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ConcernedParent2 ago

I have to go pick up my kids. But I will give you some more information. Please remember that the information I am about to share is not proof of guilt or wrong doing. To avoid doxxing or alerting the man in question, I will tell you how to get to this information so you can verify it yourself.

Someone, please archive it, I'm on mobile and can't.

If you check the whois data for this site, the man who owns it lists his real name.

Search his name in duckduckgo, and you can find his linkedin account.

If you look at the whois, you will see he also listed his address. Do a google map search; That address is right next door to a kindergarten.

He also provided a phone number. If you search that phone number, you will see several German business sites that list his business. However, it also lists another address that isn't the same as the one in the whois. Interestingly, if you search that address in google earth, the building has been completely blurred out. The surrounding buildings are fine, but his isn't. Weird.

Again, this could be nothing. Please do not jump to conclusions. But it should also be investigated, just in case.

EDIT! READ!!!: After doing some more digging, this is the information I have come up with:

  1. This man is on a German Fire Brigade (I guess that's the USA equivalent of fire fighters or volunteer fire fighters?) and seems to have won some local awards for his service.
  2. This man has 3 different URLs for selling police and special organization badges. Why would you need three different URLs to sell your stuff?
  3. He also posts on various auction websites selling his badges. I am wondering why he has so many different badges and how he has such a huge market selling them? I mean, it's not like he's creating badges for police companies to buy - he's selling and auctioning these to whoever wants them, and has you sign a disclosure after buying. So my question is, who the hell is buying these? Maybe they are used as movie props... but I don't know. More information is needed.
  4. Didn't find much else about the guy. He doesn't try to hide who he is or what he sells, he seems quite proud of his business, so perhaps it is a legit business and it just seems weird to us.
  5. He lists two different addresses, though the one next door to a kindergarten appears to be the most up to date one.
  6. Can someone from Germany answer why certain buildings are blurred and why there is no street view on these addresses? Is it due to stricter German photography laws compared to USA laws? I don't want to jump to conclusions and assume it's some weird coverup when it could just be that Germany doesn't allow certain buildings to be photographed and shared with the public.
  7. So far nothing suggests this guy is apart of PG. He just sells replicas of the badges, so he could easily be selling these badges completely unaware.
  8. I'm done searching, I believe this man is not apart of PG and if he is doing something illegal, it's selling FBI/police/ICE/etc. badges illegally. Feel free to keep digging if you want.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Thank you. My sister took my dad's badge. Against the law to impersonate a cop, so I hope it's enforced. Impersonation would not be hinging on whether badge is real.

VieBleu ago

Always an interesting story with you. : ) Why in the heck did your sister take your father's badge? How did she get caught?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

After he passed. She wasn't caught, I just know she has it, because I closed down the house.

MrG13 ago

I know in the US you can request goolge to blur your house. I would imagine Germany offers the same.

I would check Bingmaps too as I recall a year or two ago that someone brought up a house on /r/conspiracy and bing had it just fine still.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I already checked Bing, they don't offer street view at all over there, which isn't surprising given that Bing often doesn't have street view maps where Google does.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I just wanted to let you know your research is strong. And you are smart to avoid the doxing of an individual. Major props.