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superesper ago

Why did you stop engaging with the site as much? What happened to puttitout? Can you post an identity confirmation pic? Lot of users have expressed the concerns in my above comment, not just me.

p0ssum ago

Why should he, does he owe you anything .... let me answer that for you .... NO!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hey @p0ssum, let atko copy paste that answer!

and let me pasta the rebuttal!

by his own twisted logic, he owes the users who donated something.

Donate a few hundred bucks and you'll have my attention


SaneGoatiSwear ago

this is an imgur link. please post something like a text comment or a link to a site that doesn't openly censor people speaking freely. i refuse on constitutional grounds to click that.

p0ssum ago

please post something like a text comment or a link to a site that doesn't openly censor people speaking freely

In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not your mother or your bitch.

i refuse on constitutional grounds

You're an idiot.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i have a right not to frequent an establishment if i so choose.

imgur is one of those.

your entire comment was just a link to a censoring site.

you're an idiot

pot, kettle - now kith.

you have derided this thread from the original conversation.


imma let you finish CTRing the bulletpoints handed out to atko and the rest of you lackeys, but first!

p0ssum ago

i have a right not to frequent an establishment if i so choose.

Yes, yes you do. It's pointless and meaningless, but feel free to continue your little protest Colin.

your entire comment was just a link to a censoring site.

Oh, the horror.

imma let you finish CTRing the bulletpoints handed out to atko and the rest of you lackeys, but first!

Good deal Kanye.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

my intent is to discuss shit with you. i can't do that if i can't see what you said. so i explained the situation to you in the hopes you would communicate meaningfully through a format that works for us both.

you seem uninterested in the actual conversation, so i now question why you even responded at all.

p0ssum ago

my intent is to discuss shit with you.

No, it wasn't, based on your very first response(which wasn't even something I posted to you)

i can't do that if i can't see what you said.

It's a small black child being cuddled by his parents, he has sudden discomfort and flips off the person with the camera, then hiccups and put's it away. Do you feel better now?

so i explained the situation to you in the hopes you would communicate meaningfully through a format that works for us both.

You explained that you are having a little tantrum and want other people to go out of their way so you can continue to do so ... I could give two fucks about your little tantrum, so I told you to fuck off.

you seem uninterested in the actual conversation

I had zero interest to begin with. I tried to make that pretty apparent, but ...

so i now question why you even responded at all.

Me too. I didn't say anything at all to you, so I don't know why you felt the need to respond, and not only that, but attack the person who provides you the platform with which to do so. Seems pretty fucking disingenuous to me.

There, now we are having a nice little conversation. Are you happy?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you jumped into a convo betwen super and atko.

don't assume my intent nor intend to say what my intent is. i fucking know my intent. you don't. i've been clear about it, and yet you've got it wrong.

um. what are you trying to say with this gif? thank you for the play by play.

"go out of their way" on voat, with um fph being a big part of that very voat... and fph was banned and deleted from reddit with imgur... and you want to post to imgur on voat... and want to call users saying fuck imgur "having tantrums"

so how bout you and your little imgurtards "fuck off" fuck imgur and those that shill for them.

you have made it very apparent and have done a much better job at making it apparent since.

you may FEEL i am attacking atko, but what i am trying to do is create a DIALOGUE between users and the admins, because nearly all dialogue has broken down. i want to get to the truth of what happened to cause such dramatic change in such a conspicuous manner and coincidental timing.

i have been open and forward about this intent for a month now, since i began investigating/posting about this issue.

happiness isn't affected by external shit. that said, it brings me little joy, but yes joy nonetheless.

i appreciate you fully writing out fuck you instead of just slinging it. no sarcasm. no homo. no google.

now go facebook yaself.

p0ssum ago

you jumped into a convo betwen super and atko

You're very observant.

don't assume my intent nor intend to say what my intent is. i fucking know my intent. you don't. i've been clear about it, and yet you've got it wrong.

No, no, don't misunderstand, I don't give two shits about your intent.

um. what are you trying to say with this gif? thank you for the play by play.

God damn, you're kind of fucking slow aren't you, like noticeably and shit. I was saying fuck off, I don't care what you have to say. Is THAT clear enough?

