DcFunny ago

I don't know how to make a new post, but I'm pretty sure there is a new body to add. A Voat user no less. What do.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Anybody got the link to the video where Monica's mother says in a eulogy that she doesn't believe Monica killed herself?

rutkdn ago

Millennial_Falcon ago


pizzaequalspedo ago

She does not "look like" or fit the profile of someone that would kill themselves, nor does she fit the profile of a SJW who would be anti-anti-trafficking.

The MSM will do anything to protect their masters, and defiling the memory of a nice young girl like Monica is right out of their playbook.

DcFunny ago

Neither did Blevins

Insubordinate ago

The Franklin Credit Union was located in Omaha, Nebraska where most of the events occurred. The Omaha police department and the Omaha World Herald newspaper were involved in the cover up. Much of the legal aspect of the case took place in Lincoln however.

Lincoln, NE has its own issues...

MolochHunter ago

vale, Monica. Would that ANYONE in the mainstream media had a tenth of your courage and ethics

anolegion ago

The WaPo article 'fact-checking' the Petersen connection was curious to say the least. Two of Petersen's friends, one a Denver-based dominatrix, the other a Rhode Island sex worker, were interviewed saying Petersen did not investigate human trafficking.

In fact, she worked for two years on a still unpublished research paper criticizing Siddhart Kara, an authority in the field who wrote "Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery (2009)" and who she allegedly called "one of the demagogues in the field of human trafficking”.

"Monica Petersen was an advocate for sex workers who disdained the rhetoric of people she considered anti-trafficking zealots."

What the fuck are 'anti-trafficking zealots'?

I guess we are all 'anti-sex slavery demagogues' now?

doubletake ago

could mean a disdain for hypocrisy

KnewAmericanCentury ago

Gee, I wonder why she would criticise Siddhart Kara? Spoke for Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Must be smart. Said- ""Like any business, sex trafficking is governed by the forces of supply and demand. Understanding sex trafficking like a business will help us design more effective tactics to abolish these crimes." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6J30fLHnf0 Interesting.

doubletake ago

sure does. ...... what a loss!

"Monica earned her bachelor's degree in Anthropology from Western State College of Colorado in Gunnison, Colorado in 2008, and received her master's degree in International Development with a concentration in Human Trafficking from the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver in Denver, Colorado in 2014. After graduating, Monica worked at the Human Trafficking Center as a Research Fellow and the Assistant to the Director. She also worked with the Social Wellness Advocacy Network, the Colorado Human Trafficking Council, the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking, and gave a presentation at the University of Nebraska/Lincoln Human Trafficking Conference. Monica was appointed to the Data and Research Task Force of the Governor's Colorado Human Trafficking Council."