44NJ9 ago

"Do you think I'd be better at chess on red wine than on white wine?

That still makes no sense.

And as I said before, pizza for an hour I get. The other one no way.

Ushil ago

The debunkers still didn't explain to me how the handkerchief map is supposed to be a joke.

reasonedandinformed ago

Trying to get LSM, wikipedia, CTR trolls to answer to some of the most damaging facts/implications will not happen. They will cherry pick things they know not to be true (as insiders) or things that they feel can have reasonable other explanations. They will bend over backwards to provide dozens of alternative interpretations of various facts rather than acknowledging the SINGLE pattern that explains the totality of the evidence...as their goal is to dissuade, dismiss, deny, and [falsely] debunk.

huhWHAThuh ago

Their definition of debunked is saying no it isn't.

reasonedandinformed ago

That is the working definition used by CTR, such as @PizzaGateIsRetarded, who has been active in this thread. He will selectively try to pick apart individual pieces within the fabric of the evidence, often with glaring oversights or sleight-of-hand, and he will then use it as a tool to discredit the whole effort. Basically, it works like this for them. You have 10 facts or implications. They pick two that they consider the "weakest" (more hypothetical). They claim to refute...but an analysis shows that they themselves are making assumptions in their own claim. It is often on something that is not provable one way or the other. They will deliberately avoid the information that is too hard to disprove or argue. After falsely claiming to have disproven these two items, they then claim the whole thing is debunked. If police departments operated this way, we would never see an arrest. The facts and implications need to form a theory, pursued by investigation to build the case or retire the lead. If the theory is on target, the investigation uncovers more damaging facts (sometimes irrefutable), often needing a subpoena or surveillance to capture the best data. Only then do you have the kind of proof needed to go to trial and convict. The lying debunkers want to stop ANY investigation. They are insiders and know the truth. This is why they are fighting this so hard, and this is why they constantly push the lie that there is nothing here to investigate, move on you obsessed tin-foil hats. The mission of CTR is to dissuade, discourage, and discredit to stop the effort to investigate and cause those not informed to not look. They will supplement this with deliberately-planted lies to misdirect, waste resources, paint us as haters/racists, and/or to be able to point to this bad information as proof that it is debunked. They also use their efforts to help control the results people see when searching and to scrape the front page of results of damaging leads and theories.

huhWHAThuh ago

Yes. zone in on clear facts No investigation starts with all the details clearly established. That's the point of investigation. Their aim is to dissemble and create confusion, and raise issues that need further investigation. Stay clear, move forward, and don't take the bait. They are practiced at their craft.

SWED ago

I will buy those explanations, but please explain "handkerchief with a pizza related map on it". I am eagerly awaiting your reply.

SWED ago

What always gets me is looking back at the Franklin Scandal. There is little doubt that child trafficking/abuse was going on in that case and NO ONE was EVER prosecuted over it. If this stuff was going on back then and those people were NEVER STOPPED, why would anyone believe that it hasn't continued? Like people that sick are going to have some attack of conscience or something.

DeathToMasons ago

It is old news that Snopes is an establishment damage control disinfo site. We know about the Mickelson's. This is all getting redundant. All corporate media is propaganda. No need to bring this up anymore, I think it is well known in here even by the new crowd. Water is wet. But upvote anyhow.

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

Standard operating procedure. Just the other day, leftwingers colluded on the term 'without proof' for Trump's Obama gate. This despite proof published of Obama seeking FISA requests, tapping Rosen, AP, Merkel, Climate deniers and a dozen more.

reasonedandinformed ago

Right. Fair reporting would say "without providing proof," quite a different meaning than "without proof." I discussed this very issue with SO this am.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thanks for your input, James...or is this Brock?

reasonedandinformed ago

Right. A claim of false/fake is conclusive...enough evidence to label this as untrue. Calling it unsubstantiated/worthy of investigation is very fair. A large part of what we have uncovered is factual, with the theories about the broader pedo activity reasonable implications that REQUIRE investigation. Without warrants or connections to Obama to conduct surveillance of this place, there is a limit to what we can know, so we are left with lots of disturbing facts and connections but no proof. By the way, this is EXACTLY what the police have when they start an investigation. They investigate for further evidence to PROVE the hunch/theory. The behavior of the media, police, and CTR serve as some of the strongest evidence that most of our theories are probably right on target.