"go out of their way" on voat, with um fph being a big part of that very voat... and fph was banned and deleted from reddit with imgur... and you want to post to imgur on voat... and want to call users saying fuck imgur "having tantrums"

Sentences mother fucker, it's a thing. Use them, they help.

so how bout you and your little imgurtards "fuck off" fuck imgur and those that shill for them.

I thought I was a CTR shill, damn boy, get your head on straight.

you have made it very apparent and have done a much better job at making it apparent since.

Ok, lost me here again. See you have no subject, so, fill me in here, what have I made apparent(apparently not the stuff I was trying to make apparent, apparently).

you may FEEL i am attacking atko, but what i am trying to do is create a DIALOGUE between users and the admins, because nearly all dialogue has broken down.

No, you were attacking him. Saying you have to give him money to get his attention, when it was pretty fucking obvious, even without context that he was being sarcastic. They say stupid people can't get sarcasm, so it's possible this went right over your head.

i want to get to the truth of what happened to cause such dramatic change in such a conspicuous manner and coincidental timing.

No, you and all your other little fucktard conspiracy buddies see a moslem behind every fucking bush.

have been open and forward about this intent for a month now, since i began investigating/posting about this issue.

Investigating .... LO fucking L.

happiness isn't affected by external shit.

WTF does this even mean? Care to elaborate. Fuck dude, stay on task.

now go facebook yaself.

I don't even know how to respond to this, is this something the cool kids say now?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

dode. the "money for interest" is A DIRECT QUOTE FROM A PM FROM ATKO TO ME


Donate a few hundred bucks and you'll have my attention.


allso, i was referring specifically to you saying you don't give a fuck and fuck off. i got it. i just don't input it into le old decision making process.

you said "does it make you happy" i was directly responding saying my state of hapiness isn't affected by external shit but that us discussing (even at this devolved state) gives me a tiny more amount of joy than having a rousing shitposting session of giant FUCK YOUS and what not :)

we old people have no idea what the kids are saying.

p0ssum ago


Yes. I understand that. Now, my question to you is: Do you really think he was serious?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

in the context of recent interactions, and the rest of the pm and the situation at hand and that this is voat, the last bastion of free speech in a world full of censorship?

yes. at the VERY least (no spiracy) he may be sick of certain aspects of voating, coding, thanklessness, assholes like me with good intentions but annoying grating personalities and poor solution skills... and a million other things (like i dunno uh IRL stuff like giving up a graduate degree and getting a day job?!)...

and may be finally taking it out on users.

and what a fucking lucky break on timing that is. he can just hit a major personality shift and negative milestone for voat and his personal development as a person. ( will be linking atko comments from up to a year ago about how he just "has learned to let stuff that annoys me go and move on" paraphrased!)

but now can't just NOT hit the send button, just HAS to mouth off repeatedly, for days? the atko that LITERALLY DIDN"T HAVE ANYTHING MEAN TO SAY FOR THE ENTIRETY OF VOAT"S HISTORY. suddenly when both mods disappear for a month, come back, and putt stops voating (not coding) and atko just happens to shift from happy-open to aloof-angry?


i call bullshit

because i smell bullshit.

something happened.

i want to know what.

free speech. "have your say" well my say is answer the question, CEO.

EDIT: sure he could have been joking. why don't you ask him.

p0ssum ago

Dude, I've been dealing with you for an hour and IM ready to quit voating. Perhaps you don't understand how these things work, so let me drop a little knowledge on you. See, first it's a hobby, and it's fun, and you're sitting around with your friends doing what you love. Then it catches on a little, and that's fine, work with the users, try to give them what they want. You work with them, and all is good. Then the influx comes, sometimes in small spurts, sometimes in huge chunks. Now things start to get a bit overwhelming, you can't keep up with the requests, people start getting restless, starting pinging and PMing you. You keep up for a while, but then they start feeling entitled, demanding shit, demanding your attention, demanding your time and demanding you listen to them. After a while, you get sick of their bullshit, and take a break. Come back and you're the enemy, you're obviously up to something, you've flipped, you're playing for the other side, SOMETHING is UP DAMNIT!

