murphy212 ago

Indeed you can fake anything on a web browser with local javascript (e.g. plugin). He would need to give his FB password to a trusted third-party and have him login in and check, OR he would have to log into a trusted third-party computer (through VNC or whatever) and access his FB through there (the computer admin would be recording the desktop session).

The issue is one of trust. You cannot trust someone who speaks on YT, nor can you trust a computer you don't control. You could trust code, but you can't look at the code running on the guy's computer. You could however trust a third-party, who would have to be involved in the verification. That's the only way IMO without FB involvement (which would anyway also be a third-party).

Faking this would be a good way to publicize his t-shirts. But the value of his shirts come from the funny catch phrases he came up with (which you can copy and easily make/order your own shirts with). Plus he found/published that museum kill room stuff. So my two cents is he's telling the truth. If he's a shill, he's not good at his job.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

You're probably james alefantis

nitro169 ago

You would be accusing him of brilliance then. This guy is not making bank, but I give him an A for effort. He would need to be smart enough to look dumb enough to seem smart enough yet appear too dumb to lie, but really being too dumb to have a motive to make it up. Its a pretty elaborate lie that really isn't that good of a lie. If someone was going to make this up, they would have done a much better job, and it would have been a much bigger lie/story.

samhara ago

The Pegasus video is out there.. they might stamp it out or erase if they feel the need? But for now I think it's mirrored and backed up.

Who knows for how long?

samhara ago

He definitley didn't have his head screwed on straight, going into this or how he handled it.

I don't believe it's a hoax: He's way too naive. And the work on the "killroom" is solid and very impressive to those who have seen it, I have heard.

I can't imagine someone so naive that they would apologize to Aleph. and not just hang up when he started threatening.

speckledcat ago

100% agree. Just like Seaman there is an agenda at work here.

edit but playing it off as profiteering is a pretty good play considering the heat I/others give seaman.

zzvoat ago

I am on board with you 100%.

"All I'm saying is don't be so quick to believe this. For all we know this guy could be staging this and trying to scare people or create fake news or who knows"

seekingtruth2016 ago

I haven't been here in a while, but this whole situation very much caught my attention and I'm compelled to respond.

Does this guy really expect us to believe that out of all the people who have likely tried to contact JA, he was the ONE lucky person to not only get a response, but also somehow manages to get him on the phone? I'm sorry, but this whole story is outlandish and highly implausible if you use logical reasoning. For those of you who think that this situation is simply too complex to be a hoax, nowadays this is a job that any technically apt person can do within a few hours. I also agree with those of you who find it strange how he chose not to record any subsequent conversations and also continues to post videos about this experience even though he was supposedly "threatened" by JA and forced to take down the previous posts for fear of his life. That is a pretty strong indication that this whole thing is a huge hoax.

Use your brains people! And shame on you PizzaGateGear for trying to profit off this issue!

samhara ago

How many other people actually tried to contact him? I'd think, not many.

seekingtruth2016 ago

Seriously? Any good investigator would at least try to get information from the source. It's a bit unbelievable to think that out of all the great researchers on and off this site only a handful of people have attempted to message JA through social media or other avenues.

samhara ago

Can you name some ? What would you gain? We have no power of compelling answers. Do you expect him to answer truthfully?

This is not the New York Times, who needs to look or a denial or explanation from the person under suspicion.

Aleph's already had his say on TV, hasn't he? He's made his position very plain. As well as participation in the fake event at his Pizza Shop.

I would consider it dangerous to contact him.

Hells, people are even afraid to even talk about his subject or look at the images of their "Art. "

seekingtruth2016 ago

No offense, but that's exactly the type of attitude that lends itself to ineffectual research. You don't have to be a professional journalist to know how to ask the right questions to catch someone in a lie. There are YouTubers who have reported on the JA interview he did on Fox and they've talked about the questions that could have been asked. HighImpactFlix is the first one that comes to mind, but you'd could easily do the research on other vids with similar topics regarding what information we should be asking JA if given the opportunity. Whether any of these individuals has tried to contact JA is beyond my scope of knowledge and that's what I am trying to establish to make an informed judgement on this guy's claim that he had such an engaging interaction. It honestly just sounds like a well planned false flag or hoax.

I may be misunderstanding, but your argument that people are afraid to talk about this subject doesn't make sense. That's the whole purpose of these threads. If people were afraid, no one would be investigating, so I'm not sure what point you were trying to make with that response.

samhara ago

Also, the fellow really better watch out, because people like that really will want to kill you after they give you their confession. Don't ever take a confession from someone like that.

samhara ago

He confessed and no one even noticed?

samhara ago

The things/ interviews with Aleph on TV and elsewhere.?

Yes, he gives the tells of a liar. And even psychopath.

So: What else do you want to know?

