KittyTigerlily ago

I took that Soma several times when I put my back out. I think in some countries it has been banned because of liver damage. The last time the doctor gave it to me, I stopped it because my side started hurting. That's some bad stuff!

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Liver damage could be why the kids look sickly.

KittyTigerlily ago

There was a discussion board where people were saying it's going to be taken off the market this year, 2016. We'll see. Now this link is dated in 2011. See what they say.

KittyTigerlily ago

That's scary stuff.

militant ago

Shilly thread of the day. Same topic and theory for the second time in a row.


thezodiac ago

The name of the girl is Caris.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

And this we know how? Caris is a very Greek name. The Podestas are Greek. Is Alefantis? Illuminati are known to catbird their offspring. Some say the boy Tom Cruise raised is Will Smith's kid. What I'm saying is, any to all of these kids could have been fathered by a Podesta. The kid turns out to be brilliant under the satanic tutelage of Alefantis, great. If not, well it's easier to disappear kids in Oregon. The rangers aren't even allowed to search the national parks. And coffins come and go out of certain places like coffin makers. Think outside the box. I don't know if anyone will even see this but they are involved with a school called Childroot. Root work is Southern hoodoo, or voodoo.

thezodiac ago

I think you're a shill trying to make us look like "tinfoil hats". The name of the girl is Caris, James Alefantis is her godfather. She's daughter of Alefantis friend Scott Cummings.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Prove it.

thezodiac ago

The girl referred to as #CarisJames is actually Caris Cummings, Scott Cummings daughter. CCWoolman is Cory Woolman, Scott's wife. Together they have two daughters, Caris 5 and Mae 8. - Caris - Caris drinking milk, Cory Woolman commented - Caris - Juniper Wills - Caris? - Mae - Scott holding Caris - Mae and Caris - Mae - Caris - Caris RECENT PICS FOUND FOLLOWING LEADS - old photo on Scotty Cummings FB, Caris? - Scott, Cory, Mae and Caris - Mae

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I don't know, I guess i should have said legal proof, or defined proof. Birth certificates, church records of God parental responsibility, at the least. Not stuff from Voat. Am I speaking French, here?

Wolftrail7272 ago

Soma was the name of the drug in Huxley's Brave New World. A book in which children are taught sex and given Soma. Huxley is highly involved in the construction of these human trafficing rings.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

That's what I was thinking. The connection to Huxley would get them hard.

spacemanspliph ago

I think this is probably wrong and not worth persuing. Those pills in the picture are probably xanax. Carisprodal are not especially kown for date rape if it is can you post a link? And the kids name was Caris so that explains that Here is an article I just read this delves deeper into the subject.

Blacksmith21 ago

Soma is a muscle relaxant. It makes users lethargic and rubbery. The effect is much more intense in a child. Carisoporodol is counter indicated for children. Soma has a half life of 100 minutes - yes MINUTES. Which means it will be undetectable within about 8 hours. Carisporodol is not tested for in any standard 5 or 7 panel drug test.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

There you go! Thank you, Blacksmith21!

Forgetmenot ago

Soma is not easily traced in a drug screen. It has to be specifically tested for since it is in a class of its own. Unlike an opioid or a benzo. This is the best link I could find since I am in a hurry.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

This is very important. It's in and out of their system before anybody can prove anything. This is key. Thank you.

Forgetmenot ago

Also, it does NOT show up on regular tox screen, a lab has to specifically customize their panel to find this drug, it is not typically done because of cost.

Rusdy ago

This is extremely far fetched. Also muscle relaxers do not affect your gag reflex and there are much more efficient date rape drugs than Carisoprodol (Benzodiazepines, GHB etc). The pills on Alefantis one picture are very likely Xanax (Alprazolam). And isnt Caris James just the name of the one child?

Sorry but there is nothing to support this claim.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Adult film actors spray their throats with muscle numbing sprays. Read above, SOMA is not easily traced. It's also quick acting. Children react differently, and choke to death more easily.

Long_Knife ago

Soma doesn't numb anything. You're talking about things like benzocaine, lidocaine etc. Also anyone that's every taken it can tell you it is nothing like a date rape drug.

Rusdy ago

That does not in any way mean that The Caris in "CarisJames" stands for Carisoprodol or that this med is "obviously" used for gag reflex!

That is so far fetched it is really ridiculous, pardon me.

notoriousfox ago

I don't think Caris James has been confirmed as the name of the child. Not saying it's not, but I haven't seen confirmation.

notoriousfox ago

Hadn't seen that post, thanks. I wasn't trying to deny it, just would like to see healthy fact-sharing & discussion, without negativity

spacemanspliph ago

No problem man, dont worry about it its hard to digest all this info. We all gotta fact check eachother and post sources, so we'll all be on the same page.

Forgetmenot ago brand name Soma is shared with the Soma/Haoma of ancient India, a drug mentioned in ancient Sanskrit writings. Various classical and modern researchers have theorized that Soma/Haoma could be anything from ephedra or opium to mushrooms of the genus Amanita with hallucinogenic effects, or other anti-cholinergic-drug containing plant—or a still unknown hallucinogen, stimulant and/or narcotic of unknown chemical class and origin or even coca or other drugs ported from the Western Hemisphere by an as yet unknown pre-Viking, pre-Columbian contact.

Soma is also the name of the fictional drug featured in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.test.php

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Very interesting. I thought I remembered it from Brave New World. And not just a brand name.

notoriousfox ago

Interesting theory, he did have pills in some of his pictures. The experience stories here: make it sound like it could be used a bit like a date rape drug

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Yes because these abused children will choke to death. Because they are too small. I'm so angry.

notoriousfox ago

I was thinking more along the lines to make them complacent and euphoric. The testimonies from alleged victims frequently mention being drugged

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Yes, a friend had a scrip for it once. She said it was fantastic.

Crensch ago

Please provide links to what you're referring here. See rule 3. Also, keep in mind that not everyone understands why what you post is relevant to pizzagate, so to prevent misunderstandings, please provide an ELI(haven'tfollowedascloselyasyou) -style explanation. Thanks!

NoBS ago

How does one prove an opinion? Serious question that is not meant as a slam, but thought police is all the rage.

Crensch ago

Are you suggesting that I am asking OP to prove an opinion?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Ok, sorry.

Crensch ago

Not a problem. You're more than welcome to edit it to be in line with the rules.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

How is that? Is it followable?

Crensch ago

Other than maybe a link to said instagram posts, it's off the table for removal as far as I can tell. Thanks for your consideration and understanding!

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

You mean, it stays?

Crensch ago

Yeah. On submissions where it looks like the submitter started at C and didn't mention A and B, I try to encourage them to present A and B both for the rules and for clarity so that people that don't know A and B can understand the link.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Ok, I am bad about that in real life, too. Lol

Crensch ago

No problem, just try to do better, and don't get offended if a post is removed before a mod says something, just resubmit in accordance with the rules and we're all good.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Okey doke!