Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

Hey WhiteWolf, its PeanutArbuckle. Didn't know you were on here.

Mammy ago

I seem to recall the voice and line, "Ya think you're hot shit, dontcha?" as being in the movie, *Home Alone" -- one of the scenes where he plays the VHS tape to ward of the "burglars". I just re-checked the "pizza delivery" scene and that line is not in that scene. But I did note the name on the delivery car is : "Little Nero's Pizzza" and their logo: "No Fiddlin' Around" Weird.

cakeoflightylight ago

Jealous of what? That you guys are headed to prison?

lordofthekek ago

saw this when it came out. good stuff! LOL'd when he said the left was whining and pooping in their dippers

Rightfight ago

Is there a Youtube vid copy of Both the Fatherhood and Caillou ? Just want the short clip if anyone can point us to where it is>>>>>^^^^?

lordofthekek ago

it's in the last link of the OP ; they are titled once you open

PerusingTheOoze ago

Someone on 4chan made a connection to this video of Heavy Breathing performing at CPP and the "fatherhood" video, they suggested it was the same place. The post with this video was deleted by mods. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK38LmAoU1k

lordofthekek ago

wow. i never considered the light part of the video, but that's pretty spot on. Thanks for the info

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Fuck off and die tard.

chlrndrmz ago

Sounds just like Pedoesta the serial molesta to me. He needs to hang.

cakeoflightylight ago

Pizza chefs are lowlife losers CIA is a lowlife loser organization for pipe smoking wannabes who have penises so small they have to bang infants Tell David nobody cares if he got a new haircut he's still ugly and that's why you guys broke up.

cakeoflightylight ago

Please find it in your heart to listen and watch it is enough to make me want to personally sign up to administer the electric chair to John Podesta In my opinion one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen or probably could see

MattHelm ago

This was a leak from FBI or NSA white hats it's a warning to Podesta and Alefantis and their friends telling them that videos of them torturing and raping kids are now in the hands of Attorney General Sessions. The goal is to get Podesta or Alefantis to start sweating. So it doesn't matter who the asshole yelling in the video really is. Could be Anthony Weiner or anyone. The frantic posting of the video all over is enough to tell the bad guys that their game is up. Arrests are soon coming. High Level Arrests.

lordofthekek ago

we can only hope and i think that will be the case as well. However, all these people predicting these early high level arrests put a bad taste in researchers/investigators mouth.

Mellowmountain ago

podesta's a total goblin

lordofthekek ago

can't argue with you there

isthisreality ago

Are there any professionals/licensed etc that can perform this kind of analysis locally? I mean, could i possibly take both recordings to someone around where i live to get a definitive professional analysis? And how would i go about finding one?

lordofthekek ago

I wonder if the meta data / location of the video can be extracted?

lordofthekek ago

I had the same exact reaction listening to it last night. I don't know what it was, but the frequency and authenticity of the child's fear went right through to my core.

SmilingWide ago

Is it possible it's Tony Podesta's voice? I think it sounds like John, but I wasn't 100% certain, which made me wonder about Tony.

dontmindthemess ago

I wonder if this is "playing dominos on pizza"?

lordofthekek ago

think it's more plausible to be John's. I haven't been able to get a cross section of Tony's Voice and compare. But the Video itself the child screams what sounds like is the name "John" until the abuser screams for his 'alternative name'

SmilingWide ago

I got you. That makes sense. I just figured John to be a cuck. Tony seems like the more dominant one. I watched some videos of John Podesta speaking and it sounded similar, but it's hard to compare against someone yelling.

lordofthekek ago

i wouldn't underestimate a john podesta uncucking when his only competition is a little, confused and defenseless child. That's one of the reason's these sickos do this. it's one of the only times they feel in complete control/power domination. He's a straight cuck when he has to deal with normal people/the press.

SmilingWide ago

It's sad how impotent these sad sacks are... They have to rape and dominate children to feel in control. There is no control. You could die any minute. We face death all the time, but these piss pant cucks have to kill innocent children as BS, hocus pocus talisman for "safety."

Sheilaaliens ago

Please see my post!! I figured something out about the website and it MIGHT be a well-known, convicted pedophile's voice in the videos (some of us have had the displeasure of crossing paths with him during our investigations!!) https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1646777

victuruslibertas ago


PizzaBurner0 ago

Can some one please extract the audio and isolate the male voice? I really tried to watch "Fatherhood" but I didn't get more than 5 seconds in, it is too go down aweful.

The good work of pg investigators willing to face such atrocities to expose and end it cannot be understated.

Sheilaaliens ago

Working on it (and my stomach is literally churning right now), actually quite painful o.o

victuruslibertas ago

A little bit. I need to fine comb that thread when I get home

victuruslibertas ago

I really don't know what to make of this.

VictorDaniels777 ago

Is Podesta Skippy?

lordofthekek ago

yes. it's proven via wikileaks emails with his friends joking about it with him (too lazy to look up) and corroborated in MSM articles like huff post and more - this one i will give you.


**Reminder MKUltra/abuse victims have been alleged to have some sort of multiple personalty disorder. **

G-ma ago

I just sent it to Sharry Edwards, perhaps she can help. http://www.soundhealthinc.com/index.html

Gothamgirl ago

I wonder if the baby in the 2nd video is actually the one in this email. Do we know a date this was posted? In the attachment, with animation off, the top right stick figure pic has a cookie cut out of a child in a pamper. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails//fileid/54568/15234

lordofthekek ago

it could literally be anyone, trying to assume who is most likely a waste of time/distraction.