And therein lies the issue, you entitled little fucks think atko owes you something. Let me let you in on a little secret. He doesn't owe you shit. He could shut this shit down tomorrow, and walk away. He could sell it, though that might be hard with the collection of fucktards that haunts this site. No media conglomerate would touch it. So, here's this guy, providing you a platform, with which you can have your say, and you folks want to fucking shit on him and DEMAND answers. I'm am COMPLETELY on atko's side on this, and I don't even know the bloke. What I DO know, is folks like you and your little 'investigation' would make me feel like doing this less day by fucking day. And if you dumb shits don't quit pushing, they might just walk away.

Texan_Pride ago

Better question would what we he do with user information since he said himself this site is a failure. Maybe if you don't start of with the premise being a lie then people won't call you a fucking faggot for wasting everyone's time but most importantly your own.

p0ssum ago

What fucking hole did you crawl out of and what the fuck are you babbling about?

Texan_Pride ago

re read your blog post and get your head back in the context. We are talking about Atko and why this site is a failure.

p0ssum ago

It's a failure precisely because of people like yourself.... next.

Texan_Pride ago

it's a failure because going into the situation of this website claiming to be transparent while being fully dishonest is the perfect recipe for this site to become nothing but faggots like yourself, I should be surprised your comment made it to bestof but I'm not.

Your comment tried to produce empathy for a couple of lying faggots. It's amusing.

p0ssum ago

it's a failure because going into the situation of this website claiming to be transparent while being fully dishonest is the perfect recipe

No, it's a failure because it was an exercise in free speech that was taken over by asshole racists, present company included.

for this site to become nothing but faggots like yourself, I should be surprised your comment made it to bestof but I'm not.

Not my first on on bestof either, does that burn you up?

Your comment tried to produce empathy for a couple of lying faggots. It's amusing.

My comment simply pointed out the facts. Sorry that doesn't give you a warm fuzzy. Fact of the matter is, both atko and putt have given much more to this site than you ever could. Have you even donated? I'll bet you haven't. You're just another leech ..... on this site and society as a whole.

Texan_Pride ago

No, it's a failure because it was an exercise in free speech that was taken over by asshole racists, present company included.

It failed because faggot SJW emotional bitches like yourself have more time to waste on the internet than those who don't care about controlling narratives.

Not my first on on bestof either, does that burn you up?

After skimming through that sub I would consider myself a gigantic faggot if whoever runs and upvoats that sub included me in it.

Have you even donated? I'll bet you haven't. You're just another leech ..... on this site and society as a whole.

You bet your fucking ass I didn't donate. They have catered to all you SRS fucks since day one. I could give two fucks about either of them, they clearly love dicks in their mouth.

And bitcoins? Please mother fucker.

p0ssum ago

It failed because faggot SJW emotional bitches like yourself have more time to waste on the internet than those who don't care about controlling narratives.

Says the butt hurt little bitch.

After skimming through that sub I would consider myself a gigantic faggot if whoever runs and upvoats that sub included me in it.

Yes, of course, you'd never want to be a part of anything positive.

You bet your fucking ass I didn't donate. They have catered to all you SRS fucks since day one. I could give two fucks about either of them, they clearly love dicks in their mouth.

And clearly you like being a little leech bitch. You bring nothing to this site, obviously no insight, no money, nothing of value, bring many others just like yourself, and then wonder why this site 'is a failure'.

And bitcoins? Please mother fucker.

Too stupid to buy any? Don't have a checking account or credit card?

Amalek_Incarnate ago

Says the butt hurt little bitch.

Oh yeah im totally upset the site failed. top kek

Yes, of course, you'd never want to be a part of anything positive.

By positive i think you mean the literal sense, HIV positive.

And clearly you like being a little leech bitch. You bring nothing to this site, obviously no insight, no money, nothing of value, bring many others just like yourself, and then wonder why this site 'is a failure'.

People were once here who did contribute. Those people left because this site is an extension of reddit's SRS sub. Bring up jews or call out the obvious and all of a sudden you are a racist (fully meaningless term) and pussy faggots like yourself need censorship.

