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Sentastixc ago

Of course this is fake/set-up, the fact that he claims he called with Alefantis says enough, not even to mention he claims he was actually threatened by him... Why in the world would Alefantis do this, if it would not benefit him?

SpikyAube ago

Yeah it seems insane to do that, but if he is insane, as in, he's a sociopath with connections to, and dirt on, the most powerful people in the world, then I can see how he would do something like that. Sociopath/narcissists do terrible things and can be very clever, but they also take huge risks and can act stupidly and rashly when threatened or feeling like their ego is being hurt. And if he is what everyone is thinking he is, then it's very possible he has high confidence that law enforcement are on his side, that he would be able to wiggle out of anything if it came to light that he'd threatened someone. I mean, already everyone on here are basically calling it fake news, so what chance does a story like that have with the rest of society, especially with the fake news priming?

I'm not saying it's not fake, but I think it seems genuine and I think it shouldn't be dismissed so quickly. This guy who said he talked to JA has been involved in this for a long time, why would he fake something like this? what does it achieve? It's not like it would sell him many more pizza gate t-shirts. He hasn't faked anything or come out with any dodgy information before.

samhara ago

Exactly. Who has the time with all the research he does to fake something like that?

He's just naive.