zzvoat ago

I've seen an advertisement for the shirts on this site. I assume it's paid advertising. What's that about? Also, if it's not about profit he'd donate every $4 he makes to a stop child trafficking site.

There is so much wrong with that guy and what happened and the choices he made. It makes me ill that the barn door opened and most people just ran with this.

Lunari ago

Besides the blatant agenda of distracting / spreading misinformation bullshit, while scamming people out of money - I've also been considering the slight possibility of it being some type of honeypot considering that by ordering his "PizzaGate shirts" that is a very easy way to obtain addresses and full real names of people.... could be wrong on that part though.

The only thing I know for sure is that isthisgameofthrones and his many alt accounts are trying really hard to distract anyone from looking into relevant information by spreading all this Alefantis "Killroom" nonsense.

bolus ago

bear in mind, we are a targeted lot. registering for anything advertised here is suspect. buying anything from anyone here is suspect.

thicktail1730947 ago

I'm really suspicious of people trying to monetize this. Once people have made the continuance of a thing into their means of support, they rapidly develop twisted incentives around their participation. Twisted incentives lead to twisted participation...

So those comments are the same guy as the vid?

nnfx ago

These guys are already making shirts

These guys....

This reminds me of this Tmartn guy on youtube. "I found this new site"

nnfx ago

No, he created a videogame related gambling site where kids can use their games inventory to gamble and later started a youtube account, where he acts as if he stumbled upon this cool new website... Promoting his site as if it wasn't his own... Watch his apology video if you want to have a good laugh about psychopathy in action. :D

Just like this guy here. Creates shirts and then goes like "look at those cool shirts THEY are selling."


Investigate1999 ago

Is he in that annoying ad about being rich and his cool cars?

EQJ ago

Maybe he's selling shirts because this shit need worn lol!