ChronicMathDebater ago

Screenshots don't prove shit. Use actual archives.

Caratacus ago

If the time stamp for the article was incorrect due to computer issues then why didn't the paper say that? For such an easy to diffuse "error," I can't see why they just didn't explain themselves. They started blocking twitter users left and right for posting the article last night. Some users did not @ the paper and were still blocked without explanation. Seems like they were ready for the possible backlash from the start.

Flat_Truth ago

This was an issue in other news stories. With regards to Sandy Hook, there was inquiry made to Google and MSN professionals and their responses explaining how the "spiders" that scour the web, document the time stamp of when they first see an article. At that time, there were donation pages and news stories posted sometimes days prior to the event. Those who donated to the United way were able to push the inquiry, and the official response was the donation page was first seen online at 5:00pm the day of the event....complete with account set up, routing numbers established, photos of the victims (even though the victims names were not released by police until the next morning)...etc. It is a tangled web they weave. The practice of fabricating news stories goes way back.

I first stumbled onto it years ago, someone showed how an entire sheriff's department in Pima County AZ was made up of persons schooled in acting, many still participating in big deal I guess. But the guy showed how they were making local news stories and acting in them. The stories were of no significant consequence. I think one story was of the police raiding the wrong home over overdue student loans and roughing someone up. Another was a rastarian guy selling things on the street and the police roughed him up. With the rastafarian guy, it was undeniable it was the same guy who was also a cop, but with dreadlocks. The guy showed the cop's facebook page with his shirt off and he had the same tattoos as the rastafarian guy in the news story.

Maybe they were just practicing making fake local news stories, with the twist of how bad the police are being pushed, maybe to create animosity towards police. But then, right after that.....Gabrielle Giffords was shot in that same county. Just weeks before the Gifford incident, the local news aired that a homeland security drill had been canceled in that town "because word had leaked and it lost its element of surprise to have it look real".....then a few weeks later, the Gifford shooting. No record of the drill ever being done, but there was record of the town receiving the funding for having held a drill.

Giffords is married to astronaut Scott Kelly, who just spent a whole year in outer space! Set a new record for longest trip to outer space. His identical twin brother stayed here on earth of course. :/ You can see video of Giffords and Kelly doing their traveling roadshow, pitching gun control live in public.....where they use the same script at multiple venues, Giffords always messing up and saying she started "yogurt classes" to indicate she suffered a gunshot to the head, and her astronaut hubby correcting her on cue every time with "yoga honey". The act always gets a chuckle from The fawning audience, but what are the odds she's mess up the word yoga every time, but be able to remember her entire script?

It goes on from there, but here's a very old clip that was used by inventor John Logie Baird in his first testing of televised motion pictures, in his home workshop. Its very telling if you listen to it all. Evidently, Baird was also quite the ventriloquist. The dummy used was a head on top of a box with mechanical levers to move it.

Cazmir ago

Google also said the Sandy Hook Articles that were written before it happened were in error as well. Google's Bots are almost perfect, they do not mess up timestamps. Edit 6 is BS.

NotAnIdiot ago

Okay, assuming this was a bug (I've never seen something like this before), I'm still wondering when the police released the "gunman's" name. This article came out an hour after the incident and had the guy's name in it.

Kimcol4st ago

No thinking you are not going nuts. This is as real as working two jobs and not having much of a life.

Kimcol4st ago

I've never tweeted or whatever but when I heard about Andrew Brietbarts last tweet about that weirdo pediphile John Podesta I was just stupefied. I am under the impression this is why Andrew died. This whole pedipilia ring that includes highest up government officials, ilite, high up singers and etc is is is is is the story. All the other stuff like the coup on our government and the fake birth certificate of our Trojan horse president, the overthrow of our country by fragmenting our society against each other, blatant depopulization methods being uncovered all pales to this Satan worshipping cobal. This is their personal, most important private perk and is probably what served as a catalyst to take over the world. This pedophilic side is the cream that makes all the rest of it worth it to them.

AaronDover ago

We need to start executing these pedos and crisis actors for real. The MSM won't be able to avoid reporting it, it will blow away their whole game and deliver justice all in one move.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

This video about Sand Hook goes into GREAT detail about how time stamping works. It's kind of above my expertise but perhaps someone else could understand it better. They way the person explained it made sense to me.

KaliPhobos ago

contacted the authors of other articles about this incident and told them about it. maybe some of them will start wondering, too, and think for themselves.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

God damn facebook disabled my account after i made some comments on the article... time for another burner i guess :P

Warnos44 ago

Uh, can I ask what kind of comments you made? I didn't know they would shut you down for commenting...? I don't have a burner account and generally don't make comments but I'm getting so pissed off that I think I'll start doing so.

KaliPhobos ago

so now we know it was a fale alarm. But the question is WHY:

  • Do they want to make us (the researchers) look like voilent idiots?

  • Do they want to scare us with this so we never attempt to physically attack these pedos?