You'll note they alleged podesta suspect yells and asks what's his name (wanting the child to call him father/daddy instead of his actual name). My guess is this is a kid without parents either alive or in this country. Then he pumps the fear into a child with this sick like torture style taunting so the kids adreline gland fills up for his adrencrome.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, adrenochrome was my first thought, when I listened. Sickening.

victuruslibertas ago

This would make a great video

TakeShitSeriously ago

HELLO?????????????? WHY ARE YOU CONTINUALLY SPREADING FALSE INFORMATION. They video is from worldcorp, they try to add shock value with fake snuff films. THEY MAKE SHITTY MUSIC THAT IS AVAILABLE ON SOUNDCLOUD.

They are just fake edgecore shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


VieBleu ago

Instead of all the caps, why don't you provide a statement by them? or a link to a statement? Anything at all other than "I'm going to yell you into saying I'm right with no proof cause that's how the internet always gets things done." Right.

If you can't provide a timestamped statement that you allege exists or any verification at all - didn't happen.

lordofthekek ago

any proof? this is just my analysis of what I saw and then corresponding research to find another comparable Podesta sound byte, not spreading "false information" by any means. Quick to jump to that conclusion... wonder why?

e-traiu ago

we need him alive!

V____Z ago

What really gives him away for me was the "flustered" part. I've heard this before from him, it isn't uncommon. His announcement when Hillary lost, when he addressed her entire crowd and just told them to go home, "we are still counting votes", is a good example. That same unsure, yet dictatorial man can be heard in the abuse video. And looking at him one can assume he's got a Napoleon complex and that the only time he's got power is with a tiny, powerless person such as a child, or when he's rigging the system through corrupt activity.

Forgetmenot ago

This is him. That accent and squealy voice, unmistakable.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

That's the thing.... A lot of mods and a select commentators seem there's a massive attempt to produce Disinfo... BUT THIS IS NOT EXAMPLE OF THAT! Even if this is not john podesta, This is an example of real abuse.... (I think?) The type of abuse that many assume is going on at the hands of podestas and his countles cohorts.... So this would be counter productive, no matter what, If this was released as an attempt to "Discredit, derail, Or direct" further research.

Worse case scenario, This is not john podesta.... But this is still lighting a new fire under a lot of bellies(that's a known saying, right?), and stoking the fires that have been burning for months...

Catchthem ago

Fuck OMG... It really is this piece of shit Podesta!
Thanks for putting the fragments so well next to each other so can really tell its his unique voice.

lordofthekek ago

just trying to do my part! Yeah it's too similar it's scary. I was literally having chills crawl down my spine last night trying to listen to the original video and compare.

Catchthem ago

Yes me too, this makes me soo angry!! OMG

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

boys, the sad truth has been confirmed: voat is compromised. backup your information, censorship is in full swing on voat, you will be banned without warning and without appeal if you protect yourselves from downvoat brigades. justin chastain, (@puttitout) is a liar and an sjw. last proof post; voat is for the shills.

All of that could have been said months ago, EXCEPT for the "banned" aspect..... I was under the impression that was out of the question. I Would love to hear you say you have no evidence of accounts being banned.... If you do, well than that's about as bad as it gets.

So do you have specific examples of Users being banned? If you do, which ones? I would love to find out they were actual shills being banned... But even that gets a a bit of a slipper slope, since it's hard to know who is the actuall shill, without further investigating the person accusing someone shill, and the person accused as being a shill.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


see the giant section of about 260 users banned for "voat manipulation" at the bottom. and check their accounts. 200 of them have around 10 votes total given each. so 10 upvotes can get you banned with no warning/no appeal? apparently.

lordofthekek ago

Hey Guys - woke up and realized/saw thanks to your messages the original fatherhood video appears to be taken down from you tube. Here is the part i was comparing again, but in another video


e-traiu ago

censored , but its a good match. Get the mofo alive!

lordofthekek ago

I updated the link if you want to take a comparison listen. Thanks for letting me know the second video was taken down (it's now just the audio which is probably better for someone clicking and not knowing what they're getting them self into).

e-traiu ago

yeah, its NSFL 😱😨

e-traiu ago

video censored.

lordofthekek ago

I just updated the the link* however it's only the audio now. you can find the full version here if you want to poop urself: http://worldcorpo.net/content/video/

e-traiu ago

ive seen it. my soul got stabbed in the nuts. it hurt.

but thanks friend. ❤

bopper ago

Thanks, great info. I'm leaning towards believing it's real also. It's good to have people w/ different skills (like you). Right, a 'print' alone w/out substantial 'other things' wouldn't do it for me if I was on a jury.

It comes down to the number of sampling point u can get

Possibly w/ the McCartney thing they had plenty of singing and talking to have a go at it. Computers are "painfully idiotic"? That's good, maybe they won't be taking over the world anytime soon. Thanks again.

heretolearn ago

Is there a mirror link to the videos

lordofthekek ago

links fixed

heretolearn ago


OrangeAndWhite ago

Domain whois lookup.

Registered with Google domains, private records.

Someone could send a request to the private /unlinked email address requesting comment.


victuruslibertas ago

Thanks !

deucebolt ago

Does anyone think some of those images might reveal stuff if you look at them through a colored lens? I'm sure there's a name for that. Anyone have colored transparencies laying around? 3D glasses?


Blacksmith21 ago

I have to weigh in here. Yes the audio sounds a lot alike, but there are a ton of variables involved with voice analysis.

The simplest way is to cut out 10+ words, preferable 3 or more syllables where possible. Isolate those clips, de-ess, decompress, and level limit the audio the levels for starters. Then look for inflection, suffix usage, etc. Then compare the likeness of those clips for repeated speech patterns.

