becomes a matter of balancing red pills vs. false flags. They got us pretty good with the comet pizza shooting but if this video was a false flag it was a fucking stupid one cause it red pills people all the time

Psalm144-1 ago


ThighHighSwampBoots ago

What Fatherhood video? Im gone for a week or

trypanon ago

Although I totally agree with you, even if it isn't Podesta, it still is enough to red pill somebody who doesn't want to believe trafficking/child torture and rape exists.

Psalm144-1 ago

True. That video invokes a rage inside of me I had never felt before. To be clear, I am not questioning the authenticity of it being a real video I just am looking to confirm to Podesta connection. IMO the video clearly shows child abuse at a severe and disturbing level. I am in constant fear of any of these "fringe" pieces of evidence being given too much creedance in the PG investigation. If/when the opportunity is presented for MSM to give this thing a fair shake I don't want things that are based on assumption to be used against us and PG thesis.

trypanon ago

Agreed yeah. I was staying away from commenting on that video for those exact reasons. I think the video was 100% real of a child actually being abused. Those screams cannot be acted by a child of that age. Even if the child was acting, who the fuck does something like that? "Hey come get in this dark bathroom/shower with trippy lightning and loud bass/music somewhere nearby and let me hit the shower with a mop and scream crazy shit at you. It'll be fun!" I don't know if it was Podesta, but I know if I were that age I would be freaked out.

Northern_Soul ago

They have "indoctrinated an entire generation that any 'other' point of view is detestable and should be banned..." It's a difficult pill to swallow, understanding that everything you were taught, everything you were lead to believe is a lie. theve spent their entire lives "normal" life of sloth and ignorance. Red pills prefer the truth, no matter how gritty and painful it may be. Blue pills prefer La La Land....

Jem777 ago

It is going to be devastating for them to discover this.

When B. O. Is fully exposed as a Manchu Candidate they will be stunned

This is when everyone here will be needed so much.

gardenofbacchus ago

Where do you even begin trying to explain to someone literally every single thing they have ever been taught about the world is a lie? That isn't even an exaggeration. How do you tell someone 9/11 was staged to further the agenda of the top 0.001% of the planet? That there are such things as "false flag" attacks on a country's own population by their government? Or that we don't even know how the pyramids were built or what they were for? Or that all of history that's taught to us in every classroom and university is wrong? Fuck I'm not a flat-earth conspiracy theorist but we have a globe in every classroom and we don't even know the earth is a globe. We have theories and yet they are taught as unquestionable fact and these theories all trace back to the same handful of people, same bloodlines and families all with the same common agenda all throughout human history. We don't even have a real fucking NASA photo of the earth. I learned that myself in 5 minutes by researching it. They're all digitally composed composite images of what earth "should" look like. But if you try and tell someone we don't know for concrete certain the earth is a globe you're considered irrecoverably insane

DefenderOfTruth ago

Yes! I think it's simple now: everything I was taught about the secular world = wrong. Easy. It's just like flipping a switch. Now I can research with new eyes and see what really happened. It's when people can't see to "just" flip the switch that it's so difficult to reveal anything true to them.

bopper ago

Um, keep going on that flat earth thing. And, I know a lot of bigwigs at Nasa.

acme2011 ago

I hear you. I honestly believe PG is the best hope of exposing all the other lies. It truly is the card to bring down the house of cards. Collective sweep of consciousness change.

11-11 ago

oh noooo THAT too? ** POOF ** there goes the last shred of my former belief system....

DefenderOfTruth ago

Subscribed! Thanks!

Northern_Soul ago

You can no more make someone believe the truth then you can force someone to love you, a winner is a loser who never gave up.

It Took me a year convince my grandparents the earth was a pancake, No joke.....

11-11 ago

Yes - i think everyone can feel your pain.

One friend calls it fake news so I finally called her on it and said - Well, since you see the world through rose colored glasses where everything is great and people are all good, I'd better not say anything about that.

I completely don't get that because she is an Auditor. She is paid to figure out when people are lying. So what?? She must not be very good at her job.

I've noticed one thing: people who are educated in who the Devil is, what he does, etc. and believe that he exists (yeah. there's that) seem to get it much quicker than people are oblivious.

It isn't a christian / non christian thing though because there are many many Christians who do not really see the devil as the ongoing threat that Jesus said he was.

People talk about the school systems dumbing kids down but I think a lot of the churches are doing the same thing.

Am not trying to create a big discussion about religion - it is just something I've noticed.

druhill007 ago

good point about the devil. I honestly thought the devil was simply the absence of god..... but after learning about this stuff it hit me like a ton of bricks.. THIS is pure evil

bopper ago

He's real that I can tell you. And look at the power he has.

5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

mrjdouble ago

This sucks, totally know what you mean. Depending on how deep you are willing to go into the proverbial rabbit hole, these people need to go. At least put to the back burner where you are still cool and can even do things together and have a good time once in a while, but based on their reaction, you will have to keep things from these people. Me personally? I don't subscribe to that, and if I have to compromise who I am to be someone else, or I can't talk about stuff I'm interested in or start important conversations I believe need to be had, then I'm gone.

As I'm getting a bit older, I find myself less interested to conform to my peers, or maintain pointless surface relationships no matter what the history. Might seem simplistic or cold, but I honestly believe that the basis of any healthy two-way relationship is a constant give and take. I've got to be able to do things for you or teach you something; anything to add value to your life and vice-versa. Otherwise, it's pointless.

If it ain't real, it ain't right.

Edit: spelling

gardenofbacchus ago

This is basically where I'm at now. I understand exactly what you mean. I have no interest in salvaging relationships purely for the sake of it when I don't share anything in common with these people. I can't sit around at another dinner while these people just spout mindless garbage they've read off Buzzfeed or WaPo and then take shots at me because I don't agree. They've been my friends for decades but being treated the way I have been recently for bringing this up has opened my eyes to this reality. We might share the same physical space but these people are spiritual strangers to me, that's sad but I'm ok with it

mrjdouble ago

People grow and that means they can grow apart. One one hand it's unfortunate, but on the other hand it's part of life and it only means that you've graduated to the next part or a deeper part of it and they haven't. Some never will; quite literally, it's like being red pilled in the Matrix. Everything you have ever known and loved is gone, and just like those people in the film, there are times of darkness and despair, but they also wouldn't trade it and go back for all the gold in the world.

