Z11Mama ago

Re: The comments about whether or not it is creepy to talk about whether or not the little girl is in diaper. IT IS! I do not believe in coincidence. After reading all of this, I was speaking with someone I knew and brought up pizzagate and told her a bit. It opened a gate alright. Although I have known her for years, she had never told me her story. She grew up in Sonoma County, California. Pedophile central it sounded like. She had no clue about this with the diapers/panties. At one point in her story she said 'we all knew what houses not to go near and why'. Then she explained how there was one man who got what he wanted because he would get a group of girls (all around 6-8) and offer $1 for whoever had the cleanest panties. I then questioned her and she said 'oh yeah, pedophiles love to smell little girls underwear'.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

There is a photo of the coff//ee//in table from the side, SOMEWHERE. It shows that it is indeed a table, not a coffin. It has no sides and no bottom. When viewed from any angle other than straight above, it isn't nearly so sinister -- which is probably why everyone loves the two shots from directly above. (By everyone, I mean the creepy people and the eager PG researchers.)

I've tried to find that photo again but failed. I thought maybe it was in the big NYT article from early December but I just checked and it isn't. I don't know how to locate it now.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

That's mssummercamp.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

These parents are sacrificing their children to their false god of... whatever the fuck it is they think they believe in.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

We'd need somewhere to sign up, first... :-)

If you want to send me on a scouting mission, just PM me.

ZalesMcMuffin ago


What if we team up? Those of us, like me, who are not so severely impacted by examining this material could be the scouts for those like you who are more impacted but who desire to take action. Division of labor.

cobceo ago

I am researching pedogate too and am trying to help. As a mother I have to tell you the comment about panties on the little blond girl has to do with potty training most likely. It doesn't seem sinister to me at all unless i am missing something. Great on finding out the identity of Caris. It may be her that leads us to the answers.

Z11Mama ago

The photo being discussed about whether or not Quinn is in underwear. If these people posted about every detail of their lives it would likely be innocent. As they don't, you've got to assume it means something. For starters, I believe that once a child is potty trained, they are of more use. Also, I have witnessed that pedophiles are obsessed with little girls underwear. It may be exciting to the people looking at that post that Quinn is now wearing underwear for their own pleasure.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

If only Pizzagategear were here...

(BTW, if anyone actually does this, it would be good to spell "Caris" correctly.)

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I find your post preposterously attractive and desire to have Internet babies with it.

anonagent ago

There are little boys pictured and no one has so much as commented on them.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

So comment on them, then.

anonagent ago

Stop. you're so fucking obvious.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Huh? I was being genuine (if a tad snarky). If you see something that needs saying, why aren't you saying it?

FreeRebel ago

Regarding the double use of cabinetry... I'll just throw this in there. Serial killer Ottis Toole told me of being sexually abused throughout his earliest memories. His grandmother was an old-fashioned roots-working witch from the Okefenokee swamp. He said she had a black "chester draws" and when Ottis was an infant at her house, he slept one of the "draws." Then when Grandma Cornelia got ready to do her spells, she'd take that same "draw" and turn it upside down and use it for an altar for what Ottis called "devil worship."

dickface8 ago

"killed the last body" is a weird thing to say, like not last person or pig or whatever, but body? I think there's still lots to this shit that we don't even have a clue about yet.

dickface8 ago

So how long until they're gonna have to account for Caris? They can't hide forever.

kaptklok ago

Don't know if this has been mentioned.

"A pedo expert from England said that the kids are put into boxes with snakes and toads to scare the fuck out of them before sexual abuse takes place. This is part of the ritual according to child witnesses."


ZalesMcMuffin ago

That was said by Fiona Barnett in Australia. She may not be the only one saying such things, though.

rickman ago

The bags under Caris James eyes reminds me of the Hampstead kids. They had the exact same appearance of dark bags under their eyes.

FriesischShipping ago

They believe the more evil they are, the more demons/darkness will bestow wealth and good fortune upon them. Very easy to understand once you understand that this is their Religion, like Aztecs cutting hearts out of their victims so their gods/demons bestow power and good fortune upon them.

reasonedandinformed ago

I don't know if others have commented on this, but her dress has the swirly pattern that seems to often be associated with these pedos: https://imgur.com/a/GFw4K

The shades are pulled down, they are in a tiny room (almost looks to be a pantry based on the side shelving and what looks like a bottle of mustard). This clearly has the feel to me of being a "captive" room. BTW, this continues to be the latest-dated picture (1/31/15) we have of this child. In my post concerning her, someone dug up FB photos of a trip to the Outer Banks that had her sister (Mae?)...but no shots of Caris (if that is her name). With kids that young and close in age, it is not common to have just one go on a vacation trip.

reasonedandinformed ago

I would not put benign interpretations on it. The detailed analysis of the pic was pretty convincing.

anonagent ago

picturing a poor little girl


AreWeSure ago

Someone else pointed out, that the comment could be the person was asking if she was now potty trained and out of diapers.

anonagent ago

Possible, but still creepy.

AreWeSure ago

if that's the case, I don't read that as creepy. It might be surrpise, a family friend is happy the kid is growing up.

NotTooLate ago

I don't see any comments with any more research on this. There is a strange or unexpected connection on social media between someone mentioned in the video and 2 recent murders.

LargePepperoni ago

Go on...

ejd4500 ago

Does anyone else wonder if these coffins are used as sensory deprivation containers for the kids? I think they mentioned that they were at one time using them as coffee tables, but it looks to me like it's another case of putting it right out there int he open under everyone's noses.

Sensory deprivation is a common approach to ritual abuse identity fracturing. They are sometimes more colloquially called 'torture chambers'

TrishaUK ago

Very interesting: I did a little digging checking out Megan Ham (in your video) on facebook: Her friends: I check on Megan Ham - ChildRoots on Facebook, her friends are interesting: FRIEND = JULIYA SWAGNERR (EmmureGirl) DEF. CULT CONNECTED





LargePepperoni ago

Did you save these? Back them up and upload.

Intheknow ago

pizzagate is watergate...why do you think those files were so important.

Z11Mama ago

Ummm...'possibly never be able to use'...you just did! Thank you for this information. You should watch for more opportunities to comment on such things. We NEED people like you. Three years was not a waste!

Votescam ago

Actually, Watergate was always about more than we knew, but here is Det. Jim Rothstein of NYPD being interviewed by Prof. Jim Fetzer about Pizzagate -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cnT5amf6Ys Very interesting interview on p-gate, but in the video Rothstein is also making pedophile connections to Watergate:

Detective Rothstein is making clear that WATERGATE was also not only about prostitution rings being run by the Democratic Party, but also about pedophile rings. And that a "book" recording this information was at the DNC/Watergate building which seems to be one cause for the break in.LBJ and Bobby Bakker were running prostitution rings in order to entrap members of Congress. Hotel rooms were set up where women of the night/day were provided to lure members of Congress.>

Pizzagate does have the potential to be even bigger -- looks like there are already connections being seen to international human/child trafficking. Belgium, UK, Canada, Norway, Australia all have huge scandals current or in recent past. Pretty much everyone who came after JFK was suspect -- certainly LBJ. And Watergate could have revealed the coup on JFK which also took our government from us. Unraveling P-gate would also reveal much of the violence being used in this trafficking and to keep the cover up going. And to keep all of these corrupt officials in office.