And what more do you expect.. ? To prove it over again [By the way, that is a tried and true technique; Nothing is going to be good enough to count for proof. So they get you working your ass off for years, and around in circles, called "fruit loops" ]

He gave a confession..

Too funny. Still Dud / Zip.

samhara ago

Average people do not want to hear or talk about it. This is a rarefied group of researchers. Not ordinary people.

samhara ago

I 've been researching for a long time. And you are just wrong.

We are not [alleged] " journalists" with the Mass Media as our megaphone. We have no obligation to "tell both sides."

The other side of the story is told already by the Mainstream. I know what happens to truth; Interviewing the guy isn't going to do anything., unless you are a prosecutor with powers to subpoena and with Aleph in jail - where he can't erase evidence.

Aleph is tipped off to such a degree he's likely even a member here! . You have to subpoena witnesses and all kind of data to prove him right or wrong, and to get him to talk.

Aleph is so certain of his safety that he is said to have confessed on the phone with this individual. It's considered a FEAT or a Trophy - to do that.

It's a job for a team of trained individuals - who actually know the law and have the power to prosecute.

It's not a job for one individual.

They haven't arrested Aleph. Us talking to him is not going to change that. It will just give them a chance to claim harassment.

A phone call by someone who is likely deemed by the Mainstream as a "domestic terrorist" is not going to do anything but play into their script.

Make no doubt about it: The Mass Media is covering for him! And that is powerful

Aleph is under no obligation to answer any questions truthfully, over the telephone with someone he does not know. When he also knows it is a hostile questioning.

These people are hypnotists, they are trained in MKULTRA, The questioner fell right into the SUB [missive] role.

The countdown backwards from 10 is an hypnotic technique.

The dude even apologized to Alephantis. -

The researcher was in over his head.

seekingtruth2016 ago

Honestly, this just sounds like the rant of a shill who is basically saying that the work that's being done is pointless because no one in here is trained to do proper research or interview him effectively. You have no clue what types of professionals take part in this site, so maybe you're the one who's wrong.

Are you really trying to say that you believe JA was using a hypnotic technique over text to get this guy to become submissive? Laughable. MK Ultra techniques aren't going to work that easily. This again just makes you sound like a shill trying to scare people into thinking this was a real situation that could happen to them if they aren't careful. I'm done engaging with you, but appreciate the opportunity to debate the topic. Thanks.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

I would bet anything that very few people tried to contact him. And out of those, probably only a handful were civil at all. Youre asking for harassment charges by contacting him directly. Look at Sandy Hook. I can think of maybe only one guy who actually went and talked to anyone. He went in person. The other one i know of who contacted people went to jail for it.

seekingtruth2016 ago

You can't just be charged with harassment for contacting someone! If that were the case every person who has ever contacted a stranger would be arrested. Well, if you're a millennial I guess that would be your line of thinking, but I digress. Real journalists aren't just sitting around doing research behind a screen all day. They go out and try to get answers even if in some cases it means risking their lives. There are at least a couple of videos with YouTubers going to CPP to investigate and have they been charged with harassment? Of course not! Once it was apparent that they weren't welcome or asked to leave, they did it and that was the end of the experience. No one went to jail and to my knowledge these people have not been killed off. Some people are just braver than others, but in the case of this PizzaGateGear guy, I think it's a sham created to scare people away from continuing research. Mission failed.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

This is no operation. This is as shocking to me as it is yall

amCassandraAMA ago

would you please publicly state that we 2 have nothing to do with each other? thanks

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

We have absolutely nothing to do with eachother

Htaed ago

The real threat was on the voice call. And it was where they planned the texting video.

SterlingJB ago

This was actually why I was skeptical. The video just looked to establish where the basement digging pic was taken. Doesn't seem to be incriminating enough to respond with threats since the pic doesn't establish a crime or anything just a location of a possible basement and construction, right? Of course, maybe he does have something at the place worth protecting, but then again why respond to the vid and give it more attention?

samhara ago

Aleph can't be touched, that's why.

Check out the interview by the long time NYC dectective on this child trafficing / pedo beat.

He says the investigations are blocked from the top , and always have been for his entire career.


Because it's the people at the top.

Why would Podesta's mother adopt 25 children and for some reason have an in with Presidents and powerful.

"This is Too Big"

People need to wrap their mind around the scale of it.

Aleph is not scared, because he is protected.. No one is even getting him in Court. They could stage his "death" and then blame it on the crazy Pizzagaters..

So don't "harass" these folks fools... What is gained?


You get death - threatened.

lectorleoni ago

"Give me your thoughts," that's an Alefantisism (cf. the original Pegasus video, the comment on the roof plan on Instagram). Kinda makes you think.

party1981 ago

Guys, we don't know if this is is a hoax.

If it is a hoax, it is EXTREMELY elaborate and well done.

