crystalclearme ago

Searched voat for Norwegian Refugee Council but didn't see this event. Wasn't sure if worthy of posting but after sleeping on it I decided it is highly likely related: Sudan Area manager and Country Director both asked to leave within same week. There is a link with Clinton Foundation.Looking more into it but thought I'd share

Country Director Victor Moses and I haven't see the other name yet :

reasonedandinformed ago

Please compile, document, and post. It looks very relevant. Norway is a major center of things based on what we learned in the last week.

crystalclearme ago

Glad you can see it too- it worthy of its own thread? I mean it needs a great deal of inference? Where do I put it? Have we or should we start threads dedicated to countries? I suppose I could search for that and if not there then I could start it and use my info as start. SOrry rambling- not used to doing this for public consumption!

reasonedandinformed ago

Just post your ideas with support. It adds to the collective conversation. Maybe someone else builds off the lead. If not enough yet, maybe the link ruminates and is built upon later with more info.

truth-uk ago

Hi guys, this could be an important part of this world wide paedophile ring. Just noticed this sign near my home, with the international paedophiles symbol (like a triangle) YWCA Jesmond House, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England (Clayton Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 1UJ )
This building is in an affluent part of the city, and is a hostel that caters for vulnerable single people and recently released prisoners. Check out the symbol at the top of their web site Interestingly this place was opened by H.R.H. Princess Alexandrea on 27 sept 1984 This is the sign I seen from the street,-1.6029612,3a,15y,356.35h,85.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sG5E6OjeUozpTNMc2DP0TOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Hope someone with more know-how then me be able to dig some more, little children could be at risk now.Thank you. I would also like to thank Victurus Libertas VL, for recently making this video about this matter

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you!

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Word is that info that led to darkroom came out of fbi operation playpen, several rings uncovered. The politicians are a former labor party member in his 40s and a progressive party member. 51 under investigation all men

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

That twitter account you listed is some kind of Tavistock mkultra slave

ronnyCPI ago

Yes, unfortunately they haven't released any of the names yet, to see who they're tied to.

madhatter67 ago

Norwegians tend to be pretty badass, and consider the Swedes to be a bunch of pussies so there is hope

hardrock ago

My apologies if this is posted in slightly the wrong place, but it is about pizzagate and is about links to other countries, and it is still extremely fresh and relevant. a suspect named Rafael Uribe Noguera has just been arrested and indicted for the abduction, rape, torture and murder by strangulation of a 7 year old girl in Bogata, Colombia. That country and much of Latin American is erupting in rage. See for basic outline of facts. HOWEVER the story is being ignored in the USA, and ALL of the coverage (meager as it is) is trying to pass off the perpetrator as someone VASTLY less significant than he is, and the press portrays his extended family as VASTLY less significant than they really are. The extended family is the top of the top of the Elite in Colombia, intrinsically woven into the entire fabric of politics, Intelligence services, Military , Judiciary and Finance. Given the stature of the EXTENDED family , and Colombia's role in the world's drug trafficking it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE for there to be no links into the greater PizzaGate investigation. Unfortunately , much of the documentary trail exists only in Spanish. Worth pulling the strings, I think. Wish I was literate in Spanish.

reasonedandinformed ago

Okay. We vastly outnumber these creeps. Take care.

YouaremeandIamyou ago


YouaremeandIamyou ago

file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/Preview%20(5).jpg i d just made a meme about this. my forst ever meme! forst is word i just made up, combining worst and first.. but this is not too bad, i think, for my first go...

Piscina ago

This documentary made in Norway about Norway's Child Protective Services Barnevernet states that Freemasons and Satanism are behind the taking and trafficking of the children;

reasonedandinformed ago

No time to look now but sounds very relevant.

popezandy ago

I'm putting this on my sidebar post just to raise awareness of the norway connection. There may be weak links and leads in that part of the world, victims, ousted members, people scrambling, loose ends, etc. We need to start making the bridges or else everyone's gonna think it's an island.

CadiBug ago

I found this on Wikileaks the Prime Minister of Norway invited to Clinton Global Initiative opening per Wikileaks Wikileaks I wonder if more digging into Wikileaks would uncover more links between Norway, the politicians, and CGI

bananfarsan ago

I checked, and NYT deletes all AP stories. Look at the AP archive at NYT and google some of the headlines from the same day. They all show in google but 404 at NYT.

