therealwopD ago is a good blog that puts info in one spot. good place to point ppl that don't know whats going on

IrenaSendler777 ago

Hey, you may have seen this already, but in case not: You could use a wikipedia page? But Wiki is funded by soros. A Trump Supporter made us a brand new Wikipedia to replace the biased censored Wikipedia. It is located here. But I confess I do not know how to use it. Just saw it. It is called infogalactic

rivercontrol ago

Redundancy is vital

my_p3t_goat ago

Someone should set one up on github.

h2d ago

Probably not a good idea to say in the thread that you've got nothing to do with the site and then essentially admit to it, two posts later. Not trying to sound like a dick, just don't know how else to word it - looking out for your safety brother.

PS: I'll be setting up an anonymous voat-user-only (I'll post a thread with details for how to get access) site in about 2 hours from now when I get back from the doctor/pharmacist. I will post more details but it's basically a combo CMS type deal I originally developed for another site in my non-investigative life (lol) as a pro web's got combinations of the immediacy of twitter (albeit with the functionality of a facebook feed as far as content and display goes)/the social+information hunting aspect of twitter/reddit, the file management of an online cloud drive like google drive and a collaborative documentation system/shared file system - based off of stuff like Microsoft OneNote and the methods used in a github repository. Versioning, tracking, edit/deletion reports, commentary,, wiki-like functionality so people can edit the pages in necessary places. We can view/host videos with this youtube clone plugin, the commenting system is whole-site so it'll auto-tag in the 'social' feed part, except for the commentary on github/file revisions etc. I've actually got this really cool new software suite that's a collaborative video creation platform for community-based live-streaming and media creation (in the cloud, and I just got a new upgraded server I'm looking to try out) with the insane (to me) capability to have up to 4 people live video-streaming, with an interactive live chat/'shared monitor' feature (to display shared media amongst those in the room - can be controlled by the chat moderators/users or the people streaming) and each of the four people has option to structure/live edit to an extent, their feed output. Display their desktop or program a mini-playlist to run off of the files in their drive-share folder, or any other stuff in the 'collective archive'.

I hope to have a solid, secure, and reliably uncensored and proven resource for any media clips whatsoever relating to pizzagate. Like any kind of documentaries on the subject of satanic rituals, child trafficking rings, news clips on the subject - anything people want - to include in posts here on this voat page, or to download on their own setup. This way we can have a board to live-collaborate with each other in real time, and at the same time - also be creating a useful archival record that not only has the entirety of the scope of the investigation (essentially running back a play-by-play showing how the investigatory process went down and how one lead went to another) which will be super informative for those watching it on YouTube or wherever - and also help massively in the updating and development of this "mind map" styled investigation "web" I've created to help explain the scope of this and the interconnectedness of this massive conspiracy.

Anyway, will update when done. Much love to y'all keep fighting the badness.

delivery1 ago

This is absolutely great idea for two reasons. 1 - there exists too much cluttered information, Wiki can organize it and help convincing others. 2 - Wiki is great backup platform if Voat is compromised. Furthermore, it is easy to backup Wiki once the information is put in place.

LtSilverFox ago

Don't let this thread slide boys. Another platform

NewFormerFirst ago

Just want to share here two of the best albums/infographics I saw weeks ago (the first one is a must see):

PizzaGate Compilation

ghtdak ago

We need something. Voat sucks. The information page with all the background isn't a sticky. They want to talk about shills. What assholes the mods are

Hanshan ago

I'm's webmaster. AMA

fvckh1m_up ago

by all means maybe it's better, i don't really know that, but I'll look into your archives as those seem to be the most informative which is the main point

fvckh1m_up ago

sorry, I'm not saying I know better. I'll give it a look

fvckh1m_up ago

Good. I meant requires login to view - private

LionParty ago This one has the best outline and the most content, but for some reason is unknown, spread this.

UglyTruth ago

It would be good if the wiki could be exported and imported as a git repository. The would enable decentralized collaboration between independent wikis, i.e no censorship issues or single point of failure.

farstar ago

this very much. The DB needs to be freely available and forkable

JrSlimss ago

Finally... gonna fill out the Epstein section later today.

LionParty ago

I just started that one today, got the baseline in, needs more details though. Glad to have more people's input.

sentryseven ago

Stop using the term conspiracy theory and conspiracy theorist. That's their made up terminology to discredit investigation and inquiry.

fvckh1m_up ago



Motion seconded all in favor say I

rivercontrol ago

I second that

HolyMoly0 ago

Hear hear

Heffisntmyrealname ago

This is the correct answer. Have your upgoat.

fvckh1m_up ago

this isn't public

smokratez ago

Ok. Any other place than wiki though. I am sure you guys know what a cesspool that place is.

FloridaMom1974 ago

This would be awesome. I was trying to explain everything to a friend this morning and wound up sounding like a fool.

WhatevsFloatsUrGoat ago

I know the feeling. This is s good place to point them for a basic primer.

kingkongwaswrong ago

this has come up a few times. It would definitely make investigating easier, but the question is who can we trust to host our information? And is it risky trusting a centralised source of information? These are things I would think about.

fvckh1m_up ago

Why be so worried? All it is is summarizing facts with the relevant background.

I'm doing that in my head right now. What's better than a wiki that does this?