And, if it is a hoax, it was done to sell tshirts, but nobody is buying those shirts. I'm not. Nobody else here is (more or less). It is BIZARRE, in the extreme, for someone to go to this length, just to sell tshirts. There are better ways to make money.

And, finally: this guy did great research on Pegasus. That first Pegasus video is amazing. Now, ask yourself, whether this person did that video, which was amazing, and then faked an interview with JA, just to sell tshirts?

Does that make sense? It doesn't make sense. None of it makes sense. What the fuck is happening to this country.

0000000001 ago

he didn't make the pegasus video, so there goes that idea. You didn't cover many of the possible angles either, for example he could be running a distractionto scare others

party1981 ago

Who made the video?

samhara ago

Very Good. And here is the interview with the NYPD Detective, who was on this beat [pedo / child trafficing] for decades.. Why do these cases never get to trial?

Because it's the people at the top involved, who block it.

That is why Aleph acts the way he does.

He's a KNOWER; he a gnostic. He knows it.

starrydust ago

Well, there could be other motives besides just selling shirts and making money. The thing is, he has the attention of more people now than he has probably ever had before. More people know of him, and have great respect and admiration for him... Fame has been known to be a driver in people's actions, and they don't always think through what the long-term consequences may be. Maybe they don't care.

I noticed that his latest video has 7,000+ more views than his second highest one, and this one hasn't even been up for one whole day. It could go viral, and who knows how far it will go...

Finally, it's difficult to tell who people truly are based on what they allow you to see via the internet. They may appear to be great and helpful people on the surface (for example, redditor Carl Herold), but behind the mask, can be great darkness and ulterior motives. And you cannot see behind the mask until it falls because they make a mistake, or someone else reveals it. Sometimes, this mask never falls.

DefenderOfTruth ago

Yes, and the Voat investigation seems to be pretty well advertised too via memes and links in other sites. I bet a lot of high profile folks are stalking here.

starrydust ago

Those are definitely plausible angles. I would add that another possibility is that ITGOT is suffering from some sort of mental illness, and that this was a planned, elaborate and one-sided act to gain lots of attention and $.

I agree with what you said about the detail, and that it is reasonable to expect more. He's clearly not adverse to going into detail, as he goes into great detail with explaining the meaning of his and James's messages. James supposedly says many things which are emotionally charged. He should, as a result, be more likely to remember it. But perhaps he is trying to forget about it, and doesn't want to relive it by repeating it... because it was painful and scary to hear.

Fateswebb ago

The last thing I want to go down in my life is having my hands duct taped to a table by a bitch. I wouldn't put it past jimmycomet to take out his frustrations on one of our buttholes. And drain the body into the soil of D.C.

joe_hill ago

1 the video doesn't prove anything

2 Ok let's say it was Alefantis. So what ?

Let's Focus on clinton fundation and Pegasus museum

DefenderOfTruth ago

But Alefantis didn't contact that guy. He contacted Alefantis initially. Right?

jml1201 ago

These are great questions.

DefenderOfTruth ago

If that was Alefantis...

DefenderOfTruth ago

My initial gut feeling told me something was off with that video. I don't want to discredit him, but things just aren't adding up for me.

unconceivable ago

His verification don't me shit, watch this:

unconceivable ago

Fucking around with the HTML to reproduce video: Took me 30 seconds

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

I got the same message a few days ago

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

The main part that draws my attention, is that ISGOT is obviously trying to make money from pizza gate merchandise here. So the threats could be legitimate, or they could be made up for some (money making) attention. I watched his videos and agree with much of his research and opinions, but the fact he is openly trying to sell things obviously casts at least a little doubt on his story. Following on here for some of the more well versed computer experts opinions regarding veracity

DefenderOfTruth ago

Ditto. I wish I could know for sure his motives. This world is getting too complicated. sigh

I keep checking back expecting empirical evidence one way or the other in the validity....I guess time will tell.

My biggest fear is that something stupid will discredit this whole movement and the real perverts will just keep on destroying innocent lives under the radar.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

I woke up today to the same thing and got pretty pissed off. Glad to see it's not just me

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


DarkMath ago

I just got an email from . Pizzagateshills isn't associate with pizzagate.

DarkMath ago

I got the same thing!!! I even posted about it. Yes "armyseer" is totally a shill. Who can we contact about this?

Nana66 ago

I just woke up to this and my opinion without finishing watching this video and checking if others got this same vibe, is that they started posting about this channel I never heard of being removed yesterday on and tried to make it a thing. Now this video is suppose to make us feel like we can all be found. I notice Mods and others who are listed on v/pizzagate keep changing as they are called out but the big one I noticed today is Kevdude is missing. He stands out to me because he was always jumping in to reprimand us and delete posts. I haven't found out why yet but he was, what I think was fake doxxed yesterday and for all I know this guy is him trying to scare us....while selling shirts AND maybe getting info on people who buy them.

samhara ago

Possible. But how do you explain the good vid on the location of the kill room?