I'm convinced that people are only in our lives long enough to help us learn a significant lesson. You've learned that lesson and now you can feel alright about moving on.

starseedlover ago

I've had a few people tell me to "get a grip" and to stop "peddling conspiracy theories." And then when asked to provide me evidence that it's fake, they tell me I'm not living in reality. Aside from the "you've gone off the deep end" type comments, I haven't really lost anyone because of PizzaGate. But there is a divide forming.

But Trump on the other hand is a different story. Way more people are triggered that I support Trump. I got unfriended and lectured about racism and xenophobia. People told me they were "very disappointed" and said "But he's the opposite of everything I thought you stood for." They said I'm "aligning myself with pure evil" and that I'm "on the wrong side of history." I got in several internet arguments that really pissed me off and made me hate the leftists even more.

It was hard because this was the year I finally got interested in politics. I had been attacked by SJWs in the past pretty heavily but I knew nothing about liberalism or social justice warriors at the time. It was a terrible time in my life and it actually kickstarted the red-pilling process back in 2012.

Fortunately, my parents are pretty red-pilled on many subjects and support Trump. They both know PizzaGate is real and we have many great conversations. We can even talk about the JQ and race realism and many other topics.

But social media is a minefield. I have private groups that I can speak freely.

mergen ago

I succeeded red pilling my family and a friend.

Putin's "the west is plagued by pedoes and satanist" speech is enough to convince my mother.

For my siblings, I showed them disgusting pics from dutroux affair.

As for my friends, I showed them the duct tape and pizza slut image.

Just don't mention Trump since he is PRESENTLY polarizing to normies.

redditsuckz ago

like I'm on the fucking Truman Show or something.

The True Man Show


As of March, 2000, THEY represent about 95 to 98 percent of the total Earth population. YOU KNOW IT. YOU FEEL IT.

THEY have been growing in numbers since a "spiritual hurricane" swept up this planet from 1993 to the present day. YOU are a SURVIVOR of this situation. YOU KNOW IT. YOU REMEMBER IT.

THEY live in two different realities at the same time : THE STAGE and THE BACKSTAGE. You live in one. YOU KNOW IT.

THEY read your mind all the time, and manipulate language and synchronicity to keep what you call "your life" under their control. YOU KNOW IT.

THEY try to bend your belief system through falacies, false dichotomies and false premises, in order to sell you distorted ideas about their SECOND reality, which is presently only a reality-to-be to you. YOU KNOW IT.

THEY sell a dreamworld that doesn't exist, which is quite different from their REAL second reality (the so-called BACKSTAGE), and force you to deliriously fantasize about it. YOU KNOW IT.

THEY create DELIRIOUS RULES and sell you free access to their BACKSTAGE if you follow these sick rules. YOU KNOW IT.

THEY try to describe your day-to-day reality in a distorted way, using their sick beliefs to convince you. YOU KNOW IT.

THEY try to turn what you do in your ordinary "life" - for good or for bad - against you. YOU KNOW IT.

THEY manipulate every aspect of your "life", from your innermost fears, to the future your heart truly wishes to live, to the tiny details of your day-to-day routine (for instance, the decision you will take to have your coffee with sugar, sweeter or none of them). YOU KNOW IT.

THEY try to turn your thoughts against you. YOU KNOW IT.

THEY may even manipulate facts and change realities in the "society" you may think you live, in case you try to change, "improve" or "fix" things in your STAGE-WORLD reality. YOU KNOW IT.

THEY give you the sensation that you are being JUDGED by them. YOU KNOW IT.

THEY manipulate your nightly dreams, through symbols, archetypes, toons or comics, controlling and hypnotizing your behavior in these dreams. YOU KNOW IT.

THEY create false news, performing like actors in your world, just to keep you "tuned" in their PRISON, or ZOO, or CIRCUS, or MAZE, or whatever name you give it. YOU KNOW IT.

THEY use key words or symbols in the very sentences you hear and situations you watch all the time, so as to keep you under their control and manipulate your mind. YOU KNOW IT.


THEY have turned you into a mesmerized puppet, and your mind into a slavery condition. YOU KNOW IT.

But if you open up your mouth and try to unmask them, THEY will DENY everything and call you a CRAZY person. If you insist, THEY may even get you literally under arrest or take you to a madhouse. YOU KNOW IT.



fartyshorts ago

I made a few people question themselves and the media by simply showing one of the weirder emails and asking "Since you seem to know, what the hell does this email mean?" but I don't think any of them actually went on to investigate. They go back to watching sports, playing video games and keeping up with the Kardashians...

Whattheheck321 ago

Lol "since you seem to know....." I might try that. A nice way of saying "since you think you're so smart and I am obviously misguided, stupid and paranoid, what the hell does this mean"

gardenofbacchus ago

No worries. My girlfriend is also starting to come around, she'll still argue with me etc but I think she's beginning to see the light. How much detail did you go into regarding wikileaks and how fast did you put it out there? Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself and overloading people, forgetting that none of this will make a lick of sense to someone who doesn't fundamentally understand that we are different people to the elites

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Also never forget the propaganda value of repeating yourself over and over and not moving an inch. They have spent a lifetime hearing the have to be strong and just tell them exactly what you think....fuck them if they think your will put the idea in their head....and someday they may hear just the right thing from you or someone else and the light will go on.

