thezodiac ago

Wikipedia isn't the authority on anything. White there means young / virginal / fresh meat, and among pedos / traffickers this means young virgin, or child

I don't necessarily disagree, but I didn't see any source to back that. Am I supposed to go to a pedo ring to confirm the information? The only evidence I saw was a print screen from Wikipedia and a photoshopped White meaning there. Also there is the possibility that the colors don't have any meaning. We didn't even see the handkerchief.

"I had to end that shit. Euthenasia.", after talking about a pregnancy carried to term, which made it inedible. "Have you tried the special pizza? It has a taste like nothing you've ever tasted before."

Yes I agree that Majestic Ape is very creepy and she does say pedo-related and disgusting things.

 Hillary exhibits symptoms of Kuru virus, I might add

Can you show me the evidence for that?  

Myself, having lived a life harder than most, I'm confident we're onto a den of pedophiles here. Personally, I think CPP is just a place they enjoy pedo friendly atmosphere and entertainment, maybe arrange "play dates" to diddle each other's kids, use it as a front for payments / third party escrow, and possibly purchase blackmail material (see: pages on their website to download large encrypted files).

I agree

VieBleu ago

There is a solid source document listing symbols and code from FBI law enforcement, so how do you not know that?

Noctu ago

Sorry for the late reply, please link to the source material you speak of.


VieBleu ago

These are the first two that come up with a google of "FBI, pedo symbols, doc" There are more just look for it

Noctu ago

Thats the images, not the hot dog, walnut, etc..

"just look for it" is not proof enough

VieBleu ago

yes I think the discussion on the walnut etc was healthy and agree with the poster that put up the debunking of walnut and sauce especially. However the other words are known dark web words and my opinion is that the material was given precisely to the group it was given to because the FBI knew THEY wouldn't miss code words like cheese pizza, map, etc

Noctu ago

now you're just waffling incoherent opinion.

VieBleu ago

I'll look for it tomorrow

ababcb ago

Are we really going to argue with paid shills over whether or not we have this code language exactly correct? It's clearly code talk and digging just a little bit deeper revealed an obvious community of open pedophiles.

Noctu ago

Its interpreted, how do you have any factual evidence this 100% exactly correct? Link to your sources.

Who is a paid shill?

ababcb ago

"Pizza" is proven to be a pedophile code word and there are numerous very creepy videos on youtube that feature children confirming this.

thezodiac ago

Can you post the links?

Rightfight ago

this looks like possible dissinfo and diversion , but need confirmation

Stoptherot ago

The problem with code is you can use any words to mean anything, the idea is that most people shouldnt know wtf you are talking about. Unless you fancy taking a tour of the deep web and finding out for yourself what these people use. There isn't going to be some master code just words that have been known to be used for illegal things.

The code list and possibilities are endless, we've moved way beyond this.

ababcb ago

This account has been a member for less than 30 minutes.

Stoptherot ago

So. Are you a pedo sympathiser. The code was covered weeks ago, we are way past that you dumb cunt.

ababcb ago

Now you are a confirmed shill.

Stoptherot ago

Are you stupid or just cant read? We have looked beyond the code weeks ago, and have moved on to making connections and leads. Hope you enjoy that CTR money shillboy.

redberries ago

"Ping pong" was defined as "slang for child rape used by cataphiles (catacomb explorers) in 2004, as shown from the Wayback Machine.

"Hotdog" is slang for Haitian. This was also listed before the Wikileaks release.

People reject this claim by saying "Urban Dictionary" isn't a legitimate source. Unfortunately they can't quite grasp the concept that not every slang in the world is listed on Oxford Dictionary. This is because education has brainwashed them to think that anything the government or corporate media doesn't say is fake news.

Everyone who visited 4chan in the past knows that Cheese Pizza is Child Porn. EVERYONE. Literally, call up any friend who looks like they used 4chan and ask them. I'm genuinely surprised so many people are unaware of this.

You can visit dark web markets, and they precisely use "pizza slices" and other pizza/pasta lingo to sell their stuff. Further, we have recorded publications from legitimate news sources where "busted" child porn fronts were using "CP" acronyms such as "Computer Parts", to sell their products.

"MAP" is listed on Pedophile Wiki as "Minor Attracted Person". Look at the history of the entry, and you'd see this was entered in 2008. Legitimate pedophiles from Reddit also verify this.

thezodiac ago

Try a search for Ping Pong in Urban Dictionary. It can mean just about anything. It's a term for a threesome, or double penetration/fisting, masturbation and even drug use. So you basically choose the meaning to fit the narrative. I'm not saying that Comet Ping Pong is not suspicious. It is. It's just to show that these hidden meanings don't mean much.