And, as Det. Rothstein is pointing out about their pedophile investigations over 50 years having been stopped three times (one was actually a NY State Hearing/Investigation) and this happens every time the investigation begins to come close to the higher ups. Just as Pizzagate investigations are now close to higher ups and unraveling the operations.

Keep on tellin' it -- keep on investigating.


pby1000 ago

Watergate was because Nixon thought the new chair of the DNC was going to out him for the JKF assassination. The new chair of the DNC used to work for Howard Hughes, and Nixon had contacted Howard Hughes about putting together an assassination team to take out Castro. It was that team that was used to take out JFK instead.

Votescam ago

What I think you're talking about (in part) was Nixon being worried that Howard Hughes' loan to DONALD Nixon would become known. However, Nixon worked on Operation 40 (which became Bay of Pigs) while IKE was hospitalized with heart attack. They assigned efforts to assassinate Castro to Mafia, though of course CIA was also working on the "method" for doing it. A good source on the story behind those assassination attempts comes from an ex-girlfriend of Castro's, if I can find it. **Marita Lorenz ** http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3973264/From-poisoned-cigars-exploding-seashells-Fidel-Castro-survived-half-century-crackpot-CIA-assassination-attempts-passing-away-90.html

Two other interesting links of Lorenz to JFK assassination as she becomes involved with Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marita_Lorenz and http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2016/03/marita-lorenz-fidel-castro-conspiracy-theories

She was in Dallas at a motel with Howard Hunt, Sturgis, Hemmings and others having travelled there by car. Jack Ruby also arrives. She leaves however -- possibly because she doesn't want to take part in assassination of JFK when she discovers that's what they're there for.

Another possibility for Watergate is that information had been left for the head of the DNC by two journalists from Florida who had been investigating computer voting machines which were delivering some very odd and unbelievable results of right wing wins. See: http://www.votescam.org/

DarkMath ago

Are Canadian Pediatricians compelled to report anything? I find it hard to believe they don't have some minimum set of conditions that get DCF involved.

shakethetree ago

I have a strong hunch there may be a connection to Voodoo Doughnuts. Moderators diminished the importance of looking into Voodoo despite the pedo little boy lover symbol on their logo - exact same turquoise color. Why that is not worth looking in to to see if it is a deadend or not is beyond me. Voodoo's flagship location is 3 blocks away from the main office location for Childroots. 1712 E. Burnside. It is well known there are tunnels all over the underground of Portland in that area (Shanghai Tunnels). There are kid shaped coffins with skeleton-shaped doughnuts all over their Facebook page openly. Yeah - Voodoo is a hipster craze and one could argue it is all for spooky kooky fun. I don't buy it. See Voodoo thread here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1525813. Making a connection from Woolman/Cummings/Childroots to Voodoo is going to be the task.

EDIT: Spoke too soon. So many locations. The Childroots main office location is on EAST Burnside a few blocks from a Voodoo doughnut annex. No tunnels on that side of the river. Voodoo flagship is on West side of the river. There is in fact a NW location on Flanders for Childroot. I still stand by a connection needing to be made if this is in fact a lead.

Vic138 ago

Watergate was a coup by Rockefeller (US ruling class/oligarchs) to get rid of Nixon because he wouldn't go along with the plan to move US manufacturing to China: http://21stcenturywire.com/2016/12/31/us-middle-class-still-suffering-from-rockefeller-kissinger-industrial-transfer-scheme-to-china/

pby1000 ago

Actually, Watergate was because Nixon thought the new chair of the DNC was going to out him for the JKF assassination. The new chair of the DNC used to work for Howard Hughes, and Nixon had contacted Howard Hughes about putting together an assassination team to take out Castro. It was that team that was used to take out JFK instead.

anolegion ago

Interesting. Rockefeller is at least physically connected to Comet Pizza.

Vic138 ago

Interesting. I'm curious how he's connected to CPP? David Rockefeller was in Epstein's black book, but so was Rothschild and a couple Hannovers (very important families in the NWO heirarchy) and then Trump. They can't all be pedos, can they?

anolegion ago

Edwin Rockefeller owns the building next to Comet Ping Pong.

McCullough is his mother's maiden name.


NotTooLate ago

Did you watch the video's before posting this? The FBI is currently investigating this and you are trying to push excessive crying? Very suspicious.

AreWeSure ago

What is the FBI investigating and where is your evidence of that?

Devious1 ago

I'm glad you see it.

NotTooLate ago

OMG, No. This effing evil world. I was not prepared for the videos. It is just too much. Get these mother fuckers off the face of the planet.

Astrodreamer ago

well right, Scott Cummings, designed & built much of CPPs interior, also the now censored Pegasus Museum cage - the girl is his daughter

shortymcbossypants ago

I watched a video several years ago of this woman who was in hiding from the Illuminatti, and her name was Svali, and she said it herself that to these people that 200 years is nothing. They will do something and know that it won't take shape or fruition until 50 years, 100 years, even 2 or 300 years later down the road.

153sdsd ago

They have been at this since the first Council of Nicaea, maybe even before

Fateswebb ago

I think what he means is toxic fumes from glue could cause brain damage if you were using the coffins to transport human trafficking victims while still alive. The evidence shows that this has been done a lot since nobody wants to look inside of a children's or any coffin.

Fateswebb ago

James, or whoever, where is this baby, you love her so just let us know she is okay. please. if she is okay that is a reasonable request as well as an easy thing to do. she has become the face of this investigate this is the part that pulls at our heart strings. I would have so much faith that this is all a big theory if we could just show that this one girl is okay today!

DarkMath ago

I wrote Panda eyes CAN BE a sign of SBS, it's not the only sign. And yes a Pediatrician has to report it. DCF will check and dismiss 99% of the time due to something innocent like not getting enough sleep because of some barfing bug or whatever. But just know certain medical conditions/symptoms get tracked irregardless of reason and there's some formula or threshold above which they will open a formal investigation.

Element2301 ago

Ok so just to be clear, woolmings.fam is Scott Cummings account? I need to verify this to show someone if that is the case :)

ProudTruther ago

Watergate is a joke compared to many things. But pizzagate is the biggest.

quantokitty ago

No, don't say that. Why? Because Nixon never really said what they were looking for. The burglary got interrupted. This my have been in the works .... we don't know.

ProudTruther ago

I personally think he was set up by George Bush Sr. What was he trying to do presumably get info to make sure he won the election. He was not going to lose to Goldwater but he tried to cheat anyways. And then when it came down to it he got in the biggest trouble for trying to cover it up. So I'm going to stand by it. It's def a freaking joke compared to the cia stealing all these babies for organs and sex.

kidavenger ago

Quantokitty - you make a good observation that we may never know what was really hidden at Watergate. Fiona Barnett (thread about her: http://archive.is/F2F7k ) claims that Nixon sexually abused her as a child. It was shown in some drawings on her website, at this link, but be warned that it is NSFW. http://archive.is/f5od6. (Interesting note: of the four drawings illustrating abuse by Nixon, (archived on 7 Dec 2016) only the third one was still on her site when I checked it today (20 Jan 2017).

Edit: Fiona tweeted on 5 Jan 2017 that the Watergate break in was to steal a book listing VIP pedophiles. http://archive.is/kZq9D

quantokitty ago

I believe that was the real reason for the burglary. Prostitution was mentioned, but probably there was an underbelly.

RecycledUser ago

Thanks all and OP for the info. That picture has been bothering me since day 1. I do think her story and this background might just wake up some non-believers.