This is a dead end at NYT at least

Heffter ago

IMO this has nothing at all to do with pizzagate.

The Norway cops arrested 51 Norwegian guys and 1 foreigner from SWEDEN.

reasonedandinformed ago

It was just the start. 150 terabytes of data. Other factors about Norway make it a center point for things, plus the connections to CF.

juhos ago

Wow. I got a feeling this shit is going to explode.

Votescam ago

Agree about that observation -- I think as p/g grew, many were researching to see how much of this stuff has been going on. Australia, Belgium also shocking as to what went on. Norway is more recent, however.

Anonymous987654321 ago

419 upvotes and it still is not at the top of 'Top" but has the most upvotes? Seems fishy. Heres an email for the shills. Read the last 3 lines of the email and Google who Moloch is. Why is that name mentioned in her emails?

matt_frohlich ago

I don't know who owns the AP, but I do understand what the purpose of the AP is. The AP publishes short news stories, many of which are international. Newspapers are allowed to purchase these stories and print them in their papers. A lot of papers use the AP because they don't have the resources to send reporters overseas to report on international issues. I don't work in media, but to me it is plausible that this purchase would come with a contract that only allows news outlets to publish the story for a fixed period of time (unless they were willing to pay more money).

KittyTigerlily ago

I don't know how much of this is true or not true, but you need to read this anyway. It's from Rense, who has been keeping up with this.

Clinker ago

Thanks for the link, that was very well written. I was encouraged by the statement that the Podesta were in Portugal at the time of Madeline McCann's kidnapping. The info about the Freud connections in the British government was also interesting. Some big names mentioned. Tony Blair, David Cameron, and the Murdoch family. So the son of pedophile Clement Freud is tight with Lord Jacob Rothschild, Tony Blair, David Cameron, and married Rupert Murdoch's daughter. So the Podestas were staying at pedophile Clement Freud's villa in Portugal at the time of Madeline's kidnapping. The Podesta connection links the Clintons in. It is hard to imagine Rupert Murdoch running the same circles as the Clintons. Are they not on opposite sides of the political spectrum? In any case, I do recall how much Hillary's fawning email to the Rothschild woman stood out. While most of Hillary's emails are clipped partial sentences, her emails to the Rothschild person were glowing with affection.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

What if they're setting it up to claim that Russia has framed these people? I don't know why Russia would hate on Norway, except maybe about NATO.Why would they draw attention to themselves by taking the story down?

reasonedandinformed ago

Wow. This last point is horrible but relevant.

Eph513 ago

Great post. This seems to be a weak spot in their armour. The scrubbing of multiple publications is a not so subtle tell.

SlimeJime ago

It's kinda funny, all they had to do was bury the article in their website and take it down after a year but instead they panicked and removed it before the week is over.

totesgoats908234 ago

“Operation Darkroom” resulted in the seizure of 150 terabytes of data material in the form of photos, movies and chat logs containing atrocities against children as young as infancy

Among the 51 perpetrators said to be involved, 20 have been arrested. The list of the accused includes “highly educated” individuals, including two former or current elected politicians, one teacher, a lawyer and a police officer.

the material shows penetration of toddlers, children being tied, children who have sex with animals and children who have sex with other children.

Take special note of the shocking file size — 150 terabytes! It’s too horrible to even contemplate. To put this into context, the Library of Congress holds about 600 terabytes of Web data. Its online archive grows at a rate of about 5 terabytes per month.

And note that police are investigating the reach as worldwide, which means it involves a massive scale of evil filth

They found 150TB of CP

The national archives are ~600TB

Here is an infographic to show you how much information 2TB can hold

That is a massive amount of data...

TheTrigger ago

I think people simply know we're using the archive sites and, not wanting it there, resave the 404d page to get rid of it.

It'd be nice if there was some sort of archiver that worked like the way back machine, and let you save iterations instead of overwriting everything.

Womb_Raider ago

This makes no sense, though. keeps previous saves.

Banned4Truth ago

Well is't this interesting. Been looking for Norway's Progress party suspects to see if they've been named. No such luck. But I did find this blog on Norway's history of CIA involvement with blackmailing politicians to keep them in line. Same story...different place. And other scandalous pedo behavior among party members.

