Silverlining ago

Congratulations on your initiative.

matheasysolutions ago


Mellowmountain ago

love the mes series. and nice work on cracking the

matheasysolutions ago

thanks!! And sweet Vault 7 graphic you made!

Mellowmountain ago

the vault is too heavy... their ship will sink !

matheasysolutions ago

haha oh the ship will definitely sink!!

ben_matlock ago

Nice job, but perhaps your series shouldn't be so reliant on the McCann Case...plenty of other evidence out there to make a strong impression on the genpublic.

matheasysolutions ago

Thanks! I wasn't planning to spend more than just a video or two on the McCann case but the rabbit hole just gets deeper. My philosophy is to go about everything as a lawyer so that the conclusions I make from each video are very hard to argue against. Also, I am going where ever the facts take me, while illustrating how the media has been covering up and lying for many years now.

So while I am moving a bit slow on the McCann case, I have noticed a lot of misinformation spreading about it, which the media has used to discredit alternative McCann case narratives, as well as New York Times and Snopes using the misinformation to try to "debunk" #PizzaGate.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I haven't watched the vids yet, but I just have to chime in on that note. It's crucial to understand what we're in the middle of. This is an open source investigation, so anybody can participate, and that means the good, the bad, and the guilty. It is virtually guaranteed that disinfo will be sown. It is also virtually guaranteed that misinfo (which is just disinfo which someone believed) will be spread. There is no effective quality control mechanism. Therefore, it is absolutely to be expected that there will be bogus elements within the investigation. This is true regardless of whether or not any particular suspicion or accusation is true. The reason for that is that even if everything were false, trolls would still sow disinfo just to troll. (Trolls gonna troll!) So the existence of some false elements proves absolutely nothing whatsoever.

There is a saying that an argument has not been defeated until it has been refuted in its strongest form. This is essentially the flip side of logical fallacy. Pushing a fallacy is not refuting an argument in its strongest form, and thus it is not effective in defeating the argument. All it can do is muddy the waters. Ultimately, in a fair fight, logical fallacies backfire on the one deploying them. That is one goal in this fight: destroy all remaining credibility of those who have pushed the false narrative of PG being "fake news". The liars should be ground into fine powder -- rhetorically speaking, of course.

Now off to watch your vids.

matheasysolutions ago

Thanks for the well written comment! You make great points, and it is this kind of reasoning that I wished more people had. The mainstream media has no incentive to push this kind of reasoning to the masses, which is why they attack straw men arguments while being completely absent in covering real and incriminating evidence. PG is the tipping point and it appears the media is on an all out assault because they know that once the dam breaks, their credibility will forever be destroyed, as well as widespread calls for prosecution of those that pushed the "fake news" narrative to cover-up the most unthinkable evil.

Let me know if you have any questions about my videos!! :)