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shakethetree ago

I have a strong hunch there may be a connection to Voodoo Doughnuts. Moderators diminished the importance of looking into Voodoo despite the pedo little boy lover symbol on their logo - exact same turquoise color. Why that is not worth looking in to to see if it is a deadend or not is beyond me. Voodoo's flagship location is 3 blocks away from the main office location for Childroots. 1712 E. Burnside. It is well known there are tunnels all over the underground of Portland in that area (Shanghai Tunnels). There are kid shaped coffins with skeleton-shaped doughnuts all over their Facebook page openly. Yeah - Voodoo is a hipster craze and one could argue it is all for spooky kooky fun. I don't buy it. See Voodoo thread here: Making a connection from Woolman/Cummings/Childroots to Voodoo is going to be the task.

EDIT: Spoke too soon. So many locations. The Childroots main office location is on EAST Burnside a few blocks from a Voodoo doughnut annex. No tunnels on that side of the river. Voodoo flagship is on West side of the river. There is in fact a NW location on Flanders for Childroot. I still stand by a connection needing to be made if this is in fact a lead.