Norway's progress Party, supported by Anders Breivik, has recently had its sex scandals

On 22 september 2011, it was reported that:

  1. Progress Party MP Bård Hoksrud, while travelling with members of the Party’s Youth Movement, was filmed entering a bordello. A prostitute confirmed that Hoksrud was her client.

  2. Trond Birkedal, former Stavanger Mayor candidate, was arrested in 2010 on suspicion of secretly filming up to thirteen boys in his shower. He is also accused of having intercourse with a minor.

  3. In 2001, Mayor of Os in Hordaland County, Terje Søvikness, had sex with a 16-year-old girl whilst at a national Party congress.


On 19 September 2011, Wayne Madsen links the Anders Breivik story to:

  1. The CIA's terrorist activities in Belgium

  2. The CIA's child sex orgies in Belgium

  3. Nazi Knights templars with links to Belgium and the CIA.

(Breivik massacre has “Gladio” clues from ... - Intrepid

According to Wayne Madsen:

  1. The Norway terror is not unique.

The CIA's 'stay-behind' networks, part of Operation Gladio, have frequently carried out false flag terror attacks in Europe using right-wing paramilitaries.

For example, between 1982 and 1985, the 'Brabant Gang' attacked supermarkets and other places in Belgium.

At least 28 people were killed. (STRATEGY OF TENSION / US MARINES; BRABANT.)

Among the victims of the Brabant Gang were Belgian real estate tycoon Jacques Fourez and his secretary, Elise Dewit.

Their deaths, as well as others, were linked to the evidence they possessed of child-sex orgies called 'pink ballets'.

Those who attended the 'pink ballets' included NATO officers, royalty, top politicians and other top people. (PINK BALLETS; AMERICAN MILITARY.)

Going to be reading up on these people. The current Progress party roster is here:

If none of the people in the linked articles are still with the party or were busted in the sting, this would prove beyond a doubt that pedos in government is not just a freak coincidence and these are not "isolated" cases. It should demonstrate that pedophilia in government is rampant at the minimum.

projection ago

I believe the police bust was broken by the media on the same day it was announced that the Norwegian government would be reducing it's annual contribution to the Clinton Foundation from $125 million last year down to about $5 million.

reasonedandinformed ago

From $25 million down...

h0neyRoasted ago

Where's the Guardian delete?

reasonedandinformed ago

I wish I could have captured it. I saw it at the top on a Google search this AM "norway pedo ring." Hours later, it was gone. I don't know if anyone was able to grab it. With this community, my hope is high. You guys are amazing.

Rskr202 ago

Found this in search for Norway pedophiles. 2010 global bust traced to a home in Hollywood.

I have a friend who lives in Norway I am asking her if there has been any new news there.

IlluminatiKing ago

What lengths MSM will go to make this #fakenews thing relevant.

remedy4reality ago

What I am reading into the drastic cut in funding to the Clinton Foundation by the Norwegian government is that the umbrella of protection, along with the alleged conduit of victims it has provided to the elite and political class, has come to a sudden and unexpected end. The wholesale scrubbing of the story from our MSM is ominous and should not be discounted.

bolus ago

Reuters, AP, and Al Jazeera all deleted it, but google news still returns this story on amp from Nov. 21:

I'm on mobile, i took a screen shot, but haven't been able to archive it. Little help?

reasonedandinformed ago

This is my effort to get the latest archive (12/1):

I am not a techie, but the link should work. Thanks!

bolus ago

Excellent, thanks!

pizzahthrowaway ago

If this wasnt real, why did the chans get DDOSd when the Arun Rao connection was made?

Nobody DDOSes a site that hard over something that was a made up coincidence.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yep. The best evidence on where we should go is driven by their behavior/reactions.

realfuckyoumagic ago


Here's something to share on social media sites.

othelie ago

I have never heard of that news-site from Norway. This was all I could find mentioning FBI: More networks Gunnar Fløystad says it takes a lot of resources to investigate these cases.

  • We have spent a lot of resources and must continue to do so, he said.

There is talk of several networks. Only a few cases have originated in the major international case complex that is revealed by the US police force FBI.

It all started in September 2015 when police in Bergen received a review from a 22 year old man for assaulting a 14 year old girl. This person had been involved in a sedelighetssak earlier. Police began to unravel the case and found that he was part of a larger network.

quantokitty ago

Agreed. There are a few European sites covering it so I'm going to stay glued to the developing story.