Maybe he's an insider and that's why he can do a good "hang -out" ?

Doesn't appear so, they choose more polished actors for their ops.

Also, Kevdude recently responded to a post of mine. He's been working like all engines on , so he could just be resting?

Nana66 ago

Kevdude isn't in the Mods list anymore.

samhara ago

I see. Well he commented on my post. Maybe as a civilian.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Ok. I asked him to make that video. He just made me believe him. Wow, this is surreal

jml1201 ago

You know what I also realized. He "threatens" this guy to take the video down but he posts the whole convo......without his number.

Sentastixc ago

Of course this is fake/set-up, the fact that he claims he called with Alefantis says enough, not even to mention he claims he was actually threatened by him... Why in the world would Alefantis do this, if it would not benefit him?

samhara ago

Psychopaths don't have to make sense. Especially protected ones.

And Aleph is protected as everyone should well know.

I don't watch TV but didn't he get on TV with some major talking head?

It's all how it is framed to the public, And Aleph is framed as a victim. So the entire public, and half of VOAT itself are primed to see Aleph as a victim, of stalkers and crazy people

Why wouldnt he want to give the "interviewer" his mind? He has nothing to lose. Honestly.

What I don't get is how that guy thought he could call him up after making that video.


samhara ago

The frikkn researcher even Apologized to Aleph!


FriesischShipping ago

This feels as set up as those softball questions lobbed at Alefantis back in November outside of CPP.

samhara ago

That might have been real too. Most people have no clue.

What do they expect? If they talk 'man to man" the person won't lie and will confess instead.. ?

SpikyAube ago

Yeah it seems insane to do that, but if he is insane, as in, he's a sociopath with connections to, and dirt on, the most powerful people in the world, then I can see how he would do something like that. Sociopath/narcissists do terrible things and can be very clever, but they also take huge risks and can act stupidly and rashly when threatened or feeling like their ego is being hurt. And if he is what everyone is thinking he is, then it's very possible he has high confidence that law enforcement are on his side, that he would be able to wiggle out of anything if it came to light that he'd threatened someone. I mean, already everyone on here are basically calling it fake news, so what chance does a story like that have with the rest of society, especially with the fake news priming?

I'm not saying it's not fake, but I think it seems genuine and I think it shouldn't be dismissed so quickly. This guy who said he talked to JA has been involved in this for a long time, why would he fake something like this? what does it achieve? It's not like it would sell him many more pizza gate t-shirts. He hasn't faked anything or come out with any dodgy information before.

samhara ago

Exactly. Who has the time with all the research he does to fake something like that?

He's just naive.

jml1201 ago

Thank you, I think this place is getting infiltrated. I'm in shock of the amount of upvotes and lack of questioning his post got.

nomorepepperoni ago

Could have fooled me, but I saw a pretty high amount of skepticism in it until he started addressing concerns by uploading requested evidence.

jml1201 ago

Well I suggest you take a look.

Aslo, what is wrong with questioning things that don't add up to me?

I didn't accuse him of lying, I brought up what I believe are red flags.

srayzie ago

I think he's genuine. I just think he's naive. You don't respond to a narcissist the way he did. He got submissive and Alefantis loved the power. I don't care about him selling shirts right now. The point is what's going on. I believe him and I feel bad for him

SpikyAube ago

I believe him too. He seemed genuine, I've seen videos of his before and he always seemed genuine, and he did seem afraid. Also, the conversations were too natural in my opinion, to be faked. They included too much confusion/misunderstandings, lapses where responses to one question came after other questions had been asked - that kind of step response thing you get sometimes when one person is replying as the other is still typing, as in, it's not like I say something, then you say something. Fake conversations almost always follow the Me: say something You: respond.ask Me: respond. You: response. etc. Natural conversations by text more often get kind of out of sync, like theirs did sometimes in these messages.

samhara ago

Who has the money to pay to that calabre of actor.

Acting is hard. Crisis Actors are always shitty. This guy is not a professional actor, just a good researcher who got in too deep.. Over his head.

Extreme naivete ! And he is one of the best researchers.

Can you imagine the level of naivete of the public?!

srayzie ago

Yeah I agree. I don't think he's going to get on there and cause all of this attention and piss off JA. He's had to deal with people calling him names and being rude. Why do all that knowing you're putting yourself in danger if your just tricking us? He's been helping investigate. I think he's kind of innocent and naive. I mean he gave his full name! He gave his voat profile username. I just don't think he's used to dealing with really bad people and didn't know how to handle it once it got too far. Now everyone is telling him what to do in all different directions.

jml1201 ago

Do we have proof that was his number?

throwawaa ago

Right, to edit the name and profile picture, you have to right click and inspect those and replace the content with something else. I did it with "Somebody's Name" in my example screenshot.

jml1201 ago

You think Alefantis would actually make threats to someone after this whole scandal broke out KNOWING the person on the other line may be recording him??