NatashaFatale ago

Get with the program. Pizzagate has been debunked. Alex Jones invented it and he believes 9/11 never happened. I read it in the Boston Globe.


reasonedandinformed ago

Yes, you could have read the EXACT same debunking from almost any major newspaper. The story was: "The tin-foil hats claim Hillary was running a pedo ring in the basement of Comet Ping Pong. Hillary has never set foot in this restaurant, which does not have a basement. This means that the conspiracy is unsubstantiated and makes this whole thing fake news." Regurgitate...repeat.

Next story: "Now it is time to focus on Trump colluding with the Russians, helping them to reveal sensitive emails that we would never try to show to the public. It was very damaging to Hillary and was not fair, so we should get a do-over election. If that does not work, we need to impeach Trump, who is clearly a Russian spy. While we do not have proof of this, trust us on this as we are looking out for you!"

Next story: "Trump has fabricated a lie that Trump Tower was wire tapped. Our insiders have told us the technique they used to gather information on Trump and his people was not wire tapping but computer surveillance, so his tweet was a lie. On top of that, Obama says that he did not ORDER any surveillance, so this is another Trump lie. We know that Obama never lies, and we are sure he was not parsing words by saying he did not order rather than saying that this did not happen. We need a special prosecutor to investigate Trump's sworn allegiance to Russia and his lies to undermine the previous President."

The corporate media is far more interested in proving their false narratives than in actually investigating the fake news about kids being victimized, which we all know never happens.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. They create these red-herrings to cause auto dismissal. NYT wrote: Pizzagate conspirators allege that "Comet Ping Pong was the home base of a child abuse ring led by Hillary Clinton..." No one has EVER claimed that Hillary was running anything out of CPP. Another one is that we insist they "operated a pedo ring out of a basement," with Alefantis claiming this to be impossible as there is no basement in CPP. First, pizzagate is not somehow wed to the idea of operations in the basement. Secondly, if a basement is involved, Alefantis has easy access to a basement two doors down at his Buck's Camping & Fishing Place. He had actually referenced storing supplies in the basement in a 2015 article. The idea that a lack of a basement, which may or may not be relevant to this whole thing, somehow debunks pizzagate is wrong on many levels, but that is the simplicity of the narrative used to debunk. The media will take known truths (such as Clinton was not RUNNING things at CPP) and then create an easily destructed straw man argument that purports this probable falsehood as the central basis of the investigation. They do it all the time: Witness playing with ideas such as "wire taps" and "Obama did not order" as cover for the truth that there appears to have been surveillance of Trump, about which Obama was clearly aware, even if it cannot be proven that he directly ordered such. It is all about spin and distortion rather than a desire to get to the truth. The last thing the media want to do is expose the corruption of the elites. One thing is very clear: The goal of the corporate media is simply protection of the elites, whether they themselves are part of this pedo sickness, are compromised in some way, are controlled by government forces, or have other motives. It helps to explain why there has been silence for decades when these pedo scandals involving the elite break...why the leftist media pay little attention when a GOP head like Hastert is nailed for pedo activity...and why they are doing all they can to subvert our current efforts in revealing the truth of #PedoGate (my preferred term).

Z11Mama ago

Because most of us hear so much of this, so often, it can become overwhelming. This excellent, to the point, well laid out post is very much appreciated by the passionate researchers like myself. Thank you.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you. I appreciate the nice feedback. I feel my role is to compile things more into big picture posts as there are SO MANY leads that are relevant, virtually all of which are totally ignored by the shill media. My main purpose on this is try to improve outreach to the general public who have no idea about what we have discovered.

juhos ago

Silsby is definitely one of those subjects they doesn't even want to mention. What happened there, did Hillary save her and why the hell AlertSense would hire her after all that? Child stealer working for company that delivers Amber Alerts? It's insane.

reasonedandinformed ago

Absolutely. I will flesh this out a bit in one of my key questions. Thanks!

ihavenocomment ago

Why are they debunked? Wikipedia, Snopes are 100% CIA operations. Jimmy Wales, the so-called founder of Wikipedia, he was a porn producer before Wikipedia. Corporate Media and the CIA are pretty much one in the same.

reasonedandinformed ago

You are more knowledgeable than 99% of the public, but we are changing this every day. Our main goal right now has to be massive outreach. Write #pedogate voat on all cash, stick it on omni-present Post-It Notes, Sharpie it on bathroom walls and stalls...

bopper ago

You lost, you're cooked, you stink above ground around here pedophile. POTUS is coming after you. Flee.