Once this is done, post WAV files of each of the sample clips with the waveform analysis and markup for each clip somewhere where we can review it as well. Then, I think you are well on your way to making the emphatic claim that "John Podesta Interview Matches the Torture Video Voice."

Otherwise, it is pure speculation, IMO. Good start though.

Mommyplayer571 ago

http://8ch.net/pol/res/9237420.html#q9260053 This is excellent description of the torture technique psychologically in The a Daddy Video

lordofthekek ago

very true . gotta get that pinael/adrenline gland going on the child!

OrangeAndWhite ago

Any thoughts that this could be to signal Pedosta and Hillary that it will be ratcheted up?

Maybe allow them to off themselves? Much easier on everyone than a trial.

newworldahead ago

The whole thing is extremely painful to listen to. If you are unsure, DON'T click the link.

newworldahead ago

I'm trying to find a (free) speaker recognition software to help us comparing the two recordings.

So far I found these two:

Of course it goes without saying that these kind of "hobby projects" are not what the law enforcement agencies are using to identify a suspect... but this could be a start.

If we could only process the recordings into a software like this: http://www.agnitio-corp.com/products/government/speaker-recongnition, this would be awesome

SpikyAube ago

What happened? How is it compromised and what's been censored? I missed all this!

p0ssum ago

BTW, here is the comment that got the badge for me:


Just so you don't take Sane's word for it ... now you can decide if its a shitpost or not.

SpikyAube ago

Yes! Thank you - that is such a good post, because people seem to completely forget that there are normal everyday fallible, emotional, complex actual people behind all this stuff - it isn't a case of black and white, if you did this then you are evil, if you did this then you are good, you said this that means you are 100% confirmed shill. I don't really understand why people seem to go for the worst possible explanation for some kind of behaviour or action, instead of first considering things like what you said, or that maybe you jsut have different opinions, or maybe they just made an innocent mistake, or maybe they had bad gas that day and were in a public place or waiting for a date so had to quickly type out their reply without thinking so they could make it outside before letting the farts go, and therefore their comment came across as short, or they missed some pertinent information or whatever.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

p.s p0ssum is such a shill, puttitout gave him a unique badge in an hour for shitposting me - when he makes users who donate MONTHS to get their donation badge. source: see p0ssum's fucking profile. (sea of insanity. that's me!)

p0ssum ago

@SaneGoatISwear why not respond to me shit head. Why you wanna talk crap behind my back you fucking moron?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no response to that textwall i wrote just for you on the subject?!

SpikyAube ago

I was outside doing things in the real world! Will read it now. :-)

p0ssum ago

SaneGoat lost his fucking mind, that's all. Nothing new... just more @SaneGoatISwear butthurt, that is all.

Seriously Amalek, isn't it time to ragequit again? Come on, you can do it, take one for the team.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hi! see the sticky on v/all by puttitout, our new spez!

voat is now pro-censorship

  • -ccp restrictions are used openly to silence users at the admin level, upvoat brigades to help users out of restrictions are banned, but downvoat brigaders putting them there are protected

  • those downvoat brigaders are two camps: srs (burn voat to the ground and laugh), and sjws (militant ideologues who want to censor certain speech, correct the record, and silence dissent)

  • the sjws not only code vote (proof, fuzzywords coded voat more than atko the past year), but they decide who is banned (puttitout, unilaterally with the aid of shills in reportspammers), who is silenced (they hit my account alone with 15,000 downvotes the past few months, 11,000 just in the past few weeks, and have silenced many other users with downvoat brigades) that they have placed a chilling effect on goats - - they're afraid to speak.

  • puttitout just said he "saw both sides" of this war on my account, but the actual users he banned for "voat manipulation" 200/260 of those users banned (without warning without appeal) had less than 10 votes ever given, the rest were cygnus accounts (50) that had a hundred or so each, and goatku's grouping of 10 that had 4000 each (2k up 2k down average). and there were no accounts that were downvoat brigading that were banned.

  • in short, puttitout just went full sjw on voat and banned users upvoting and defending, but did not ban any users downvoat brigading. effectively sponsoring the silencing of dissent on voat by sjws and srs.

not to mention the fucking block button being self-censorship tools - the first thing putt did as new CEO was to increase them.


voat is 100% compromised. act accordingly (there's no where to go, so stand up and fight for free speech here.)

SpikyAube ago

That is so difficult to watch that video, it's so distressing, like every cell in your body is saying 'quick go go save the kid' but you can't. :-(

And yeah, the voices match.

followthedolla ago

find solace in knowing you're on God's side on this fight. that same feel of terror is what fuels us all in this investigation.

VeryDicey ago


v4Zz ago

Fuck YouTube. Why do people keep uploading there without a backup like vid.me?

wrok-wrok ago


Be careful watching these. Your psyche will be effected...

looking4truth ago

Ok I'm no way in hell going to watch the video.I have a few questions . 1) where did this video come from ,some people are saying there is more . 2) can people describe to me what's in the video ? I am not watching it.

wrok-wrok ago

All the videos can be found here http://worldcorpo.net/content/video/

The one video "fatherhood.webm" is what appears to be a man (who sounds like JP) abusing a child behind a sliding shower door.

The sounds of the child screaming and being forced to call the man "daddy" brought tears to my eyes, and elevated my heart rate.

Its not as graphic as it is audibly evil

looking4truth ago

Wow thank you so much. I have a little sister and I just couldn't bring myself to watch it. So scary.

wrok-wrok ago

There is no part of listening to child abuse that isnt fucked up.