Please ask yourselves these questions.

That is all I'm asking.

AreWeSure ago

Alefantis calls this guy and threatens him knowing that the person is his enemy and knows how to edit video/audio? Implausible.

samhara ago

Yes, he would.

He's a bad-ass.. People should figure that out by now.

nomorepepperoni ago

Perhaps in digging up Pegasus, Alefantis now has little choice but to become the fall guy for the elites.

This might be why the MSM keep busting out fake news about how debunked this is, and how it's all centered on one pizza shop. That way, when it all goes down, they can all distance themselves to just pile on what a horrible person Alefantis is, and how he duped so many people who had "no idea".

SterlingJB ago

If there is any shred of truth to this story, I'd be worried if I were JA of being off'ed. Can't imagine he'd not be an expendable asset.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah definitely. They took out Craig Spence like it was nothin.

jml1201 ago

Jealous? I think the word is immoral

GoodGodKirk ago

Making money? For selling a pizzagate shirt? But yet "cum dumpster" shirts are ok? What's so immoral about a pizzagate shirt?

The MSM is immoral but i bet you still pay for cable.

jml1201 ago

What I am trying to say is that profiting off of a movement against child pedophilia seems immoral. I'm not saying the actual shirt 'PizzaGate' is immoral.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

I don't care about the morality of selling things related to current events (I actually like anything that draws attention to the case, even if it's seeing a t shirt on someone), but I'm more concerned about the ethics of a participant in selling things. If you are an active poster/amateur researcher, then once you introduce profit there becomes a clear conflict of interest. Takes away credibility a little in my eyes

ZalesMcMuffin ago


throwawaa ago

I want to believe but this isn't proof. In 30 seconds I reproduced this by right clicking the name on a chat window in facebook, clicking Inspect Element, and then editing the url that the link goes to. That link stays the same even if you click Home, because the chat window is not reloaded.

He needs to do a livestream and prove it in multiple different ways suggested on the fly by other trusted people here. That would convince me. If it's worth that much effort to prove this. But if we can't prove it, it's not really much use to us.

Investigate1999 ago

Thank you for this!

nomorepepperoni ago

Doesn't that data clear when you close the browser?

Have him open a new browser, nuke settings and all caches within the browser, completely exit, then restart said browser and log into Facebook (he can blur his email on that screen). Then, open the nefarious chat and click Alefantis's name.

Even then, I could see someone cleverly editing a prerecorded video. Livestream this, perhaps, as well?

murphy212 ago

No, you can fake anything on a web browser with javascript (bookmarklet, plugin, etc.). He would need to give his FB password to a trusted third-party and have him login in and check, OR he would have to log into a trusted third-party computer (through VNC or whatever) and access his FB through there (the computer admin would be recording the desktop session).

The issue is one of trust. You cannot trust someone who speaks on YT, nor can you trust a computer you don't control. You could trust code, but you can't look at the code running on the guy's computer. You could however trust a third-party, who would have to be involved in the verification. That's the only way IMO without FB involvement (which would anyway also be a third-party).

Faking this would be a good way to publicize his t-shirts. But the value of his shirts come from the funny catch phrases he came up with (which you can copy and easily make/order your own shirts with). Plus he found/published that museum kill room stuff. So my two cents is he's telling the truth. If he's a shill, he's not good at his job.

throwawaa ago

That would convince me, but ONLY if it's a live stream so he can't edit the video. Video editing is super easy nowadays.

angryindividual ago

Where's YOUR proof of recreating that? - Here debunk this archived link of

Investigate1999 ago

That's not a chat window. [edit: never mind; I now see that you guys are communicating]

He has already demonstrated how to do it by showing us his image.

throwawaa ago

Just follow the steps I suggested. Here's a tutorial for the Inspect tool:

Here's what it looks like in this case:

(If people really wanted I could make a pair of fake facebook accounts and do this myself on video, but I don't want to give away my identity.)

angryindividual ago

No, burden of proof isn't on me. Sorry, but you didn't even acknowledge the direct link to James' profile. Geez. Wonder why.

throwawaa ago

Sorry, I acknowledge the link to his profile. I'm not saying that the profile was fake. I'm just saying I can easily edit the link in the chat box to point to whatever profile you want. Same with the name and image on the chat box, if you wanted to.

Right click the link, click Inspect, and you see this: You can edit that url to point to whoever's profile you want, and then do what he did in his proof video.