LargePepperoni ago

I know what you mean buddy. I talk about it frequently on my FB. Have a few hundred fb friends. Almost never any comments nor likes. I'm sure a good percentage think I went crazy. But at the same time, I know I have at least semi-red pilled a few.

cguinevere ago

I just want to add that I have experienced the existence of a "collective consciousness/subconsciousness", if you will. I experienced some hard core silencing & shunning as a result of abuse in my childhood. As a result, I would go totally silent inside myself & leave my body. I realized that communicating with words isn't everything...there is a spirit world, or soul world, or whatever you want to call it. And it blesses those you trust in it. Just touch Truth (spirit world), know it, be solid in it. Don't waste your energy explaining to those entrenched in ego - collective consciousness will take care of them, on way or another. Karma too. I have not received "justice" from our court system, society, etc., nor have I always been "heard" on this physical plane - but I have experienced justice on a different, karmic plane. And beauty, justice, & healing exists there. Sorry to get a little "out there", but I feel it is important in this tumultuous time. Many are awakening.

21yearsofdigging ago

Beautiful what has been written here. I I became targeted 21 years ago for trying to find what my ex was up to in my absence and who had threatened to hurt my 4 year son, if he talked to me. My ex had bruises on her face from someone hitting her. She admitted to being a prostitute but said she knew very powerful people. Hence, I did not chose a conspiracy it found me as I was subjected to cars following me, break ins, harassment, gas lighting and even death threats, after I had seeked help for my children, had gone to the police and even wanted to get her help(although I wanted out of that relationship) I was alone through many years of this and most just thought I was nuts. I collected proof but no wanted to look at it. All police and government agencies ignored me and even worked hard trying to set me up. As I remember it, I had a disease but not one of my choosing. I look around today I see others going through similar Cointelpro targeting. Usually journalists that have spoken out about Pizzagate. Cynthia McKinney as well. My hope is that they won't suffer the same ridicule I did all those years ago. It was a lonely place.My belief in God is really what got me through it. Trying to convince others of something you know to be real is rough. Sadly, as much circumstantial evidence as we have now, there is still not that smoking gun or a victim coming forward about DC.My experience has left me somewhat bitter(although I try not to go there) and generally people like to be uncontested by anything. They set their feet in concrete and are more rooted to their ignorance the harder you try. Sadly you, if you push too hard, only confirm to them that you are crazy. I call it the blinders, it is like their eyes become glazed over and they can't hear you. God however, always has your back. On a positive note all this coming out now about pizzagate and more nefarious subjects such as ritual abuse, trauma based torture of you children and yes, child trafficking is encouraging. Some of us have really awoken

LolturdFerguson ago

Don't apologize for speaking hidden truths. Now is the time to unite all of our energies...spiritual, physical, mental and become the persons we are meant to be.

The awakening is happening, granted I hoped it would be in a more positive manner. But just as evil needs the light, so we need a catalyst to emerge from our conscious minds into our subconscious.

Now is the time to trust that "gut feeling", intuition, whatever you want to call it.

Even if you feel it is irrelevant, don't be afraid to share any information you have, ideas or even course of action.

jaxyou ago

I agree. Great post.

Piscina ago

Yes, I believe it's part of our awakening. Do you believe that we live in a physical world of duality, but in the spirit world there is only love? I'd like to go there.

druhill007 ago

love it. this entire process can be seen as humanities self-actualization. The process of decreasing our collective ego. I've been wondering if it was possible to battle back against these guys within thae spiritual realm. If they're sitting there chopping up babies 4 spells I want to counter that heheh. Going back to your point though, "He who looks outside dreams, he who looks inside awakens." :D

SaveTheChildren ago

Wow. Did you experience any of this on psychedelics?

cguinevere ago

No. Trauma-induced states of mind only, SaveTheChildren.

PizzaStreamerLive ago

Yeah. Not saying he's a shill...buuuuut with all the magical unicorn spaghettimonster topics we've seen. This seems odd.

cguinevere ago

Hey PizzaStreamer, far from a shill. Not trying to say the perps of these crimes should be let go, or as Robert David Steele recently said in the interview with VicturusLibertas "No arrests should be made". We DO live here, in this physical world. Those who committed the crimes should have to answer for them in this physical world. I just wanted to give some solace to those who are not feeling heard right now, & that I believe the perps WILL answer for their crimes, one way or another.

MasterLucifer ago

You better shut your mouth @PizzaStreamerLive.

PizzaStreamerLive ago

Nice try

gardenofbacchus ago

That was a really nice post and I think I understand what you're talking about completely. I feel like most of my life I've spent in this subconsciousness compared to physical reality. Being in this state also seems to push you closer to spirituality in God, even though I don't consider myself religious (yet)

PatriotOne ago

If your red pilling a Liberal start with the Conspiracy of Silence documentary. It's Bush Sr. related. They will be way more open to that avenue and believe it. That opens it up for discussion of the Dems complicity in it later.

palmitespo910 ago

I have also found that it really isn't worth it. This time last year, there's no way in hell you could have told me that I was going to be supporting President Trump today. We all need to figure it out on our own. I am having a strained relationship with my brother/roommate currently because he, a very avid SJW and lover of everyone, is slowly redpilling but the cognitive dissonance that comes with it is making him very edgy. He will ask me a question and will argue with my answer. At this point I just answer his question and don't discuss it further. We will never have traction if we can't show people the truth. What are we going to do? What is our plan?

FriesischShipping ago

"there's no way in hell you could have told me that I was going to be supporting President Trump today." so true, thank you Pizzagate.

palmitespo910 ago

I'm not at all going to deny that we are up against a formidable machine. This machine has shaped my views and morals for my ENTIRE life. The last 6 months have basically been dedicated to restructuring my belief system. it just so happens that that restructuring showed me that President Trump is doing no worse than any other president ever has.

Orange_Circle ago

Mark 6:4-6King James Version (KJV)

4 But Jesus, said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house.

bopper ago

Hey, that's what I told the OP :) It's beautiful, and so true.

Orange_Circle ago

I knew I was on to truth when I was openly not invited to a family thanksgiving event at a cousins house.