I can't really understand their motive for this. Especially as it wa already known they would now have guards inside for every public event...

DystopianDaze ago

It appears that the news section is timing articles at GMT. Adjusting for that rectifies the time.

You show a time of 8:31 PM EST, while the news section shows it was published 9 hours previously. When you subtracted the 9 hours, you came up with it being published at 11:31 AM, well before it happened. Add the 5 hour time difference between EST and GMT and it becomes 4:31 PM. Check that against your meta data of a publish time of 16:10:18, which is 4:10 PM and it is well within the "9hours ago" the news section shows.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

Same kind of web cache time anomaly happened with articles about Sandy Hook in the local community CT newspaper!

Warnos44 ago

Can we get a meme screen shots next to each other with this? It would be really good to have visability for the brainwashed asshats that refuse to read anything that takes longer than a glance.

Kimcol4st ago

Sandy Hook is the item that got me studying in the first place. It was so obvious it made me fuming mad! Without that not sure I ever would have become aware about anything.

dickface8 ago

So how is everyone involved gonna play this obvious false flag off now? Seriously, this exposes so much, doesn't it?

ThorTheWonderful ago

This is wrong now, it should have been done earlier, I detected that the story was RE-PUBLISHED by the time I went to look for the same time stamps!

IAmJohnBarron ago


YouaremeandIamyou ago

another person behind the article, by the sounds of it. Being asked, how he wrote the article more than an hour before it happened. Also being asked about pizzagate:

tudda ago

Isn't the metadata from the article/its publishing platform itself, and not from the google?

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Got him again! go to his twitter page. At first you can see each post how long ago it was. 6hrs, 4hrs, then 2hrs, then 1hr ago. THEN right before your eyes, all the time stamps switch to saying "now" Is this usual? Even when they say now, you can click on the "now" and you will see the time it was at. I think someone has told him to keep quite now. at first he was saying "conspiracy theorists barking that i somehow wrote the article before it happened." Last posts have been about movies he likes, like the subject has just passed...

LtSilverFox ago

And what's your background in building domains and coding ?

fvckh1m_up ago

your attention to detail and commitment to truth value would be appreciated at

oiseaulibre ago

I'll check it out

fvckh1m_up ago

even small contributions can make a difference. you may even find you want to stay a little longer with us!

LtSilverFox ago

I wonder why this is labeled dead end? Can a mod justify this?

veritas_vincit ago

Let's be skeptical of this. I work as a content writer, and I can confirm that Google very often screws with article publishing times.

We know police were on scene at Comet Pizza. If this was all a set-up, it would hardly have been necessary to risk blowing the cover by conspiring with media agencies ahead of time, since this was already a story they would have picked up.

NorwegianBlackMetal ago

WTF This is fucked. Sloppiest false flag ever.

ejd4500 ago

Guys there's some truth to this. Things can get really tricky when showing dates on pages and publish dates and it often depends on who/what is viewing the page, or, who/what first picked the page up. We do need to be cautious here.

NerdyNoodle ago

I am confused. The source code says it was first published at 16:10:18. That's 4:10 PM, isn't it? In this case I just don't see the conflict except Google indexed the article incorrectly.

llm2016 ago

All the MSM share the same scripts, have interviews lined up, etc. All staged.

loneIy_jew ago

Seems to just be a time-zone glitch. Figure this out before we make a big deal out of it.

DarkOne ago

send it to the police! this is enough to get the author and everybody involved in serious trouble with the law. combined with the camera it shows probable cause for it to be premeditated.

Ziggystrife ago

If Google had the wrong timestamp that's one thing. If the article itself on the Washingtonian had the hours wrong that tells me they likely have a snippet that reads the created timestamp from the database and shows the difference in hours from that. More than likely this website is built on a CMS platform where the authors can create articles, then publish it after the fact. The hours ago might show the Created timestamp instead of the Published timestamp. If I'm right about that then they would need someone to go into the database for this specific record to overwrite the timestamp manually to change it from saying X hours ago as a code change would affect their timestamps on all of their articles.

LtSilverFox ago

You must not know code if you think making that one edit will mess with the rest.

Ziggystrife ago

In a CMS world it can absolutely. I've worked on WordPress, Drupal, Sitefinity, and one other I forget the name of at the moment....if you modify a template it affects all the pages using that template.

LtSilverFox ago

It can but what idiot would right code that way. I'm glad you told me this now I can invent something better than WordPress if I live to see that day

Ziggystrife ago

It's the entire premise of a CMS and why people use them. Create code templates, fill them with user generated content. Instead of modifying potentially hundreds of pages, you modify the 1 template that are linked to that template.

LtSilverFox ago

So your telling me an end user takes this template and whatever adjustments he makes is applied to whatever page has the same template correct? Why not come up with a system.... nvm if that 1st part is right then I'd thanks you a million times

Ziggystrife ago

Yes that is the purpose of a CMS. You manage templates, and pages exist within those templates. It's how sites have thousands of pages of content but really only have 10-30 templates. Just let me hold one of them upvotes and let us move on!