Element2301 ago

"What a waste of time, never looked at once by the bartender. After 10 mins we took off, did I mention the place was empty!! Empty!!"

"We live in the nieghborhood and hadnt been to the Alleyway in a long time so we decided to give happy hour a shot.

In short, the place was dirty, the food was tasteless, and the waitstaff gave us major attitude when we pointed out to them that they had overcharged us by $15, claiming we had 5 beers when we had only had one. When we pointed this out, the bartender claimed that "well it was on the ticket that you had five--I havent been here the whole time" She had been there the whole time actually, and I dont care really what your bad excuse is for being careless...when a customer points out a mistake of that magnitude, attitude is not acceptable--an "Im sorry let me make this right" is called for. I finally got my partial refund in cash which was strange, but we were just trying to get out of there at that point.

Super bummer, will not be back again."

"I also wish the bartender wasn't rude and paid us no attention. She's lucky I was too hungry to get upset. BTW, there's a patio in the back, which is kinda nice in the summer. But the lighting is really dark, it felt like we were in a refuge camp or something."

That's it for the reviews on Yelp. I'm having trouble finding more accounts connected to them but they seem to be still open at least:


Described as "kid-friendly"... Death metal and disgusting bathrooms is "kid-friendly"?


Concert with:



I'm sure toddlers and kids were welcome to this event?




And now like... I'm starting to think like I'll need a new thread for this... So we have a hipster infested bar with kid-friendly features and a black metal theme so the only thing missing now? Creepy artwork. Aaaand guess what I just found.

I searched the bar on youtube, some live gigs that you'd just love to take your kids too:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC8nkLcD4CM (NSFE)

http://i.imgur.com/OwFfun4.png http://i.imgur.com/PEYpGNe.png

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Ok.. I'm just about freaking out at this point, keep in mind I'm basically reading/researching simultaneously. At the 5:13 minute mark you can clearly see A CHILD SIZED COFFIN WITH A PENTAGRAM DECORATING THE BAR!

Unless I'm going crazy that is exactly what that looks like to me:

http://i.imgur.com/wvdncU7.png http://i.imgur.com/ePUJMum.png http://i.imgur.com/IPxltRB.png

I'll keep this going here for now but maybe start a new thread later.

redditsuckz ago

Why do you think some restaurants have a TWO YEAR WAITING LIST to get in...all the restaurants that do should be investigated hard.


Damon Baehrel: The restaurant with a 10-year wait list - NY Daily News

Its guests come from 48 countries and include such celebrities as Jerry Seinfeld, Martha Stewart and Barack Obama himself.


idontlikesalmon ago

What better way of avoiding normal customers from coming back then by treating them poorly...

FriesischShipping ago

Happens in some gay bars if you're straight, or punk/edgy bars if you're a square, I'm sure it happens at pedo clubs. It's like show up to a goth club with a light blue polo shirt and beige khakis.

nmgoh2 ago

What's wrong with making coffins for children? Someone needs to do it.

Element2301 ago

More from this place. Graffiti with a woman wearing a sex-slave mask:


And some more reviews... I've never ever seen anything like this bad... I mean I am skipping a few positive ones obviously but these read like scenes from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia:

"If you want rude bartenders, horrible service, loud heavy metal, more smoke than air, beer taps that give headaches, a black leather dress code, and great sweet potato fries, this is your place. Be weary of the small blonde tazmanian devil who stands on a stool throwing/serving drinks to people, she has been known to bite a head off or two. Trying to be polite to these folks only makes it worse. Be Prepared to be glared at by asking to watch the blazer game because when they shut off ice-road truckers or Sling blade there will be a price to pay. The doorman is as nice as a cold troll off his antidepressants, who may or may not open the door depending on your status with the leather gods. They allow dogs and their owners surprisingly. Recently, they have been doing a good job keeping animal hair out of their food and drinks but give em style points for bar tending with a raccoon tail on."

Even the nice ones mention something was off:

"The owner is also nice as can be and frequently stopped by every table in the place to make sure everyone was having a good time. Definitely made an impression (uh, check out those bathrooms!) and I plan on frequenting the Alleyway on a regular basis."

"This place looks nice and the music isn't so loud that you can't talk. The bartender with the platinum blonde hair could use some service lessons, but the nachos were top notch! Very fresh tasting like they fried the chips in the last hour and the fixins were fresh from that day tu save? Nice patio too."

Starting to get curious about this notorious blonde bartender now...

This is from 2009 at which point they appear to be on the verge of closing and show a lack of organization and management:


"As of this review, this place is currently shut-down. They are "closed for remodeling," but from what I've heard (all of?) the staff have been let go. And we're already past the supposed re-open date. So who knows what the future is. So this review is sort of an ode to what could have been.

Despite the Alberta area being a popular place for people to live and shop for expensive clothes, it's not a very popular place to hang out at night. There aren't many bars, most restaurants close pretty early, and the street is basically dead at night.

So with only a few night destinations to choose from, the Alleyway should have been popular! It had a lot going on for it: clean decor with a lot of open space, a jukebox, good food (my favorites were the veggie burger with bleu cheese and the beer-battered french fries), five pinball machines, nightly events such as karaoke, girl's night, metal night, and so on, stiff drinks at good prices, good beers, lots of art on the walls, a huge outside area that was dog-friendly, etc. With all that going on, the place seemed to be managed well. Right?

I don't know! They couldn't quite hold it all together. A few crucial elements were missing that would have supplemented all these offerings and helped turn it into a popular place. And since it seemed to have so much going on inside, I think that the problems were, both literally and figuratively, on the outside:

[literally] pretty much no sign saying "Alleyway - come inside!!!" Even I would drive/ride by this place when trying to go there... and I'd been there all kinds of times!

[figuratively] I read the mercury each week, and sometimes the willamette week, and I've never seen one advertisement for Alleyway. Invest in advertising!! You own a bar, man, you should want people to know that.

[literally, except on the inside] staff were very friendly and all, but none of them were a steady presence. Things seemed scattered, and they sometimes seemed unprepared to handle a lot of tables at once. My dad owned a restaurant, and he was always there. One steady presence will act as a sort of anchor - they answer questions, they keep the place humming. Alleyway had very little sense of "ownership" going on. A friend commented the other day that "no one ever seemed to be in charge." I would venture to say that in order for a bar to thrive, you need dedicated owners/managers to, at least for a while, make it a "labor of love." I can't tell you how many times I saw people come into the place for the first time, only to be totally confused and turned off by the service (even though they were impressed with everything else).

[figuratively... I think. I don't even know anymore.] Consistent hours of operation. I used to go here for brunch, but then they stopped being open for brunch. The hours were not listed outside, and I had a lot of friends try to go there in the early afternoon only to have it be closed. They seemed to be open at different times on different days, and they often closed early. I couldn't rely on them.

Anyway, I'm obviously bummed that this place is practically gone. I'm hoping it will re-open up, and I'm hoping when they do (one of) the owner(s) will realize, hey I own a bar! and then they'll step up and put in the hours to make it a great place.

I mean, I enjoyed that it wasn't always packed with people, but at the same time I was always worried that this time would come."

I'm just continuing to post bits from the yelp site that could be relevant:

"Alleyway is cheap, there is good music here and there, and the patrons wear a lot of leather. I've had a few bad experiences with bartenders here on occasion, one in particular has been consistently rude to me as well as my friend and so as it's out of the way I refrain from going here much. I will say that the patio is heated, huge, and generally a pretty cool place to hang out."