My heart rate nearly elevated out of my chest listening to it. Its a child being abused and being forced to call a man "Daddy"

wrok-wrok ago

Evil people exist in this world.

wrok-wrok ago

Remember everyone- The videos from worldcorp (dot) net are just the "tame" videos...

Atatarkus ago

Second video has been taken down. Also, I am a bit of a technophobe so I could be wrong but can his voice not be forensically identified using sound engineering software?

bopper ago

A doctor did it with McCartney's voice years ago. Supposedly voice prints are reliable. (I posted a link here about it on this thread somewhere.)

wrok-wrok ago

For all these videos? http://worldcorpo.net/content/video/

I don't think so. Those children screams are real.

bopper ago

I heard that voice prints are as unique as fingerprints. I don't know, never studied it. Below is an extremely brief clip of the doctor who, years ago, examined Paul McCartney's voice due to the rumors of his replacement and confirmed two different people singing. (For what it's worth.) The clip is set at the right place (the very beginning of it).


victuruslibertas ago

I need to collect all these links. I am going to do a video update on this this evening

JimmyLionstar1 ago

sry man you had this link tho :) thats why i deleted it. https://www.facebook.com/holy.sage.98?fref=nf

Mtnchan ago

Analysis of Chicago accent, emphasis on the A in most words, sometimes replacing the with d, that becomes day https://youtu.be/vc9pDieYDYg

victuruslibertas ago

This is interesting go here and CTRL F Gary Lee http://www.freedomsos.com/americas.html

gt8h65fg ago

As far as i read this page http://www.freedomsos.com/about.html these paranoia is tied to Schizophrenia. These patients tend to speak about being remotely harassed with electronic devices.

victuruslibertas ago

Right so Dr Gary Lee Munroe Barney is one of those people that claimshe has been subjected to abuse. He also feels he has been chipped. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Tattoo-Piercing-body-art-129718825054/photos/?tab=album&album_id=10151128903685055 Warning.. do NOT go down this path too far in regards to this FB page. Mara Salvatrucha, MS-13 are ruthless

Mtnchan ago

The podesta brothers are from Chicago originally, the accent there is a bit like from some parts of the East but it has a a hint of northern in it like Wisconsin / MN. It's an amalgam I suppose if Eastern and North middle. When he said fucking father I thought I heard more Boston? That might be the telling word how do people from different locales drop the fbomb? Also he's been east a long time, spends time on Martha's vineyard, etc so he may have picked up more of that dialect.

Owlhunter ago

It's totally reasonable to assume that John and Skippy would have similar, but distinct voices. In the 'fatherhood' video, the voice sounds like an exaggerated, shriller version of Podesta's voice. I think it is Skippy we are hearing in 'fatherhood'.

Maybe we can find other recordings of Podesta's Skippy alter ego to compare.

People who have heard Skippy before would definitely recognize his voice in the video if this is true.

DustyRadio ago

That Darren shill should be in here any minute to ridicule everyone and tell us it's fake.

Why would it be deleted from YouTube? If it's fake, it shouldn't be anyone's problem.

I have not watched the videos because I simply know I can't handle it. The descriptions are horrible enough.

PizzaAccount ago

Reminds me of the time the Deadpool test footage leaked, and the company said it wasn't real, but it was then pulled for copyright by Fox. Can't pull it for that if it isn't actually Fox property.

Same thing here. If it wasn't real, and it really is just "stupid YouTubers" as some have said, why would it be getting taken down?

DontTreadOnMemes ago

YouTube pulled your fatherhood video link.

wrok-wrok ago


Do not watch if you are sensitive to the sounds of child abuse

victuruslibertas ago

In regards to World Corp Net website - Person of interest http://holysagemunroe.tumblr.com/post/128381200989/world-corp-enterprises and more interesting stuff. https://www.facebook.com/GlennBeck/posts/926670580718733

Drugs ago

Video was just removed between 8:30-9:15 AM EST

lordofthekek ago

i fixed the link with a comparison, however it's just the audio now. The original video is still floating around on http://worldcorpo.net/content/video/ ,but that version is pretty creepy.

roundhouse1776 ago

Same here, I watched it once and only once.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

ohh.. i listen just as much as i can muster on this.. Sure it could be JP.

Can any one do a voice test on this? check the pitch and.. i don´t know.

It think i need to barf"

GeorgeT ago

JP has a very distinctive speech, should very easy task for the software. I believe it was leaked by the good guy - and they need people to spread the word.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Its happening.

victuruslibertas ago

It's a full minute of fucked up

survey_girl ago

youtube removed the video (surprise, surprise)... anyone got a backup copy?

jangles ago

What the fuck, That is uncanny, and sounds almost exactly like John P.

lordofthekek ago

i fixed my link as well for the exact timestamp comparison i was talking about

jangles ago

These probably have been in Tony Podestas showing room

trucking_foal ago

what is this? What the fuck is this????

wrok-wrok ago

This is where the video came from.

Start digging into worldcorpo.

This is not an art project. This is real abuse.

Sheilaaliens ago

Who saved the video? Because they took it down. Holy shit.
edit: Thank you @victuruslibertas!

lordofthekek ago

link fixed with the correct time stamp, however it's only the audio version of the other video posted here yesterday. (should be better for unsuspecting ppl clicking it, the original is pretty chilling).

wrok-wrok ago

The list of them are here http://worldcorpo.net/content/video/

victuruslibertas ago

Yup.. Video no longer there :-( you can find it here - WARNING - THIS IS A DISTURBING VIDEO http://worldcorpo.net/content/video/fatherhood.webm ... I am NOT joking.

jimibulgin ago

jesus christ. forgive me for just now pullin gmy head out of the sand, but what is the context of this video?

lordofthekek ago

it apparently was passed around 4 chan and found its way on here , reddit, etc and is assumed to be a tortute video of John Podesta - the original video, if you can find it again, has the person (assumed to be john) yelling at the kid stuck in a shower it looks like and asks him "what's my name" - "john" - "no my other name".