The majority of people who ever visited this site found out quickly it's not open and fair game. So they left. I on the other hand really like to stick around and rub it in.

Too stupid to buy any? Don't have a checking account or credit card?

I don't invest in crypto-jew currency that is bound to be a failure. If only the admins didn't condone child pornography and got rid of hecho and some of the things he did to other subs we wouldnt have a dead corpse of a site and he could they could have made tangible profits. But now, Atko and PuttItOut, no matter how hard they wanted, couldnt refrain from being faggots and trying to spread the SRS agenda.

You bring nothing to this site,

I beg to differ, you little whiny bitch.

p0ssum ago

I beg to differ, you little whiny bitch.

Yeah, I'll bet you beg a lot.

Amalek_Incarnate ago

Fucking owned. You know there isn't shit you can do besides whine. Why don't you go make another emo comment about why the admins are faggots and get your faggot friends to post it.

p0ssum ago

LOL yeah, so owned you had to bring in an alt to comment. You throw out a bunch of words get loud and assume you won. The stupid in this thread is pretty clear for anyone to see.

Amalek_Incarnate ago

the irony in having to get an alt because of downvoat brigades and your argument is some funny shit, nigger.

Please, tell me more how amazing the faggot admins are and how wonderful this forgotten site is.

p0ssum ago

yeah yeah yeah, we censor you so much ... please go away again, it's always nice when you rage quit

Amalek_Incarnate ago

Think about what you are saying and then wonder why I know you are a massive faggot.

There has been censorship but queers like you blow it off. So, enjoy your dead site with like 30 homosexuals and jews upvoting your very shitty comment that is literally PR for Voat. Pathetic faggot.

p0ssum ago

There has been censorship but queers like you blow it off.

There sure is, wah. The problem is, no one wants to listen to you whine. You always sound like a little butt hurt side bitch that isn't getting her way. And then you decide to start spamming, again, and again and again, You're the reason people don't like you. You're the reason people try to censor you, because you say and do stupid shit. I still have trouble believing you're a fucking adult. I still believe you must be in high school to do the stupid shit that you do.

So, enjoy your dead site with like 30 homosexuals and jews upvoting your very shitty comment that is literally PR for Voat. Pathetic faggot.

LOL, rage quit!

Amalek_Incarnate ago

The problem is, no one wants to listen to you whine. You always sound like a little butt hurt side bitch that isn't getting her way. And then you decide to start spamming, again, and again and again

Plenty of people enjoyed listening to me. I had some of the best comments this shitty website could offer, and no they won't end up in /v/bestof because this site isn't ran by normal, honest people. That isn't who mains it. It's freak homosexual degenerates and people who survive by pushing false narratives.

A lot of people listened to /u/Elegon too but they admins and SRS made sure she was censored as well.

And then you decide to start spamming, again, and again and again

You have so many enemies because you act like fag all the time that you don;t even realize who you are talking to so you just say stupid shit.

I still have trouble believing you're a fucking adult. I still believe you must be in high school to do the stupid shit that you do.

Hey i just wanted real talk and honest discussion. Guess i was asking for too much since it seems impossible not to hurt your ass with words over the internet. It must suck living in denial.

Especially dying in denial.

p0ssum ago

You whiny little bitch ... I don't even want to read that wall of text. Go take your meds and watch a game or something.

Amalek_Incarnate ago

I win this argument you filthy kike.

p0ssum ago

Make sure to make a badge to put on your wall beside your participation ribbon, mkay!

Amalek_Incarnate ago

You are a perfect example of why Voat has failed :)

I just like to kick up dirt.

Failure ago

hey @p0ssum, you may want to check your badges

p0ssum ago

Very nice! Do I have you to thank for that?

Failure ago

I linked it to putt, he said you deserved it

p0ssum ago

Thank you for your efforts, that's the first time I've seen that badge!