"I had a friend whose band played here and it's all right. Kind of a small bar, decent enough prices and a good staff. The one thing that's great is the patio, very large and very comfortable- a great place to while (or drink) away the hours on a long summer evening with your friends or your dog. Didn't have anything to eat, so you'll have to rely on others for that intel."

I am definitely interest if some of our associated acts have been playing at this bar.

In my mind the bartender in this story is Dennis from IASIP:

"Not really my scene, but when one of my bf's bar regulars sent him a text to come and support her band we thought what the hell. When we walked in there were 12 people in there and the music was so loud. I wondered why there were 40 people outside on the patio and none of them wanted to come inside. I think they all were out there smoking American Spirits... Anyway, we grabbed the only table in the back by the pinball machines and scooted our butts up to the bar as soon as there were a couple open barstools. I think these barstools made us invisible. We were hungry and wanted to order some nachos, a shot and a couple more beers. We waved our hands, put a wad of cash on the bar, whistled, and yelled. I think the bearded bartender was on E or in a K hole, because all he could do was dance and shake his tail.... Literally, he was wearing fox tails in the back of his pants. About 15 minutes after moving up to the bar, we finally got our $9 shot of Bulliet, downed that baby as fast as we could, and ran across the street for some tacos and good service."

"It was a busy day, there was a dude checking ID's at the door...that's cool...except the fact there are like 4 babies in this place. Instead of checking my ID maybe call child protective services because I'm pretty sure that baby isn't 21, and I am pretty sure both mommy and daddy are drinking.

The cocktails were original and a bit high priced for the type of bar they are...

What? It's Happy Hour? SCORE!

Sweet Potato fries so nice they must have been fried twice because they were on a new level as far as sweet potato fries go. The fried tempura veggies were outstanding. They have a large outdoor patio area teeming with dogs, well not teeming as most of them were acting sedated...I love well behaved dogs. They have 3 pinball machines, a jukebox with a collection similar to my own, and staff that was pretty quick, once they remembered what we ordered.

I like this place, but I really have issues with bar babies."

Why is that even legal? 4 babies at a bar with drunk parents? Would not fly where I am from...

common_sense ago

Any non-youtube links?

Element2301 ago

Yes with the caption "Just finished my sign" indicating he was either hired to put up a sign at the bar or it is HIS bar. I don't know how look up the registries for these businesses so I haven't come up with a rock solid connection yet but the picture I mentioned indicates he has something to do with it:


Womb_Raider ago

Good videos. Probably worth saving local copies.

Element2301 ago

Just digging through some more reviews...

"The vibe was a bit "off" for us, I can't quite put my finger on it.... I'll have to swing by for another go round before I pass judgement."

"I have just experienced the worst customer service at this bar last night that I'm not sure I could write this review without cussing. But I will try.

" I was chilling on the patio with some friends having a good time, when towards the end of the night I decided to get some food from the bar.

I sat down at the bar, looked at the menu, then this blonde ***** of a bartender rudely asked what I want and if I don't say in the next two seconds she's going to the next person. So I order nachos and pay with cash. Mind you, the bar was not busy nor crowded one bit. About fifteen minutes had passed and I was just informed that my friends were leaving. Since Barbie decided to act completely rude and was giving me the side eye the whole time I was sitting there, I decided to ask the guy bartender if my food was coming soon. Legit question, asked it very politely despite what happened earlier. Little did I know was that the guy had little penis syndrome and decided to take his frustration out on me with his self-righteous attitude.

He told me "What do you expect? All you kids ordered food at the same time. And you didn't even tip." 1) not a kid. 2) How was I supposed to know they got a lot of food orders when I was the only one at the bar who ordered? 3) you're supposed to earn your tip, not expect one. 4) I paid in cash. My wallet was still on top of the bar right next to me. I was going to tip when I got my damn food. I ALWAYS tip despite shoddy service.

He continued to verbally attack me at the bar. I asked if he was really just allowed to talk to me in such a rude manner, and he continued to do so, saying that this was his house and that obviously I'm not from around here and he could do whatever the **** he wants. He asked if it was my first time at the bar, and basically said since it had been my first time/I wasn't a regular, and clearly I wasn't from around here, I didn't deserve to be treated like the paying customer that I was. He goes to the kitchen and says incredibly sarcastically when he comes out "your food is coming out soon, Princess."

At that point I can't even believe what was happening. I was ready to throw the nachos onto the floor once I got them, but was advised against it and just left the nachos at the bar, because who knows what vile things were done to it. Unfortunately it was a waste of time, energy and money. My friend that informed me the rest of them were ready to go was standing next to me the whole time that was happening and she did confirm that I wasn't going crazy and imagining how terrible I was being treated. And if anyone is wondering, no I wasn't incredibly wasted and acting out, and my friend was actually the DD, so she was sober.

I really hate to pull the race card, but me being the only nonwhite person inside a heavy metal bar, and evidently from the good reviews the only one who has been treated in such an awful manner, you have to wonder...

Portland, you had been so good to me up until that experience at this ****hole of a bar. I'll try not to let it ruin my trip, but it's really hard to say that I really want to be back in this city after that."

"I don't rate service, ambiance, cleanliness and wait times; they are too variable. I can put up with anything if the food is good. It is all about the food- that's it. All of my ratings are based on vegan options only.

Notes: Worst vegan nachos in Portland so far!"

"If you gotta pee, make sure to use the worlds narrowest bathroom. I didn't even notice it was there until the third trip!"

"Downsides: The pool table always has a wait, which blows. Also, worst bathrooms for miles!"

"I like the metal scene it's cool and that is all you'll get here again that's cool we all have our spots however the blonde bartender ignores you if you are not a regular and she's down right rude. drinks are not consistent. pricing seems a bit off as well: 3$ for a plain coke no alcohol however a whiskey coke was 3.50$..."

At this point I'm wondering how this place is still in business... and drawing some conclusions as to perhaps why that is.

Haha and this guy loves it because it is the "only place free of hipsters" and asks that the reader please stay away cause you would ruin his hipster free haven. Right... I think we all know who the hipster is here.

"Not a huge fan of this spot. Between the inconsiderate service and basic atmosphere, I can think of a dozen other places to spend my money and have a better experience. It's a shame too because their outdoor seating and location is killer. However, so are many of the bars in this neighborhood."

"I waited to write this review and give alleyway a chance but i'm annoyed now and wont be going back. I understand that you're busy but please do not take it out on my friends who also work in the food industry on Alberta. Calling us all faggots was really professional of you. I really appreciate the 4th grade insult especially after the tip I left you. the whole middle aged punk attitude is getting really old for me so good luck with all of that."

"Staff thinks they're too cool to smile or take your order. Foods alright. Heated patio is the best part."

"This is the first review I've written, but the experience was bad enough that I wanted to make note. With a disclaimer: I went to the alleyway once in 2010 and had a fine experience. This review is only for my experience in Fall 2012.

I went in with a group of 10 friends on a Wednesday night at about 9:30pm. We walked in and first wanted to see if there was a table that could sit all of us. The bartender immediately started yelling at us (really yelling) to get out our IDs. We were pretty taken aback by her manner but complied. She was seriously yelling at different members of our group, accusing them of not showing their IDs (they tried telling her they'd just showed the other bartender but she kept saying "I don't care--show me"). I'm totally on board with them needing to see IDs, I understand it's just part of their job, however the manner she went about was the opposite of even cordial customer service. It felt seriously hostile.