It's been reported in the past that John Podesta has an 'evil alter ego' named skippy that comes out when he's pissed off (ppl in the whitehouse talking about it and there's articles on it).

jimibulgin ago

yeah, I saw the video, I meant where did it come from?

Did It just show up on 4chan one day? what there any text with it?


lordofthekek ago

from what i learned it was dumped on 4chan/8chan with all the rest of the files and was immeditly suppressed / put down by mods,etc. It is alleged that a white hat leaker in the intelligence agency leaked it out on the internet. It found its way here/reddit pretty quick last night. I think it's pretty fresh, couldn't be out there (at least known of) for more than a week

victuruslibertas ago

the website is very cryptic so I have no idea what the context is.. I am researching it and I can tell you that it's a rabbit hole for sure

bopper ago

No audio?

victuruslibertas ago

go to the bottom of the video on the left. Click the external link

GeorgeT ago

I wonder why utube removed it, I am sure there things on channels as bad as that. Hmmmm?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I dunno, I'm not one to defend youtube... BUt I would be truly shocked if there were. I'm not about to research the topic though.

Sheilaaliens ago

Thank you!

victuruslibertas ago

I am sorry if this broke posting rules

Sheilaaliens ago

Um what exactly is worldcorpo.net? Because holy fuck, there's some wrong shit on there.

VeryDicey ago

what is this video it is fucking disturbing

Mommyplayer571 ago

There is a link to the chat room where the mod there (from WorldCorp) states it is Podesta, per that Mod or admin. _http://8ch.net/pol/res/9237420.html#q9246228

- We can also report the existence the video to FBI tips and record it on our phones devices.
I felt better after making report of what I know. http://tips.fbi.gov Also on 4Chan an hour ago a thread on this topic 404d after 20 posts.

victuruslibertas ago

I have been doing research. It's sick shit.. They had there videos on YT and they were taken down. I think they need to be investigated. Please see my video I did on this. Nootice how horrified people are in the comments. I have many people sending me info as they find out stuff. I am trying to get to the bottom.. Go to the chat room. Interesting Admin in there named CEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VfFaqny7hA

Sheilaaliens ago

@victuruslibertas Oh! I'm already subbed to you on Youtube :) We should compare notes, there's lik 4 other things/people/websites this is possibly connected to. legit. i'll be making a vid too most likely today.

victuruslibertas ago

I found it.. Yeah, let's compare notes. I have a bunch of links to compile. This guy is very interesting. Maybe cia/mkultra related http://holysagemunroe.tumblr.com/post/128381200989/world-corp-enterprises

victuruslibertas ago

what's your YT channel?

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Found this.. Gary Barney is a name connected to this. http://whoswho.co.za/world-corp-enterprises-guatemalasa-30117

gt8h65fg ago

looks like different organizations/persons


gt8h65fg ago


it says chip, human, implant.... weird..

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Man look at this on Linkedin.. Honors & Awards: he worked at the staduim i Los Angels on the 1984 olympics? what does this guy do?

victuruslibertas ago

He also claims to be a victim of of torture abuse and experimentation .. Sounds like CIA MKULTRA shit. I have an insider looking into this as well. He thinks this is a fascinating investigation

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Here is his Linkedin page https://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-lee-munreo-barney-phd-38865276

He definitely work for the UN. At his Linkind page you can se this:

Staff United Nations At this time am a staff member as of 1973 for life


JimmyLionstar1 ago

Found that he lives in Guatemala City. but he also has adress to Tucson. Az. And i found this page? a few pics. Havent been tro them yet. http://thespiritguides.ning.com/profile/GaryLeeMunroeBarneyHolySage On this page it says "World corp is founded in sweden? i am from sweden i will dig more about this.."

This is just my odd thinking: And this pic is on his fb.. just the coloring remind me of the flashing light in the video.. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=935511883167936&set=ecnf.100001273998213&type=3&theater

victuruslibertas ago

Check out his post on the bottom of this page. Translate to english if you don't know spanish. Something is very off withthis guy https://www.facebook.com/pg/Tattoo-Piercing-body-art-129718825054/photos/?tab=album&album_id=10151128903685055

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Man this smells like cia shit..

victuruslibertas ago

Haha.. I just said that. So if that's true, this website with the screaming kid could be a Psyop

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Need a point more on this account or i can send a message. Got some links you might want to check out.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

can i mail you? just registered on you website. Mail me if you can see my mail adress, and i will mail you some info.

victuruslibertas ago

what's your website?

JimmyLionstar1 ago

don´t have one.. but i registered on you site last night same name. If you can see my mail there. mail me and i will reply.

victuruslibertas ago

will do.. Just got to work but I will look in a bit

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Yeah and look what i posted to you about the gang mara salvatrucha ms-18... This could also tie in with Mexican cartels etc.. "phu"

victuruslibertas ago

Yeah, I saw that.. That's the intense part.. There's a lot of shit here... This is a really good start

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Found this on APA: http://www.apa.org/search.aspx?query=Gary%20Lee%20Munroe 4 documents i am loading them now..

JimmyLionstar1 ago

In the this link it say this.. Gary Lee Munroe, on the other hand, is a United Nations psychologist and his work in Ecuador is due to his voluntary mission that he carries out in several countries following a catastrophe.