LtSilverFox ago

Sounds a little outdated to me but hey ig that's the most efficient way. I'm only upvoting cause you gave me an idea lol

waxdino ago

Aw shit! I think they changed it!! Says six hours now! It changed between me screen capping and trying to go to archive it!
Edit: Ok, I'm gonna let the nerds figure this out before I get too excited.

ejd4500 ago

It's possible that the time on the page is trying to tailor based on the viewer's "guessed" timezone. could likely be in a different timezone as you or eastern - it might be UTC, so it could be tricky.

private-i ago

Edgar Maddison Welch is an actor !

CeepsNo ago

Proof google's crawlers fuck up and it's not just an automated process that doesn't lie?

bigDanold ago

Well they did this same thing at Sandy Hook too. Google even verified the time stamp was in fact, 1 day before the Sandy Hook shooting. These guys just fucked up again, is all. Besides, the editor of the Washingtonian is blocking people on Twitter for simply asking about this date irregularity. Wouldn't he be thanking people, so he can work with Google to get this corrected? Not if he got caught.

CeepsNo ago

I treated your claim with skepticism. First, I checked the first image with a certain tool to see if it was edited around the "9" in "9 hours ago". Obviously I ignored the part where you underlined it in red. I couldn't detect anything.

The metadata reveals the 1st image was taken at 1:39 UTC (Dec 5). Your archived link of the page was taken at 1:54 UTC (Dec 5). Converting that to EST, you subtract 5 hours.

8:39, 9 hours prior = 11:39, so it took OP about 8 minutes to screengrab and post it, so that checks out, but there was no timestamp from his desktop in the image, so it could be shopped.

So what about the link? 1:54 UTC (dec 5th) - 5 hours = 8:54 EST. 10 Hours ago = 11:54. Even if they rounded, that's still 3 hours before the alleged event happened, and the archive'd link will not lie. Plus they needed time to actually write the article.

Searching on google news right now, obviously it shows "6 hours ago" so that'd be 4:26 EST.

However, considering we know Google is sort of in bed with these people, it doesn't surprise me. I've read "When google met wikileaks" - Assange basically explains that Google met with him to get intel for the US Government and understand his organizational structure - of humans, of many backups of servers, how they communicate, etc. All probably for the reason to be able to better dismantle it.

Edit: Shit, I found a ton of articles and google support articles where the times are incorrectly displayed on news articles. So this is probably nothing, actually.

truthvibe ago

Losing my mind here, this rabbit hole is mighty deep. Keep going Twitterers!!

waxdino ago

Thank you, good job! I think this vindicates us! I also screen capped the google results for prosperity! “11hrs ago“

YouaremeandIamyou ago

I'm getting a screenshot. Watch for them changing the time. They usually do, when this happens, and gets noticed. Double the evidence.

llm2016 ago

Member for 11 minutes.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

This prophetic article, says that he fired a shot into the ground. When the story was "breaking" I do not recall anyone saying anything about a shot. That would have been noticed. I distinctly recall hearing that no shots were fired. The article also says police were huddled behind cars, not knowing what he would do. I don't recall that being reported by anyone either.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Great catch, I am trying to make this question go viral on twitter.. Everybody should do the same. We also need to have people watching and capturing these news posts as they come up so we can prove the times of their posts!

dustygozangas ago


How do we know what time it was when OP took the screencap?

CeepsNo ago

Click the archive link. Look at the top right, it displays it in UTC.

dustygozangas ago

EDIT: OP confirmed he posted within 9 hours of incident.

not calling OP a liar, I just wanna make sure the trail of proof is legitimate. we wouldn't accept this if WikiLeaks posted it regarding Assange...

oiseaulibre ago

I submitted the post less than 9 hours from when the shooting happen.

dustygozangas ago

oh damn! okay, that works for me.

oiseaulibre ago

Thank You, I'll add this to the OP

ChronicMathDebater ago

Observe that there is an archived version of this page from 00:00:00 UTC on December 4th.

Consider the possibility that, while your original evidence for this may have been wrong, your claim was correct regardless.

llm2016 ago

@Omnipotent1 registered just to hide this. Obvious shill is obvious.

Chiefpacman ago

Alsoooo I've been suspicious of this for a while; but 'Omni' is everywhere. His name is a play on omniscient.

He has accounts that have been here for a year.

Kimcol4st ago

Seems like a shill to me. So obvious and insulting

Kimcol4st ago

I.... Kimcol4st just in last hour got added to this site. Never heard of it till last night when someone put bold captioned uppercase letters saying BREAKINGNEWS. I was like how the heck does one get the inside real time info???? I fell across this site by sheer chance I'm so thankful I did. Wonder how long this one will be up???

duerheltdum ago

You idiots are getting dangerous.

llm2016 ago

Member for 7 minutes.

llm2016 ago

Don't buy it. Ciao.