He's a drunk and his daughter is a girl pretending to be a boy, so I wouldn't have gone anyway, because sheesh, what a screwed up family and a downer for Thanksgiving! But yes, totally not invited.

bopper ago

Should I laugh or cry :) Sorry. Well part of my family (in-laws) are democratic lobbyists! They're old hippies, pie in the sky still searching for utopia Pollyanna types. haha

Orange_Circle ago

Trust me, I'm so happy not to have to make up an excuse to avoid them.

bopper ago

Well it worked out well. I do know the feeling, well somewhat.

Possible ago

Until the people involved are proven guilty in open court, I'm not sharing this story.

I care a lot about my family, and they're busy people. They trust me to tell them if I learn something important to their happiness and well being.

It's very hard for an ordinary person to ignore a story like this because hurting children is probably the most horrible thing a person would think of. But when I engage my family and we talk, we've got more important things to focus on; things that matter just to us.

PerusingTheOoze ago

Give them a glass of water with the red-pill.

huhhh ago

Show them videos. Off the top of my head, the sgt report with pizzagate angela was pretty good, you could walk someone through that.

remedy4reality ago

I have had solid success with a wide range of individuals. But I am not the average PG investigator. I have an extensive knowledge of history, politics and mass media and I have been known among my peers as the 'go to guy' for many years on subjects they may find vague. A current events counselor, if you will. Most of my friends are Republicans but I have always been a left of center Kennedy Democrat. I am trusted because I spent many years hammering Republican policies due to my disdain for the Bush Family, Iran/Contra and the Franklin Cover Up. I have a photographic memory and can store and access nearly unlimited factoids, quotes, dates and events. That said, I do not bombard them with the minutia. I give them the big picture first and work backwards.

TomDrew87 ago

Hi Alex

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Yeah man, don't just write them off. It's all good. Some people just can't handle thinking outside of the confines they've been trained to mentally exist within. The scary part is that Alex Jones hit the nail on the head when he started back in the mid-90's. Does he say crazy shit? Yes. Does he get everything right? No. Does he occasionally take off his shirt in strange videos? Errr... yes. But... what he DID get 100% correct? There is an information war.

This is everything. Information is everything. You think the censorship we're seeing re: PG is bad? It's been this way since the beginning of the internet. A low cost tool to connect to everyone in the world and share information? This was the beginning of their end and they knew it. Info warfare went into hyperdrive once this became a 2 way street. And some people just can't handle it... don't want to spend the time... enjoy their bite-size mindless news segments that last for 60 seconds... etc.

It's not you. And... it's not them. It's the system that we are fighting against.

At the end of the day, my wife said it best (she's about 2% aware of what's going on with everything)... she said "I just don't get it, what is the ultimate goal? They've got endless amounts of money... power and influence at the highest level. These conspiracy theories about the New World Order just don't make any sense."

Fast forward to Pizzagate, and she said "That is truly disturbing. I don't want to believe it... but I could never figure out what these people wanted, and this would almost make sense in that point of view" (Referring to PizzaGate and possible Occult rituals)

Just keep red-pilling, but, do it in a way that is suitable for your audience. Sometimes just asking people questions about it is enough... lead them to YouTube or the sourced summary here on Voat if they ask. But, don't force it. If they want the red pill, they will slowly open their hand to you and shatter the "CNN Complex" that has hypnotized so many of us.

I always like to say: "Even if PizzaGate is totally false... there is still an epidemic of child trafficking and multiple historical cases/cover-ups with high level politicians/businessmen/public figures. The elite class still rules over us and bends the laws, which is illustrated in the leaks. Doesn't it make you curious to know what these people who control the world have been hiding? Even if it is merely a peak behind the curtain?"

Typically, when I present it like that, they can't red-pill fast enough.

Narcissism ago

To understand their end goal its necessary to understand MALIGNANT NARCISSISM.
THE NWO project is the Elite increasing their Pathological Narcissist Space (an area in which they derive attention/ accolades/ or to be feared). People are just an extension of the Narcissist like another organ or another limb thats why its so easy for them to abuse others. Check out Sam Vaknin's work on YT.

MolochHunter ago

"Even if PizzaGate is totally false... there is still an epidemic of child trafficking and multiple historical cases/cover-ups with high level politicians/businessmen/public figures."

precisely. You dont necessarily have to convince people that anything is going on at Comet Ping-Pong. All you have to do is illustrate the mechanics by which it is nether incidental nor accidental that there is a correlation between power and paedophilia. All you need do is show that the more powerful / influential someone is, the more likely they are a willing participant or a cowed compromisee to a syndicate beyond any possible justice but Gods or the mob's.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I never believed any of the conspiracy theories because I couldnt imagine people actually thinking the rest of us are cattle. I couldnt imagine the Government allowing 3000 Americans to die intentionally. But the Pizzagate rabbit hole gave me the actual reasoning behind it all. It is insane thinking by them but it finally makes one of the guys on the Joe Rogan show is the conspiracy theory that makes all the other conpiracy theories make sense..

It explains population contols...the poisons and man made cements it all. Because these fuckers are Satanist and could give two shits about us.

dmthirdeye ago

My girlfriend hates me and I hate her even more.

bopper ago

but what if you were married? haha

birthdaysuit11 ago

Best tactic is to work in the field. Work for CPS and then become an actual investigator. This way everything seems legit.

carmencita ago

I have had some rebuffs from a couple of friends, and my brother and sister in law. It seems that the ones I thought would accept, did not but the ones I thought would not, actually did. I slowly started with my friend on the phone, very lightly and then invited her and husband over for dinner. I started by telling her how much less time I have now, being on here almost six to 8 hrs a day sometimes. Why do you spend so much time on there? Because the things that I have seen and read about what evil and sick people are doing to our children is driving me. I cannot let it go, I said. I then told them about the sex trafficking and organ harvesting. I told them it is happening all over the world, but if it starts getting fixed here, then it will impact the global problem since the elites at the very top are causing the problems. I went into the political end of it and the money they are making. Naming some people and saying that all sides are involved and that as soon as we all realize that they only care about their sick perverted habits and taking our money, the better off we will be to fight against them. They asked but what can be done, and I said spread the word. That is the most important thing right now. Spread the word. But remember, when people pull back and resist, then that is when to stop. Some will listen others will shut down. Don't force them to accept more than they can.