(didn't mean to make you more angry)

angryindividual ago

You're not understanding. You cannot archive a fake profile because of Inspect Element. That's what I'm proving. Also, I'm only angry 'cause I've seen you several times now continually insisting this point; it is erroneous though. Surely you can see my suspicion. Hope this is elaborated. CANNOT. ARCHIVE. A. FAKED. PROFILE.

throwawaa ago

When he made the video, the profile had not been deleted yet, presumably. I'm not saying the james.alefantis profile is fake. I'm saying it's easy to edit the link in one of your chat boxes in facebook to point to whatever profile you want, and thus do what he did in his proof video, even if you weren't actually chatting with that profile.

nomorepepperoni ago

Hopping on the bandwagon to confirm this can be done. This isn't questioning the profile, it's questioning if he cleverly modified data under Inspect Element to fool us into thinking he spoke with the real JA.

This said, the profile deletion can't be a coincidence, either. I'm leaning towards "trust, but verify" on this one, personally, and keep looking for ways this could still be an increasingly clever hoax.

throwawaa ago

Well it seems the james.alefantis profile is back up now. I wonder how long it was down for. Do we have an archive link to prove that it was actually taken down temporarily?

throwawaa ago

Good point, the fact that the facebook profile was apparently deleted immediately after he posted that proof video would indicate that someone is watching this discussion and reacting to it. Whether it was Alefantis who deleted it, or someone else who hacked it to be redirected, I don't know.

angryindividual ago

Thanks for further elaborating, now that I can agree upon. However, one or the other would have already had to initiate conversation and exchange at least bits of dialogue to further edit them. Point being, they still actually conversed.

throwawaa ago

Except, he could have the chat with any facebook profile -- i.e. he could create a fake profile with the same name and profile photo, do both sides of the chat himself, and then edit this link for the proof video. That would only take a few minutes to do.

Throwthisaway33 ago

Chiming in to say you are absolutely right. I'm not saying this isn't legit, but everything I've seen could be faked with time and effort

Investigate1999 ago

Exactly. We're talking about the CIA. They write their own cheques.

SpikyAube ago

Wait, you think this Ryan guy is CIA?

Investigate1999 ago

How would you like it, if I posted a video about interviewing you, and you admitting to being a pedophile? You would have never admitted it, and I might never have actually interviewed you, but if the evidence looks exactly the same as in the video, then the community is going to believe me.

Don't you feel a bit concerned about safety?

SpikyAube ago

But if it was faked, then the evidence wouldn't look exactly as it does in the video.

Investigate1999 ago

Why wouldn't it? Faked evidence looks real.

Investigate1999 ago

No, no, no. I'm saying that he could be in a weird scenario. Remember that the CIA overthrows democracies, and the shills are highly paid to focus on derailing the investigation. They have money, technology, and training.

I don't understand why we would allow investigators to make claims without proof.

SpikyAube ago

Yes I agree proof would be best, but I think that this guy is believable, in my opinion, and I think it would be wrong to completely dismiss him and say you have no proof therefore you're lying. We aren't a court of law and we don't need hard evidence, we can say, well there's always the possibility that it's fake, but because I'd rather accidentally believe someone who was making this up than dismiss someone who was terrified and had done something a bit silly and had no idea what to do and was hoping that by telling the community they'd have some protection, I'm going to choose to believe him and give him support.

Investigate1999 ago

I think it would be wrong to completely dismiss him and say you have no proof therefore you're lying.

I don't think that anybody is saying that.

We can give him support to be safe, but we shouldn't support him to the point, where you start believing everything. He has way too much voice in this forum.

theosimon ago

Is that you Jimmy Comet?

Beaucephus ago

Well, you're doing your job well. You're making me question Voat altogether. If they won't delete a shill as obvious as you, then WTF is this place really all about?

Beaucephus ago

No damned joke! Why the F is he still here? Makes me question this entire outfit.

Fateswebb ago

If you guys feel so sure then petition for a review of his posts and a demotion if he is found to be counterproductive to the investigation.

OrwellKnew ago

Umm, violence? And what type of violence may I ask?

There is nothing wrong with violence when properly channeled. For example self-defense. Are you suggesting that all Pizzagate investigators should be whimpy wallflowers who will offer no resistance in the face of an assault?

Sorry, chap. That's not for me. I am well studied in Violence and it's lawful and proper applications. And I would suggest that you all do likewise. These are not peaceful people we are dealing with here. Wake up

Beaucephus ago

armyseer is shilling hard. If you guys can't see it, you're fucking idiots. He has literally only tried to debase threads and attacked anything that is actually tangible in relation to Pizzagate.

In order for GoT conversation with JA to have been faked, you would have to accept that JA WANTS people to look harder into Pegasus. That is absolutely so damned improbable. WHY? Why would he want researchers looking harder into his properties???

samhara ago

Same thoughts I have around "Pizzagate is faked"

Why would Brock want half the world to think he was a sado - pedo?

samhara ago

Maybe someone is after these people and framed them. But then how do you explain the artwork collected over many years? How do you explain Rodham Clinton's loss as a predicted result by the same entities claiming responsibility for leading the emails?