There seemed to be one leader whose name was not revealed. Only the attorney's was. I'll bet any money that man whose name is being hidden is bed with Podesta/AJ & Co.

HolyMoly0 ago

Norway cut Clinton Foundation funds on the same day as these articles. WHY IS NO ONE MENTIONING THIS?

dittohead ago

The Norway story was initiated by the Associated Press, not "fake news" media> not get carried away, AP is as fake add they come

reasonedandinformed ago

I was playing off of the MSM narrative, being ironic actually. The point is that they cannot have it both ways.

othelie ago

Im from Norway and have been following both cases closely. I dont think they are related. The back story is that a girl was molested by a guy. When they confiscated his data, they saw big activities with other; sharing pictures etc in the dark web. And this one particular lady in the police investigation got a feeling that with so massive contact there had to be more. I dont think this has anything to do with FBI. Many of the people who were cougth was just arrested for looking at pictures. The police man who was arrested was just for READING about a story that was about sex with children . All dough really horrifying that so many people are pedophiles, has sex with children etc it seems like more isolated cases and and nothing like pizza gate.

reasonedandinformed ago

...seems like more isolated cases

Really?? 150 terabytes of data material! Do you know how massive that is. And as the previous responder mentioned, the FBI initiated with a tip. See here for another mention of the FBI tip:

DuffBeer4Me ago

Well that is strange, isn't it? Are they running bots that have auto conversations between each other? @Phobos_Mothership

DeckoGecko ago

archive of the story in the independent :) also got a comment in thanking them for not deleting it and promising if they kept it up they'd gain cred and readers lol here's hoping

standalone ago

Let's refrain to speculate that something is a smoking gun. This doesn't help credibility. The Norway ring is definitely something we need to investigate now that the reaction of the MSM has brought the matter to our attention. But let's keep the "smoking gun" expression to celebrate the piece of evidence that will truly prove beyond doubt that #pizzagate is real.

The_Kuru ago

How about if it's just this simple: the premise for the breathless "Pizzagate debunked" assertions by the protectorate media is that it's absurd at face value that important higher-ups are engaged in this sort of evil. And then they report an elitist child porn/rape bust in Norway. That cognitive dissonance diminishes their authority to presume something debunked based on the elite status of the accused so they decide they need to un-report the news.

Foreign news outlets not directly protectorate regarding pizzagate would still do what is asked of them out of collegiality.

reasonedandinformed ago

That is a benign theory. We all encountered "cognitive dissonance" when we stumbled upon this. I think 95% of us could not begin to believe what we are discovering. This does not stop the search for the truth. Those who are trying to stop this are either a part of it or compromised...and THEY ARE TRYING TO STOP our findings from reaching the general public. Add to that the extremely active effort to discredit, investing resources to shill, threatening those who get closer...and, oh yeah, the murders that seem to be connected (Breitbart, Max Spiers, Monica Petersen, the investigators in Finland...just to name a few). I think they see this story as getting too close (150 terabytes of data!).

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

It is fucking real, and its implications would destroy the left and many establishment powers. I hope it does come out. We need to wash the Earth of these scum.

MillennialHarvestMes ago

Google "Translate" seems to be having difficulty translating some of these pages in full....or at all. So, I cut this from Norway's "The Daily" newspaper and ran it through "translate":

"The number of suspects in the very extensive pedophilia case Darkroom increasing day by day, police in Bergen

When Western Police District went out with information on the operation Darkroom first time last Sunday, were 51 men on the list of suspects.

  • The emerging new names all the time. We are constantly striving to associate user names to actual suspects. The number is going to increase, says prosecutors Janne Ringset Heltne to Bergens Tidende. She is chief investigator for operation Darkroom.

Editorial in day: Evil exists in our midst

The first conclusion to the case by the Bergen police ahead of Sunday's news conference concerned a 23 year old man who is regarded as a key player in the distribution of material showing child abuse. Police had been working to identify the man in almost one year when he was arrested on Friday 18 November.

23-year-old son of a senior police officer in the police district, at his home, police found computers, external hard drives and memory sticks.

  • In this latest seizure we found new information that we are investigating further, says Heltne."

DuffBeer4Me ago

FFS how many posts do we need about Norway? This is a manufactured distraction.

Linking this Norway thing to the Clintons?? There is absolutely no evidence.