ThorTheWonderful ago

I just tried them on twitter, I asked how is it "if this happened at 3 PM, how did your story break at 11:00 AM?" They blocked me instantly! This is indeed a false flag event and part of mass media propaganda attack with heavy use of terms like "conspiracy theorists" and "alt-right" "fictitious" etc etc etc..

TimeForPitchForks ago

Great Job! I really hope this is them, fucking up and us capitalizing on it!!

xeemee ago

hmmm... not so sure about this - you have local times, server times, cached times, visited times, etc. - i suspect the times alone are not enough to make the case

Snakeberry ago

You dumbass shills need to fuck off. I've seen the same exact shit with Sandy Hook memorial pages and articles being added in days even hours in advance to the shooting itself.

This "time bug" narrative was added by major tech companies right afterwards.

You fucking morons seem to love forgetting the close connection between Google and the Obama/Clinton machine.

xeemee ago

c'mere honey, let mummy check your diaper...

Snakeberry ago

"Google can't change there own data."

llm2016 ago

They panicked. They made mistakes.

ThorTheWonderful ago

It takes a lot to get the news twitters to block you! What did you post exactly?

llm2016 ago

Too late, member for 17 minutes. Shill, you've been exposed.

sleepingbeautycan ago

The guy with the gun will die very soon.

brokencookie ago

unless he's an actor

NotAnIdiot ago

Actor, loose end. Same difference.

bigDanold ago

You can't be serious. Google timestamps it the moment it finds the article. Those tags you are referencing are controlled by the website publisher, in this case, the Washingtonian. They can go in and edit those all they want.

militant ago

So they posted an article hours before the incident happened but absolutely no one saw it/reposted it? Sounds pretty impossible to me.

I'm not even sure the incident itself is a 'false flag', the guy would have killed/injured people if it really was, IMO. But why not, yeah. Now there are already many threads about this and it will continue to increase, surely. Meanwhile less people are investigating, I guess.

I bet that the people involved in the pizzagate are laughing tonight. Hopefully not for long, though.

Kimcol4st ago

I pray to God they continue to show their ass because it's out now and I personally want the children saved. I want the people all of them to have a special prison to grow old and die in. Death penalty is to good and fast for what they have done. Want them all to suffer

IceDagger316 ago

I like how the only other "surrounding business" mentioned as having shut down in the opening paragraph was one mentioned in the Podesta emails.

llm2016 ago

Nice catch. This 100% proves that it's a cover-up, and Pizzagate is, in every sense of the word, legitimate.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

About Carr who owns red fox. Interesting that the cup in a picture has a National Sexual Assault serviette around it. Other points of interest on here as well. Carr used to be a journalist!

blargfargenbargler ago

LOL, blocking all the folks pointing out the discontinuity in the facts....stick fingers in ears...lalalalalalalalala I don't hear your facts. racist racist racist.

Kimcol4st ago

I agree with you. Anyone that makes any comment about this entire thing being a hoax is a shill. They know it and we know it

GaslightCoffee ago

11AM Eastern is 4PM UTC. Was this supposed to go up at 4PM and someone got the time zone wrong, possibly on purpose?

Malignment ago

Google confirms this easily just type in "washingtonian comet gun" google aint lying it says article is 11 hours old, making it posted according to GOOGLE at 11AM EST

Flaaffy ago

Grab some screenshots of that with the current date and time. Archive archive archive!

doxo ago

Use your brains, people. If this was a false flag, people would have died.

bigDanold ago

Those types where people die are for taking 2nd amendment rights away. This is so they can bring up Pizzagate 100 times in the news, and say it is a hoax and a conspiracy every time they mention it. I heard a reporter call the claims "absurd." Yeah? There are also claims that pedophilia is disgusting and heinous. Why don't they mention both sides? Oh, because they are not the news, they are propagandists. They are the fake news.

UglyTruth ago

George HW Bush on pre-packaged media

bigDanold ago

Awesome hahaha. Based reporter!

Prepper_Jack ago

Do a Yahoo news search on comet Ping Pong. NBC News Washington... 19 hours ago.

TruthTrumps ago

I put comet ping pong into yahoo search bar and came up with this:;_ylt=A0LEV0.aAkVYXVIANUNXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA3lmcC10BGdwcmlkA1dvZS5HZmRuVDdTSHVJWmIudzB6akEEbl9yc2x0AzAEbl9zdWdnAzEwBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDMARxc3RybAMxOQRxdWVyeQNjb21ldCUyMHBpbmclMjBwb25nBHRfc3RtcAMxNDgwOTE3ODQ0?p=comet+ping+pong&fr2=sb-top&fr=yfp-t&fp=1

NOTE: 5th link down (NBCWashington) "Comet Ping Pong Gunman Said He Was Investigating Fake News " is dated Dec 3. However, when you click on says Dec 4 at end of article. I am not techno savvy to capture and show.

Prepper_Jack ago

Good eye, yeah - I see it too.

noworldorder ago

I believe Google gets the time/date from the article page meta tags (in the source code).

