AreWeSure ago

This was written at about the height of Satanic Panic over ritual abuse in 1980's which was started after a book came out in 1980. Before this book came out there were virtually no claims of Satanic Ritual Abuse by the end of the decade there was thousands.

Many, many claims were made at that time by quack therapists using dubious science and were completely debunked. Patients with multiple personalities often did not initially show these symptoms at first, but having weeks of having a therapist hypnotize them, they would change.

An FBI agent from the Behavorial Unit (a la Silence of the Lambs) was asked to consult on some of these cases in the early 80's. He started to doubt these cases, when they allegations started to pile up and number in tens of thousands of victims, but there was little to none corrobarating evidence. He went back and reviewed known cases and he couldn't find any that matched the details of Satanic Ritual Abuse.

The book that started it, didn't stand up at all to scrutiny. The therapist had used hypnosis on the patient for over a year. In the book he describes a ritual his client suffered that went on for 81 straight days. However, when reporters looked into these claims, the girl was accounted for during that time. She was attending school normally. Her sisters noticed nothing different about her.

In 1990's a psychologist named Elizabeth Loftus started looking into the question of could a therapist using suggestive techniques and hypnosis implant a false memory in people. A student of hers invented a scenario where he had his family read several scenarios that had happened to the family, and asked them to write as much as they remembered about the scenarios. One of the scenarios was false, that his brother was once lost in a mall at age five and found by an eldery person who returned him to his family. His brother ended up remembering a lot of detail about this false event and was shocked when he was told it wasn't true. This experiment that shows false memories can be implanted. When they repeated the experiment with a college class, 25% of the subjects claim to remember a false memory.

So to be as academic as you can get, you will need validate the claims in this 1988 article against the subsequent investigation and deeper scientific understand of memory to see if the claims hold up.

DL4L ago

I would reverse your premise, and suggest that you need to validate your claims that SRA is the result of false memories, etc. You say, "Before this book came out there were virtually no claims of Satanic Ritual Abuse by the end of the decade there was thousands" but provide no source. A nameless FBI Agent in a nameless department, anecdotes that implanting false memories is possible (of course it is possible, it is one of the very tactics used in the mind manipulation of abuse victims), a single instance of debunked claims by a reporter, and then you question the integrity and veracity of an article written by a registered nurse and doctor of psychology that utilized over 18 sources of peer reviewed works and academic studies of abuse victims at the graduate level or higher? My friend I think you have it the other way around. As I see it, the author is credible, her sources are scientific and academic, her argument is simple and lucid, and the existence of ritual abuse is now well established in our society. See the video documentation in my other post to familiarize yourself with some of the better known cases that have been well documented over decades. They are not isolated incidents.

The true panic is that this has been going on for decades, at least decades, and still no significant action has been taken at the higher levels of leadership in our society.

AreWeSure ago

Yes, I provide no sources because this is common lived history. I'm old enough to remember when this was going down and then when the cases were debunked. Zealous prosecutors and therapists were actually harming children through coercive techniques. Cops and therapists were being told not to believe children when they denied any abuse, they were being trained that children always deny abuse at first. So they would browbeat the kids into giving "the right answer." "The Right Answer" was always what the cops/therapists suspected. Lots of innocent lives including the children's were ruined.

I remember the McMartin Preschool case and Kelly McMichaels case.. Once the hysteria died down, there was nothing to support the original charges. In the McMichaels case a 25 year old teacher was accused of amputating boys penises and sodomizing children with a fork. And yet no parent noticed anything wrong when they picked up their kids. No penises were missing. Despite wild unsupported charges like this she was convicted of 115 charges.

DarkFae ago

False Memory Syndrome has zero scientific evidence. As a matter of fact, the term "False Memory Syndrome" was coined by a very suspicious group, who was put together by a husband and wife who's daughter confronted the father for raping her when she was a child. However, there are hundreds of studies on SRA. It is very real, and for some screwed up reason, isn't dealt with, but swept under the rug. EVERY TIME. Here's a list of convictions:

note tried to shorten URL but it wouldn't post.

I would also like to add that one of the shadiest connections to the false memory foundation happens to be Doug Mesner AKA Lucien Greaves of The Satanic Temple. Interesting, no?

Alpo ago

Another excellent post. It's a tragedy that instead of the above recommendations being followed, ritualistic abuse has been almost entirely erased from the public consciousness, and the concept of its very existence has been undermined. Wikipedia says "Satanic ritual abuse was the subject of a moral panic that originated in the United States in the 1980s", as though it never even really existed at all.

A big question is, why was it at that time (late 1980s) that ritualistic abuse had only recently come to the attention of psychologists and law enforcement officials?

DL4L ago

Check out the Johnny Gosch story and Paul Bonacci connection. Also the Larry King scandal (related to the Franklin scandal). As I understand, those were some of the earlier and more high profile stories that broke. And I've read the Wikipedia entry for SRA. Total disinfo if you ask me.

Alpo ago

Thanks; I'm familiar with Gosch and Bonacci, but haven't read or watched everything out there about them. I'm learning more about the Franklin Scandal currently. Perhaps my question should have been, did ritual abuse become far more prevalent in the 1980s, leading to its exposure, and if so, why?

DL4L ago

Couldn't say for sure, but I would think that as the children of the first generation of victims became indoctrinated into the cult based programming and abuse regimens, the ranks swelled. Additionally, the technology of mind control and the application of abuse was fine tuned and made more effective. Better methods, a larger population, fast forwards another 20-30 years and we're on to the third or in some cases fourth generations of individuals being brought up inside the culture and system that includes ritual abuse. As the numbers grew and as programming broke down (I have read and heard that changes in the body/brain around the age of 30 can cause disruption to programming) perhaps more attention was brought to the matter. And as therapists began talking with each other at national events they realized they were experiencing similar phenomena which also gave the matter more credibility. Just a deduction, don't really know for sure.

9217 ago

"cultic studies" journal? Who's that and are they credible?

DL4L ago

It's published by the International Cultic Studies Association. You can see them yourself and decide if they seem credible.

I think so.

9217 ago

Thanks! I agree they probably are, I just asked because I honestly didn't know. Thank you!

AmishMechWarrior ago

They might be helpful in developing a profile of the jackals and their operations.

JesusOfNazareth ago

Great post!

DL4L ago

For those who are skeptical of 'online researchers' this is about as academic as it gets.