gardenofbacchus ago

I can't stand being made to feel like I'm an idiot or I'm stupid or I'm lying etc when the truth is literally in front of anyone's eyes who gives enough of a shit to look for it. It's so depressing. I can't even imagine what life is like for actual victims of this

carmencita ago

I am going to just love when all this comes out, and it will. The best feeling will be to know that the children will be better for it. That is when it will start to stop. Also knowing I tried to warn people, will really make them feel stupid. We can't make people accept things that we can. They are not us. The worst of it all, I know, is the reality that we misjudged our friends, people we thought would care about something so heinous, and they shut it out. They are weaker than we are. That's all. They care, but they just block it out, because they are not strong. You are. Be proud that the kids have you to care and research on here and to find more people to spread the word to.

huntercel ago

Most people reject the pizza pill, it is probably the hardest pill to get people to swallow, people have a hard time coming to terms with the fact that they have elected baby killing satanists in seats of power en mass .

gardenofbacchus ago

I've just been slowly trying to feed them info, I try and say things like "hey isn't it weird how John Oliver's entire show is just about Trump? Isn't it weird how his entire show is literally just ragging on the POTUS? Is that really all he wants his show to be about?"

Or "isn't it weird how on social media everyone seems to think identically and the only news you read is all from the exact same view point?"

Just subtle things, after Islamic terrorist attacks I'll try and suggest people think about why they might be occurring (Islamic refugees) and the possible ways to stop further attacks happening (limit Islamic refugees) but my friends have completely written me off, are brainwashed and can only respond with "racist bigot alt-right" etc. Why are these friendships even worth saving?

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

This is a brilliantly subtle tactic, thanks for sharing. I just had great success using this on my boss, who is/was a big Hillary supporter. We found common ground (can you believe the entire media is just nonstop Trump bashing), and he agreed and said he's sick of it too.

mudbear ago

Geez thats rough man, most people i know are alot more onto it, though i do get heavy with the politics n stuff. Im glad im not around any braindead liberals, dont really have a republican equivalent here, but almost universally everyone i know would prefer trump over hillary.

Its pretty crazy though that it is so hard to convince people of the truth when they are so accepting of lies

2impendingdoom ago

I know its long but the Kay Griggs, especially, or Sibel Edmonds videos are really compelling and they both explain from first hand experience how the abuse is systemic and used to protect and promote accomplices. Maybe you can be watching either of them when you know your friends will see it, maybe they will get drawn in to watching also and realize that there really is shit going on. Offer beer or food too, so that they stick around, don't push too hard, its not worth ruining your relationships

dingomeat ago

Why are these friendships even worth saving?

When you're trying to survive in a broken society, it's very dangerous to be alone. Ask people who lived in Soviet countries. If you have friends, you survive. If you don't, you're in danger. Friends are witnesses, friends will vouch for you. Friends don't make good confidants. There is such a thing as different tiers of friends. You have to compartmentalize.

Normies prefer to talk about the people and drama in their daily lives. If you lend them an ear for that, you will have many people who would vouch for you in a time of need.

Normies will automatically shy away from something like Pizzagate, because it involves powerful people, and they see it as potentially endangering their livelihood and their family. If they perceive you as connected to something dangerous, they will push you out of their lives. Don't blame them for this, not everyone is equally curious, and unlike us, these peoples' survival instincts are serving them well. When you meet someone who prioritizes truth and light over survival instincts, you'll know by the look in their eye.

gardenofbacchus ago

Great post, thank you. If I'm totally real with myself it wasn't so much the dismissal of what I was saying, more that they revealed how they truly think of me, that I'm, in their own words "just fucking dumb". That's what pissed me off the most, did not expect that sort of reaction

dingomeat ago

They might be actual assholes if they went so far to insult you, but, like the other poster noted, cognitive dissonance will make people say some pretty horrific shit. People will do anything and say anything to preserve their worldview. They fear going insane, which is what they think will happen if their worldview is compromised.

palmitespo910 ago

My brother opened his eyes to the hate and tactics of the media when I mentioned to him a couple weeks ago that I can no longer watch SNL because the whole things is a bash trump party. Like, I get it...there's definitely material. But I already see trump bashing on the 24/7 news stations (lol if I watched that shit) and see it on social media (lol if I had that shit) and even though some of these things are definitely correct, I simply don't want to hear it because it's all I see/hear.

The_Kuru ago

No. I mean what the fuck.Although some of these redpilling characters yeah you'd want to just cut them loose. Although half of them are shill pedo dc Brock/Soros operativew.

chelseaclinton ago

Many people have experienced what you are, but you have the benefit of the internet where you can connect with them. People in past decades were made to feel crazy and alone when they were in the right. The sad truth is most people don't WANT to know, so when you make arguments that don't penetrate thick skulls, remember that it's probably not due to your lack of building and presenting a case, it's because they simply don't want to know. Some of us don't have the luxury of pretending, but most humans are perfectly willing to lie to themselves to protect their cocoon. The truth can be ugly, and it can compel action, and most people don't want the responsibility of taking action so they resist truth. Rather than frustrating yourself, you're better off removing people like that from your life. Wish them well, but move on, because otherwise you'll anchor yourself with their chains.

jaxyou ago

I have been unable to red-pill any of my friends or family either. I had to shut it down because they were starting to get mad. It can be a lonely place to be when you are the only one in your circle to be unplugged from the matrix. The people in my circle (even my friends) are considered family so I am fortunate to have a lot of lead way with them but I could tell it was time to pump the breaks. Now I keep all this stuff to myself and use my time with them to forget about this shit for a bit.. I was always a bit of a conspiracy guy with 9/11 and some other things, never trusted the government so by the time PG came around I was already red-pilled, so it was easy for me to accept what we know. But most people are not in that position so trying to red-pill someone from complete slumber with PG is kinda like swatting a fly with a bat. All I can say is I believe the end for these monsters is just a matter of time. Hang in there, you are not alone and try and take some time to get away from this every once and a while. All the best man.

druhill007 ago

Hahah I hear ya man. I play soccer for a local team that has a supporters group but it's low level so I'm friends with them, play indoor soccer with them and stuff and they're mostly die hard democrats. I've had to be really careful with it while still trying to fight for truth. The main thing I've emphasized is my motivation. Things like "hey, I don't want my children growing up in a world where this stuff exists","I know it sounds crazy but I've been researching nonstop!! Everything from psychohistorical analysis of child abuse to 6 hour interviews with former wife of elite".