<meta property="article:published_time" content="2016-12-04T16:10:18-05:00" />

<meta property="article:modified_time" content="2016-12-04T21:34:41-05:00" />

KeenAdam ago

What the fuck....? Seems so dystopian seeing something so evil being hidden on such a large scale. I used to think conspiracies and such were only for nut jobs to believe in but this is opening my eyes.

duerheltdum ago

Maybe you are just a nut job? Would you know if you were losing touch with reality?

brokencookie ago

Yep. Next stop 911, then Sandy Hook. I wish I were just a nut job. This shit is as real as it gets.

fartyshorts ago

Sandy Hook was probably directly related to pizzagate.

defector ago

More likely the 2nd amendment.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

So fascinating, that they swarmed the block, and shut down nearby shops. there was yellow tape up before the guy gave himself up. He had no gun, and was standing in the street, with his hands above his head, yet they all had their guns out, like they were surrounding the inceredible hulk. He did not look like a real person being arrested. the whole thing looked super staged. It figures, that JA would have friend in the event staging business. Someone asked,then why not fake some injuries as well. But I can imagine they would have thought that would have been too easy to spot as a fake. Whereas this, would have been seen as an easy option, that they would think, will help their cause. It is bound to backfire, and bring the world's attention to them. And now it already has. This is cold hard proof!


do you have video of this or where did you get this info?

YouaremeandIamyou ago

I got all this from the article, that was written before it even happened. the washington post one, which has a link at the top of the thread.

Kimcol4st ago

So they write the article and publish before it even happens and the whole time have been pushing this fake news as fake. Kind of like how they had that little phillipino guy write up the patriot act before 911. I mean they really did need a new "Pearl Harbor " to get that pesky little patriot act signed into law right? So now corporate owned censored news will be the only lawfull news in the fake United States of America? Tyranny at the top and slaves at the bottom? This will not fly with people. Period!

looking4truth ago

Holy shit !

madmanpg ago

Now I'm genuinely scared.

We_The_People ago

HOLY FUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You the real MVP!!!

HolyMoly0 ago

Do you have links to those early police reports?

MeatballPizza ago

Now there's a CNN story that he had a shotgun. They keep rewriting their own b.s.

Flaaffy ago

I wonder if they are being sloppy and making several changes because they know they are going to get away with it anyway.

Guy_with_the_face ago

I noticed that too

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Wow! you are the best! I had a feeling they were written too soon. Even having it ready that day, was strange. Both were quick to say fake news. Ironic. We should expect slip ups like this. What they are doing is so unnatural, and against the real will of life, it is bound to stand out, if we are looking.

siriansun ago

Are you in the same time zone?

oiseaulibre ago

I'm in Central, but the google screen shot and article are in Eastern.

siriansun ago

Merci free bird!

oiseaulibre ago

Je vous en prie!

unbiased_researcher ago

I think it must be a glitch in Google news feed. I found the same thing at yahoo's news feed for NBC Washington.

ChronicMathDebater ago

If so, then there must be more than one glitch happening, and not just on Google's end. This is from 00:00:00 UTC on December 4th. I'm assuming some bot went and archived this at midnight, but this is something that needs an explanation.

It is altogether possible that there's an interesting series of glitches happening here, but I'd like someone to explain this.

DarkOne ago

I tip my Deerstalker to you sir. well done.

DarkMath ago

A quick search of google and we find Edgar Maddison Welch isn't your average red neck. He's an actor and is into writing screen plays for low budget movies. Weird, isn't James Alefantis into low budget movies? ;-)

r3dtr1x ago

lol @ his IMDB!

HarveyKlinger ago

I don't have an IMDB :(

something_went_wrong ago

Then you're probably not going to get any acting gigs. Even Orlando, FL shooter had a profile on IMDB.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

These people will rot in hell! Anybody covering up for these bastards need to go down!

LtSilverFox ago

Take the rest of the day off brother we will take it from here

SsupGuys ago

Saving meta from the article:

<meta property="article:published_time" content="2016-12-04T16:10:18-05:00" />

<meta property="article:modified_time" content="2016-12-04T21:08:26-05:00" />

<meta property="og:updated_time" content="2016-12-04T21:08:26-05:00" />

go1dfish ago

Publish date is likely set in the CMS to determine when the article is to be released.

May be when setting a date/current date that it sets the time to a specific time in the morning.

I think this is more likely than the more conspiratorial explanation.

SsupGuys ago

I'm not entirely sure if washingtonian is using wordpress, but every CMS including wordpress set the publsihed time when you START writing an article or SAVE it the first time. This has nothing to do with the time to actually publish an article, it would be also pretty odd to specify an article to the exact second it's supposed to be published.

Anyway, as written/edited, I think it's just a bug on the side of google since the time on article seems to be around an hour after the incident happened.

Malignment ago

Time discrepancy is on yahoo and i imagine other search engines too?

Malignment ago

I think they use Wordpress:

SsupGuys ago

The server time might not be using Eastern Time...