Some friends wanted to leave after that but a couple others had already ordered drinks so we decided to stay. Their outside area was full so we were left with a long bench along the wall. There is a table by the bench but no chairs on the other side, so our large group would have had to sit in a single file row. I asked her if it was OK for us to take some of the unused barstools over to this table and she very rudely told me that would not be OK. I went and got an unused chair from another table, but some of my group who hadn't heard our conversation pulled over the barstools. I can see how this would have been frustrating for her and she didn't ask for them back (note: the bar was not full inside at all and there was no one needing the barstools) but she did glare at us for the remainder of the evening and angrily drag a barstool back to the bar every time one person would leave."

WeCanDoThisThing ago

The dad (Cummings) is a 'green' coffin maker in Portland . There is an article discussing his obsession w death. On his arm is a tattoo of legs swinging from the gallows.

WeCanDoThisThing ago

Oops didn't see the second video...

wecanhelp ago

I have flaired this as New Evidence because the videos reveal excellently researched new information that provides valid connecting dots.

Please, everybody, archive the shit out of this. Download the videos, resubmit them on vid.me, archive all the websites shown in the videos, especially websites of businesses like Childroots.

This is also a Potential Lead, but I can only apply one flair at a time. Researchers, please pick up the unresearched threads from these videos: names, businesses, places, vehicles, etc.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Maybe make a stub posting with the second flair, and simply link people to this posting? Include a brief explanation as to why this is needed. Close comments in the stub posting, if that's even possible & desirable.

wecanhelp ago

It's not possible, and I don't think it is desirable either. It would fragment the discussion. That is why I used what I believe to be the strongest flair, to draw the attention of researchers and lurkers alike, and urge everyone to do what they can to preserve and advance this thread in the investigation.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

If nobody could post in the second thread, no fragmentation could occur, as all the posts would have to be put here. However, if it's not possible, then we're stuck.

shaboyi999 ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMCrE_wRX48 1:07 - 2:31

Baby sacrifice witness on TV

Element2301 ago

"This bar feels like a little inclusive hipster-punk bar where only if you are wearing all black they will respect you. I'm sorry I was wearing new blue vans, next time I'll remember to wear my old black vans that have been thrashed from years of skateboarding, my black jeans, and my black sweater (yes, I do own all of these things, but just because I don't choose to wear all black everyday doesn't mean that I can't be respected in a bar).

I love portland, but this is when I remember how stupid people in portland can be as much of losers as rich pretentious blondes in orange county, california. YES, I'm making a comparison here."

There are plenty more, I'm gonna dig through the rest but this is more than enough already to be suspicious IMO:

Mural https://s3-media3.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/v1xOrfvRSYB3fx-7iH-heg/o.jpg


"Minors permiteed"

I'll keep digging and report back if I find more. I think this could be something.

http://imgur.com/a/065yN (All pictures mentioned)

Element2301 ago

His name on myspace is "nofingerprintsnoface"...


I mean... this baby just looks scared to me... so sickening all this stuff....

https://myspace.com/nofingerprintsnoface/mixes/classic-my-photos-416062/photo/145586389 https://myspace.com/nofingerprintsnoface/mixes/classic-my-photos-416062/photo/145586388 https://myspace.com/nofingerprintsnoface/mixes/classic-my-photos-416062/photo/145586380

And slightly creppy: https://myspace.com/nofingerprintsnoface/mixes/classic-my-photos-416062/photo/145586400

A friend of his: https://myspace.com/227033723 (Profile pic is satanic, closed profile)

Now this is interesting...


"Just finished my sign!" So... not sure yet if he owns this place but let's check out some reviews:


"Very much a dive and kinda stinky. Waiting to order at the bar I was wondering if someone had pissed under the bar - seriously strong. Maybe someones catheter bag broke?

In general it is sticky in this bar. Bathrooms are disgusting. Dark and dirty - but the drinks are strong and cheap. I have not eaten here - I'm too scared.

The outside area is surprisingly large - and covered so would be nice in the fall IF it were not packed with smoking hipsters. Not a prob if you smoke, but if it bothers you, this outside area is not for you.

I'de stop on my way somewhere else to get a stiff cheap drink. Not a place I wanna hang."

"I am not trying to say I hang out in shittier bars as a badge of honor. I just do because I live in Cleveland. I like bars that don't cost a lot of money and where people are friendly or grumpy. Alleyway is a nice bar that does not break the bank and is comfortable to hang out alone at. I had some nice conversations with other people at the bar here. People love a bar or restaurant that uses white subway tile, mismatched wood paneling and Edison light bulbs. I prefer places that don't look like every other place most people go to. Give me a seat to drink in and I am content.

"My table is my throne, and the barroom is my court. The bar whore is my subject and drinking is my sport." -GG Allin"

Well if a GG Allin fan likes it it must be nice...

"I love this bar. The food is great, the atmosphere is great, the patio is the best and stays open the latest. Yes the patio is full of "smoking hipsters" but if that's not your vibe, don't come here. You'll ruin it for us. There are few places left on this street that aren't overrun by yuppies and bros, and that's why I love alleyway."

"If you're looking for a dark dive that has wildcard music and good food, this is a great option. When I say wildcard music, I mean that the music selection at this place breaks a lot of the stereo types I had about a Alberta dive. The music may be up to the discretion of the bartender - it might be classic country (played way too loud) or death metal being played mid-day. The pinball machines, pool table, photo booth, and ample outdoor seating are a great bonus and bring in a interesting mix of people.

The food was surprisingly good for a place I didn't expect to have a full menu. I ordered the Philly Cheese Steak for $8! The price was a steal for real steak and delicious fries. They keep your card when you have a tab which I hate because I always forget to close out. Of course, I left my card there. There is a terrifyingly narrow bathroom that I was too scared to go in. Even the full size bathroom was a but terrifying. Not dirty, just dark, cold, and reminded me of a torture chamber. "

Terrifying bathrooms that remind her of a torture chamber... hipster infested... Death metal... sound familiar?

"I guess it made sense that both hipsters and 80s hair metal guys were both occupying benches. Everything happens with a full moon out.

I liked the pinball machines and just the low key atmosphere of the place."

"Some mixed feelings here. I find myself coming by here very often but two things really need to improve. One, the people working here really need to fucking focus. Look at me. Take my order. It's really irritating that you're either so stoned you don't know where you are or I'm not your childhood friend so you're going to completely ignore me until you finish your conversation with the 7 dwarfs dressed in all black. Second, turn down the fucking music. I like loud. I like very loud. There is no reason however to turn the volume to painful levels. If I can't hear myself screaming at my friend then YOU are doing something wrong.

Other than these very, very consistent gripes I do like it here. It's a great local shit hole. The bathrooms are incredibly disgusting. The clientele for the most part appear to be unemployed hipsters. (Basing this entirely on your face tattoos and that you all look uniquely the same.) The food is pretty good. Huge covered and uncovered outdoor patio that is heated and you can escape level 37 hearing damage. Three pinball machines that no one seems to every play. Photo booth. Pool table. Karaoke nights. So many things are right! Just a couple of things going wrong."

"Oh my, this place is hipsterly hippy hipster. So hipster it hurts. So hipster it's reached a new level of hipster. Deliberately mismatched clothing? Check. Ill-fitting finds from the Goodwill bins? Check. Beards? Of all kinds. Thick rimmed glasses? Chec....wait a minute I have those. Shh.