Media deleting shit... They are setting us up. They know it goes nowhere, they are diverting us from where the real money comes and goes. If you guys want to follow the rabbit, be my guest, waste your time.

The article was crap, each of the 'coincidences' they were taking have far more 'Occams Razor' explainations... Q. Why didnt Hillary question the election openly?? A. Because she would look like a complete idiot after what she said during the election. Q. Why don't norway donate to Clinton Foundation anymore? A. Because they stopped like every other country who was donating has.

This twitter story sounds like absolute BS too. "verified account unknown to me Guardian huff blah blah".... yeah sure. Name or gtfo.

And this thread has far too many upvotes for such a shitty article.

NORWAY is now keyword on my 'spam filter' list.

Commonwombat ago

I can't wait to have enough points to down vote morons like you.

crystalclearme ago

So agree and I'm at 52 and shamelessly asking for upvoats :-)

Commonwombat ago

I so wish I could give you one but I've been pretty gung ho this past 24 hours and I've run out!

crystalclearme ago

Your sweetness is truly worth more to me. Thank you!

Commonwombat ago

You are most welcome :)

DuffBeer4Me ago

Here you go (your at 99, I think if I reply and upvoat you it gives you 100)...

edit: oh no it doesn't, you have to make one more comment, sorry.

Maybe you want to actually read the article OP linked and what I actually posted before you downvoat.

Commonwombat ago

How very admirable of you.

MillennialHarvestMes ago

Yeah, in scouring legit Norwegian news sites, it seems to be a real story, and the prosecutor in the case has a FB page in Norwegian where it says she was appointed to be a Prosecutor in 2015. The Norwegian story says that this investigation was in tandem with the FBI.

dogeminho ago

Have they all been archived?

UglyTruth ago

Do you have a link to an archive of the original Guardian article?

reasonedandinformed ago

Just in my brain. The Guardian, and some others, were showing at the top of a natural search on "Norway pedo ring" this morning. I checked back later, and the same search only brings up the #REALNEWS sites now, like VOAT. The irony: If you want people to find us and other partners in the search for the truth, just have them search for this real news story, and all they will find is people like need to filter through the lies or distortions of the MSM along the way!

UglyTruth ago

Yep. norway pedo ring on google returns a link to #REALNEWS at the top of the page. For bing #REALNEWS kicks in at positions 4 and 5 For duckduckgo #REALNEWS is at position 1 if you read the comments section.

saltminetimes ago

Interestingly, if you google "norway pedophile network" and click news you come up with these results. However, if you click "view all" under that first batch of headlines, google says "No articles related to norway pedophile network were found." Which is funny, since, you know, they just showed a whole bunch of articles related to "norway pedophile network."

reasonedandinformed ago

Interestingly, Fox News is still showing the story right now:


I am not sure what to think of Fox News as they still don't seem to want to touch this story. It seems like all of the majors are involved or compromised.

Doa11 ago

sandernista_4_TRUMP ago

Floystad told reporters Sunday that many of the suspects are highly educated, and include lawyers and politicians. He said he could not reveal more details pending the conclusion of the investigation, known as "Dark Room," which began in 2015. Prosecutors said the perpetrators met in the dark web, using encryption and anonymity to hide their tracks.

Holy shit

matt_frohlich ago

ABC news regularly removes old news stories from their website. For instance, I did a random search for "japan tsunami" on their website. You will notice that numerous stories from early November are no longer available. The fact this story on Norwegian pedophilia is no longer present on their website is not evidence of a cover up.

The Norwegian story is an Associated Press story, so it is plausible that news outlets such as these only purchase the rights to post these stories for a fixed period of time. If that is the case, it would explain why all of these other news outlets removed the story at the same time.

zoltan907 ago

The article is still online at Tulsa World and WHEC.

Local outlets have smaller budgets than the major ones do, so why are these small, local outlets able to keep the article online longer than the majors?

matt_frohlich ago

I don't know, I just know that ABC news regularly removes old articles. Here are 6 examples from the random search I did on "japan tsunami" where the articles no longer appear:

Japan Says Prime Minister Abe to Meet With Trump Next Week

Taxes? Trade? How Trump Could Affect Key Areas of Economy

The Latest: SKorea Media Say Trump Promises Military Support

Markets Right Now: S&P Backs US Rating After Trump Win

Japan's Nikkei 225 Stock Index Leaps 6 Percent, Yen Falls Day After Trump Win Sparks Sell-Off

Accidents, Bad Behavior Trigger Marine Pause to Regroup

I would consider this piece of evidence (at least in the case of ABC news) to be debunked.

lawfag123 ago

Interesting idea! Can you show us a sample article?