And then to be honest I left it alone with them. It's not easy. I think we take that for granted if we've already been red pilled... But the implications on reality if this stuff is true is pretty heavy. ESPECIALLY if your political heroes are implicated.

The best you can do is maintain a position of truth, moral motivation and power. If they aren't willing to accept initial exposure then there's no need to stick around for them to tell you you're wrong :) this stuff is pretty obvious lol. Maybe it will take 5 years for them to realize and the fact that you said something now is what will allow that to take place :)

Edit: spelling/grammar

Baxterbaxter ago

It helped me a lot to identify a couple of friends who were fellow Deplorables. We formed a private chat group and interact daily.

Some people are just not going to accept the truth until they hear it on CNN.

I would also suggest that you tread very lightly when introducing new facts to non-believers. Start with factual articles and events (for example the recent article about the Pope lightening sentences for pedophile priests). Most normal people will be outraged, and of course won't be aware of how these stories fit into the bigger picture. Share a little at a time. Be patient, if they are friendships worth preserving. At some point the truth will all come out and we won't be the crazy ones.

educate_yourself ago

lets get real here tho... in this day and age, where insincerity is king.... what do you share in common with someone who you can tell "the elites are stealing and fucking and murdering kids" and they essentially respond IDC or fck off or the like, albeit nicer? for me its very clear i want nothing to do with someone who doesnt have the time to find out whether or not kids are being harmed. tin foil hat or whatever, kids being abused and it being covered up should pique everybodies interest... especially if someone u voted for. if these same conclusions cant be reached by a "friend" then i likely have nothing in common with said sheep. plug away till u recognize a lost cause?

Baxterbaxter ago

Don't get me wrong... unfortunately it has changed my perception of some so called friends. Some relationships will never be the same because of how certain people have reacted. But I also remember a time when I was dismissive of anything that I couldn't "verify" via the MSM. It really wasn't that long ago, so I guess I can relate to how they're responding.

Antonius ago

I just nicely tell them to FUCK OFF if they don't believe me.

Oldno7 ago

Man I campaigned hard for Ron Paul in 2012 and most of my friends laughed at me when I said Obama and Romney were baisically the same. I was sad and disheartened but kept true to what I beleive. Now four years later a good deal of my friends voted for Gary Johnson and quietly call themselves libertarians. Just be persistent and remember you didn't take the whole red pill at once either. It's a hard pill to swallow

educate_yourself ago

idk man i found out about the luciferian conspiracy on top of a bunch of other shit in a 12 hour straight research seshhh. as soon as i realized shit isnt how were told i needed to know what and why and wasnt satisfied till i read more or less the entire gist of things. i totally get what youre saying but for how long do things need to remain immobilized bc most people arent ready yet? good for u on 4 years later lol

MolochHunter ago

I find red pilling is easier through recent history


Researchers who have plumbed the depths of public information surrounding the prospect of John Podesta and the Clintons being potentially involved in child trafficking and abuse appreciate that these suspects are simply the most recent in a long line of scandals, evidence and cover-ups that suggest a long-established network that uses paedophilia and even homicidal paedophilia as a crucial method of control and coercion to maintain and strengthen their grip on various levers of power.

Hold in consideration that the wider network of clients and accomplices of multiple prior scandals have never been bought to trial. Appreciate that, sequentially from the early 1980’s, with the Jimmy Saville, Larry King, Franklin cover-up, Jefferey Epstein, Senator Nancy Schaefer, Laura Silsby, and Denis Hastert cases we have scenarios where one individual (usually the ‘procurer’ of sex abuse victims) is ‘hung out to dry’ and serves some time but the entire network of enablers and clientele has continued ‘on the loose’ to perpetuate the illicit activities. This in and of itself should be cause for considerable public concern even in the total absence of new revelations by Wikileaks that the Podesta brothers and Clinton camps may be involved.

One could well speculate on the correlation between these successive failures of justice / fulsome investigation and the alarming increase in the size and scale of those paedophile ring busts that have been occurring. In the 1980’s, a paedophile ring bust in excess of 10 people would have been a shocking anomaly. In today’s world we had 380 arrests with 400 children taken to safety (Canada 2014), and 430 arrests with 30 taken to safety (California Feb 2017). We might also mention the 80 Norwegian arrests in Nov 2016 with 150 Terabytes of child abuse data. Even in high definition, at an average half-hour 1GB video, we are discussing potentially 150 000 incidences of child rape/abuse, including even torture and homicide.

This is unequivocally a growing, global epidemic of the most unimaginable depravity. To newcomers, it may seem inexplicable that such depravity seems to be ‘over-represented’ in the world’s most powerful people. This is to misunderstand the motivation and utility of collaborative child abuse. If rape is about power, not sex, then organised paedophilia is about ultimate power. Not over the children – that part is despicably easy – but over one’s accomplices. The fear of exposure is a binding contract that enables criminals to overcome lesser fears of wrongdoing in the service of their fellow accomplices – whether to destroy speculation/exposure/adversaries, or to advance their position in power structures. Perhaps the most critical realisation to accept in order to appreciate the magnitude of the human trafficking issue is that those who participate in it are not random, solo aberrations who manage to connect and collaborate, but rather that it is a depraved network that benefits – and thus deliberately and orchestratedly seeks to expand as a network.