Regardless I like this bar. I've been twice and have been endlessly amused. The first time around we watched super-drunk couple attempt to use the (awesome) photobooth, and the most epic hipster pool game ever. Second time around was kareoke (I cannot spell that damn word right to save my soul) with borderline homeless peeps belting their hearts out. So there is NO lack of entertainment. "

"My local go to dive bar. Don't judge until you get the check. Yup, cheap drinks and strong pours all day.

"This place is inhabited by the bearded local hipster crowd. Giant beards, thick rimmed glasses, combat boots, tattoos, and beanies rule here. Usually they are rocking out here to true butt rock music. As per typical Portland you could roll in here in pajamas and fit in perfectly."

The crowd was like a convention for black jackets/hoodies/beanies/beards. I can throw around the "H" word, but that word has lost all meaning."

"I just have to second what many others on here have said about the service. I've been in the service industry for years, and if I acted as surly as the staff here does, I probably wouldn't have my job for much longer. I get that sometimes, you just have a bad day... And I get how annoying it is to deal with drunk people. I do it all the time. But would it kill you to be nice if I haven't done anything to piss you off, and I'm tipping?

Also, the bathrooms are horrifying. Jesus Christ."

"Cool place, my drink is icky I ordered a vodka soda water and lime and it was disgusting!"

"If you want the same old thing that every other bar in Portland offers, go here and get crapped upon. Nothin original about this place. You get a dirty look and MAYBE some actual service. When will being rude start being uncool? Portland needs a change of atmosphere, cause right now, all I see are a bunch of sheep. I realize this place has a "grungier" type of setting, but do you really have to be such a cliche, Alleyway? You are offering a service, so provide it."

"Be warned: if you enjoy urinating on toilet paper this is NOT the bar for you ! Half way through my first drink of the night the bartender announced: "All non-regulars need to get the fuck out." -This outburst was due to a mysterious urinator who had soiled not one, but three rolls of toilet paper.

Enjoy the cheep beer and patio, but make sure to bring you're own roll of toilet paper and don't get too comfortable in that photo-booth because if she strikes again you're getting kicked "the fuck out!!""

"I HATE: metal mondays. they start up metal music on a monday night at 9pm. so loud it shakes our house. Random people throwing up in our yard at 2 in the morning. Random boxes of cigarettes thrown in our yard. Being hate-stared at by the regulars for not being a regular. The bathrooms that look like they came out of train spotting. The angry bartenders that hate you for ruining their already ruined day because they have to serve you, you terrible, terrible person."

"Meh, customer service is the biggest thing for me, and people here think that they are REALLY cool. The girl at the bar was sort of okay to me the first time I was there--probably cause I was dressing emo-hipster enough that time , but the guy at the front this time was snarky.

no. grow up. you're not 12 anymore buddy.

my friend and I came in here to use the photobooth, and there was a no service sign on the inside of it, so then we proceeded to leave, inbetween this my friend went up to the bar.

We eventually headed for the door, because we were bummed the photobooth wasn't working. The guy opens the door and says "it's too scary for you here, isn't it"... ***I wanted to tell him: you're talking to someone who has dropped into triple overhead waves BRAH. LIKE YOU WANT SCRAP BRAH? (haha sorry just inserting a little hawaiian pidgeon into this.) Just because we were both women not wearing all black doesn't mean that you can make fun of us. loser. meh. I don't like sexism."


Atlantean120 ago

so is she a Goddaughter like Alefantis claimed??


How does someone download and save a youtube vid? So uts permanent and safe from deletion online?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Many tools do that. This one is pretty slick if you aren't afraid of a command line: http://youtube-dl.org/

JoJoVoat ago

Wow. Good job on the research. I've wondered who this little girl belonged to and is she is still alive. Thanks for this.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Realistically what are he odds that someone (Alefantis) happens to know TWO DIFFERENT makers of child coffins? I mean that's gotta be astronomical for a pizza guy/political influencer.

AreWeSure ago

who are they?

And is there any evidence more than one of these was ever made? The guys and metal worker correct? And he does custom work for clients?

DustyRadio ago

I know exactly zero coffin makers, child or adult. I have asked at least 10 people who are from all walks of life and they know zero coffin makers.

It's fucking creepy and bizarre.

privatepizza ago

Brilliant research. Great vids.

srayzie ago

Great job! Ok I don't remember for sure but I thought Caris had a sister. Isn't the older girl in the family picture her sister? If so, it showed in the video (the fathers), that when they moved to Oregon, that he took his wife and CHILD, not children. Can anybody tell me if she had a sister?

Also, I don't know how a child could be transported in a coffin because they would run out of oxygen. I think the coffin making and coffin table just shows how warped these people's minds are.

eyeswide0pen ago

From what I understand that is her older sister and her name is Mae.

srayzie ago

Then that's weird that the dad video showed he moved with his wife and "child", not children!

dickface8 ago

This is the darkest shit I think I've ever seen.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I think the odds are these Parents are MKULTRA victims themselves and now they are MKULTRA sadistic doers. There is a history here of it going down in the families. The CIA wants people who will do anything and infiltrate society. These two must not have much talent because they are only being used to run daycares and make coffins for all the MKULTRA networking retards in the area that want to get a good coffin to break their own kids minds proper like. This crap is way out there. I have a favorite author....female who has written award winning novels in Sci fi. Her book is about taking over humanity and brainwashing people and slaves and some stuff very similar to MKULTRA imprinting. I had written her and accused her of being a CIA plant and snidely asked if she had been an MKULTRA victim herself and had been abused.............you wont believe her answer....first she denied it. Then she wrote a very cryptic response that everyone who I have showed believes she is admitting it. Her brother is an artist and he does very occult art. This shit is the awful secret of our whole society. It is the reason we are getting so much push back....its all true. All of it.

BlackTara108 ago

Seems many of the sinister ones are openly flaunting their sick, criminal, Satanic ventures. They're so confident of their evil criminality because it's being protected by big, powerful lawyers, groups & lobbies. How dare the gov allow NAMBLA & the like, to be legal lobbies? Rich freaks like Harry Hay made it clear, that the 'homosexual agenda' and the (social engineering) 'normalization' campaign of the 'pedophile agenda' are the same damned people, perpetuating the same damned sickness. Traditional families ruined in the interim...

How many little children were (known)to be kidnapped and MURDERED by NAMBLA members? StandForFamiliesWorldwide website discloses, the agenda of The UN, PlannedParenthood Int,Obama/Biden, etc. These sicko's using our tax $ to corrupt and harm the world's children is beyond unacceptable. It's shocking & horrific....Crime against humanity.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

The coffin thing can also be MKULTRA mind games with the kids.....many reports that they would put kids in coffins alive and put insects or mice in there with them and close the lid....it helps break their developing minds to imprint what they want on the kids. I kinda think this is the reason for the coffins.

strix-varia ago

Someone posted a vid a few days back of a creepy choreographed dance with a coffin as the focal point. They were all dressed up with rabbit heads and dancing around.

jesusdied4ourvpns ago

Yes it is called "Homage to the Rabbits" (referring to ones used in illusions by magicians). It is important to note that the Choreographer was Wade Robson who claims to have been molested by Michael Jackson in his early years. They use a child-sized coffin in the center with rabbit ears. Knowing the choreographers history it is a very telling dance.