Downvote the shill above me. Correct the Record Shill.

reasonedandinformed ago

This thread bothered them as they hit it with two recent CTR trolls (@PizzaGateIsStoopid and @PizzaGateIsRetarded) who they think are effective. It is so transparent that their agenda is to caution troll and discredit any idea related to this topic.I love how they select small portions of the big picture to try to cast doubt, but they cannot possibly discredit the totality. The only way to the truth is a full investigation. The active opposition to this by corporate media and law enforcement serves as more evidence. They conducted surveillance on a presidential candidate on a "hunch" yet are unwilling to investigate this place for the safety of kids, despite all of the red flags and a computer on which a hacker found loads of CP behind a password-protected wall.

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

I'm the same person. Voat doesn't let you respond more than ten times a day on a new account. I never had any reason to use Voat before I took an interest in Pizzagate. At first, I thought it was compelling. Then I dug deep enough to realize that most of it is retarded bullshit.

You asked for answers, I gave you answers. The truth is that you don't want answers, you don't want explanations. You want to be right.

You can't even argue against the answers I gave you! All you care about is the fact that I have an insulting username.

The only way to the truth is a full investigation.

The only way to get a full investigation is to have something worth investigating. The problem is that you and most other people here don't understand how evidence works, you don't understand how burden of proof works. You've been hornswaggled into believing a really creative (and superficially compelling) but very shoddy pile of nonsense that doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

It is so transparent that their agenda is to caution troll and discredit any idea related to this topic.

Uh, no, I talk shit on the really retarded threads and I offer arguments which have yet to be proven unsound on the ones that seem like they might be asking for legitimate counter-arguments to the conspiracy.

If using logic and reason is a way to discredit something, then it means the thing being discredited is illogical and unreasonable. That's how this works.

Keep playing the Shill Card with everyone who disagrees with you. See how close that gets you to being taken seriously by the media, or the feds, or whoever it is you're trying to convince.

jpickle ago

I sent 'Snopes' some feedback on their main pizzagate article yesterday, will update if I get a reply, which I don't expect to, since I barely cloak my disgust for these shills. They've been disinforming since at least 9/11/01.


WotTheFook ago

When Snopes and Wikipedia are your 'reliable sources' then you now that you're screwed. Informed source = the man in the pub. Reliable source = dog owned by the man in the pub. Reliable witness = friend of the dog owned by the man in the pub. Unimpeachable source = wife of the friend of the dog owned by the man in the pub

Maybe I missed my calling in life and should have been a journalist... Nah! I'm not primordial slime...

V____Z ago

Also the disinfo. The New York Times made up the claim that "pizzagate" is the belief that Hillary Clinton runs a child abuse ring out of Comet pizza.

Asked 3 months ago for the source of this claim, no response yet. https://twitter.com/ThankYouBernie/status/801277767438499844

reasonedandinformed ago

Thanks for trying. A lot of these articles have disabled their comments since they found they were overwhelmed with criticism by knowledgeable/skeptical people that exposed them.

dougG ago

To me, a strong believer in elite pedophilia, the dominoes/pasta email is the weakest representation of a code. If you notice, in many other emails podesta mentions dominoes in a very normal way, he is obviously a fan of the game as there are also pics of him playing. Its just a weird way of saying something akin to "Do you think I'll be better playing poker on licquor or beer" Not a shill, not a debunker, just a fellow truther.

GeorgeT ago

They use the 'debunked' instead of dismissed. Psyop. They debunked 9-11 conspiracy even though we have tv fakery right in front of us for anyone to analyze!

reasonedandinformed ago

The term "debunked" is supposed to mean that they have substantiated the disapproving of the case. In fact, they have not even bothered to look into it at all. "Fake news" is a phrase that should mean that such identified news has been proven to be false. Instead, the LSM (lamestream media) applies this label to anything about which they wish the public to ignore and which the MSM will actively censor and block, in spite of its truth. Laughably, much of what the corporate media report is itself provably fake news. The Russian hacking of our election is a perfect example. They have made no effort to investigate the death of Seth Rich, the actual leaker to Wikileaks from the DNC based on suggestions made by Assange.

GeorgeT ago

They never addressed pedophile logos. The fact that Besta Pizza changed its logo after the pizzagate broke. Why would a pizza parlor change its logo?

reasonedandinformed ago

Right. They really never addressed ANY of the major questions that I listed in the post, and there are MANY more questions I could not list just to give the post some focus.

GeorgeT ago

Is James Alifantis a tad more than just a pizza parlor owner? If no, how the hell did he visit White House 5 times?!

reasonedandinformed ago

Right...and owns all these properties..and gets fawning media defending him without questions for a "non story," followed by a false flag event staged for sympathy and an excuse to remove the damaged computer that housed CP. The police falsely claim to have investigated (FOIA exposed), and then they say that they cannot use the hacked CP but fail to raid the place in spite of this. Sure, all of this would happen for a simple pizza restaurant owner.

rooting4redpillers ago

This is excellent. Some of your bullet points are exactly what Megyn Kelly SHOULD have asked Alefantis in her joke of an interview. I'd almost be inclined to add the bullet point: Why did Megyn Kelly deliberately exonerate James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong in that interview?

Thank you for this work. (Note: it's Monica Petersen)

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. She was actually fed virtually all of the questions outlined, except the ones related to the DC police FOIA request and action by Holder to protect a pedo attorney, discovered a bit later. Everything else was posted onto her Twitter by people from Voat prior to her PR piece with JA, proving that she had no interest in asking questions or getting answers. She did a book launch at Politics & Prose at the time. Her fawning interview, filled with pity for poor JA the victim, revealed her to be fully compromised.

comeonpeople ago

Why did Eric Holder not fire and press charges against the AUSA who was found with child porn, which one researcher connected to Arun Rao, who is supposed to handle child crimes in the area where CPP is located and who "liked" many of the sickening instagram posts by JA?

There is no reason whatsoever to think that was Arun Rao. That employee left in 2011, Arun Rao was there 2010-2012 and then from 2013 to present.

Why will the corporate media not cover any of the major pedo busts that have happened historically and since Trump took office, asking why there has been such an explosion of these AFTER Obama left office when cases take time to build?

There has not been any explosion of pedo busts after Obama, and as you say, since cases take time to build, many if not most of the busts that have taken place were the result of investigations launched under Obama.

44NJ9 ago

The one phrase more than any other that I want answered is, "would I be better playing dominos on pizza than pasta?"

Say whatever you want about torture room or pizza for an hour. I want to specifically know what dominos on pizza than pasta means!

huhWHAThuh ago

I think i have your answer. I'm working on the research now and soon will post. That was the most curious of the curious quotes i thought too.

awarenessadventurer ago

We know what it means.

rickman ago

I know there has been reports of children being present at Comet around 8 or 9pm. I have not seen any report or proof children have been present during any of the bands performing. I think its important to get these things right. The term All Ages Welcome doesn't mean children are welcome. It refers to venues who don't allow under 21s in. This exclusion means teens and young adults find it hard to see local live music when the venues rely heavily on alcohol sales.


Is it also a sinister joke that has a double meaning for a sicko like Alefantis? Probably. But its definitely not an advertisement for peoplel to bring their small children to watch Sex Stains or Heavy Breathing.

I do have an issue with these bands appearing in a venue that welcomes children anyway. The two demographics do not mix and I do not understand why someone would want such a duel purpose venue. But then Alefantis has proved he has no fondness or respect for children.

reasonedandinformed ago

There is abundant evidence of kids being present very late:

  • Voat post discussing kids being present at late hours while the band played: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1466152 (especially posts from Yelp)

  • Multiple investigators who have visited CPP documented that young children were running around at late hours (10 pm+), some unattended and often emerging from and returning to back rooms that were behind curtains. Sample thread: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1464801

rickman ago

The only comment I could see was that kids were around while they were making space for the bands. Doesn't mean the kids were there during the bands performance.

I'm aware kids have been seen late at night. I didn't know it was that late though.

reasonedandinformed ago

There were investigators that spent several hours there, late into the night, after this was first uncovered. There have been several posts about this on Voat, but I cannot find them as their search tool is very limited and does not pull up full results. However, they specifically mentioned kids coming in and out of the back rooms very late, after 10 pm. Many times the kids were not accompanied. They also described adults showing up late (for a young child), 9:30 pm or later, with kids and heading to the back rooms. Kids were very regularly moving in and out of the back rooms which are blocked by curtains. Maybe someone reading this can find the posts or videos, but there has been significant documentation of this.

rickman ago

I wonder if there is a good reason Alefantis has two restaurants close by. Parents drop their kids off at Comet. The "play" area. They then leave the kids and go into Buck's. Buck=paedophile and so Buck's would be the meeting place for them. Parents then sit down to a dinner while the paedophiles go over to Comet to watch the kids.

Even if parents did this innocently. Staff tell them their kids are safe here if they want to go for a quieter meal at Bucks.

reasonedandinformed ago

The connection is not random. CPP gets far more attention, but Buck's is worth the same amount of focus. My thought has actually been that CPP is the transactional front and that some of the evil occurs at Buck's, which appears to have a basement. With the rooms hidden by curtains at CPP, anything is possible. There is also Pegasus Museum (not a real museum). JA threatened the investigator who posted videos about it linked the the "killroom."

Take a look at just this one thread on Buck's: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1466453, with the image being analyzed linked here: https://dcpizzagate.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/bucksfishing.jpg?w=768


Im going to try and link this on as many twitter feeds MSM media FB/Instagram sites that I can and everyone that reads this should to. Good simple questions that make the point clear THERE's SOME CHICANERY GOING ON IN THE ELITE CIRCLES

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you!

vonHugenbuben ago

Kind of hard to debunk something that was never investigated.

LostandFound ago

Like Lana Del Ray they have opted for magic as a means to achieve their goals

reasonedandinformed ago

Yep. I'm trying to raise some of the key elements, with easy link, to highlight for people who are new to the investigation.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Use this analysis to help show skeptics claiming it "debunked" that little to nothing at all was actually debunked by these articles: https://aceloewgold.com/2016/11/26/the-new-york-times-snopes-was-pizzagate-debunked/

reasonedandinformed ago

Good analysis. The debunking started with a non effort by NYT and WaPo which then became a circular reference point for the claim it has been debunked. Someone new to this will realize that every single question raised was basically not even touched when 100s of media reports made the claim that this is "fake news."

JeremiahSinclair ago

Exactly. NYT, Snopes, and WaPo publish super lame non-debunkings, that are then re-reported elsewhere as if they actually did their job. To the lazy reader, it looked like an open and shut case, but even basic scrutiny completely deconstructs those original "debunking" articles as bogus, and therefore renders bogus all the other coverage that referenced them as the "proof." Truly pathetic, and sad how easy it is to create a narrative for the masses.

reasonedandinformed ago

That is why we are not afraid to link to every "article" or source that has claimed to debunk pizzagate. We will readily and confidently point those who are curious to the unsubstantiated claims by corporate media that pizzagate is "fake news" (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1580566)), exposing the fact that they lack any support. The MSM/LSM absolutely refuse to do the same when it comes to reporting on our claims as they do not want the public to be exposed to all that we have uncovered.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Heck yeah! Keep up the good work, brother (or sister, but assume brother from your writing style)!

reasonedandinformed ago

It is all fluid, right. :) It is funny how men and women write with different styles...not that there is anything wrong with that!

JeremiahSinclair ago

Of course!