This is odd... when searching for the article on normal search, it still displays the article as 10 hours ago, when you search by news it now shows as 5 hours ago. Did They fix something there?


I was wrong... I'm sorry for confusing anybody but the time I fetched from the archived page was actually from the archived page itself (dating December 05). The lead was wrong so I'm actually more into thinking this is simply a timezone fuckup on googles side.

Freemasonsrus ago

Thank u! I asked about this up top and this helps explain a bit more.

MeatballPizza ago

I'm confused.

The cops said this had "nothing to do with Pizzagate" was the first story.

Now EVERY story is blaming Pizzagate.


quantokitty ago

Exactly. I think what we have is a seriously botched false flag. The paid actor didn't say his lines right so at first people were reporting real news. Then a mysterious worker in the kitchen breaks the whole case open by alleging the gunman walked into the kitchen talking about tortured children and tunnels. Then there's the camera turned the wrong way.

brokencookie ago

This is how they do these events, with built in layers of contradictory components. The longer you're in this, the more you'll see it. It's one of their calling cards.

MadMonkey ago

The cops made a statement that the suspect (Edgar Maddison Welch, 28, of Salisbury, North Carolina) apparently said he did it for Pizzagate.

MeatballPizza ago

Does seem exactly what they wanted - make Jimmy Comet a victim.

NotAnIdiot ago

And make anyone that believes this stuff look crazy.

ByTheBook ago

When you deny it, you give it credence. You put into people's minds the two concepts and they are now associated.

Chance903 ago

Excellent, you and one other guy found this infomation, GREAT JOB.

MAGABoomer ago

That's some great sauce....more people tweet to the journo and make a record of this on his/her page!

jurneythrusnd ago

I just got blocked by the writer of the article on twitter asking him about this. Putting out a video soon exposing them!

ginganinja ago

What if he doesn't want to dignify you with a response and doesn't care about the fallout of blocking some Joe Schmoe wearing a tinfoil hat?

wroughtchild ago

I was instantly blocked as well! You would think they wouldn't slip-up like this? Thank God for human error.. Excellent catch OP

duerheltdum ago

I'd block crazy too.

llm2016 ago

His twitter link please.

Wellwerefucked ago

So we just proof of a Disinformation false flag?

happy_snek ago


Freemasonsrus ago

Google's system is run by a bot, I believe. Meaning it archives things as a new edit has occurred or new article is posted. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong) So a cached page for instance doesn't necessarily display the correct time it was originally posted if there has been an update. For instance, it could be posted at 9am, edited at 10am, and therefore the bots records would be the 10am grab.

Here's a theory someone with more knowledge maybe able to dispute or enlighten on. If an article was posted to a site in a password protected area for distribution later, (I write article, save to site to post at a later time), would the article then have a posted time stamp of the original upload into the password protected area or is time stamp associated with time it went "public". My thinking is that they wouldn't be ballsy enough to post it hours ahead of time, but they would prepare it and have it ready to be posted publicly. So the only catch would be the bot catching the original version as the time stamp. Any thoughts?

RecycledUser ago

I posted a YT link from tonight, that a long-timer created, showing how searching on G for CPP, now has the 'NEWS' tab removed. It's there for other searches, but not for that....

AreWeSure ago

yeah, I think you would have to have some knowledge of the web content management system for that site.

And I have heard of this type of thing happening before.

Google search let's you run searches for specific dates, so you can do something like search for person before they hit the news.....otherwise your search results are all recent events. I have noticed that this doesn't also work and you end up with a lot of hits outside the specific dates you entered.

Freemasonsrus ago

Scratch the time of article for a min... I think it's much more interesting that the people who pointed out the discrepancy were blocked on Twitter. If this was an honest article, (meaning it was written after the incident), why not address those concerns? I would actually be motivated as a newspaper or reporter to get to the bottom of that to make sure my integrity wasn't threatened. It proves two things 1) they don't care if there are people who trust them and 2) they're more interested in blocking dissenting opinions than engaging them and proving their side of things.

llm2016 ago

Excuses. That's my thought.

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

Well, well. That's enough proof for me. This rabbit hole is INFINITE. I am seriously wondering if all this "crazy" shit about a shadow government s real. I cannot believe that the power of child sex has this much power over those with the most power on Earth.

Mr_Wolf ago

up next conspiracy theories about DIA are in fact true and the facility is used to store and move around children.

pizzahthrowaway ago

Understand that not every single person in power indulges in this but all the ones who dont use it as blackmail and specifcally install blackmail-able leaders.

stickittotheman ago

Welcome to the Matrix Neo. This is stuff people have been trying to expose for many years.

scvoon ago

For God so loved the world that He sacrificed his only son for Man's salvation.

Don't mean to knock Christianity, but child killing and abuse is woven deep into the power structures of our society, so satanic-pedo rings shouldn't surprise anyone.