Failure ago

He made the badge for you :D

SaneGoatiSwear ago

putt badged a user for participating in silencing a user asking questions about the admins' major shift in behavior, getting bugs fixed, etc...

well confirmed,

the admins want silence about the admins.

i wonder what they're hiding?

screencapped convo, goats.

p0ssum ago

silencing a user

You seem to still be talking ... and talking .... and talking .... and talking ... and talking, Could you try a little silence maybe, just ... you know once?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

attempts at silencing users using shill/disinformation tactics such as you did yesterday against me

don't ness. always lead to people being silenced.

others disregarding the target in the future can be one outcome that is positive to your bosses.

p0ssum ago

attempts at silencing users using shill/disinformation tactics such as you did yesterday against me

How did I silence you, you talked for literally fucking hours. Not once did I attempt to silence you. I didn't even tell you to shut up. I told you that you were an idiot and I didn't give a fuck about what you said, and somehow that STILL escapes you ... imagine that.

don't ness. always lead to people being silenced.


others disregarding the target in the future can be one outcome that is positive to your bosses.

Are you off your meds?

Failure ago

What if, now hear me out, they are hiding nothing? Putts is a guy that likes to have fun, and if it would make sense on why he would be annoyed by conspiracy theorists trying to interrogate him on whether or not he is the real version of him.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

sure, i'm not suggesting that people with nothing to hide HAVE to answer questions to prove it,

but i am clearly stating: when the administrators for a website for free speech in a world and internet of censorship dissappear at the same time for a month, come back different people with different attitudes and behaviors....

it is the correct thing to do to question. hopefully everything's cool, and the answers come.

but they were silent. then evaded questions, then worse, participated in attempts to silence dissent using disinformation tactics (by badging a user doing those things).

what if, now hear me out, there IS something and they're legally not allowed to talk about it?

how would they act when questioned about that thing when they can't say anything, or even hint that there's something they can't talk about?

how would THAT change their behavior (and also, the possibility of a gov't gag for investigations or a corporate one from a buyout, say by reddit)?

failure i WANT there to be nothing wrong,

but there's too many questions too many coinkedinks to just quietly shift back into silence without a single fucking solid answer to any of the important questions.

turtlesarepureevil ago

Really makes you think fam. Truly.

SeanBox ago

I'm gonna tend to concur with this. I used to own my own company that printed and shipped pictures of pretty girls into the prison system nation wide. I was dealing with convicts writing letters to communicate. Some of them were fairly straight forward with their request but some of them would write small novels explaining their plight or fuck letters telling me how they wanted to bang my asshole while they tickle my coochie...plot twist:I'm a dude. Anyway, my point is when you are the sole contact for a large group of people that depend on you things can get a little overwhelming. I was getting 3-4 inch stacks of mail every day full of this. I would get complaint letters when the prison rejected photos. I had to deal with the better business bureau multiple times over people getting the catalog rejected by the prison. It's frustrating and I don't blame the dude for dipping out either.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

why the fuck would you quit?! so this atko you're so "on his side" you'd just leave because one little goat "has his say" and you "don't like it" welp. some staunch defender of the atko you are.

and ok. so are you saying that i am uknowingly participating in making that worse?!

you are assuming both devs hit that point - - on the same day doesn't have any significance.

big assumption. also, again, if atko had just directly answered my questions, instead of directly evading them, i'd be off posting til's.

you entitled little fucks

more personal attacks. and you were doing so welll.

doesn't owe you shit

repeating the script again.

funny people have been offering help, and we haven't seen any new faces. what happened to flamino? nurdzoidz? (sp) etc that whole "new crew"

there's something you don't understand: the atko before he came back all unatko that original sauce atko is the atko i'm behind. i'm on that atko's side. the transparent, friendly admin who just "lets shit slide off his back"

or are you suggesting he's so weak willed that war and death threats he can handle, but direct questions about finances warrant canaries and lack of admin interaction with community is too hard to handle.!?!?

p0ssum ago

why the fuck would you quit?! so this atko you're so "on his side" you'd just leave because one little goat "has his say" and you "don't like it"

You really don't get sarcasm do you? I'll try to keep that in mind, however, I will have to ask for your forgiveness if fall astray as sarcasm is essentially built into the system.

some staunch defender of the atko you are.