It's much simpler if it's real.

crazimal ago

if he knows there is nothing there, of course he would want you to look hard at it, so you don't look at some other place, or person. It's like cards. Which card do you play first? Poker, bridge or any game -- if you have more than one game to play, you don't always need to start by revealing your strategy.

Beaucephus ago

You know there's nothing to fear from someone looking in your garage, right? (let's hope, anyway) Do you want the world to believe that you're hiding something of great consequence in your garage? No, of course you don't.

People don't want others looking into their affairs.

Fateswebb ago

If so? So what, prove him wrong. Evidence speaks for itself and shills are proven.

Beaucephus ago

So what? He's a MODERATOR here! That's what.

Fateswebb ago



The Alefantis texts seem to confirm the content of the phone calls, though. It definitely seems that Alefantis started out by threatening and only became more reasonable after he found out that Ryan was amenable to taking down the video in question.

jml1201 ago

How do we know that it's his number?

Fateswebb ago

He has provided pretty good evidence it was his number as well as his Facebook.

jml1201 ago

Did he provide his full number?

Fateswebb ago

Well what he did was leave the prefix covered and did a phone lookup and it came back as JA. So that shows the phone number he claims is actually James alefantis number.

jml1201 ago

Just so you know you can create your own phone number and text people from it.

Also, does this show his full number? No it does not.

nomorepepperoni ago

You do realize if he showed the full number (and especially if genuine) he would be wiped off the face of Youtube for giving it out? Further, that the full number could get us nuked the way Reddit excused their nuking PG there?

jml1201 ago

I'm going to watch this one more time but how do you explain him not recording this? Is he playing along with this? Are we 100% it's his real facebook?

Regardless how did he not record this guy threatening him.

Kawksnahch ago

I had this thought also. The other thought I had was that I would 100%, 10/10 would bullshit you about having or not having that recording. I'd be so full of shit it would be a laxative company's crowning achievement to clear me out.

nomorepepperoni ago

Any chance he was instructed by "someone" (cops, Alefantis himself, FBI, etc.) to say he couldn't get a recording? After all, we're dealing with people who will probably unplug and BleachBit everything if the risk of jail outweighs lost profits. Not that they haven't already been doing that, but there's an awful lot of panic from someone if they've already "sanitized".

Another possibility also crossed my mind--could Alefantis be positioning himself (intentionally or under duress from others) to be their fall guy? Oh, look, Pizzagate was kinda real, but the sweet, innocent Clintons had no idea about James! How awful of him to engage in such things!

KiloJuliet ago

I have not seen any calls for violence do you have an examples? I think the last thing anyone here wants is violence of any kind.


I agree. No calls for violence here. The most extreme thing anyone connected with Pizzagate seems to have done is tippy toe up the back stairs to Besta Pizza.

The way I see it Pizzagate is a collective research project, not a posse.

wellington33 ago

this two guys have been trying to debunk isthisgameofthrones for weeks:

jml1201 ago

WTF have I done to debunk this for weeks? Only comment in regards to this was him profiting off this investigation. Dont spread lies. My track record doesn't lie buddy.

wellington33 ago


jml1201 ago

Hey fuck face, I'm here to investigate not jump to conclusion. Like I said check my history.

wellington33 ago

again, you are your friend are the only ones saying this is "dangerous". if he is not your friend, then dont relate to him

jml1201 ago

Read my post. I said don't be so quick to believe this. It's odd there is not one recording when he had 2 chances to record him threatening him.

wellington33 ago

dude, if james alefantis tell me to call him before 10 seconds or ill be in trouble, i'd be so nervous i wouldnt even be able to make the call!!

jml1201 ago

He then had a second opportunity!

jml1201 ago

You already made a false claim saying I've been trying to debunk this for weeks. This is my first time QUESTIONING his video. Other than that I suggested not to profit off this investigation.

Fateswebb ago

I agree hat buying t shirts which would require you to give an address as well as other personal information is a horrible idea.

jml1201 ago

Verification in regards to?

wellington33 ago

so, this isnt enough proof?

@armyseer are you still trying to debunk GoT???? come on man, we already know you are the shill!

Beaucephus ago

@armyseer is a SHILL

jml1201 ago

Ok maybeee I can understand for some reason you didn't record it the first time and that is a big maybe but the SECOND time? I'm having a real hard time with this. You did all this investigative work and didn't record him threatening you.

starrydust ago

So, there is the possibility that he was advised by the police not to broadcast that he recorded it.

But, assuming that is not the case, then I think there is something suspicious about it. Before he called him the first time, he said that he thought "oh my god, should I get some recording software for my phone?” So it did occur to him to record it...

