awarenessadventurer ago

OH and Shanghai Tunnel was a bar on the back of that block on the other side of berbatis'. Its still a bar but I cant remember the name. The actual tunnels are underneath but you can do tours,etc. Its creepy down there but cool At that time I dont remember anything wierd going on wth Shanghai but then again I was only there on weekends, etc. so who knows... you can get down there into the tunnels though. Get a map and you can find ways in to go investigate. I am not there anymore or I would.

awarenessadventurer ago

OK. I know these guys since EARLY 90's. I know Trace (owner) he is dirty freak even back then. I know quite a bit about them from back int he day. I am sure its true. I will post what I know in more detail shortly but here is some that I know. He was the band booking manager for a bar called Berbati's back then. I was good friends with the owner (a good guy, RIP) I could go on about the crazy shit I saw with him but I do remember something specifically. He is definately gay/bi which is no big deal... but he was always hanging with really young street kids (he was in his 20's then) but he always had really young goth/satanic street friends he hung out with. I remember that the vibe at the bar was moving from rock hard core music to R&B & Hip hop at the time.. Trace hated it. He set up an event that was a semi private ticketed event that was basically a satanic sex party (masks, etc) I mistakenly went because Ted Pappas (the owner) gave me free tickets. I though it was going to be a costume party.. it was so much more. I lasted about 10 minutes. There were freaks hanging on meat hooks in there skin. Sex booths to get "serviced" and freaks having ugly sexual S&M action in every corner. There was a curtained area in the back marked VIP.. well I was VIP so I went back there (they tried to not let me at first but because I knew everyone they let me back) there were VERY young kids back there, dressed goth and half naked. THere was a curtained area back further and a bunch of creepy men around it. I was totally geeked so I left so fast. It wasnt that long after that Trace was either fired, or he left.. I cant remember but things were not working out. And that is when he opened Voodoo (just directly next store to Berbatis bar entrance and above the tunnels. Some other random freak stories of him doing fucked up bullshit. I thought he was a dirty freak and he liked hitting on my boyfriend. Total unapolagetic satanist. for sure. I am just starting to look up this stuff about Voodoo but I am not one fucking bit surprised. He was a scumbag then, and he is a scumbag now. Oh yeah, and the Karaoke from Hell at Dante's... well thats been going on with Trace since mid 90's at berbati's and then it moved to Dante's and has been going on ever since. That was a fun event actually a full band to do Karaoke was awesome. Back then those parties were fun... he was the MC and I always hated is disgusting jokes and sexual references. I just thought he was a punk shock jock. Apparently it was much more. If I remember right the guy that owned Monqui Productions (I cant remember his name) financed him. THAT guy was a complete pig. Total Coke whore, threw parties that always degenerated into drug filled sex parties. I only went to one but they had them at that guys house all the time. I think he also went on to become some kind of millionairre. He also opened a bar called EAST which is very near voodoo and may still be open. I havent thought about all that in a long time and I am sure I willl remember more details. But yeah, hes a pig.

Millennial_Falcon ago

So... the evidence is what exactly? I read both of the article, neither of them matched the titles. Nothing about opening a ping pong pizza joint, and nothing about a former employee alleging child trafficking... Did I miss something? The only evidence is a spiral on a doughnut?

olive611 ago

wow. the part that struck me was the room in the cash with piles of cash....

IllegalNews ago

That blew my mind.


another article worth reading:

note the mascot often comes with stabbed heart or pedo symbol

"The Voodoo Doll doughnut, both cute and grotesque, is the most iconic one. It comes with a pretzel impaling its heart, and is filled with raspberry jam reminiscent of blood."

IllegalNews ago

Wow. Great find. We're going to do an article on this, thanks Aldo




the CHILD SIZE COFFINS they are known for:

JA's friend - Scott Cummings (#chickenlover #carisjames "daddy likes butt") also lives in Portland EDITED

IllegalNews ago

Obama's campaign bundler that got arrested for child molestattion and the Mayor of Portland (who was caught raping a 17 year old BOY) are out here too.


there was another politician - mayor of portland in the 70s or 80s had an underage sex slave scandal as well....lemme look around for it

BOOM found it

"Goldschmidt publicly announced that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl (the victim later indicated she was 13) for an extended period during his first term as Mayor of Portland."

victim recently passed away after years of drug abuse -

IllegalNews ago

Yep, ol' Neil Goldschmidt...raped a 14 year old and they still refused to take down his portrait in City Hall or somewhere. Sick.