Sheilaaliens ago

Yeah there is a very disturbing vid on the website that looks like a young kid covered in feces and or blood, naked, acting all weird and scared. WTF. I thought sentimentalcorp was bad, but that is at least clearly "absurdist art". This Worldcorpo is highly strange and takes the cake right out of sentimalcorp's hands in my book as the weirdest shit I've seen on the (regular) internet.

victuruslibertas ago

This was probably pulled up from Dark Net.. I have a feeling more of this will be leaked into MS Web.

Sheilaaliens ago

It BELONGS on the darknet that's for sure. Yet it isn't. Same with sentimentalcorp.org, how can the music & graphics styles be so similar?

victuruslibertas ago

Yeah, agree. They are -similar... sentimentalcorp.org has a lot of iiluminatti symbology

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Where did this come from?

It sure sound like "Satanic ritual, Brainwashing, MK ultra shit! i don´t know what think..

Mommyplayer571 ago

I think it's "hardball" grooming. They torture the kids so they later accept being a sex slave. That Cambodian guy who was arrested after the YT video of him torturing by taser a 2 year old was posted. 14 minutes. The man ran a brothel and his Austrian boyfriend linked with the Rothchilds. An old 8Ch thread.

islandofdelight ago

'Fatherhood' video just deleted.

wrok-wrok ago

Here are all the videos http://worldcorpo.net/content/video/

dookiehowzer ago

could be him but no proof

formatist ago

I am scared to listen to the second one - should I?

GeorgeT ago

Second one is very scary - for most folks.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

It is chilling and not for the faint of heart

Drugs ago

The accents sound very similar and the intonation is close. It would be nice if we could find a video of Podesta actually raising his voice for a better comparison.

bopper ago

We could probably find a way for him to "raise his voice."

trucking_foal ago

can someone make a copy of that torture youtube? I am terrified it is going to disappear.

wrok-wrok ago


The one in question is "fatherhood.webm"

They are all disgustingly evil to the point where you will be nauseous.

GeorgeT ago

Everybody has saved it. It's not going anywhere. And I will bet you inside Washington, they are in panic mode. They know it's been leaked.

dookiehowzer ago

its down

cky_stew ago

Was there any proven link of this video to pizzagate related matters?

quantokitty ago

I don't know who's pushing this narrative, but the voices don't sound identical to me. The pitch is all wrong.

GeorgeT ago

But the T's sound identical - JP prnounces them a certain way that differs from the your standard English speaket whose first language is English. Very strong match.

quantokitty ago

And there are lots of other letters that are pronounced differently. It doesn't sound the same. It's not the same register. Not, but that's my opinion ... it hasn't been proven either way.

gangpressorliber ago

My pitch is different from Day to day. is not yours?

quantokitty ago

No, it isn't. You pitch is consistent. Your voice rises and falls within a certain range. How else would they be able to do voice identification?

Please let's stay logical.

wrok-wrok ago

Id argue that you will have different pitches as you undergo different levels of stress.

ie. The child being tortured in the video, clearly has a different pitch than normal

quantokitty ago

Look, that's not what I'm talking about. Think what you like.

Adminstrater ago

Please, please, please add a detailed description to the second video link you posted. I clicked it without knowing what it was and what to expect, and I think I will be haunted for weeks now. This is sick.

bopper ago

People abuse their own kids like this all the time. Not pretty. (And their wives.) Not saying it's Podesta or not, just saying, welcome to the real (sick) world. Edit: Okay, "all the time" wouldn't be the best way to put it.

JamesGhost ago

That's the point though isn't it? We have all turned a blind eye for too long. It doesn't matter if it's podesta or John Doe down street. The point is we need to become a society where this is no longer acceptable. If this is happening all the time even by parents of their own kids then logically there should be arrests and executions just as often. This does happen all the time and yet when was the last time someone was publicly punished for it. I'm not advocating public hangings or anything but the society needs to know the consequences.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

I advocate public hangings, gassing, and firing squads for anyone caught performing MKUltra mind control on someone, or for someone caught abusing a child.

bopper ago

Pretty sad. And all we hear about is what surfaces publicly.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

This is the last uneducated comment I'll make today.... But this has to be an extreme version. It be a lot in the sense that it's still too many... But the majority of kids being abused aren't experiencing it to this extent...RIGHT? I guess there's really no way to know...

Fuck, I'm a fortunate cunt who's never been bullied or abused by anyone, Physically or mentally... And I'm sure the child in this video has endured both.... But I totally understand how people could say the mental abuse is worse than the physical... If I was a kid, and this was happening to me, That would fuck me up more than being hit.... ALthough, if you're willing to abuse kids like this mentally, I'm sure the phyiscal abuse is much worse than "Being hit."

Fuck everything.

bopper ago

But the majority of kids being abused aren't experiencing it to this extent

No, not at all. That's right. But we all know sick stuff does happen. (Putting out cigarettes on kids, etc.) Some parents will really go overboard and beat their kids, even infants, to death. Etc.

You are SO lucky to have grown up in a good environment. Mine was bad, but no physical abuse, just mental. And public school was a nightmare too. I've got some weird hang-ups because of my experiences.

What's going on in this video is so bizarre (as you say) that it makes me think it's real. (Keep making 'uneducated' comments, they are actually very good.)

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

You are SO lucky to have grown up in a good environment.

Thankfully, I've realized this form a young age so I have truly appreciated it... But this whole scenario Has really highlighted that.

Abuse is abuse, regardless of how traumatic it might be compared to someone else's traumatic experience.... It's still the most traumatic event that person has gone through, and it's going to wire the brain accordingly. I've always cringed when someone tries to minimize the affect of any particular abuse by saying "Well at least it wasn't as bad as BLank or blank."