PS Ignore the downvotes we need to thoroughly look into everything. **

matt_frohlich ago

Certainly. Here are 6 examples from the search I did on "japan tsunami". Note that I picked "japan tsunami" simply because it is an apolitical issue that stands a low chance for censorship. If articles related to this are getting removed, then it is plausible that ABC news commonly removes articles after a certain period of time.

Japan Says Prime Minister Abe to Meet With Trump Next Week

Taxes? Trade? How Trump Could Affect Key Areas of Economy

The Latest: SKorea Media Say Trump Promises Military Support

Markets Right Now: S&P Backs US Rating After Trump Win

Japan's Nikkei 225 Stock Index Leaps 6 Percent, Yen Falls Day After Trump Win Sparks Sell-Off

Accidents, Bad Behavior Trigger Marine Pause to Regroup

lawfag123 ago

Thank you for that.It brings some much-needed perspective about other alternative explanations and possibilities. You only cited links to ABC news, but now it is plausible that the New York Times and the Washington Post may have similar story retention policies.

What do you think about how Mark Thompson covered up / downplayed the Jimmy Saville story at the BBC in the past, and now he's the CEO of the New York Times, which I think is the first paper to deem that the Italian cuisine story was fake?

Have an upvote, too.

matt_frohlich ago

What do you think about how Mark Thompson covered up / downplayed the Jimmy Saville story at the BBC in the past, and now he's the CEO of the New York Times, which I think is the first paper to deem that the Italian cuisine story was fake?

I don't know, I'm still agnostic about this whole pizzagate thing. I need to read more about what happened with Jimmy Saville before I can even have a perspective on that angle. This controversy does seem to have some parallels with the Franklin Scandal, which I am more familiar with.

To be honest, I have a really sick feeling about pizzagate. I do think pizzagate has uncovered some credible evidence that needs to be addressed in a responsible and objective manner and right now the MSM is failing miserably at that. On the other hand, I think pizzagate is infected with group think, which is equally dangerous.

Just imagine if you were James Alefantis and you actually were innocent. True, he has said some questionable things, but I think we're all guilty of that (I'll admit that I am). Can you imagine how horrible that would be to be falsely accused of operating a pedophile ring?

lawfag123 ago

Me too. I would actually be pretty terrified if I were him, whether I was guilty or innocent. When you have thousands and thousands of people from all over the world actually out to get you, what the hell do you do? I don't know the right answer.

Think about this: how many times have we seen a girl falsely accuse a guy of rape, and the guy is guilty until proven innocent in the public eye, and his reputation is completely fried forever. Eventually he is found innocent but he still completely screwed. It happens all the time. But, it doesn't mean it's right. Unfortunately, that's the way things are.

The law says that it's worse to convict an innocent man than it is to let a guilty man go free. That's what the presumption of innocence and proof beyond a reasonable doubt is all about. In a courtroom.

Here, the whole effort behind this ad hoc investigation is focused on convincing someone with some journalistic integrity to look into it. Or for law enforcement to get involved. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like either are happening. The first stories coming out and dismissing this as fake discussed none of the evidence. No investigating. And, he's been operating his pizza shop for a long time, and John Podesta has been in elite circles with Democrats and lobbyists for a long time. So when we see a bunch of strange evidence, and a long history of inaction, it looks like he's getting away with something.

Something that really stands out to me is how that attorney at the Department of Justice who works in the sex crimes or child trafficking division (if I remember correctly) Arun Rao appeared to be following the pizza owners instagram account. Or he liked a strange picture that the owner also liked. I don't have the image in front of me as I write this, but based on that, it looks like the wolves are guarding the hen house. Also, what is the deal with Laura Silsby, Hillary Clinton, and Haiti? Why did Monica Peterson*(?) die after going down to Haiti to investigate human and child trafficking earlier this year? I think child-abuse is fairly accepted in Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia has close ties to the foundation and the US government.

It seems lost on the media that this thing is not limited to a humble pizzeria.