Yuke ago

This has long been established, it's not new news. A couple of things to mention though; werkinonmahnightcheese (Jeff Smith) doesn't make child-sized coffins, he makes child-sized coffin coffee tables, there is a big difference. Scott Cummings does indeed make coffins and he would have to cater for all shapes and sizes, so not that odd that he makes child-sized ones. It is, however, highly suspicious given the links we have that he is involved in this area.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I think it may have been a NYT article that actually had the photo of the coff//ee//in table showing that it was indeed a table, not a full coffin. At the time I saw the photo I foolishly ass//u//me-d that everyone would now incorporate that into PG "lore" but that didn't happen. We really do need some kind of effective trash patrol around here.

DarkMath ago

"makes children's coffins"....To be fair it was a combination child's coffin/coffee table. (sarcasm -on)The fact it's also a coffee table means he's not psychotic.(sarcasm -off). It was for a S&M/Bondage/Emo themed coffee shop which I'm too busy to find the link to but you'll find it if you look.

AreWeSure ago

So this was a one time project for a client?

DarkMath ago

Oh AreWeSure! Funny bumping into you here. I'll answer your questions as soon as you answer mine from yesterday. Remember I asked why you can't acknowledge the slang term "buck" to a Pedophile may mean a child they want to rape on a camping trip they take them on.

And remember that's relevant because CPP's sister restaurant is "BUCK'S Camping and Fishing".


AreWeSure ago

That's because buck means young man.

DarkMath ago

AreWeSure I gave you the link to a video on Pedophilia at the exact spot where the term "buck" is used to refer to a child, not a young man, A CHILD. You didn't watch the video and then you have the gall to say you don't ignore evidence.

What's up AreWeSure. Why won't you watch even a few minutes of that video?


last pic of Caris was in 2014?

chilling - I hope she is ok

redditsuckz ago

This most recent one looks like its from January 2015...93 weeks from nov. 2016 on Alefantis Instagram;


And no she doesnt look ok...

pizzaequalspedo ago

This seems VERY strange to me. Generally parents don't suddenly stop posting pics of their kids growing up.

I think there's a decent chance she's no longer alive, or could have been sold? This is something that the FBI could get to the bottom of ASAP, but probably won't.

quantokitty ago

We did know all this, but it's good to see the information all put together. That poor kid. And the FBI and CPS won't do anything, huh? Can't imagine them not being interested in a toddler that's taped to a table and has huge dark circles under her eyes.

FriesischShipping ago

sick of all the bullshit - we're pissed and not going away because this is child abuse. I don't care how you 'interpret' it.

Devious1 ago

Nice post by the way Profound deep post by the way.... - Just hope it doesn't get deleted

Last time I posted this CarisJames It got shilled out of existence - thread has also been deleted: We now know who CarisJames is - but read the other data:

All the information is there -

redditsuckz ago

Electrial Tape...bags under eyes....bruises...spiral dress...Image liked by Department of Justice Employee(DOJ) Arun Rao....


Arun Rao Linkedin;


Devious1 ago

Yup, u know. Thought I'd seen that name mentioned before.

That's probably why the image keeps getting deleted.

RecycledUser ago

Where did you find that last part???

reasonedandinformed ago

Incredibly insightful analysis. Thank you for reposting this. I have been very concerned about #carisjames from the start. The last picture showing her alive is from January 31, 2015, which is actually the one you have analyzed: https://s17.postimg.org/kvi8smsi7/Screenshot_20161109_223253.png.

Someone pointed out that the comment "FY and Ceris" could mean Young Friend and Caris as FY is the inverse of YF and is sometimes used in the communication code (see here and search "FY and Ceris" - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/98056049/)::)

"llewhinkes Fy and Ceris"

FY = YF backwards, pedo slang for Young Friend * AoA: Short for “age of attraction” meaning the age groups of children they are attracted to * MAA: Minor attracted adult (used in reverse of the word “pedophile”, though it is the same and places the child as responsible for the abuse) * AoC: Age of (legal) consent * CL: ChildLover/pedophile * GL: Girl Lover/Attracted to girls * BL: BoyLover/Attracted to boys * YF: Young Friend, used when speaking about a victim * CP: Child Porn (Which could mean anything from photos of naked or half-naked children to photos of actual child rape/torture) * LG: Little Girl * LB: Little Boy * GM: Girl Moment – which is time spent with a young girl (that can either be a passing second consisting of nothing more than a glance or a smile, or a lengthy visit with a girl); * BM: Boy Moment – same as Girl Moment

My post about this did not produce any leads after that date (1/31/15) showing that she is alive in healthy: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1504555

anonagent ago

I mean, the windows are sealed so light can't get in, and the room looks to be the size of a fucking broom closet...

Devious1 ago

I'll be honest, it wasn't me that analysed this, I found it on one of the Chans >>I can't take credit for someone's hard work: (It does all seem true and it does in my opinion match up)

The original image seems to of been removed from most of the "pizzagate" archives / pictures, which to me was sus - so always kept it in the back of my mind and when relevant I try to bring it back up. I'm glad you found this useful. The thing is, I've been around and looking into wikileaks since "Brexit" - then Trump - All of which have been very profitable - today I think is going to be a game changer: Some more wikileaks are due intimately and not meant to be for the feint hearted >>this is what I have been following - all this "PizzaGate" #Bringdownthering is just a buy product, which I like to leave a few breadcrumbs to keep people interested..

Have you downloaded the 4Gig archive of Pizzagate? PM If you want the link: last time I posted it - Voat.co went down for 15mins resulting in this EM Voat Disabled

Sorry for offloading > Peace and respect - God Bless America & Good luck

satisfyinghump ago

The links you are posting that are hidden/under the orange highlight, are only linking back to this post. This link and the above reply, could you please fix them or post where they were intended to be linked? What is phase 3?

Votescam ago

Believe there is another picture with family - Scott and Core -- where Caris somehow looks like an outsider. She is very small and there is at least one older child in the photo; perhaps a visitor? I will try to look for it. It's not anything more recent, but it's kind of interesting. Do these two children look enough alike to be siblings? (Dark eyes pic) And, is Caris possibly the baby in the photo with the money? Isn't that also Caris in the photo where Scott Cummings is holding baby and yellow beads around both their necks?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Isn't the "#chickenlovers" baby a boy?

Votescam ago

Don't know if it has been proven either way. But it is Scott Cummings in photo and he has two daughters -- Mae the older and Caris the younger girl. Don't know if there actually was a son later? There's a picture of Mae sitting on house steps with Caris on step below her and "Quinlin" a female cousin... picture comment by grandmother I believe says it's Scott's brother's child, sitting across from Caris on same step.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I remember that photo. But the "#chickenlovers" one really looks like a boy to me. And I wasn't assuming it was his boy, necessarily. People hold each other's children sometimes, if they're close. It does look like it's his own child though, with the way they both seem so tender toward each other. My initial reaction on seeing it and the comment was that JA was simply being crass toward a normal photo of a young father with his (that father's) son.

The beads are an oddity, though. Possibly random; not sure what to make of them being "coincidentally meaningful". And once I learned that JA knew the father, that put his comment in a bit different light. Still could just be a wicked sense of humor though, even at that.

Votescam ago

80% of the trafficking is in girls. The outfit is mainly pinks and don't see dressing a boy that way. And thought it very odd the way the child clung to the father rather than ready to explore her world. That is actually Scott Cummings and he has two girls -- Mae and Caris -- that I'm aware of. Maybe some day we'll know, but I'd also wager that you wouldn't find another photo like it (with the beads, as well) except on a website for pedophiles.
Plus the comment means "child lover" -- and I'm quite sure that JA knows that -- and don't see him having much of a sense of humor that I'd get. In fact, he's just said how he "hates children." Think that was in comments to the guy who put up the video on Museum -- the guy he allegedly threatened.