There is a certain depraved logic and mechanics of its growth. Paedophilia is not just regarded as the most depraved crime by decent people, it is ALSO THE MOST VIRULENT. If you are the victim of a burglary, for example, it is unlikely that this experience will turn you into a burglar. Similarly if you are assaulted, defrauded, raped or a victim of any other crime. But if you are inappropriately sexualised before your time, if your innocence is revoked by someone with far greater power and no genuine regard for you, it is not uncommon for that experience to make you grow up to be a similar predator.

Old rich boy’s clubs have long used sexual depravity to enforce loyalty to those desirous of holding the levers of power. We also know that modern ‘Secret Service’ programs have reinforced this dynamic by wilfully cultivating paedophile rings in operations designed to ‘compromise’ anyone of power or influence – to either find or create dirt on people. These sting operations used to involve extra marital affairs or homosexuality, but since these activities lost their social scandalousness, the Intelligence agencies opted for the unthinkable next step.

The Media disinclination to show the links and associations between the increasingly frequent and sizeable paedophile ring busts prevents justice, and delayed justice means that more and more 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation victims become paedophiles, whilst their depraved progenitors remain at large to create yet more minions. And with every passing year, the members of this circle-of-perversity seep into every possible position of power -especially such positions concerning the safety of children and the evasion of justice - until the day will come where no man or woman of decent standing will be able to compete successfully for any position of influence without being pitted against the debauched, who are willing to engage in any and every other category of crime to avoid exposure. And those creatures will prevail in vying for those positions even when of lesser talent and experience because the powerful paedophile cult will always select one of their own above a meritorious but uncompromised candidate. It is therefore imperative, not just for the children but for any hope of a Humanist civilization itself that this phenomenon is exposed, understood, destroyed, and that society takes remedial corrective sociological steps to prevent its re-emergence.

Blacksmith21 ago

Exceptional and eloquent. I third, fourth, etc. this needs to be saved for posterity and dissemination to others. Be careful how your transmit though. Would be better to convert to de-EXIF'd graphics file versus open text.

B_dog ago

Yes, use the mainstream history to 'red pill' people. And don't try to dump it all at once. You can't go from Moloch to Franklin to Pizzagate, and everything in between, in one long soliloquy.

I've been dropping little hints based on rock solid proofs for a few months now. If you do it small piece at a time, people don't freak out so much.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

You have said it well. Better than well. This is the explanation. Everyone should save a copy of MolochHunter's above statement. Thank you so much. As an insiders' victim I know it is correct and horrible. What shall we do what shall we do. And how shall we do it. But do it we must. I am ready.

MolochHunter ago


Another trick to redpilling this thing is to state that amongst all possible conspiracy theories this one is most credible because it requires absolutely no alteration or extension of the laws of physics, nature and our understanding of the world. Flat earth, aliens, other dimensions etc all challenge our existing laws

whats supernatural about paedophilia? nothing. Whats new about rich people getting away with crimes poor people dont? nothing. And just add that with what I said before about mafia loyalty and the virulence of paedophilia and you have all the makings of a scandal that is in many ways expected and inevitable if it isnt already here now

ByTheBook ago

In the 80s back when computers were mostly calculators some brainy fellow wrote a program designing little life forms that consumed energy, mated and then died. He then let things run. He discovered with a high degree of occurrence that parasites began to grow. They had less code than a full organism and yet still managed to function. Parasitism seems to be an evolutionary inevitability.

These people are social Parasites. They can't survive without a host body of a society, so they corrupt some "Neurons" in the "Head" or power-players in the society so this parasitic subsociety can continue molesting unmolested.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Spot on. Ihave more to say. Another time. It's late. Its just. I think fraternity rutual gang rape enforced by alumni is very important in this scheme. The wealthiest ones. It is on the middle of the timeline of your virulence theory. No one thinks its important. They are mafia

crystalclear ago

Fantastic post. Point by point is very similar to my way of red pilling. Also made me wish we were neighbors! Would so appreciate being able to meet for coffee or chat.

MolochHunter ago

nice sentiment, but erring on the side of security neither of us likely enjoy pollonium in our coffee

je-sui-pepe ago

Hey there, I know what you are going through. Just keep it here and if you find people that are aware of it then just stick to talking to them about it. I quit talking to a lot of people about it because it is a subject everyone wants to sweep under the rug. I also think that nothing is ever going to happen to the sick f**ks that are the elite. So that is a double frustration for me. Keep your friends and family. You will need them and try to step away from this for a few days a week. its not healthy to be in this all day every day. (I need to take my own advice lol)

Oldno7 ago

Don't dissociate with them. Just keep plugging away. They can't unhear what you tell them . They just don't want to believe it. It's not easy to accept that everything you know is wrong.

ProudTruther ago

I think we might be getting close to "I told you so!"

I really freakin hope so anyways.

SturdyGal ago

It is such a major mental overhaul they will forget who tried to wise them up because they could not hear it. You will know you succeeded when they try to redpill you!

sunshine702 ago

My significant other believes me. My brother believes me. My parents think I'm being dramatic. Yeah it is super stressful being the only one who can see the forrest for the trees. You know when the tiny little San Jose Mercury News ran Webb's tale of the CIA running drugs and filling the inner city with crack it was considered a stupid conspiracy theory that no sane person would believe because it wasn't carried in a proper paper like the New York Times but guess what it was 100% true and in time people came to understand. That is what we are up against right now. Take care of yourself - and if that means leaving a group of gaslighting friends then so be it. Trust that eventually it will come out.

Lowdog ago

Don't do it, it is not worth it.

Redpilling my friends about Trump and the hypergamous nature of women is already pushing it, and I will only do that with the best of my friends who also like the process of discussing things in general.

Again, not worth it. You need your friends for other things. You can't force this truth on people. It takes a lot of truths before.

mergen ago

Try changing strategies.

For normies , show them the pizzaslut and duct tape pic.

and then try pushing the boundary, like showing them Scully's exploits and his cute female assistants and then asking them WHO could afford paying him $10k per view.

