Dabarina ago

I understand your concern and reasons for reporting it and I will be more than happy if an arrest comes from it but please don't randomly do things like that. We're trying to gather information. Not suppress it.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

im aware. I've watched both videos, i didn't hear skippy "clear as day" as many people are claiming...even the "john" part is questionable. I'm not wasting any more time with this video untill we get more info on who the source is

ploppy ago


OpenSoulOpenMind ago

just a coincidence that a known sex offender and pedophile, has videos of a child being abused on his website??

Makes much more sense that the person in the video is Robert L Robinson himself, but then again, why would he upload videos of himself abusing a child?

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Well, i didnt realize he had a youtube channel, and after watching a video its pretty obvious that the voices dont match up..


what a SICK. FREAK. though.........

slickleg64 ago

Shit freak. explains the video sent to 4chan by worldcorp last july, looks the same as his twitter dp.

surgeson ago

Shitfreak99 you say? The old tumblr page for worldcorp is scatfreak99.tumblr.com. I guess we can establish that worldcorpo = Robert Robinson. The page is still available on archive.org.

SturdyGal ago

Fantastic, Sheilaaliens! Just checked some of the files, they seem like his MO. Looking forward to see what else you find.

goodguy1367 ago

Good find! It's a bit hard to view on the site Prezi, can you do up a diagram detailing it with the links? It will make it easier for people to view, I got most of it but still had trouble

Sheilaaliens ago

Sure! Will try to organize it on a different platform

carmencita ago

Is he called Skippy too? I hear that is what they say is in the video.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

have you watched the video yourself? i have and i dont hear the word skippy..i just hear a poor traumatized child screaming unintelligible blabber. It could appear the kid is saying a number of things if that is what you are actively listening for...but i just listened to it with a completely openmind, and open ears, and it didnt sound like skippy was said...some people even said it says skippy, "clear as day"...to those people i say, it time for a break from the pizzagate research

carmencita ago

I cannot watch the video. It will seriously harm me. I did listen to the one where the voice was separated from the rest of the video and I agree that it is his voice.

Sheilaaliens ago

IDK, I'm extracting the audio and isolating the male voice as many people have requested so they don't have to hear the child.... gonna be comparing the video voice to Podesta's AND Robert Robinson's voices.

carmencita ago

Thanks. I have had too many bad experiences and can't sleep some nights. That would be great. I am so convinced it is JP.

DarkMath ago

Good catch. I wonder what the authorities that put him on the sex offender registry in Maine think of this.


Sheilaaliens ago

They don't seem to think much of his taking pictures of unsuspecting young girls in public all the time. Just look at his Flickr albums https://www.flickr.com/photos/casiocasiocasio/albums

Sheilaaliens ago

Worldcorpo.net is the site that hosts the very distrubing "torture"/abuse video that people think might be Podesta's voice. It also might be the convicted pedo I linked to the site, as he is from the east coast too and is missing most of his front teeth. Podesta speaks with a lisp in the same way because he seems to be missing some number of teeth too.

What this entails is that whether or not that is Podesta's voice, this is an amazing find whoever found it - and a well-loathed pedophile who roams free in Maine is directly connected to it, therefor the abuse videos hosted on the site are most likely REAL. And we need to consider that the voice MIGHT BE Robert Robinson!

VieBleu ago

Here is R. Robinson on YouTube, clearly not the same voice. You prob hadn't seen this link yet when you wrote that comment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igYD1_zmUYw