I would say, "I'm sorry that you had to go through that".... But for some reason I feel like it might be interpreted as insincere, which might be worse... That's not say they shouldn't say that...and they most likely are sincere... I dunno. I just almost feel like it doesn't give the event justice.

It's all bad, non should be rationalized, and it all needs to be addressed in attempt to stop it. Will that ever happen? Probably not... But in 2016 we have the power to truly change behavior and actions that have been running rampant for decades and centuries... Again, All of it? Probably not... A lot it? Well a lot more than we were able to in the past.

Ninja edit:2017... It's 2017

bopper ago

I used to see the ones in my school that were well-adjusted and had good relations w/ their parents and I'd envy them. I eventually just gave up and became a hoodlum. But I made it through thank God. And I love and forgive my parents for everything, heck, they themselves were screwed up 'cause of their upbringing. (Basic white trash, substance abuse, divorce, fighting.) But they did provide for me and protect me to a large extent. Yes, I'm anticipating some really great changes too :)

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

And I love and forgive my parents for everything

If that route is possible, that's the way to go... It can be hard to forgive, but holding on to negative emotions only prolongs the abuse that occurred in the first placeI know... How profound of me -_- like you don't know that...Now, that's not to say everyone deserves forgiveness... Often times, people don't deserve forgiveness. That's also not to say it should just be "forgotten about" or someone should just " move on." If you suppress negative experiences versus going through the process of "letting go" the emotions are bound to resurface down the road.Again, I'm sooo Original lol

THAT BEING SAID, as I've mentioned before... I'm fortunate to have not had to deal with abuse of any kind, So I'm most certainly not qualified to speak on how hard forgiveness is, or who should or shouldn't be forgiven... In fact, I'm probably the last person who should be speaking on the issue. If anything, I'm always the one being "forgave"or is it forgiven? versus doing the forgiving.

heck, they themselves were screwed up 'cause of their upbringing. (Basic white trash, substance abuse, divorce, fighting.)

It's a fucked up cycle... I'd like to think that nowadays we are more equipped with the resources that could be used to break said cycle. Resources being, the internet and all the positive things that come with it, Such as unlimited knowledge, and the potential for support from people you'd otherwise never have known, etc...

Also, If it makes you feel better, I had a perfect life and still managed to bend it over and fuck it up... lol. (I say that light Lightheartedly, even my definition of "Fucked up" isn't that bad...Also, I wouldn't insult you by suggesting that should make you feel better, or further more, that you even need help feeling better..Seems as though you're taking the right approach... and again, Not even suggesting i know the right approach.)

bopper ago

Everything you said was good. As for me, there were/are people in much, much worse condition(s) at this moment (than what I went through).

And people are all different, and circumstances different. Some forgive and move on, others simply cannot. But the type and amount of abuse matters of course. As you intimated, the forgiveness is for you (yourself).

I'd like to think that nowadays we are more equipped with the resources that could be used to break said cycle. Resources being, the internet and all the positive things that come with it, Such as unlimited knowledge, and the potential for support from people you'd otherwise never have known, etc...

Exactly. It's a new day.

newworldahead ago

I finally decided to watch this video... and I just feel like crying. I feel a very bitter mix of anger and extreme sadness right now. Children are fragile and innocent... doing these evil things to them is an unimaginable sin. I will never sleep, I will never stop investigating, I will never stop raising awareness on PG until all these psychopaths are dead or in prison. That's the promise I make to the children. I won't let you down.

To all the brave researchers here on voat and elsewhere, this mission of ours is sacred.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

The shitty thing is how normies literally don't care. Even kids getting raped can't wake them from their smartphone-induced slumber. They just say "oh that's fake," which apparently is the new way to say "I do not want to research this icky topic, because it would shatter my worldview, therefore my argument will be that it is fake and therefore not worthy of research."

wrok-wrok ago

I just wanna be able to help...

GeorgeT ago

Not for those weak in stomach. Other video is worse.

Drugs ago

What other video?

GeorgeT ago

In the dungeon, with a glass ceiling blue light, shaky camera.

pbvrocks ago

Wow..horrible but agree these are close if not the same. BTW, where did Podesta abuse track come from? I would guess, horrific shit aside, that these folks ENJOY taping stuff like that..so I would guess there is much more of it somewhere...anythings else like this turning up from other sources?

dontmindthemess ago

Can't they pull some kind of identifying code from the video to show the serial number of the device used to record it? I know that printers put a microcode on each page printed, but isn't there some way to get it from a video file? These assholes are arrogant enough to use their personal iPhone to do this kind of shit.

PizzaAccount ago

My theory is that a handful of the PG higher ups have videos of each other as insurance. Supposedly, Anthony Weiner had a bunch of incriminating stuff in a folder called 'Life Insurance', so I think that cpuld be what the shower video is.

islandofdelight ago

I believe this was leaked (probably by FBI)... This is the real thing.

Another comparison: https://youtu.be/vskoKSqUja0

tapsnapornap ago

I hope they (FBI) make it out of this without being found by the deep state.

micha_ ago

Wow, I didn't believe it, but it really could be the same voice!

Pechal ago

This is the best voice comparison video.

Its certainly plausible but its not 100% by any means.

All I know is if this is real someone at the FBI or wherever knows about it, but they aren't doing anything about it.

bopper ago

Wow, they do sound alike.

DustyRadio ago

Yes, the video could have been in Weiner's "life insurance" file.