UglyTruth ago

The original text has gave, not sacrificed. The Pauline doctrine of vicarious atonement isn't supported by the prophets of Judaism. Rome was big on infanticide, Judaism not so much.

scvoon ago

Sure, but "gave" His only son to what purpose?

Infanticide is slightly different from child sacrifice. But I guess Jews wouldn't know anything about that, or would they?

UglyTruth ago

According to Isaiah his purpose was to spread knowledge:

... taketh away the sin of the world. John 1:29

... by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. Isaiah 53:11

The doctrine of vicarious atonement by death and resurrection originated with Paul, who contradicted himself about his appointment as an apostle (Acts 9, 22, 26)

AnUnconcernedCitizen ago

I wasn't going to register on Voat, and I wasn't going to say anything, but I could not resist the temptation.

One, this has been going on since literally forever. From Ancient Rome, to the aristocratic libertines of the 18th and 19th centuries, up until now. These people have such microscopic peckers, only extra-tight nine-year-old poontang and little boy assholes will satisfy them. Just ask Marc Dutroux and his cronies.

Two, human trafficking is a business worth $32 billion a year. Criminal thugs don't just pluck little kids from the streets for free, as some kind of hobby. They do it for money, on behalf of the select clientele who can afford to pay enough to offset the substantial personal and legal risk involved in kidnapping. Compare it to other illicit products. I mean, narcotics are a high-volume item, relatively speaking. Joe Sixpack might be able to afford a little meth or crack now and then, but who other than mob bosses, politicians and moneyed elites can afford to buy children? Our children?

Three, you guys will never find a smoking gun. These people are rich, and they're very practiced at this. The second those e-mails leaked, I bet you dollars to donuts that within 48 hours, they had "cleaners" go over their dens of debauchery with bleach and peroxide. There is no evidence. It's gone. Vaporized. Before there was even a controversy about the contents of the e-mails, they were covering their tracks. Nonetheless, there are leads, and there is still some hope that you guys might pick up the trail. They got sloppy, this time.

And people wonder why I don't go out my front door. There are too many goddamned humans outside.

standalone ago

Since times immemorial, the people has always be submissive and obedient, and the elite has always considered it to be their divine right to dispose of human beings under their authority as they saw fit. This is the very definition of power. This is the way power expresses in nature. The dominant alpha male in the pack can rape, kill, hurt or ban on a whim any other member of the pack, males, females or youngs alike, and gets to enjoy the best of everything from food to shelter while everyone else gets the bread crumbs. The other members of the pack will usually strive to do anything they can to please the dominant male, notably by themselves bullying other weaker members to establish a pecking order. This usually gets them some advantages like the right to mate or have priority access to food left over.

The elite has always strived to maintain this privilege through the ages. They did it in the open so long as it worked. Once the people started questioning their divine right and getting restless, the elites just staged revolutions, had a few fall guys beheaded and a couple more lynched by the crowd, started concealing their activities, setup some shadow communication channels that naive and god fearing crowds would not dare look into, and created a narrative to make people feel like they were now in control and the old elite was gone. Since that time, nothing has changed. The elite has been enjoying their privilege the very same way as they ever did, raping, tormenting and killing on a whim, and getting away with it.

Pizzagate is the Nth time they are exposed, but they don't care because so far they always managed to clean up the mess by having it covered up, killing a few strategic people, and if that was not enough setup a fall guy to deflect the anger of the crowds or divert the attention with some staged crisis or some phony scandal.

We have our shot at trying to expose them for good this time around. But it's important to understand that they are used to dealing with that kind of situation, as can be seen by the careless way they handle the current situation.

bdiminishedminor7 ago

Good post. Over the last few weeks, I've been breaking my head over the very persistent elite/pedophilia-connection. Your statement is absolutely true: this has been going on since forever. But why?

1) Is the pedophilia part of some "you're in the club" rite-of-passage, by which you can prove to yourself and others that you are capable of any depraved act that being in a position of power will sometime require you to commit? In the Bohemian Grove, there's the "Cremation of Care"-ceremony which seems to resonate with this concept. As a leader, you will have to decide on the fate of millions, and not have second thought about, for example, bombing innocent civilians. Care or empathy is only a distraction; so is the ritual childrape intended to make a person immune to compassion?

2) Are pedophiles automatically driven to positions of power because they don't have a natural outlet for their libido? People in general tend to underestimate the tremendous driving force of testosterone, because we like to think of ourselves as rational and free-willed human beings. The truth is that we are still very much controlled by all the primal forces that are very much embedded in our hardware, the most powerful being fear and libido. More and more research shows that in many cases leaders and alfa-males can be seen as sublimated psychopaths, whose high testosterone levels make them agressive, fierce, dominant and without empathy or remorse. Is this what drives a relatively high number of pedophiles to positions of power, where they find out that they're not alone up there?