Again, not a defender, don't know the bloke. Remember now, I just said that. Let's just put it this way, I've been his position and I walked away. With a load of cash mind you, but I walked away and it was the BEST decision I ever made.

and ok. so are you saying that i am uknowingly participating in making that worse?!

ABSO FUCKING LUTELY you are. Things like your little 'investigation'. Investigate why he hasn't banned your stupid ass ... I probably would have.

you are assuming both devs hit that point - - on the same day doesn't have any significance.

No, you don't get it. I don't fucking care.

big assumption. also, again, if atko had just directly answered my questions, instead of directly evading them, i'd be off posting til's.

Or maybe he can just continue to ignore you and your little investigation and he's hoping eventually you'll quit and go find some other admin at whatever hole you decide to haunt next. Seriously dealing with idiots JUST LIKE YOU is what lead me to sell my site.

more personal attacks. and you were doing so welll.

I've been pretty consistently making personal attacks the whole time, calling you names, mocking you.... did you really miss all that? Perhaps you should go back and reread.

repeating the script again.

What script, he doesn't. He doesn't owe you a fucking thing. Again, he could shut this shit down right now and walk away and what recourse would you have? Seriously? Trust me, I almost did the same thing, but someone offered me an amount of money I couldn't refuse.

funny people have been offering help, and we haven't seen any new faces. what happened to flamino? nurdzoidz? (sp) etc that whole "new crew"

Dont care.

there's something you don't understand: the atko before he came back all unatko that original sauce atko is the atko i'm behind. i'm on that atko's side. the transparent, friendly admin who just "lets shit slide off his back"

Yeah, that shit gets old when you deal with enough 'investigations'.

or are you suggesting he's so weak willed that war and death threats he can handle, but direct questions about finances warrant canaries and lack of admin interaction with community is too hard to handle.!?!?

No, in case you didn't notice, I'm suggesting that dealing with folks like you is more than MOST people want to deal with. I'm suggesting he's a fucking saint for putting up with your stupid asses and allowing you to use his bandwidth. I'm saying he's got more fucking will than I do because I would have nuked the whole fucking bunch of you. Do you really think traffic to this site isn't already being saved off somewhere? Are you really that fucking naive? You don't think this place is on someones radar enough that the traffic travelling through CALI FUCKING FORNIA isn't being snooped? Jesus fucking christ, you boys are a fucking work of art.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah sarcasm fail! that's what "/s" is for!

investigate why he hasn't banned my ass

for what?

he doesn't owe you a fucking thing

there it is again. you're suggesting in your supporting paragraph that he's some sort of heartless dick. the last 2 years of interaction between community and atko would very much say he's a really nice caring open guy.

don't care

skipping relevant point

i made one investigation into one serious possible issue. it turns out THERE IS AN ISSUE the admins have given up running FRONT OF HOUSE. this is a fucking death bell for a social network (or a restaurant, and many other foh-having establishments)

but i guess you're attempting to use the fallacy that "so many" or


investigations just makes it so burdensome some text on voat is just too much to handle.

shill tactic. try again.

so you're saying

atko started a social network

and can't handle dealing with users

well then problem solved! get a FOH admin. no administrating powers, but the official face of voat between devs and community. because clearly the admins have had enough with me, @homersimpson and @ramblinrambo because atko's gone off on all three of us not just me buddy, are you yelling at them too?

his bandwidth

voat is entirely run on donations by USERS

pick one idiot.

five eyes has all data. all voat data is on nsa servers. not at issue here.

you boys

i am a lone sane goat.

HomerSimpson ago

Only paragraph i read was the pinging me part.

I note for transparency sake he hasn't gone off on me. Misleading maybe. But not gone off no.

RamblinRambo ago

Didn't bother reading all of this but my suspicion is that it's about the dev. not giving a fuck and that it correct. Yet again implementing some fucking chat that no one needs before fixing basic things such as the PM function and modmail.

All one gets when pointing this out is some smug message of "muh come do it if it's so easy". Completely neglecting that I don't make any money on this site nor do I have an interest in running a site. Merely pointing out that if he wants this community to grow and if he wants to make something out of it he can't just neglect basic functionality.

And it doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's not harder to fix a pm tree than some fucking chat. If one even tries.