Finally, even though we risk destroying the reputation of an innocent man, the potential of putting a stop to child abuse and trafficking seems to justify it.

remedy4reality ago

Good God... wake the fuck up.

matt_frohlich ago

Have you tried going onto ABC news and clicking on any old stories? A significant percentage of them are dead links. Try it for yourself. The first 6 links are dead, just like the story about Norwegian pedophiles.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Good job. best save offline as well. Even the archive sites aren't safe.

onegin ago

Only the NYT link works for me. What gives?

Was able to find the ABC one on

Evidenceforthings ago

WHY are you being downvoted? If it is by people being paid to work online to downvote content exposing corruption: May god have mercy on your soul, as he does for us all.

onegin ago

I don't see any downvoats on his comment?

reasonedandinformed ago

I actually had posted about this on Reddit earlier and was downvoted by some people. Here is my Reddit post:

It quickly jumped to +5 and now shows a 0 net total. I don't see how to tally actual downvotes on Reddit, but that means I had at least 5 downvotes since I know I had at least 5 points.

DuffBeer4Me ago

CTR - You are SOOOO busted!!!

Can't reply with your bot account, right??

Have to reply with the 'human' account that is used to babysit the whole auto conversation!!!

That explains something that happens all the time on this forum - why whole chains of comments that have almost NOTHING to do with the OP are voted to the TOP.

And explains how you had those forged screenshots of kingkongwaswrong - because you MADE THEM!!!

@kingkongwaswrong @crensch

reasonedandinformed ago

By the way, that is three replies written by a human. Signing off to go to church.

reasonedandinformed ago

@LegionWill posted that screenshot. I only found it because he was acting like a shill trying to explain away an inappropriate photo with #CPLOVE attached to if (of a boy with a cucumber in his mouth). I am concluding that you are either over paranoid or actual CTR but do not have the time to look at all of your history.

reasonedandinformed ago

What are you talking about??

kingkongwaswrong ago

I dont understand?

DuffBeer4Me ago

I am writing up a post now explaining it better, it's a bit complicated. Will ping you in new post.

crazimal ago

To flush out criminals law enforcement can plant a story about the criminals' associates. Maybe a true story, maybe not. It has an effect on the criminals prompting them to reveal themselves, or others, etc. then the story is taken down. These stories are usually planted in smaller publications. Or occasionally the NYT. Draw your own conclusions

Evidenceforthings ago

What are you saying? That the news items on the Norwegian pedophile and child porn ring are not true?

crazimal ago

No. probably are true. but the media are always influenced by and work with government and law enforcement, so that has effects in what stories break where, and whether things get pulled or certain details left out. Think important to remember that dance is going on as well, regardless of any "fake news" accusations or propaganda battles...

Evidenceforthings ago

WHO is downvoting you? Are people being hired to downvote people on VOAT? If you are earning money defending illegal activity, you too are a participant in the crimes. You will be found and imprisoned if Trump gets on this.

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Yea, I see no downvotes. Screenshot otherwise stop spreading false info

micha_ ago

What is interesting is the Norwegian newspaper Tidens Krav reporting it, is only a small regional paper, according to Wikipedia with a ciculation of around 15.000.

reasonedandinformed ago

People are getting threats about reporting this and related stories, so I have moved past this being a "fake news" story.

reasonedandinformed ago

Implied was 30 Norwegians and ONE overseas...likely someone VERY BIG IN THE US.

zoltan907 ago

reasonedandinformed ago

That story was written later. I would fully expect a much larger ring, massively larger, given 150 terabytes of data, an unspeakable amount. I think the Norway thing was the nexus of a world-wide ring.

reasonedandinformed ago

I initially thought this, but the reaction to the Norway story is so extreme. The link to CF, mentioning of "one person overseas,"...means that this is not just a regular pedo bust. This looks to possibly be THE BUST that might explode things open with more digging.

jbooba ago

I´ve read they could run this only after a major leak from the FBI, is there any confirmation for this? Could it be from Weiner´s Laptop?

reasonedandinformed ago

Update. It appears to have been an FBI tip from 2015. It does not mean that there still could have not been later help from findings on the Weiner laptop.

reasonedandinformed ago

I am working off of this assumption.

cantsleepawink ago

The farm mentioned in that blog is suddenly up for sale.