About Comet Ping Pong, I think it's really a gay bar, not a family restaurant like they say they are. I think it's definitely a hot spot for gays and pedophiles.

redberries ago

I get it, but at the same time that would be the perfect front for a child-trafficking ring. Just make it appear to be another typical underground gay bar, so that you can scream "homophobic!" when any accusations are made.

The point is, this isn't something that should be completely dismissed. It's quite clear that these people are PEDOPHILES, based on their community. This isn't a conviction that they're CHILD-TRAFFICKERS, but they quite clearly are PEDOPHILES based on everything they've exposed about themselves. Heavy Breathing has direct references to pedophilia, and there's even recorded evidence of the crowd screaming their love for little boys. The art just reiterates the idea that they're pedophiles, too. Why aren't they admitting pedophiles, when their political stance is pushing pedophilia as a normal thing anyway? They should at least come out and admit their pedophilia, otherwise nobody is going to be convinced.

Pedophiles using pedophile lingo. That's basically it. More than enough to justify a full-fledged investigation into these people. If it was nothing, good. Otherwise....

thezodiac ago

I think Urban Dictionary is giving too much confirmation bias. Basically any word you put there will come up as some obscure nefarious slang. What we need to analyse is: is the term being used in an odd form without any context? If yes, it's code. If not, it's probably nothing.

redberries ago

What do you mean confirmation bias? It's simply a reference that establishes that this fits pedophile lingo, and isn't something made out of thin air.

What we need to analyse is: is the term being used in an odd form without any context? If yes, it's code. If not, it's probably nothing.

Dominos on pizza than on pasta, hankerchief with a map that seems pizza-related. Look at my other post.

thezodiac ago

Dominos on pizza than on pasta, hankerchief with a map that seems pizza-related. Look at my other post.

I agree those two are odd. But there are not so many emails that have odd phrases like these. So most code that was found is probably not code at all.

redberries ago

Yeah most of it could be legitimate pizza talks, but it's easy to hide a tree in a forest if you know what i mean.

thezodiac ago

"Hence no white on the list -- they're not openly criminals, but note that white was not assigned something else, just omitted..." Yeah but from where the meaning of white came from? Because it's clearly not Wikipedia. Looks like a stretch to fit the narrative.

especially "[likes] little boys... And children", "We all have our preferences..." About that, they were talking about Jared from Subway which is a pedophile. They were not at CPP in this video, btw. Even though it's very creepy, and it looks like it's an inner joke for the "insiders".

momadona ago

I have been saying this all along. Without examples of this code in use, it's all up to the reader to interpret it at will. The code is the cornerstone of this investigation. If the cornerstone won't hold up under intense scrutiny, it serves no purpose to us.

amCassandraAMA ago

it isnt anymore, no. This was the initial hint that started it, but we found enough already that totally qualifies as circumstantial evidence.

I'm totally okay with people not believing that this is codespeech, but that doesn't make the Podestas Artcollection go away. Neither will the amount of convicted sex offenders, or the public behaviour or Alefantis, or the connection to convicted child traffickers that now work in the government.

It also doesnt explain the spooky behaviour of totally different news sites reacting like one person.

thezodiac ago

I think we should post ALL the controversial emails and try to debunk one by one. If they stand heavy scrutiny, then it's probably code. The problem is: in most emails that are being talked about, some of them I don't think have code at all.

wellington33 ago

Man, if you were in 4chan 5-10 years ago when there were pedos all over /random, you know that cheese pizza means child porn. It has been like that for decades.

Go to the pedo magazines, talk or read to some anonymous pedos. Cheese Pizza = Child Porn.

thezodiac ago

I think it's time to have an honest and serious discussion about the codes, the masterlist is wrong and nobody talks about it.

speepsie ago

i think its in the nature of the list to be inaccurate... do you have any personal reason to doubt the list?

thezodiac ago

Yes I have: the list doesn't make any sense if you apply it to the emails.

speepsie ago

um as a veteran user of 4chan, and /b, i can assure you cheese pizza has always been the codeword for child pornography of little girls. they have the same accronyms, CP. my trust in that list is derived off this notion

thezodiac ago

Cheese Pizza has the same initials of Child Porn, so it makes sense. But pizza alone would mean only Porn?

redberries ago

Subculture, language develops like that. I used to use "green tea" as a codeword for mari**ana, eventually that changed to green. If you use the slang so frequently, naturally the words reduce to its simplest form because it's between your friends who already understand it.

speepsie ago

yeah, i mean the purpose of identifying this code is not really to try really hard to decipher the definitive meaning behind each word. it's just to prove they all follow a general theme, in this case being sex/pedophilia. there is no reasonable explanation for members of the government using such a code for fun, let alone in human trade

thezodiac ago

I agree pizza can be related to pedophilia. I don't think it's "child porn" though. These people are probably not into porn, they're into the real thing. They have the means to make it happen. But definitely, what you say is right.

wellington33 ago

i learned it in /b too. maybe this people are shills, be careful. downvote if you can.

speepsie ago

i'm working on that as we speak

thezodiac ago

This masterlist is bullshit. I think pizza has a wider meaning, like anything "pedo-related", it doesn't mean girl.