The beads aren't an "oddity" -- they're on the list of "codes" -- Sex bracelets -- and beads, list -- http://www.funnyjunk.com/What+the+actual+fuck/funny-pictures/6080949#8453de_6080505

ZalesMcMuffin ago

"Chicken" specifically means boy, not girl, doesn't it? That's one reason I have thought that the child is male. I assumed JA would match his words to the picture.

I don't know for sure what the gender is; hopefully someone can positively ID the kid.

Votescam ago

Yes, true -- attraction to young males. Understand what you're saying. However, given the clothing and the beads and the fact that Cummings has two daughters -- one, CarisJames Cummings -- who might that child be in his arms?

You see children holding on like that if they're not feeling well -- but if it wasn't his child wouldn't his holding a child that way seem even odder?

PS on the link I sent you -- intended to say go half way down the link -- then lost the post!

ZalesMcMuffin ago

By oddity, I meant that without the beads, the photo would be entirely normal-looking. I know they can have a sexual meaning (and also they can just be some plastic beads for a kid to play with). It's just a bit weird to have them around them both like that.

Agreed that the behavior of the child has the appearance of a child with its parent. I've always thought that.

DarkMath ago

Also Panda/Racoon Eyes can be evidence of shaken baby syndrome. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/shaken-baby-syndrome/basics/definition/con-20034461

Remember the bar is pretty low for this sordid collection of humanity: http://www.scottgbrooks.com/art/patron_punishment%20_1000.jpg

Archive: http://archive.is/qauvZ

I'm not saying that's what happened here it just needs to be said. Toddlers shouldn't ever have bags under their eyes. I even think that's one of the things a Pediatrician is compelled to report if they ever see it. There is no "probable cause" required. Any toddler they see with bags under their eyes gets reported to DCF. There are no exceptions.

RecycledUser ago

OMG that is beyond sad.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

What else could the bags mean? Other than shaken syndrome?

DustyRadio ago

Allergies can cause dark circles and bags under the eyes of kids. Also iron deficiency anemia as well as vitamin d deficiency.

Votescam ago

From another thread on Voat dealing with children's toy stores, pedophile logos, and connection of pedophiles with Panda-type toys ... sadly there is also P.A.N.D.A. which can be Strep throat infection to more serious problems. http://www.medicinenet.com/pandas/article.htm

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

It could mean a child who has been crying profusely.

DarkMath ago

"has been crying profusely"........There are many reasons why kids cry. Unfortunately you can't just eliminate emotional or physical abuse because the parents are Young Urban Profesionals. We're dealing with some sick fucks here. You can't take much off the table. http://www.scottgbrooks.com/art/patron_punishment%20_1000.jpg

BlueTesla ago

Finally, someone on reddit found the parents shortly before the subreddit was banned and I've been looking ever since but to no avail. So he's a coffin maker huh? Yet another coincidence to add onto the pile!

damnittohell ago


PresudentMcCheese ago

Yes. We should fuck police and the WE become the police! We are smart.

AreWeSure ago

All right. More people for us to investigate! We are smart. I have a gun.

Sometimes I feel like...

We should all fuck FBI, fuck Police, fuck everything and just go there and rip their fucking faces out of their heads.

Yes. We should fuck police and the WE become the police! We are smart. yeah, that's called vigilantism. It doesn't usually end well. Also illegal.

It's the next step isn't from citizen investigator isn't it.

It was very curious how quickly this board dismissed Edgar Maddison Welch when he embodied the very logic of this board. Something terrible was happening with children on the premises of Comet Ping Pong and nobody was doing anything. He was what, like 5th or 10th person to go "investigate" on site. He was just the first come to armed. People still argue about the a basement under Comet or a tunnel system under Comet.

Welch also have a longtime interest in apocalyptic thinking and conspiracy theories. He seems a very familiar type.

PresudentMcCheese ago

All right. More people for us to investigate! We are smart. I have a gun.

hendaiburtu ago

Mirror = Reupload I think

Fateswebb ago

exactly mirror basically means make an online copy so if one fails the other is still available. you would want to do so on a different server, so using a different host is a good idea.

dutch-justice ago

This sickened me. So dark. This can bring a total new boost into pizzagate. Can't believe these people exist, and making these sinister insinuations about it all in the open.

User890020 ago

all in the open

perhaps the most terrifying

paulf ago

The downside to hiding in the open is that when you're discovered, it's impossible to hide again.

User890020 ago

This could explain the extreme panic they seem to be in

postfascion ago

Right. The very thing that enables them, destroys them....fucking poetic.

snooooze ago

Great finds man.

Piscina ago

What a great video! Look at the reviews of Childroots: https://www.yelp.com/biz/childroots-center-for-young-children-portland-2 I believe that the only authentic reviews are the negative.

' During our short time there, a third of the families in our room left and the rest were actively looking for childcare elsewhere. ' https://www.yelp.com/biz/childroots-fremont-center-portland

Child roots is not what they say they are. I toured their new school and they had blinds with cords around the babies, inproper ventilation (poor air quality), old building in disrepair, poor kitchen facility with no stove or way to prepare meals. They say they are recycled but it just smacks of poor quality with high rates. They need to come down to reality and charge about half of what they do since they are delivering half of what they promise. The tour process is also a joke. We waited in the pouring down rain outside for the owner Christina to let us in for the monthly group tour. She doesn't want you to tour when the school is open which I would prefer to see the classrooms, children and teachers to make sure it would be a good fit. An empty school does not answer the questions we had in regards to the community.She seemed to be looking for who could pay the most and gave more preference to the family who dressed in fancy clothes and ignored the rest of us. She has been around for only 4 years and has no real substance or experience. She wants a 3 month notice to pull your child (RED FLAG!!!!). I found a much better place for my children but I thought I would add my two bits. http://www.urbanmamas.com/childcare/2009/07/feedback-about-child-roots.html

quantokitty ago

Thanks for this.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Won't let you see the classrooms when the school is in session?????
What kind of dumbfuck parents would leave their child to a place like that.
And what about the 90 day notice, is that so they can re-program the kid prior to leaving them???

anonagent ago

Yup, the first would be a huge red flag, and the second a deal breaker for absolutely certain.

VeryDicey ago

reviews are gone did you screen shot?

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Who only gives nursery tours when there's no children there?! The fuck

Gorillion ago

See why they're so keen to promote women in the workforce. Frees up the children. Necessitates such a desperation for childcare that parents will over-look poor conditions even with high fees attached.

Vic138 ago

Nicholas Rockefeller told Aaron Russo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGAaPjqdbgQ&t=4s)) that the Rockefeller Foundation was behind women's rights in the 1960s because only half the country was being taxed and it gave them more time to indoctrinate children in schools. Gloria Steinem bragged in her autobiography that the CIA funded Ms Magazine.

Look into the Reece Commission in 1953 on large tax exempt foundations (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUYCBfmIcHM&t=1215s)), they've been keeping us at war, changing the way history is taught in schools, education in general (dumbing down society) since the very early 1900s. I expect these oligarch families are behind all this lgbt, pedophilia and lessening of the importance of the family that is being forced upon us and even the breakdown of Christianity as a way to bring about uncertainty about what it means to be human. This will lead to transhumanism.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Don't miss these vids