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle
dcpizzagate.wordpress.com/ Pizzagate: A Window Into A Darker World
dcpizzagate.wordpress.com/ I'm Old to Voat, New to PizzaGate. Does anyone have a concise source with the best data gathered so far?
dcpizzagate.wordpress.com/ What is currently the single best resource I can use to red pill someone and read them in on Pizzagate?
dcpizzagate.wordpress.com/ Fully Sourced Executive Summary of Pizzagate Evidence
dcpizzagate.wordpress.com/ We need A Pizzagate Wiki
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1580566 Documentation of major deniers of pizzagate and those who propagate fake news (with links to prove their history of denial without substantiation)
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1580566 Collated ---- Media channels who have suppressed, censored or shunned Pizzagate
forbiddenknowledgetv.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/pizzagate-the-pizza-related-pedo.jpg Welcome to Pizzagate: Fully sourced, simply organized, summary and history of main findings (12/6)
pizzagate.wiki/images/3/31/Clint.png Wikipedia Silencing Pizzagate
pizzagate.wiki/images/3/31/Clint.png Someone isn't telling the truth about Edgar Maddison Welch. Evidence, timeline, and lots of links inside.
wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI_pedophile_symbols Children's Alliance Logo looks like Pedo Symbol
wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI_pedophile_symbols Swirl pedo symbol: isn't it supposed to have corners, not round?
wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI_pedophile_symbols FBI Pedophile symbols circunstancial evidence proved
wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI_pedophile_symbols "Boylove" logo found on Los Angeles County sheriff badge??!
wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI_pedophile_symbols Los Angeles Registered sex offender http://imgur.com/U0jIEac
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1504555 This must be pursued: Who and where is Caris James (#carisjames)? In the Megyn Kelly "interview," Alefantis claims that the child taped to the table was taped by her sister...what sister??
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1504555 This must be pursued: Who and where is Caris James (#carisjames)? In the Megyn Kelly "interview," Alefantis claims that the child taped to the table was taped by her sister...what sister??
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1504555 Alefantis's "Goddaughter"
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1504555 Carisoprodol (regarding Carisjames) is Soma. Obviously for gag reflex.
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1504555 deleted by user
heavybreathing.net/ "We all have our preferences" band Heavy Breathing song "all the children" Anything discernible?
heavybreathing.net/ Amanda Kleinman from Heavy Breathing
heavybreathing.net/ Washington Post provides cover for Heavy Breathing's Majestic Ape, Amanda Kleinman
heavybreathing.net/ Heavy-Breathing listed as a "friend" on cometpizza website disturbing "art"
heavybreathing.net/ Rock Video Heavy Breathing-U the One I Want Is that Alefantis at the 1:59 mark? Anyway, a Disturbing video
www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie2y5JA-CYY Take a step back and look at the supposed pedo code and its origins. hotdogs, chicken, pasta, etc.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZQxYQ49p0U&t=3s IMPORTANT regarding the Pegasus video
www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZQxYQ49p0U&t=3s The attached vid educates about the pedo ''culture'' and help us know who we're investigating (what to look for). Pedofiles have a different psycopathy which is sociopathic/psychopathic.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZQxYQ49p0U&t=3s What the hell - Pegasus and Watchtower Were ALSO Names for CIA Cocaine Operations
www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZQxYQ49p0U&t=3s James Alefantis made occult film, Chapel Perilous
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1525587 DC Police Chief Stands By James Alefantis and his Comet Ping Pong ...
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1525587 3 years ago Washington DC police were threatening to kill advocates exposing child ritual abuse & trafficking - testimony at council hearing
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1525587 Documentation of major deniers of pizzagate and those who propagate fake news (with links to prove their history of denial without substantiation)
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1525587 FOIA request reveals DC police NEVER actually investigated PizzaGate
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1655625 Pizzagate Smoking Gun! DC Police Coverup!
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1691963 AUSA who Eric Holder let off on child pornography charges appears to be Arun Rao, friend of Alefantis & Clinton.
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1472539 BREAKING: Mother of Monica Petersen says she DOES NOT BELIEVE her daughter committed suicide. Washington Post is covering this up.
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1472539 Orphanage staff confirms an undisclosed connection between Bill Clinton and the orphanage that child-trafficker Laura Silsby was given children from
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1472539 The Complete Guide to Monica Petersen's mysterious death in Haiti last week
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1472539 Monica Petersen link clearly references human trafficking which was downplayed by Main Stream media
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1472539 BREAKING: Mother of Monica Petersen says she DOES NOT BELIEVE her daughter committed suicide. Washington Post is covering this up.
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1644095 Massive Cover-up: Let's compile and tally the major pedo rings busted in the last few years...and the numbers charged...as proof that this issue is swept under the rug by TPTB/MSM.
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1697812 Mainstream media silent as 1,500 pedophiles arrested in the United States since Trump was elected
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1476934 This Norway pedophile story is THE CENTER of something huge. In addition to NYT, ABC, WAPO, I now see the Guardian (UK) took it down.
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1476934 Masterlist of Most Important Leads
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1476934 This Norway pedophile story is THE CENTER of something huge. In addition to NYT, ABC, WAPO, I now see the Guardian (UK) took it down.

Singleservename ago

I appreciate you trying to raise these questions but really we've moved beyond this long ago.

They have nothing, no refutations whatsoever except for Comet not having a basement - because it's at Buck's.

It's a big fat nothingburger to use the Clintonite terminology. Nothing about this has been addressed by any MSM except the CBS local affiliate whose reporter went dark immediately afterward.

It's a concerted cover-up, and there's no arguing with that. Their cards are all on the table.

AngB23 ago

Comet doesn't have a basement? Then in a magazine interview where JA states/brags how his sauce is fresh and "stores the tomatoes in the basement" was he referring to another establishments basement? Seems odd since the entire article was about Comet PP


reasonedandinformed ago

This has been debated. Since JA confidently claimed no basement to CPP, this may be a fact...but I don't trust that lying liar as a source anyway. Many think that he was referencing the basement at Buck's (two doors down). They can be easily accessed, whether through the parking lot or some underground connections...many discussions of the tunnel networks in that area. In fact, the original invitation to the launch party for CPP (http://artzeeeye.blogspot.com/2006/06/transformer.html)) literally tells invitees to "Enter through Buck's"...proving the point that a basement on-site at CPP is really irrelevant. It has never been a core issue, just an idea, but the fake debunking will try to take one or two items that are mentioned and make them the basis for the whole "conspiracy." Prove there is no basement at CPP, and you have proven the conspiracy to be false! The media really consider people to be too stupid or too lazy to critically assess what they write or say.

AngB23 ago

I agree with what you're saying but as we know and have seen, they will push back on anything brought up, try to debunk and claim it is all a conspiracy theory unless a damn video is produced with actual footage. Hell they'd even debunk that. Instead of worrying about them destroying us with what we know are facts, we need to push back and destroy them. There is no way they can silence us all.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. Our goal cannot be to convince the LSM as it will never happen. It should be to reach and convince the masses. Over time, the LSM will become obsolete, and #pedogate looks to be the issue that will convert them into a useless legacy. That was the whole purpose of this post.

44NJ9 ago

Personally, I think it's good to have hefty info compilations like this posted frequently because it catches people up to speed that are just finding out about it or choosing to look more deeply into. When all the articles they search are weeks or months old they may think his issue has been resolved, when it has not. It's good for them to see others still actively putting this out there and collecting data.

reasonedandinformed ago

I appreciate the feedback. That was literally my main goal as our top initiative right now is to build mass awareness/consciousness. There WILL BE a tipping point.

lynn1314 ago

I agree. Also some people are just waking up to all this and need a quick primer.


uh exactly. they cant answer these questions so hit them with these first and if you grab someones attention THEN you go deeper into all the shit thats going on with these FUCKS

reasonedandinformed ago

I get this. I made the post to hit new arrivals who may have no idea about the extent of what we have uncovered (high level), none of which the media or law enforcement has touched. Many of the summary posts require lots of reading, but a half-dozen bullets show both some key leads/findings and the fact that this has been 100% suppressed everywhere.

Proii_Pariah ago

The basement is at Buck's. So glad to hear someone else saying this.

Also, Pizzagate is NOT limited to Comet Ping Pong. Both of these things really need to be said much more often.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. International. #PedoGate. The CPP aspect is a snowflake on the tip of the iceberg.


No. Because they havent.