Playing dominoes on cheese or pasta -> Dominoes here looks like "dominatrix". Cheese or pasta looks like drugs, not little girl / little boy, but it could be something else. He wouldn't send a boy or a girl in a box.


Map is not semen. Pizza is not girl. "I think it has a map that seems pizza-related". So the handkerchief has semen that is girl-related? It doesn't make sense. I think maybe it's a real map of a farm or something, where they conduct their pedo-rituals.


The Handkerchief Code is also bullshit. There is no "white" in the wikipedia page, just black. The white was photoshoped there.

redberries ago

Look at my post.

dindonufin ago

It's not exactly accurate, but it's close.

argosciv ago

Think of it this way, where else might someone have such a high degree of anonymity, thus enabling them to freely share knowledge about such codewords - imagining for a moment, that the person who posted the list, is perhaps a low-level consumer of cp who suddenly grew a conscience in light of revelations of how insidious this whole operation is?

Maybe a scumbag did the right thing for once.

I was skeptical of 4chan as the source at first myself, but having considered the above, I'm willing to run with it not so much as 'gospel', but reliable considering the content of the emails and subsequently, what has been discovered about and peripheral to CPP.

Noctu ago

The sale and transfer of these images goes on in the 'dark web', thats a fact. The language used to make or initiate a sale will probably not always be the same for security. That bit is speculation, but we can't be sure on that, not unless we have a voater here that is familiar with the practice and thats not likely either.

argosciv ago

Fair point that the language used would vary beyond the list that we're working with.

But, I would still have to point out at least a few very suspicious conversations that contain codewords from the list - which happen to be defined similarly by sources other than the 4chan source - which can be found in the email dumps. With that in mind, looking at the suggestive art/photography found at CPP and on JimmyComet's IG respectively, there is just too much 'coincidence', to ignore this list, simply because it came from 4chan.

mergen ago

I've been following pizzagate for months now.

You are right. Actual 4chan pedos were helping out.

Pedos are actually quite divided. plain "child lovers" and those who like "hurt core"

anyways... Some code words have been around for a long time.

"Ping pong" was in urban dictionary since 2003.

Noctu ago

they do look like solid mini-brains to be honest

rail606 ago

Sadly walnut is a reference to adolescent vagina. Because the labia has yet to develop in young girls there genitals resemble the seem on a uncracked walnut.

Picture of a walnut(the actual nut SFW)

UglyTruth ago

Cheese pizza as child pornography is from urban dictionary, pizza as sex with an underage girl is in Keanu Reeve's movie "Knock Knock". The food-sex codewords are way more than speculation, they are the simplest explanation for the strange language of the Wikileaks emails.

Noctu ago

This is like you are trying to make it fit to what want it to be, that is confirmation bias right there.

Speculation is fine but this is being seen as fact, its not factual at all, its speculated.

UglyTruth ago

Non sequitur. You can't make a case for something without expressing an argument. If you've got a counter argument, i.e. that there are no codewords or that the codewords mean something else, then let's hear it.

Noctu ago

Without mentioning this +Pedo code master list: - how would #PizzaGate have been formed?

Without that list, its people talking about food. How do you arrive at sex trafficking, without that list?

ababcb ago

The Clinton Foundation? FBI Anon? Clinton/Obama fundraisers at Comet Ping Pong? The entire block Comet Ping Pong is situated on? Laura Silsby's connection to the Clintons? Laura Silsbys Lawyer? Haiti in general? Eerily similar scenarios taking place in the Balkans? Clintons relationship with Jeffrey Epstein? The fact that numerous high ranking people in government, such as House Speaker Dennis Hastert, have already been convicted of similar crimes and served very little time? The fact that allegations like this have been made going back many decades? The blatant censorship in the media? How about the paid shills?

Just because the code words are what sparked the initial interest in pizzagate does NOT mean that all of the evidence for pizzagate rests upon the accuracy of these code words. It's quite the opposite; these code words are one of the weaker arguments we have.

UglyTruth ago

Without mentioning this +Pedo code master list: - how would #PizzaGate have been formed?

What is the point of your question?

bobiel ago

Even if it isn't pedo talk it is something. That something could be even bigger!

Noctu ago

Yes it could be something, but speculation isn't what we need.

Shillzilla ago

I haven't eaten all day. That list makes me hungry. Damnit.