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JeremiahSinclair ago

Use this analysis to help show skeptics claiming it "debunked" that little to nothing at all was actually debunked by these articles:

reasonedandinformed ago

Good analysis. The debunking started with a non effort by NYT and WaPo which then became a circular reference point for the claim it has been debunked. Someone new to this will realize that every single question raised was basically not even touched when 100s of media reports made the claim that this is "fake news."

JeremiahSinclair ago

Exactly. NYT, Snopes, and WaPo publish super lame non-debunkings, that are then re-reported elsewhere as if they actually did their job. To the lazy reader, it looked like an open and shut case, but even basic scrutiny completely deconstructs those original "debunking" articles as bogus, and therefore renders bogus all the other coverage that referenced them as the "proof." Truly pathetic, and sad how easy it is to create a narrative for the masses.

reasonedandinformed ago

That is why we are not afraid to link to every "article" or source that has claimed to debunk pizzagate. We will readily and confidently point those who are curious to the unsubstantiated claims by corporate media that pizzagate is "fake news" (, exposing the fact that they lack any support. The MSM/LSM absolutely refuse to do the same when it comes to reporting on our claims as they do not want the public to be exposed to all that we have uncovered.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Heck yeah! Keep up the good work, brother (or sister, but assume brother from your writing style)!

reasonedandinformed ago

It is all fluid, right. :) It is funny how men and women write with different styles...not that there is anything wrong with that!

JeremiahSinclair ago

Of course!