IllegalNews ago

Thanks Aldo we're adding those too!

Millennial_Falcon ago

I thought Jeffrey B. Smith (werkinonmahnightcheese) made the coffins? What does that have to do with Voodoo Doughnut?


oh yes - you are correct - I must have my wires crossed -= someone was involved with making "natural coffins" in pdx - SC is from portland and makes metal sculptures - the other guy werkinon - is from DC - my bad - its getting confusing all these coffin makers running around

shakethetree ago

Scott Cummings owns Natural Caskets based in Portland, OR.

IllegalNews ago

Oh my gosh!!! WTF???

laml ago

There is one in Austin as well! There is a connection in Austin with the Stratfor crew, East Side Pies?, Austin's Pizza,

DarkFae ago

I'm in Austin. East Side Pies is just a pizza joint. I grab slices from there all the time. There's a few locations & they also carry their pizzas in some bars here. A lot of pretty cool folks work there. I have never been to the VooDoo Doughnuts here. It's downtown (6th St) which I usually avoid like the plague. It seems like it's a way too high traffic area, but who knows. I could possibly believe the Portland thing easier. My friend from there told me some disturbing stuff about the tunnels.


they are starting to expand : LA & SF are coming soon - pretty sure they will have one in every major hipster city within 5-10 years

IllegalNews ago

Does anyone have any info on the Austin place?


The 4am piss I have everyday turns into 60 minutes on here 😔😔😔


with ya bud

AreWeSure ago

Now, you're going to ruin doughnuts too?

IllegalNews ago


meantartarsauce ago

wasn't that place on man vs food or one of those types of shows?

IllegalNews ago

Its been all over the place on tv and in pop culture, even though it started in a small, seedy child trafficking hub of Portland by two men who had never even made a donut before in 2003. They even said they were looking for a biz to make in Portland before they decided what they wanted to do. And they are now opening a PING PONG place.

awarenessadventurer ago

OK. I lived in portland for 30 years and at the time they opened I wouldnt call it a "small seedy child trafficking hub" that was the center of nightlife and when Trace opened that doughnut shop next to Berbati's it was simply a doughnut shop. He was into wierd shit but I remember alot of my friends helping to paint, etc at the shop. It was totally not some big masterplan as far as what I knew.. I think it developed over time as he started making money and getting more known. They hadnt made doughnuts before, for sure. And said so. But someone came up with the idea and it went from there.... he was doing it because he was BROKE didnt have a job at Berbati's any longer and found some dude whos name I cant remember to back him (at least partially) it was no big budget project. I owned a restaurant then so I was fairly tapped into what he was doing. See post above for how I know Trace. we used to have ping pong at berbatis for happy hour. Trace was always there... It was fun. And not pedo then. It was just happy hour and ping pong in the 90's. Ping pong isnt evil. Pedophiles are.


more info on new ping pong joint please

IllegalNews ago

We just did a story on it and will try to upload it in a couple minutes if Voat lets us.

gonegoogling1 ago

Holy shit. This is definitely something to dig deep into.

IllegalNews ago

VERY true. This place is very bad.

IllegalNews ago

One of the creepiest (and most illogically-located) businesses in the world has got to be “Voodoo Donuts” in Portland. The business, located right next to TWO deviant hellholes, one of them being DANTE’S Satanic Strip Club, as well as being RIGHT ON TOP of the CONFIRMED infamous Child Trafficking SHANGHAI TUNNELS) is an overtly-Satanic enterprise that has managed to skyrocket since its inception in 2003, despite being located in (as they put it) the “crotch of Portland,” and being extremely family unfriendly. The following is a compilation of evidence that we have already gathered (quite easily, as it turns out, we have barely even started digging) that this place may be a major child trafficking front: