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thelastaelor ago

profiteering off child abuse? Priceless.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

well thats one way to look at it... Ive been obsessed with this subject for a while now. I was searching for a shirt and couldnt find one so i made one. I assumed the like minded people in the groups that im involved with would probably also like to have a t shirt. So i got some more. I do not own a shirt business. I do not know how to make a shirt. I ordered these. I like them. I think yall will too if you can get past the fact that Im profiting $4(less if you count my time and the fact that im storing these in my very limited space). I will sell them until they are all gone. If there is still demand and yall dont try to turn me into a monster for spreading awareness then I will order some more.