GeorgeT ago

It could be a leak from a white hat agent who is under gag orders.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Could it even be from a Weiners laptop? Just wild speculation. But hopeful to think some good guys really have it.

GeorgeT ago

I believe that it is, and they are leaking it slowly. They know it's over. Problem is, how many scapegoats are they willing to sacrifice and how big a fish to fry! They will do all they can to protect Barry.

FriesischShipping ago

What about Michael?

GeorgeT ago

He is laying low, doing his part from the shadows. Interesting next couple of days. Already arrested Jerry Sendusky, he will spill the beans.

gangpressorliber ago

FBI leaked it? curious about your thinking behind that.

BackAgain ago

Where did it come from though is what I want to know? Who was the very first person to post about it?

I find it odd that this video of a child being abused, with a voice that is no doubt similar to Podestas, randomly appears out of no where. It does seem like someone leaked it

Wolftrail7272 ago

I also think it was the FBI. Its going to get real interesting from here on out.

TheTuringTest ago

I agree it was FBI and they want us to confirm it's authenticity by listening to the bit where skippy is named.

ShipFaced ago

How can any human being do that to a child .

victuruslibertas ago

It's not a human being

FriesischShipping ago

Not a reptile either, crocodiles protect their young with their life. Most likely a demon/devil.

InSideThePerson ago

So in other words, a jew.

FriesischShipping ago

No, the white man.

DevilintheDetails ago

Maybe they're part sea otter..male otters rape their babies to death. I fucking hate otters.

FriesischShipping ago

😹😱 otters are fucking vicious!

thisisnotagame ago

Did you send it to the DOJ and the FBI? They should have voice analysis that technically and legally confirm his voice. This evil POS should NOT be walking the streets!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

another pos that should NOT be walking the streets:

boys, the sad truth has been confirmed: voat is compromised. backup your information, censorship is in full swing on voat, you will be banned without warning and without appeal if you protect yourselves from downvoat brigades. justin chastain, (@puttitout) is a liar and an sjw. last proof post; voat is for the shills. ...

crazyworld ago

Guys have you checked other videos from the worldcorpo link? "Oops" at the bottom of the page and "worldcorp international room & board advertisement" at the very top. Very disturbing, very nsfw. Whoever runs this website needs to be taken down


pmichel ago

I watched Insubordination, and really wish I had not

stellarcorpse ago

WHo exactly is worldcorp?

TakeShitSeriously ago

Can't you guys SEEE? ITS A FUCKING A BAND, They have a soundcloud!! AND ALL THEIR SHIT IS FAKE SNUFF FILM FOR HXC effect.

They make shitty music!

lordofthekek ago

ya.... there was great music in the video... oh wait?

JamesGhost ago

They also either have access to child torture tracks or are making them. Doesn't matter if it's for publicity or if it's art. Do you really think the kid in those videos knows what the fuck is going on? Even if 10 seconds latte they say "hey just kidding here is some ice cream" it's still phsycological torture. I don't care if they found it on yourubr and are just using it to troll people to their site. It's fucked and needs to be stopped. Being a band doesn't excuse it

stellarcorpse ago

Sorry but your comment is patently ignorant. Do you not know that that does not matter a damn!! There are band I personally know of here in Hollywood that intermix real snuff into their music.

NikitaVerite ago

Is it? I can't get their stupid site to load. Anyone have any other links off their site?

AgainstTheNWO ago

And that can not be a cover like comet is a cover and most pedo business are? Saw yesterday some lyrics of a song. NOT NORMAL!

TakeShitSeriously ago

I respected this Voat because i thought they were leading on to something, now they are distracted by shit that has nothing to do with the elite, just some shitty youtubers. VERY DISAPPOINTING! Especially since i just clarified what is going on in the video.

darkcharp ago

Been here for 11 hours. Pure coincidence...

AgainstTheNWO ago

Look, it could be fake. But just statement from "artist" that it is fake is not good enough. Than the "artist" has to release making process or other evidence that there was no real torture. When it is removed from youtube, channel shot down, the "creation" has a to large impact on society that society can demand proof no real torture was going on imo. And if given, well, it's a real damn good artist to make that "creation". Not my style, can't listen to it without getting tears in my eyes, even if i keep in mind t could be fake. But if Fake, it's a peace of art.

remedy4reality ago

that's why the video is being scrubbed everywhere it appears..

prove what you are asserting or shut the fuck up

stellarcorpse ago

I concur. Takeshitseriously should Takeshitseriously or piss off. This is 100% real.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I've done ZERO further research into this subject, simply because I can't handle it... But i saw a comment suggesting that maybe this is a "whistle blowing site" in a sense? Like I said, I've done zero research.... and admittedly, I'm just hoping this is the case.

followthedolla ago

that was actually the first thing i thought of when these few videos popped out. they must be leaked from insiders and/or NSA and/or other alphabets. no way in billion years that these pedofucks, although they like to brag about this shit, would ever put such incriminating pieces out for the public.

TheTuringTest ago

I sent it to the all FBI twitter accounts.

lordofthekek ago


Skanda ago

I don't know about "almost uncanny". To me podesta's voice sounds like 20 years older than the "torture video". I don't think we can do simple voice match like that... It's impossible.

cakeoflightylight ago

But it matches exactly

gangpressorliber ago

There is most certainly common variegation within ones voice from day to day and situation etc... perhaps the FBI can reduce both voices to a baseline for more accurate comparison. Those two baselines compared may give us a 90 something % likelihood of a perfect match and that may be significant enough for them to weave into the fabric of the case the FBI is building. And it's always building even if we think they already got all they need, they can work on this even after he hangs as it wall works together to get others involved brought to justice as well. Send it to the FBI