I get that, the first time, he was under pressure to call him within the 10 seconds. But, the second time, he had plenty of time to think it over, and had just heard 2+ minutes of ranting and threats to his life and his loved ones. He said that he was really scared, but doesn’t express much remorse or regret for not recording the calls (first one, a bit. Second one, none at all)? Wouldn't anyone of a reasonable nature, after a traumatic experience like that, feel shaken and regretful about not recording it... and be kicking themselves mentally & emotionally for not capturing this evidence, which is of a huge and personal nature?

He has created videos documenting the evidence of Pizzagate on Youtube, and so is not new to the Pizzagate investigation. I presume that he knew that people have died investigating Pizzagate, and knew the importance of gathering evidence. He stated this before the first call and yet, didn't think to record the second? Which also contained a death threat - “he assured me that I would die if I didn’t take this video down.”

samhara ago

What I can't understand is how he let the guy threaten him and did not hang up the phone. And went back to talk more.

Stockholm Syndrome. Everybody's got it. That's part of the problem.

Sandy008 ago

And really, is Alefantis so stupid that he would threaten the lives of someone's family without knowing whether or not the stranger on the phone is recording the conversation? I don't think so. Alefantis is no idiot. He's probably a psychopath, and they are endowed with intelligence and cunning.

samhara ago

That part doesn't bother me. Aleph set love to do FEATS. He could just say he was joking and the guy was stalking him , and they would let it go.

Also, it's against the law to record someone unless you inform them. So Aleph had all that covered.

micha_ ago

Thank you for being sceptical. There were a few things that didn't fit. He was not wondering, how Alefantis got the pics of his girlfriend and mother. He received a death threat. That is enough for everyone, to go to police. Blackmail with illegally aquired photos by Alefantis? Police would instruct, how to call him once more and what to say, to make him repeat the threats. But this guy is not interested at all to involve law enforcement...

And finally: after receiving death threats torwards himself, his mother and gf, he doesn't forget to advertise his pizzagate-shop...

samhara ago

Thing is: Maybe I'm being punked. But not going to the police is not a red flag to me.

The police are just going to say, One person's word against another. That's how it goes. Plus they are protecting Aleph..

Didn't anyone get that far yet?

micha_ ago

If you , your mother and your GF are threatened, you would stay at home and not call the police? Sure... And you would not forget to think about your webshop and smile... Sure.

samhara ago

I think money and support would be important at that moment. I would need $200 at least to buy a bullet proof vest.

And I would deserve it for the work I did, for zero pay.

Also, I would not call the police - since I already know what they would do. It's one person's word against another, and the whole society is on the side of Aleph.

The police have already shown they are protecting him.

If you called the police they would come and arrest you for harassment.

If you think the police are going to protect you, I have a rainbow unicorn for you to buy over at "Comet Ping - Pong" / all ages venue.

micha_ ago

Also, I would not call the police - since I already know what they would do. It's one person's word against another, and the whole society is on the side of Aleph.

You would. Believe me! The world is not, like you kids imagine it.

  1. Not all police is corrupt.
  2. Not all police is involved.
  3. In times of danger, hope grows (see #1 & #2).
  4. For life insurance reasons, it's important to make it public, that police has been contacted.

His behaviour (and the behaviour of alleged Alefantis) just doesn't make ANY sense. Zero. Zilch.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

I don't think going to the police with the death threat is the best idea... All law enforcement agencies are compromised.

starrydust ago

Yeah, I found the last bit a bit disconcerting. He switches emotions rapidly - from pleading, almost begging us to not go… to then becoming light-hearted and smiling, and in an apparently genuine way.

“Check out Look at my shirts” and then “keep up the good fight.” It's interesting, because just a few moments before, he said “Do not go to this location… this isn’t our fight. This isn’t our battle.” He conveys that we should place our trust in law enforcement agencies instead... Well, have they been shown to be trustworthy so far? (Remember James's text, “the FBI liked your videos?”)

samhara ago

"Place our trust in law enforcement" Then doesn't go to the police?. psht.

SpikyAube ago

Well, he was talking to the guy on Facebook, so presumably JA got the pictures from his Facebook profile or from googling his name. I don't think he can be written off quickly just because he mentioned his shop at the end. The interactions do not look faked to me, because there are misunderstandings and bits where someone asks a question, then asks another or says something else before the other person responds to the first question, so it looks a bit out of sync in places, like how happens with real conversations. I'm not sure he would have thought to include little details like that if making up a whole conversation.

micha_ ago

I agree, that the interactions really looked convincing. Especially the behaviour of "Alefantis". But after so many years learning to develop a sense for implausible "news", the alarm went on and therefore I can not trust this youtuber.

starrydust ago

This could be an act involving more than one person. There could be another person playing James's role, and as such, that would account for the lack of sync. So in a way, it is a real conversation.

SpikyAube ago

What would the purpose be?

jml1201 ago

and that is another great point.