Commonwombat ago

Could you point please me to where the farm is mentioned, for the life of me I can't find it. Why is the farm of significance? Hang on, is this the farm mentioned in the emails?

zoltan907 ago

According to Google Maps, Quarter Branch Farm is located at 40327 Quarter Branch Rd, Lovettsville, VA 20180, and Fazenda Burity is located at 40267 Quarter Branch Rd, Lovettsville, VA 20180, but if you click on the Fazenda Burity link, it takes you to a site with a Brazilian domain name, which reads in Portuguese (using Google Translate): "Fazenda Burity is only an hour from São Paulo between Vinhedo, Valinhos, Indaiatuba and Campinas, and only 20 minutes from Viracopos. Nestled in a small valley, it is a haven of peace and tranquility for families with children, for meetings and corporate gatherings, parties and weddings. The colonial elegance of the nineteenth century, which belonged to the Baron of Jundiaí, has a unique romanticism in the midst of Brazil's largest business, technology and industry centers."

Commonwombat ago

Thanks for that. I'm confused because the farm mentioned in Wikileaks is in Enfield Lane, Lovettsville.

contrarianism ago

Quarter branch farm

solar_flare ago

So these websites don't offer any reason at all for taking the story down?

TemporalTraveler ago

Duckduckgo. still has all the links to the different news media organizations...kind of interesting that it says Helsinki ...they may have been caught in a big FAKE NEWS sting themselves....mindlessly reporting verbatim a piece of scandal. The fact that they haven't acknowledged it being fake however, and just removing it shows even more so how fake they really are. So whether it is real story or a fake story the big news is that the MSM are unreliable.

saltminetimes ago

I posted this on another comment at the bottom of this thread, but I think it's worth repeating:

"Right, but those "Helsinki" parts followed by dashes indicate where the article was written and reported from, not where the events took place.

So, in short, even if this was false information from the get go, they shouldn't try and cover up the fact that they are guilty of pushing the sorts of "fake news" that they are now trying to attack and censor."

edit: I don't think it's fake news, for the record. It's still being reported on in Norwegian news outlets as of today.

laura0714 ago

I saw "russians" planted images. I think that is why they took it down. Although, you would think they would report "Russians planted images " and continue story.. don't know

reasonedandinformed ago

BTW, you do know that the "Russian planted CP" theme was a planted story as cover for the things that we uncover.

throwawaa ago

I don't think it's fake news, there are a ton more articles on Norwegian sites about it, some with video reporting and more detail on the criminals etc.

I started a thread to aggregate this info here:

reasonedandinformed ago

That is actually an exact thought I had. It was sourced by the AP. However, the behavior involving censorship and threats that touch on it are very telling. The behavior around things is sometimes the best tell of whether it is something considered a serious problem by TPTB...and this is happening in spades on the Norway case. The Clinton Foundation related information is also consistent with this, and the FBI wanted for us to find the link to CF.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

These people really don't understand the Streisand effect

saltminetimes ago

It might have been fake news from the beginning, whether to have come from AP or not.

If you screw up on a story, what you should do is post a disclaimer at the top, noting that you have updated the article and detailing how you fucked up and provided false information. You don't try and cover your tracks and let people continue thinking that what they originally read was accurate. That is awful journalism and not a great excuse.

All, or most, articles begin 'Helsinki', and Helsinki is the capital of Finland

Right, but those "Helsinki" parts followed by dashes indicate where the article was written and reported from, not where the events took place.

So, in short, even if this was false information from the get go, they shouldn't try and cover up the fact that they are guilty of pushing the sorts of "fake news" that they are now trying to attack and censor.


drunk420 ago

The owner of Besta Pizza was making food without plastic gloves on. His pizza shop should be closed down for that alone.

Trabidius ago

Lol, most pizza places don't have you use gloves when you make a pizza..

drunk420 ago

That's fucking disgusting

Trabidius ago

No, it's called washing your hands every 5 minutes. Making pizzas extremely fast is almost impossible with any kind of gloves.

drunk420 ago

Shills gonna shill, I guess

Trabidius ago

... You're going to call me a shill because I'm giving information on how it is to work on an actual pizza shop? Check my name on Reddit and here and call me a shill again, you fucking idiot.

drunk420 ago

Oh good lord. Calm down.

ProudTruther ago

Yeah its the same shit. You can't really run stories on what a joke pizzagate is along side of stories of politicians, lawyers and doctors raping children and making plans for the abuse of their unborn rape babies.