Just be patient and subtle and it will pay off.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Who is Scully?

mergen ago

That Australian guy who owns a dark web site where sick pedos could request how to torture the kids.

He did stuff like:

 -Raping a toddler hanged upside down

 -Made little girls dig their own grave and then cutting of their limbs and letting them bleed to death

 -Tie-ing little girls with barbed wire

- Chaining them , letting kids wear a collar as if they were dogs and forcing them to perform cunnilingus on each other

 - Plus many more (I cant list them all since I am not a watcher :P)

His videos are $10,000 per view and he usually has 15,000 viewers per day.

Gee I wonder who could afford this kind of shit.

Too bad the place where his computer and his customer records is stored accidentally caught fire. ( I think it was deliberately arson-ed )

MasterLucifer ago

Is Peter Scully alive?

mergen ago


Piscina ago

I don't believe in the death penalty, except for pedophiles. Scully is a good example of someone who needs to be put down.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Peter Scully?

mergen ago

yes. I give articles about him to non-believers

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

That's Oprah class gift giving. Jk but seriously. Your surprise parties must be fun. Sorry. Its late.

gardenofbacchus ago

I'm more just shocked they aren't interested whatsoever, they really don't give a shit and just used it as a way to attack me personally. Why are people like you and I interested in what's happening in the world and pursuit of truth whereas other people aren't and just don't give a fuck? I'm struggling to come to terms with that

HereticalPeasant ago

Wow. You're speaking exactly what's on my mind.

bopper ago

"A prophet is not without honor save in his own hometown." So relatives are the toughest.

People have to discover things themselves, you can't teach them. One of the biggest obstacles to education is the "talking teacher." Kids need to be led along, given the tools, and enabled. That's the best way to learn.

Whattheheck321 ago

I have been shocked too. You are not alone in that.

GeorgeT ago

I find that this subject matter is too disturbing for ordinary people to comprehend!

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

It's easier. People are all about easier.

bopper ago

Probably the best and most succinct answer here :) So true.

yourtruthseeker ago

The illusion is strongest for those who have received everything from it.

MostPostersAreShills ago

People are always in some kind of discomfort. They dont have the relaxation of an autistic person who can focus on something bigger. A normal person only wants to focus on whats in front of them. They just want to make the discomforts in their body go away through pursuits of sex,money or alcahol. An autist is relaxed enough in their body that they have that extra energy to focus on big problems.

Mad_As_Hell ago

It's not that they don't give a fuck, their entire worldview is at stake. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing. I'm sorry you've lost friends over this. I've gone from being a 'loony leftie' to 'to the right of Gadaffi' in my family members' eyes since Christmas. They think I want Syrian orphans to drown in the Mediterranean because I worry about the effects of open borders and completely uncontrolled migration in Europe, and argue that 'a few' white people getting raped and massacred in the process is worth it, cos imperialism. I've been avoiding any unnecessary social encounters in work and personal life as I find it very stressful to hear how brainwashed people (who I was once on the same wavelength as) are.

ComradePiet ago

I have been doing the same at work. I used to have lunch with a bunch of colleagues, but now I just eat it at my desk. It's actually physically painful to hear what propaganda is being spouted as fact on a daily basis.

BlueTesla ago

I find it hard to sit and eat dinner with my family sometimes because of all the crap they believe in. Fortunately my co-worker is red-pilled (told me all about 911) and I've managed to red pill my manager recently by showing him wikileaks material.

SturdyGal ago

It is painful. I can't stay in the room when people consume news and entertainment mindlessly. They laugh at things I know are lies.

jaxyou ago

It is hard to see the light and this is nothing new. Check out Plato's Allegory of the cave.

gardenofbacchus ago

But what makes some people more susceptible to wanting to know the truth? I want to know the truth about literally everything, and have always been that way, but why do other people never give a shit? I understand Plato's allegory, but at some point we have to address why in the first place people like us are more susceptible to being red-pilled and wanting to learn compared to others who aren't. Is it a biological thing? Are we smarter? Dumber?

MasterLucifer ago

It's in your blood Bacchus, that's why. You store genetic memories in your blood, Cleopatra is related in blood to Plato, via Alexander The Great... Now Plato, is related in blood also to Akhenaten.

Some believe Akhenaten to be Abraham or Moses.

The name Issac means, He Laughs.

TomDrew87 ago

Read the Urantia Book, it gives a lot of insights into the nature of existence

FriesischShipping ago

You remember that scene in the Matrix where Cyphur wants to get plugged back into the system? He knows that ignorance is a blissful life. Knowing that a state sanctioned pedophile ring is kidnapping, raping and murdering children is a reality NO ONE wants to wake up to.

SaveTheChildren ago

Are you rh negative?

trypanon ago

Set adrift in the multiverse

By the whims of fate

In thrall to the demiurge

We all await escape

From beyond the waveform

Reaching the wall

Giving birth to a universe

Mother of all

Living information

Transverging space-time

Flowing down from the overworld

Into the mind of mankind

Darkness and light entwine

Everything is all the time

All around you points align

Everything is all the time

** You want to live for eternity

To see behind the veil

Everything comes around again

The serpent eats its tail**

The Sword - Apocryphon

jaxyou ago

I think it can been any or none of the above really. It could be a specific life event that changed the way you think or maybe it could be a biological thing where we have more of some chemical in our brain who knows. I also believe there are people just inherently more open minded for whatever reason. I think it can be the amount we are exposed to the indoctrination of MSM and I am talking about news, movies, tv shows, music etc. It could be where you grew up or even a really good teacher you had one time that made you see things differently. For me it is in some ways the same as a drug addict. They have know idea how bad they are and how shit their life is until one day for whatever reason they have that moment of clarity.

SaveTheChildren ago

I think overcoming an alcohol addiction was a catalyst to recent clarity and personal growth. I think your analogy is pretty accurate.

fartyshorts ago

It's the flock mentality. In a flock, the worst thing is to be ostracized. It's easier to go with the flow than to rebel. Most people don't even dare listen to music that isn't "acceptable".