3) Or to these top-pedophiles breed new top-pedophiles? It is a disturbing fact that, for example, women that have been raped during chilhood will, more often than not, develop a taste for BDSM in later life, because, sadly, that is how their introduction to sex aligned them. So, if top-pedohpiles really rape their own children, the changes are that these kids will grow up to become pedophiles themselves, because that is how they were sexually programmed. Furthermore, these children will have access to a huge network of other (pedo-)people in power, undergo the same rituals in university together, and grow up to play a role in the next generation of the power elite.

4) Do the top-pedophiles believe that their ritualized childrape grants them some kind of occult power? To fully understand and explain this line of thinking would take a huge post, but let me suffice by stating that the myths of Osiris, Isis, Horus and Seth are taken very very seriously in many occult systems, as they serve as a template for creating rituals. In short: the principle of how the union of the Male (Osiris) and the Female (Isis) produces a Child (Horus) is seen as the basic mechanism of creation itself ie. the method God uses to "make creation happen". People seeking to dictate their will on creation (ie. make their own creation happen), study this mechanism to find out if there is some kind of loophole by which the natural process of creation can be "hacked" to produce the result of the magicians' bidding.

Often, only the original myth of Osiris and Isis is mentioned (where Osiris is cut up in 14 pieces by his jealous brother Seth, and Isis ressurrects Osiris by putting all the pieces back together again. However, the last piece, his penis, was thrown in the river and eaten by a fish. Remember that picture of John Podesta with the fish and the 14?), but there are other myths as well, in which Horus is raped and nutured by Seth, and Seth looses one testicle to Horus etc. etc. (Hitler is said to have lost one testicle in a ritual ... just a side note). So, if the Child is the natural result as produced by Divine creation, set to influence creation the way the Divine intended, is raping the Child the way to distort this process and influence creation the rapist intends?

Of course, I'm not saying it actually works that way, but it does seem that this is what these people believe to be true.

AnUnconcernedCitizen ago

This does have some Freemason and occult hallmarks. Some resemblance to the practices in Thelema as codified by Aleister Crowley and his ilk. You should also look into John Dee and his practices. In a way, what its practiced today is ultimately an abandonment of those more "enlightened" teachings of the Gnostics, and a return to ancient, primitive kinds of sacrifice. Speaking of which, you know what else the Freemasons do? Ritual murders. The Jack the Ripper murders were a magical ritual intended to inscribe a specific shape or sigil on the ground. So were the DC Sniper shootings, if you recall the "caught like a duck in a noose" trigger word that made the suspects nod off in their car in an area where they'd be easily discovered, after they spent ages eluding police detection while they picked off their human sacrifices. They've gotten better at it over the years. They now use mind-controlled puppets instead of co-conspirators, because they're easier to dispose of in an era of DNA evidence and advanced forensics.

Do I believe in magic or the supernatural? No, I do not. I believe in science and natural laws. Do I believe that the elites employ black magic, and that they conduct rituals - including child molestation and human sacrifice - that they believe will confer longevity, success, wealth, or other supernatural boons to them? Yes, quite possibly. But hey, it's their delusion, not mine.

AaronDover ago

It's the Jews, not the humans you need to worry about. Take it from me, I was born Jewish.

0xFFF ago

3) you are giving them way to much credit. .

thatguyiam ago

Three, you guys will never find a smoking gun.

Cat's out of the bag. You are way too pessimistic. Just wait a little longer, they sell silk rope as well.

LtSilverFox ago

Yea sure and like elites are going to put pedo sex rings on hold. They been doing it forever. I'm sure they got an island out there voat hasn't exposed lol

algernon4peace ago

Pedo'sta and John Kerry seems quite fond of Antartica

DoughMallet ago

It's the Clinton Foundation that will bag them. This is evidence of how out of touch they are. Sure, a lot of people are investigating Pizzagate... but the ones who really understand are looking at TCF.

Htaed ago

How can you think a shadow govt is crazy? LOL

brokencookie ago

Oh it's real alright. Enjoy your red pill.

CosmicSponge ago

@brokencookie how many years now? can we officially call this vindication?

TheGettysburgAddress ago

All snakes.

MAGABoomer ago

Get as many people as you can to tweet the author making a record of it on his/her page. Fire with fire...and really great job catching this!

thicktail1730947 ago

Don't spam "as many people as you can". It'd be far more effective to get a slow drip of people over time. Eventually someone will get an answer. Fight fire with water - flowing and persistent.

vector3rector ago

When possible, cut out its oxygen supply.

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

I'm blocked now too. Only reason to block instead of answering our questions is if he has something to hide.

MAGABoomer ago

Yeah, it's the blocking that's odd. That sort of thing only leads to Streisand.

Koched_Up404 ago

Well done getting those screen grabs! ARCHIVE

Millennial_Falcon ago

Hi jacking to say I think this was debunked in another thread posted by same user. Apparently this is a known Google bug and has to do with the server being in a different time zone.

Koched_Up404 ago

Thanks for the clarification. Cheers

justiceforever ago

Link to other thread?

MeatballPizza ago

Was Wikipedia updated like this as well? They had the WaPo story added there damn fast...